Seized by the System

Chapter 978: Surprise

Inherit the secret realm, the new headquarters of the truth, the 300th floor of the 365-story giant building, a secret meeting room.

A big brother, and Qiao's brothers and sisters are here.

Ren Ruofeng watched that the people had arrived, and said first: "Leader Hong, you are in charge of logistics now, did you get the billion mana quota?"

Hong Yunjiao looked heavy and said lightly: "It has been redeployed from the market, and they all exist in the" Management of Mana "in the righteous city. In order to deploy these mana, there is a lot of expenditure. It is difficult to come again in a short time."

Ren Ruofeng said with a sigh of relief, and then comforted: "Relax, it's always a bit difficult for the first time. After the man-made plan is completed, we will levy a secret evacuation adjustment tax and collect it in the form of mana. At least there will be more than 10 billion in the future. Cultivating the population, the mana produced in one day is enough to pay ten times. "

Qiao Zijiang heard this, his eyes turned red, but he didn't speak.

Qiao Zishan stood up and bowed his hands to say thanks: "Thank you all for your care, the undead of the younger generation's uncle thanked me."

"Zishan is not going to be a child," Dean Xu waved his hand. "Anping is fighting for the organization and dying. This is an official matter. Resurrecting him is not a private matter. You don't have to thank us, you have to thank the organization."

Qiao Zishan nodded.

With such a large share of mana, if it is not backed by the truth to organize such a large organization, relying on individual fundraising, it is impossible to come up with a situation of three to five years.

This is not a matter of money. It is because there is very little mana inventory on the market at this time, and there is no money to buy it. Only a large organization like Shenzhou can use all kinds of relationship resources to allocate it.

I really have to wait for three or five years. Even if my uncle is resurrected, the valuable training strategy window has long since passed. By then, a group of people of the same age will quickly rise to higher ranks.

"Mana raising is only the first step. The next thing is that you, Brother and Sister Zishan, please come to the Venerable Dragon Dragon to find the soul of Anping. The two of them have a deep friendship and have fought side by side many times. Refuse, this matter will be given to you. When this is done, we will go to the ghost king Bodhisattva, resurrect your uncle, and now it is time for him to contribute. "Ren Ruofeng then commanded.

"Yes, predecessor, Zishan listens to your arrangements." Qiao Zishan said seriously.

It is just that he still has a question in his mind at this time. Even if his uncle is resurrected, can he quickly restore his original cultivation behavior?

Or should we use the method of perfusion? But in this way, can the past realm be maintained?

But now he does not want to ask these questions, so as to save a greedy impression in front of these big brothers.

"Well, it's not too late. You should do it now. Let's discuss some other things." Ren Ruofeng said gently.

Qiao Zishan immediately took his sister out of the meeting room. He knew that it was the uncle's resurrection, and he called them over.

Now the two brothers and sisters are not qualified to participate in the rest of the meeting.

After Qiao Zishan and the two left, Ren Ruofeng stood up, walked to the window, looked down, and gave a long sigh.

"Okay, don't sigh, waste your time, say something quickly." Hong Yunjiao said impatiently.

"Great rivers and mountains, this is the fall. If you can't recover, you're in vain!" Ren Ruofeng's tone suddenly became intense.

Hearing this, Hong Yunjiao bowed his head slightly, saying nothing.

At one time, a dignified atmosphere appeared in the conference room.

Everyone's minds are confused. Even if they are the big guys and the top of the organization, there will be times when they are hesitant.

Under the pressure of the gods earlier, he signed the God-Man contract and set the tone of migrating aliens thirty years later.

But everyone knows that this is just a way of slowing down, and then such a contract cannot be executed at all.

But now, they are really forced to give up the land outside by a group of invisible ghosts.

Although this is a strategy that has been set a long time ago, even to a certain extent, it has also promoted the advancement of human integration.

But in the strategy, it just moved the population into a secret area, centralized management, and reduced safety expenditure, but did not completely abandon the argument of land.

