Seized by the System

Chapter 973: Clues

When the local leader D left, the humanoid object shrouded in black cloth began to command: "Jia Da, before that guy has returned, you lurk in and steal some of his belongings, which must be stained with hair and blood Things ... "

"Yes, master." Under the shadow of the black cloth figure, a shadow moved, then wriggled, and quickly moved towards the villa.

"Well, this guy is even a flesh and blood body, even if he is no longer powerful, as long as he has not been promoted to the **** level, and his life form has not been completely transformed, he can't resist our curse. With his own flesh and blood as a guide, he absolutely can't defend. "The humanoid object said to the air beside him.

"Master Yingming, according to intelligence, this Fang Ning's strength is not to the extent of tens of thousands of years of ghost cultivation. According to localization, it is only sea-level mana cultivation, which can't resist the power of curses with the nature of law." In the air, it is There was a voice of response.

"Well, as long as this guy is done, then according to the instructions of the three wise men, turn this world into a place of terror, and let all life here tremble under our shadow!" The figure under the black cloth suddenly excited. .

"Yes, master, you will become the king of shadows in this world!"

A group of voices complimented.


At this moment, the group of shadows infiltrated smoothly into the villain of Xia Kejia.

The highest cultivation among the villas is Zheng Dao who cultivated "The Righteousness of Heaven and Earth".

Now he has just entered the lake level. The progress of this cultivation has been quite fast. After all, the righteousness tactics are inherently a difficult method of cultivation.

Cultivators who are born with simple minds like uncles are few and far between.

So this kind of exercises is of great power, it restrains many evil things, and few practitioners can get started.

Zheng Dao, who was busy in the study, was unaware of it, let alone others. Everyone else is an entry-level cultivator. Chivalrica itself is the strongest on earth, and naturally it does not employ any bodyguards.

The background of the earth is still too shallow, and various combat-related technologies are lacking.

Hiding and investigation is originally an extremely advanced war technique. Around this, humans do not know how many spears and shields were invented.

Obviously, the earth in the age of the gods still lacked sufficient shields.

Even the place where the dragon lives, there are evil things intruding, let alone other places.

The shadows moved quickly along the flowers, trees, and grass. Once they reached the sun, they shrank under the ground, hiding them extremely bright.

It did not miss the search for an inch of land, from the vast farm to the villa room itself.

Fang Ning's bedroom, then to the dining room, toilet, bathroom, swimming pool, wherever the other party's haunts, it passed by one by one.

The lead D was obviously very responsible. They captured the information that the knight had gone to the righteous city and had enough time to search the other party ’s residence.

Fang Ning at this time is watching the function release of Tianshubao with great interest, where would I think that my hometown has been turned upside down ...

Finally, the shadow search was completed, but the staggering figure seemed to have not completed this mission.

After returning to the woods far away from the villa, it reported to the black cloth figure.

"Returning to the owner, I didn't find any items that met the requirements. Fang Ning's home was too clean. One hair and one dander were not found. As for blood stains, it was impossible to find."

"What?" The black cloth figure was shocked and angry. "This is impossible! We came here because we had covered Tianji by Tianji Daguizun. He certainly wouldn't know that he wouldn't clean up in advance."

"The master is angry, this is the truth, not small and not serious, it is really incredible, even if it is a god, if it is promoted, because of the habits of being a person in the past, often a little hair and debris will be missed in the residence ... ... "The shadow shivered.

"Damn, isn't he a person? It's impossible, is that guy lied to us, this is not Fang Ning's residence? Nor is it possible, he doesn't have the courage, and I can smell his smell here." The figure under the black cloth is puzzled.

After a while, he suddenly became furious!

"Impossible! As long as he is still human, there will always be traces, and no one will leave a trace in this world! Even if he boasted of being a hero, and not looking for a woman, even if he was a great deed, it is a perfect body, Isn't there any trace of mortal leakage? "The black cloth figure fell into madness.

His shadows were trembling, fearing that they would be angered. This shadow ghost will be more moody than the evil spirits, making people wonder.

"Go, search for his former residence, he has not been possessed of all the trajectories of his life before being possessed by the upper realm of Dragon Realm.

Hearing this, countless shadows beside him rejoiced, and quickly dispersed around.

Of course, he did n’t know that when Fang Ning just got the system, he crafted a big vest called knight armour. In order to prevent people from seeing through his identity, he specifically let the uncle not leak any of his DNA, spit blood and hair dander, etc. Leakage.

Even the traces left in the past were also cleaned up during the daily tour of the uncle.

Safety first, this attack method of casting a spell is not effective against the uncle, but the other party would rather be more effective. After all, he has always been entrusted, the mind has never been seriously tempered, and the spirit of the **** can't resist the powerful spell.

Meet such a serious opponent, can not say that the black cloth figure is too incompetent, can only blame the enemy too cunning.


The city of righteousness, Fang Ning who didn't know that his hometown was copied, was discussing the application prospect of the system with Tianshubao happily, making the uncle jealous and hateful.

For the convenience of discussion, he ordered Huang Gouzi to leave and go to other projects.

Then took Tianshubao directly into the system space, or here to discuss things safe ...

"By the way, Tianshu baby, I remember you used to have a task module, or your system dad personally built it. This kind of quality module cannot be wasted. Now the owner is very busy and has no time to do those tasks, but the others are different, now on the earth There are also a lot of cultivators who have a little power. You can publish them to do it. With the monopoly resources of your system dad, those cultivators must be rushing. "Fang Ning Lingji moved.

"The host said that I immediately prepared a task suitable for other people to ensure that I can make a lot of money." Tianshu rummaged through the pages and quickly found the previous task module.

That was the earliest time when the uncle of the system used Fang Ning to work, but did not expect the host to be too lazy. After doing it for a while, he left these tasks behind.

Uncle is not the main god, and has long missed the bottom, can't scare Fang Ning, so the good task module can't be lost.

Fang Ning thinks of it now, it is waste utilization.

"Very good, the money earned is directly deposited in the account of the owner, be careful not to let your system dad find out, now the owner is very poor." Fang Ning said very publicly.

"Okay, master." Tianshu baby immediately agreed to ~ ~ Uncle heard this, and immediately stunned the dog.

"You are too blatant to use my monopoly resources, and the money you earn does not let me know?" The uncle resented, "Is there any reason? Is there a Wang Fa?"

"Look at what you said, in the end, the money I earned was not used for you? How much have I spent myself? This is for the sake of the overall situation." Fang Ningli was straight.

"That is, the system dad always spends a lot of money. If you don't let the master take care of it, it is easy to go bankrupt." Tianshu baby immediately assisted.

"Is this right?" Uncle was a little dizzy by a book of one person, a little unclear.

"That's it, that's right. Uncle, you sponsored the start-up funds, first deduced a few perfect auxiliary skills, and then made some breakthrough medicines to ensure that they are rare and precious. In order to attract enough cultivators, We work part-time. "Fang Ning said while his uncle was in a state of confusion.

"Oh, I said before that I want to build my own platform and replace it with heaven and earth. Will it start now?" Uncle suddenly said excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah. There is also the justice value exchange system that I found with the Alliance of Orders, which just happened to be integrated together, so that Tianshubao could manage it centrally and save us trouble. Just start promoting from the Alliance of Orders, that ’s our territory, give They have a hand-held mission system, which is a win-win move. "Fang Ning opened his brain.

"Well, for the sake of such a rich scene, I made the initial investment." The uncle was fooled smoothly ...

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