Seized by the System

Chapter 979: Mana lending

Inherit the secret realm, the Truth Office headquarters building.

Ren Ruofeng was deeply shocked after listening to Qiao Zijiang's report.

He couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, the Venerable Dragon Dragon has launched the peerless exercises like" Jiu Zhuan Jin Dan Jue ", not simply out of compassion, but with extremely high strategic vision.

Qiao Zijiang nodded: "According to the information obtained from Honghou, there are 470 million entry-level cultivators, of which more than 90% are practicing this mass practice, but most people do n’t know it. It's like a mass exercise, really powerful and strategic. "

"Yeah, ordinary people always think that rare things are precious, but they do n’t know that the most common and common things are the most precious. It ’s just that everyone owns them and does n’t feel precious. When he loses, he knows what a pity. . For example, air, water, land, and time ... "Ren Ruofeng exclaimed.

"Grandpa Ren is just as powerful, don't you also launch the" Skills of Refining God "? The same way, the so-called hero sees the same, nothing like this." Uncle resurrection is in sight, Qiao Zi Jiang couldn't help but compliment.

She understands that if her predecessors do not value her uncle too much, at this point, resurrecting her uncle is not one of the highest priority tasks. There are many things that mana can do, such as training young people with more potential.

However, compared with those young people who received the divine revelation, her uncle had an advantage that the young people could not compare, that is, she stood firm.

Never underestimate this thing. In an organization, ability is not the first evaluation factor. If the position is unstable, the stronger the ability, the greater the harm.

This is one of the reasons why his uncle is valued by several gangsters.

The qualifications are high enough, the strength is strong enough, the position is firm enough, the character is first-class, dare to sacrifice dedication, there are too few such talents.

When Ren Ruofeng heard this, he couldn't help but wave his hand: "Uh, different, the two are far from the same difficulty. As long as there is a common belief in spiritual practice, it is easy to gather, just like those who believe in God; and mana practice, But it is different from person to person. With our knowledge and practice, it is far from enough to introduce a practice that can be practiced by all people, so that mana can be interoperable.

"Even in the upper realm, there is no such exercise. Although many demons and even gods in the upper realm have the ability to devour others to cultivate their behavior, it is limited to a few special strong men. The Venerable is definitely using the dragon secrets In order to come up with such a powerful and common practice. "

Qiao Zijiang secretly agreed with this, but it was not good to follow the other party's words, and he could never say that Uncle Ren is not as good as Venerable?

"No way, I have to cheat the old lady with a cheeky face, and I have to redeploy some share of mana ..." Ren Ruofeng was a bit embarrassed.

Qiao Zijiang suggested: "" The Source of Ten Thousand Laws ", and there is another mana bank, which are greatly related to His Holiness. Can we borrow one or two directly?"

"Er, His Holiness is very honest, even if these two commercial institutions belong to him, he has not misappropriated the mana deposits," Ren Ruofeng pondered for a moment and gritted his teeth. Make a mortgage and borrow another mana of one billion Danish dollars from these two institutions. "


Xiakejia Farm Villa.

Fang Ning made tea for himself, and could not help remembering the past days. At that time, these things did not need to be done by himself.

Damn ghost!

At this time, Ren Ruofeng sent a message saying that he wanted to borrow large amounts from two mana storage institutions ...

"Eh, rich man, I would forget this thing," Uncle suddenly seemed to find Xintiandi, excited, "The source of all methods managed by Baishiren, and the mana bank managed by Robert, are actually controlled by us behind us. , I can use the mana inside for emergency. "

Fang Ning immediately despised: "Look at you, seeing small profits and forgetting righteousness, how can you say such misappropriation? Those mana deposits do not belong to us, belong to depositors, privately embezzled contrary to commercial principles, certainly not in line with chivalry. Rule. We want to use it, we have to go through the lending process, and we have to repay it. Ren Ruofeng they borrowed with the credit of a large organization like Shenzhou, so we do n’t have to pay it back. Their repayment ability is guaranteed, as long as we evict that Ghosts, their production can be resumed. The one-year production of immortality medicine is enough to cover loans. This is a typical win-win behavior. "

"It's complicated, but the establishment of these two institutions finally played a huge role," said the uncle, "I didn't expect that your vision is really long-term, and the system is really not as much as you."