Because of the vast land outside, it can bring the most cultivation resources.

Only relying on the tens of thousands of square kilometers of inherited secret land, it is good to barely survive, and it is simply not enough to support development.

And now, due to the emergence of the shadow king, a large number of industrial bases and resource bases are facing the threat of suspension of production and relocation.

Human beings can squeeze in the building to survive, but industrial land and medicine land are difficult to compress.

And really want to concentrate on this small piece of secret land, all kinds of pressure, even if it is a versatile bacteria, to deal with it, it is not enough.

Therefore, the resource producing areas and industrial centers outside cannot be given up.

So that they can continue to work in those places, only rely on Shennian robots, and very few powerful practitioners.

Several bigwigs understand that today is to solve this problem.

"Leader Hong, how many people were trained in the middle part of" Practice of Refining God "?" Ren Ruofeng turned around and said this.

"According to the information provided by Honghou, there are already 12 million." Hong Yunjiao replied quickly.

"Xu Lao, how is the production of Shennian robots?" He asked again.

"Now the core production line has been relocated into the secret area of ​​inheritance. It is located in the northern non-polluting industrial belt. If there are sufficient raw materials, it can be off the assembly line of 5,000 units per day." Dean Xu said seriously.

"Then immediately start training operators, gradually replace the left-behind personnel, and achieve complete remote control work." Ren Ruofeng patted the board road.

Everyone nodded their heads. This is the most appropriate method that can be taken out at present.

After talking about the business, Hai Lao suddenly sighed: "I just heard that the Venerable Dragon has also moved all his subordinates into the secret realm. I didn't expect these ghosts to have such a rampant day."

"There is no way, these ghosts are different from any opponents in history, they have no lower limit, and the war between our two sides is asymmetric. They can kill our old people, children, family members at will, but they have no such feelings, It's just a group of pure evils, no more killing them, it is impossible to achieve a balance of deterrence. "Ren Ruofeng shook his head.

"Yeah, no matter how strong the dragon is, it can't scare these guys who don't have a bottom line. We can only deal with these hateful enemies better without worries." Hai Lao is helpless.

This is the first time that such an opponent has met. The demon races that I met before now look really pediatric.

The other party is organized at any rate, and there are basic forms of civilization that can be negotiated and compromised. Even the seemingly dirty family of giant rats can coexist temporarily without interfering with each other.

As for the gods, standing high above them, oppressing all beings, they just have to be cheeky anyway, and they will not kill out of nothing.

Is just these new ghosts, but they are careless and take pleasure in spreading fear, but they are invisible and invisible, making people deal with it.

At this time, only retreat into the secret realm can be used as a coping method. If this method is not prepared in advance, I am afraid that the current situation will have to be a lot more tricky.

"Is there really no way?" Ren Ruofeng said.

Everyone was silent.

"Perhaps, the gods will have a way. Those young people, young people who have received the enlightenment, will probably give us a surprise." Feng Lao, who suddenly had no sense of existence for a long time, the stubborn old man who was in charge of the practice of cultivation, said With.


"Sovereign, is there really no way to expel these ghosts?"

From the reincarnation pond in the place where blood was killed, after successfully finding the soul of his uncle, Qiao Zi Jiang, who was relaxed, couldn't help but ask more.

"There is one way. If someone can provide a large amount of high-quality elixir, or pure enough mana, this seat can perform magical powers and uproot those ghosts, but this is too expensive and not affordable for ordinary organizations." Jia said lightly.

"It turns out so." Qiao Zijiang remembered this sentence firmly, and then took the soul of his uncle and Qiao Zishan away.

After the two left, Fang Ning admired very much: "Uncle, you are really savvy. I just said to concentrate on development, this will come the opportunity, and immediately climb the pole."

"Uh, rich man, you know me very well, anyway, someone gives money, why not?" Uncle proudly said.

"It is also said that your white glove with empty gloves is more and more sophisticated."

"This is all good for the host."

"Don't, I never taught you."

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