Seized by the System

Chapter 910: Flying Dragon in the sky

Qianlong is in the abyss, following the clouds.

Yuelu, Tianqing Mountain.

Gu Buwei reappeared in front of the mountain gate.

The sister-in-law Qi Hui, a group of sisters and sisters, and two younger brothers are welcoming him at the door.

Gu Buwei looked at it, slightly surprised, and then looked down, and under the moon land, some white clouds drifted past, and it became clear now.

He smiled slightly: "Sister-in-law, it seems that this disaster has begun to be resolved."

"Well, no, you guessed it, yes, a few days ago, suddenly the mountain master summoned that two of the disciples' symptoms had been resolved, and the others would heal in no time. Your actions, they really saved Work harder and harder with one door. "Qi Hui was very pleased.

Only she knows how big the risk is for Gu Bu to go there. It can be said that she can return safely at this time, thanks to the protection of that kind of merit.

The master's calculations are really deep!

She couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. If there were occasions when her husband's grievances appeared in the past, for example, this day in Qingshan, why wasn't her husband the master?

You know that when the secret realm was discovered by the two brothers.

Now she had no such thoughts.

Gu Weiwei shook his head and said: "Sister Niang is praised, but this credit does not count on my head. What I did this time was really aimed at the gods, but I couldn't relieve the brothers' illness. The last step is not completed, you need to wait for heaven. "

"Huh? Why is that?" Qi Hui was surprised at the moment.

When the first male disciple awakened from the ice and was able to reactivate freely, she was full of thought that this must have been the credit of the apprentice's traveling outside.

Others think so, but no one dared to ask the mountain owner.

"If I guess right, this is because the initiators have already eaten their own fruits. Those epidemics, without the source control, the disciples are cultivators, and their repairing power is strong, and they can naturally recover slowly, yes, these two The younger brother who first awakened, should the ice be not sufficiently thorough? "Gu Buwei said lightly.

Incomplete freezing is not a good thing.

Because when the ice was frozen before, it was ranked according to the status of everyone. If the status is high, it must naturally be frozen completely to ensure that it can be delayed for a longer period of time.

If the ice is not completely frozen, it will naturally not last for too long.

It was just that they were blessed by misfortune. After the Pestilence avatar hung up, they took the lead in recovering instead.

"Oh, exactly." A little embarrassment flashed on Qi Hui's face, with limited mana. Naturally, priority was given to those close to him. When the two disciples cast their spells, they were ranked last, and of course the spell effects were greatly reduced.

My apprentice is really powerful, and it was counted out at once.

From this point of view, it is no wonder that he will be so valued by the mountain owner, and has repeatedly been given great responsibility.

"In this case, the master will quickly wake up the others from the ice, thinking they will soon be able to heal without medicine." Gu Buwei suggested.

"I'll do it now." Qi Hui immediately frowned, and there was no nonsense. He immediately turned around and entered the mountain gate, heading straight to the cave.

Gu Buwei did not immediately enter the mountain gate, but looked up at the starry sky.

The operation of the heavenly machine, the calculation set by the ancestors, I am afraid that it will not be long before the final step can be completed and completely launched.

At that time, it is the pattern of flying dragon!


After busy with Magnet, Fang Ning can finally relax for a while.

It's just that there is an uncle staring, and he has to explore the way of sanctification. Fang Ning is also embarrassed to play daily with the attitude of "mixing is also a kind of life".

It's a pity that he has no ambitions. Although he has learned to explore the way of sanctification, he has only found a way to maintain balance.

Whether he is reliable or not, he is not counted.

"Forget it, it's better to find someone who understands." Fang Ning thought about it, but no one landed, and finally said with a headache.

"Who do you want to ask? Who has seen this saint?" Uncle asked curiously.

"Who else can find, the great **** who is really kind to us, just a few." Fang Ning didn't have a good air.

Then he came to the island where the Insect Realm was located.

As soon as I arrived on the island, a big head of flies and a small head of mosquitoes came over "buzzing" to greet ... That attitude can be said to be very religious.

"I'm really unlucky. Others are here, and they are all greeted by butterflies and flowers. When I came, it was these two second-hand goods." Fang Ning was very speechless.

"Who made you order them at that time? Instead of slap and shoot to death?" Uncle gloated.

"I wasn't obsessed with it at the time. I thought if these two guys who had been harming others could be rehabilitated, I might have great merit." Fang Ning said helplessly.

"The Venerable came from afar, hard work, do you want the little ones to show you the way?" The big head flies squeezed the little head mosquitoes aside and said diligently.

"Oh, let me ask you, this will not be seen for a year, how are you improving your family?" Fang Ning said patiently.

"Sovereign Rong Yan, for more than a year, the small one has traveled back and forth, and has conquered the tribes of the three continents of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, let them correct evil, and no longer harass the places where humans gather. I let them start to make a living by pollination. "Big-headed flies express their merits.

"Uh, so good, you have the hope of becoming a Buddha!" ​​Fang Ning heard it, opened his eyes, and saw that there was a light of Buddhism looming on the big head fly.

"Thank you Venerable for your support." The big fly immediately thanked more than once.

"There are still small ones, and I will not let those female mosquitoes **** human blood, let them learn how to sing, and change to **** plant juice for a living." The small head mosquito said unwillingly.

"It's not bad, as a result, but it has reduced the spread of many epidemics." Fang Ning also nodded.

It is also good for this animal to become a demon. At least this was impossible before, but now it is very hopeful.

As for whether this will lead to the ever-declining decline of these two ancient races, Fang Ning will only say that only fools hope that flies and mosquitoes will prosper.

Fang Ning praised the two beneficial insects and flew away beautifully.

Then he entered the door of the secret realm.

Only this time, it was a bit strange.

After walking for a long time, I did not see the ghost king Bodhisattva coming out.

Only those butterflies came to spontaneously greet him.

"Huh, what's going on? Is there something happening to the Bodhisattva?" Fang Ning surprised.

He was surprised, suddenly there was a ball of white cotton in front of him ~ ~ there was a big red apple on it.

Among the red apples, half of the worms were exposed ...

"Uh, the new father is retreating, let me come out to receive you." Chong Daqing crawled out of the apple and looked up.

"It's really a coincidence. I should have sent a message before I knew it." Fang Ning shook his head and sighed.

"You have no one to read the news now, you still have to come in person." Chong Daqing did not care at all.

"The same is said, I don't know when the Bodhisattva can get out of the customs?" Fang Ning said with concern.

"I don't know, it seems that he is in big trouble this time. Before the retreat, he said something like" The road is paved, the body is coming "and the insects can't understand it." Insect Daqing eats the apple directly. Said simply.

"It turns out that it seems that this seat really can't go at this time." Fang Ning said lightly.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: .. m.

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