"Hum, now I realize that although my ability to layout is not as good as those of wise men, it is still more than enough to crush you." Fang Ning proudly said.

"Yes, yes, I'm a fanatic after all."

Fang Ning ignored the two goods and quickly called the heads of the two institutions to let them discuss the issue of mana lending with the person in charge of the truth.


While Venerable Dragon was preparing for the crusade in full swing, a giant rat demon was moving into the eastern area of ​​the mysterious realm.

Is different from the human distribution plan, they are distributed according to the hierarchical system.

The building of the giant rat kingdom is divided into two parts on the ground and underground.

Unlike the earth, there is no magma in the mysterious ground, and there is no large area of ​​groundwater, no geological movement, and stable properties. Compared with the earth, it is easier to dig and construct, as long as the basic support work is done.

The source of water depends only on regular rainfall and must be well-preserved.

If there is no recycling of omnipotent bacteria, the water source will certainly not support the entry of too many people.

The giant rat can only live underground, and the ground is all inhabited by the giant rat demon.

There is also a strict hierarchy within the giant rat monster. According to the national information management system, each person ’s accumulated merits and individual ability levels are graded, and the nationals are divided into nineteen and twenty-seven levels. There are also super-class nationals, that is, the king and a few ministers.

As for the giant rat itself, it belongs to the tools and slaves that have been driven away. It does not enjoy national treatment and does not have various political powers.

Unless they are infiltrated by the vitality and open enough spirits to be able to cultivate into a demon, they can only work to death in the life span of less than twenty years.

Although the giant rat is stupid and incapable of many complicated modern work types, it can undertake many simple and repetitive heavy manual labors.

Such tasks as farming, digging, sweeping, and express handling are all broken down into simple repetitions. As long as they have supervision and training, they can drive the giant rat to work.

Due to the suppression of bloodline and demon qi, they are very compliant with the drive of the giant rat demon clan, and there will be no rioting behavior of human slaves.

Is built on the wealth of the hard work of hundreds of millions of giant rats. The life of giant rat monsters is basically very good, and can reach the level of ordinary human envy.

After several years of development, the giant rat demon has reached millions, and now all retreat into the mysterious realm of survival, and the giant rat enters after removing part of it, following the service, and most of the others remain outside, enduring the attack of ghosts. Risk, continue to work.

Just like Ren Ruofeng ’s Shennian work robot program, Bai Shixin must do the same, otherwise, he ca n’t maintain the normal production and living needs ~ ~ Bai Shixin and a senior minister stand on the top of a building and watch His subjects moved into the secret realm in an orderly manner.

"King, our luck is good. Those shadow ghosts did not put their main target on us. They just sent some insignificant earthworms to harass. This is not enough to interfere with our relocation work. Now the core giant rat monsters have already Retreat safely, "Kong Liang complimented with great joy.

"This is the king's foresight, where is luck?" Someone immediately objected.

"Don't talk about it anymore, retreat is just a way out of frustration. After the retreat, the production work outside will continue, but this task is a bit risky. Those ghosts instinctively hate the living, and those exposed are likely to suffer. To their attack and transformation, who of you would like to take someone to take on this job? "Bai Shixin asked lightly.

The crowd immediately fell silent.

Will say beautiful things, but really want to do this, but few people are willing to come out to undertake.

Everyone knows that the dangers here are not just words.

The ghosts and ghosts are not separated, and the monsters are also the easiest group to attract ghosts.

Previously, humans were on the ground. Now humans have also retreated, and most of the giant rat monsters have also retreated. In this case, whoever goes out will be the lighthouse in the night. The most obvious attack target.

The guy who stays on the earth now is either a fool or someone with enough power to ignore those ghosts, such as an oriental lighthouse.

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