The plane began to land.

Ye Chen began to give orders one after another.

"Contact the tower immediately and report our coordinate position."

"We will land at Eagle King International Airport in five minutes."

"Please the airport cleared a spare runway for us for an emergency landing."

Ye Chen gave orders one after another in an orderly manner.

Joanna was completely stupid.

He felt that the young man in front of him was simply an old captain with decades of flying experience.

She was also convinced by Ye Chen's orders, and began to execute the orders one by one.

At this moment, Joanna had a feeling.

Maybe I really don't need to die.

Ye Chen's operation, as well as the methodical command, gave Joanna another hope of life.

Joanna contacted the tower.

"Hello, our Eagle King Airport has opened three alternate emergency landing runways for you, and ground rescue is ready. Please prepare to land. Good luck."

Ye Chen glanced at the fuel gauge.

Although some oil has just been drained, it is not enough.

After calculation, he still needs to continue to drain the oil.

Ye Chen said solemnly: "I am going to drain the oil for the second time, and be prepared."

"What? Drain the oil?"

Joanna was silly when she heard it.

Now that the oil is scarce, if they continue to release, they will only have one chance to make an emergency landing.

Once they fail, they will not have a second chance.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Why doesn't the plane make a forced landing?

Ye Chen began to hover in the air.

He must ensure that the success rate of this emergency landing can reach 100% safety.

Once forced to land, he has only one chance.

Under the impact force at the moment of landing, once the oil in the oil tank catches fire, the consequences will be fatal.

So he decided that when the plane made a forced landing, there was no fuel in the fuel tank.

This decision can be said to be very crazy.

Without even 100% confidence, no one dared to make such a crazy move.

Because, by doing so, the opportunity for a second forced landing is basically lost.

But for Ye Chen.

With god-level driving skills, a crash landing is enough.

Ye Chen said: "Passengers are requested to fasten their seat belts. We will make an emergency landing immediately after the fuel is discharged."

The flight attendant nodded.

During the landing of the aircraft, a second oil drain was started.

This time, almost only the oil that landed in the mailbox was left.

In other words, after the plane landed, the fuel tank was already empty.

At this moment, everyone is paying attention to the plane.

Especially the deputy captain Joanna, at this moment is completely stupid.

Because Ye Chen's operation is really amazing.

Although the plane only has one engine, Ye Chen was able to keep the plane in balance.

Can do this unless you have superb driving skills.

Ye Chen was in the air and had already adjusted the plane to an optimal landing angle.

Joanna was shocked.

How did this man do it? Without instruments, he could calculate the landing distance so accurately with only his eyes.

Ye Chen was driving the plane, his face was full of confidence.

For others, landing with a single engine is almost an impossible task.

But for Ye Chen, this task was too simple.

After all, Ye Chen possesses god-level airplane driving skills, and it can be said that Ye Chen is the best airplane pilot in the world.

Ye Chen even finally drove with one hand, and his face was full of comfort.

The plane began to rush out of the atmosphere and dive toward the airport.

In the air, the last oil was also released by Ye Chen.

At this moment, at Eagle King Airport, everyone was stunned when they saw the plane continue to discharge oil.

Is this guy crazy? Why is it still draining oil?

At this moment, the entire airport has been messed up.

Fire trucks and ambulances are already waiting.

For them, this will be an air disaster.

There were already many reporters at the airport at this time.

The news of the plane accident quickly spread throughout the Eagle Country.

They all want to grab exclusive news.

At this moment, upstairs in the terminal, the stationmaster of Eagle King Airport, Brooke, looked at the plane slowly diving from the clouds with solemn eyes.

He was wiping sweat, and even his breathing became a little quick.

"Why the plane is still refueling? Is he so confident that he will land at one time?"

"Damn, I hope nothing happens."

All the media focused their cameras on the plane that was about to land.

"All fire trucks and ambulances are prepared. There is a 90% chance that this landing will fail."

"Mr. Rock, what do you think is the chance of the plane landing safely?" Brooke asked.

Rock frowned and said: "This driver has very rich experience. In fact, even if he doesn't let off the fuel, he has only one chance to make an emergency landing. He is very smart in doing this."

"But if an engine is broken, I only have a 20% chance of success."

what? Twenty percent?

Everyone was stunned.

Rock is an ace pilot, even he is only 20% sure?

"Report, we got news that the captain had a heart attack due to nervousness, and now the plane is controlled by a Chinese."

"What? Huaxia? Which airline does he belong to?"

"The man who controls the plane is twenty-four years old and belongs to any airline." The staff said with an ugly face.

"What? So a layman is controlling the plane?"

The faces of Brook and Rock suddenly became more ugly.

This is really a real plane landing, not a computer game.

If the captain with more than ten years of driving experience makes an emergency landing, perhaps there is still a chance of a successful emergency landing.

Now it was a layman who made an emergency landing. It would definitely be an air disaster.

However, at this time, the staff of the tower shouted: "The plane has already begun to make an emergency landing."

Everyone looked at the sky.

I saw the plane dived down from the clouds like an eagle.

Rock stared at the landing plane.

"how can that be?"

Brook froze for a moment: "How can it be impossible?"

Rock took a deep breath and said, "The angle and speed of the plane's landing are all too perfect."

"Unless a pilot with decades of driving experience can do it, it is impossible for a layman to manually calculate such a perfect angle."

The posture of the plane is very stable.

No engine is broken at all.

Rock even trembled with excitement.

so amazing.

Even if he pilots this plane, I am afraid it is not so perfect.

This kind of operation is simply perfect.

Oh my God, how could China have such a skilled pilot?

As an ace pilot, Roque has never served anyone.

But today he really served Ye Chen.

Because Ye Chen's driving is really perfect.

Brooke listened and said, "So, do you think the plane can make an emergency landing?"

Rock took a deep breath and nodded: "Well, I don't think the problem is big."

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