Seized by the System

Chapter 974: Can't laugh

When Fang Ning was about to leave the City of Righteousness, Tianshu Baby would also follow.

"Uh, you can separate man and machine, can this be done?" Fang Ning looked at the computer array of the torus and couldn't help worrying.

"No problem, master, this is the weak connection technology used. I only need to make critical decisions. Most of the peripheral data is still stored on the computer array, and the use of Shennian communication technology, the upload and download rate exceeds the current Thousands of times of 5G technology, even if it is far away, it is not a problem. "Tianshu promised.

"Uncle, is there a problem?" Fang Ning asked an expert.

"Well, there must be no problem on the earth. You can't take it with you when you go on a business trip to another world." The uncle said quietly.

It seems that it is deeply cherished by the joint attack of the book One Man One.

"Van Tong, in this way, your communication function is still too weak, and we must continue to work hard to strengthen it." Fang Ning urged immediately.

"You, you just lie and talk without back pain," said the grandfather angrily, "I can connect to the local network already very powerful, and I want to cross-border communication, let alone doors, no windows!"

"You're wrong," Fang Ningli said sternly. "Cross-border communication is a major technology. If you can overcome it, in the future, your system platform can be extended to the heavens and the world. Compared to these weak chickens on earth, the infinitely broad upper boundary is the main battlefield. "

Uncle heard the words and immediately disdained: "The upper realm is dying, what other leeks can be harvested?"

"You're wrong again," Fang Ning sneered, revealing an inscrutable expression, "Everyone said that the upper realm was dying, who said it? The people in the upper realm said, but they themselves, such as those in the ghost realm Da Zun, even the dead Grim Reaper, has or is continuing his life for his own world. Knowing that this is not their trick of repairing the plank road and secretly crossing Chen Cang? "

"Uh, you rich man, you can actually see such a deep layout, which really surprised the system. It seems that this cross-border communication technology, I really have to find a way to upgrade." The uncle thought thoughtfully.

"That's right," Fang Ning hit the railroad while it was hot. "After all, you are a game system. In the game system, the communication module is the top priority. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you can upgrade.

Uncle promised to come down, and suddenly he was depressed when he looked at various system modules.

It said sorrowfully: "Ah, my good-end on-hook hosting martial arts system, with all your suggestions and foolishness, it is now becoming a panacea. I think I will finish sooner or later.

"No, no one can hang you, after all, as the saying goes, fools live for thousands of years." Fang Ning comforted.

"As you mean, for safety's sake, it seems that I have to be stupid all the time ..."

"The fact is that, don't you know? The host laughs as soon as the system thinks."

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decides to power off the host for three days.)

"Can you still smile?"



After a while, he finally comforted the uncle Fang Ning, took the Tianshu treasure, and left the secret city of righteousness, and returned to the farm villa.

Has not arrived home, the uncle will take care of him.

System prompt: (The system hosts the host body.)

"Uh, what's wrong with your family?" Fang Ning said, and skillfully retracted the system space to be with the game book baby.

"Oh, have you been so proficient in your habitual movements?" Uncle admired this.

"If you win a prize, no matter whether you are in danger or not, there is no mistake in retracting the system space. Besides, it is all managed by you, and I am still in my body, which is very uncomfortable." Fang Ning said without shame.

"It is indeed dangerous. The monitoring thread told me that the location of some things in the house has changed very slightly, and others have not noticed anything." The uncle seriously said.

So, instead of falling into the house immediately, the knightly armour opened his eyes and began to check.

Just looked closely and found nothing.

"Nothing seems to have been here?" Fang Ning swept through the system perspective one by one, and found no clues.

"What do you know? It's more scary if you don't find it? Of course, that's for you," Uncle Zhenzhen said, "It seems that the level of power of the intruder has exceeded us a lot."

"Uh, then, what should I do? Or we should move quickly." Fang Ning said incoherently.

All along, he has long been accustomed to the crushing style of the uncle, suddenly faced with his powerful enemies, really a bit frightened.

This is not in the ghost realm, where you want to run wildly, but you can't run, but here you have to do things. The knights can run, but Lao Zheng and they can't run away for a while. This is the reason Fang Ning wants to move.

"In anxiety?" The uncle said, "I just took advantage of this opportunity to quickly use the white strips of the second goods. I saved it one day and it was useless. I can't afford the gods of death and their family. It ’s too potent. ”

"Uh, our way of thinking is really different." Fang Ning is willing to admire this.

System prompt: (The system consumes a hundred days of merit and activates the skill "Fortune". Effect: Within 30 minutes, "Every time comes to the same force".)

Then the uncle swept for a while and found something immediately.

"Yes, something sweeps your underwear. Although the trace is very small, but after all, there is a trace of ghostly atmosphere." Uncle surprised.

"I rely on, who is so important?" Fang Ning was very speechless. "Also, how did you come here with your surprise tone?"

"You're thinking again, I was surprised because I didn't have to spend money to buy the pit father's service of death. The white strips of Tiandao were exchanged, and the price / performance ratio was quite high. At least we can find monsters that are much higher than our power level." Road.

"Forget it, let's not mention this question. Just now you said that the **** horse has a ghostly atmosphere? Is it that our family has entered a ghost?" Fang Ning put his chin on, a state of a detective born.

"This is a very clear thing. We just killed in the ghost world, and now it is logical for people to come to the door." The uncle said rightfully.

"So in your opinion, what do they want to sneak into here?" Fang Ning thought thoughtfully.

"It's not easy, there are only a few ways to attack. They must want to take your personal thing and use it to cast a spell. I'm afraid that your little wooden man has been **** now."

Fang Ning was frightened and anxious: "I was cursed, why are you so happy? I died, even if you can't hang up, there is no place to live, you can only become a wandering system! Not to mention I have also activated achievements , You ca n’t run away, only burial! "

"Uh, sorry, I was thinking if you die, can I change another wise master?" Uncle YY said.

"Oh, your rice bucket is really simple-minded," Fang Ning immediately reprimanded. "If you really change to a wise and sacred host, do you think you can still be so comfortable? People have unloaded you for a long time, anatomical research, analysis Construction ~ ~ Completely integrate your functions into your own. Just like a scientist meets an alien, you still want to live alive, what a delusion! "

"Uh, it seems quite reasonable," Uncle heard the words and immediately rejoiced, "It seems to be a good lazy host, at least you must be too lazy to study these things."

"You're wrong, I didn't do that because I was lazy, because I was a man with a love of 99, even if I was a pig, I wouldn't kill meat for a long time ..." Fang Ning looked sad.

"What you said, it seems that I and the pig are on the same level." Uncle said very depressed.

"Little nonsense, for the safety of our lives, quickly find out the guys who cast the spell." Fang Ning urged.

"No need to find, they can't cast your spell."


"They can't find a powerful primer. I will clean your traces in this world. I won't even leave a fingerprint, let alone other things. As for other causal things, I still have to deal with them. It ’s not up to you. Anyway, you are also the one who activated the achievement of “human-machine integration”. If you feel uncomfortable, I will use that achievement immediately, and then you will have my resistance. ”Uncle said seriously.

"It turns out that, thank you uncle for your concern, I feel relieved." Fang Ning took a long breath.

Did not expect that these two goods have evolved the arrogant attributes. Although the mouth can't hang himself, it is actually cautious, lest he hang himself ...

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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