Rock said excitedly: "Can you send over the video of the cockpit on the plane?"

Brooke said: "Yes, we have already contacted the aircraft video."

When the video was cut, everyone was stunned.

I saw Ye Chen, controlling the plane in one hand, and holding a cup of coffee in the other hand.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

What is this guy doing?

You know, this is a single-engine crash landing with your life hanging by a thread. You are too casual.

Rock took a deep breath.

"It's amazing. The driving skills of this Huaxia guy far surpass me."

"It's been cleaned up, please make an emergency landing." The tower staff said nervously.

"Roger that."

The aircraft ran closer and closer.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the miracle to happen.

Now that the aircraft has emptied the fuel tank, it is even more requested.

Although one engine is broken, the plane is very stable.

The plane landed slowly on the runway.

After a perfect landing, the lifting wings opened and the landing gear slowly dropped.


With a loud noise, the plane finally landed.

At this moment, everyone held their breath.

Those reporters, the camera in their hands began to go crazy in the cave.

The hearts of everyone in the cabin were almost lifted up.

They are all praying, hoping that the plane can land successfully.

On both sides of the plane, fire engines roared behind the plane, ready to rescue at any time.

At this moment, the plane began to slow down, and sparks were drawn from the tires on the ground.

Finally, the speed of the plane became slower and slower, and finally stopped on the runway steadily.


Rock looked at the whole process of landing, and he was stupid.

Inside the cabin, there was joy.

There was thunderous applause.

Those relatives and friends who picked up the plane even shed tears of excitement.

In the cabin, everyone embraced excitedly.

They originally thought they would die, but Ye Chen pulled them back from the death god.

"Hero, this pilot is our hero."

"Yeah, he saved all of us."

"This young Chinese man has created a miracle."


Those who questioned Ye Chen's youth just now felt hot on their faces.

They felt that Ye Chen was playing foolishly and pretending to be coercion.

But when the plane landed smoothly, they realized it.

This is the Huaxia people they look down on, and saved their lives.

Everyone looked at the calm figure in the cab, and their eyes were full of respect.

You know, he saved the lives of more than 300 people on this plane.

If there was no Ye Chen, they might have been a charred corpse now.

In the cabin, the applause stopped.

"Thank you our hero." I don't know who yelled.

"Young people are good."

"You are our hero."

There were tears of gratitude in everyone's eyes.

Ye Chen closed the operation interface, with a faint smile on his face.

Fortunately, it succeeded.

At this moment, the deputy captain beside him couldn't help but hugged Ye Chen and even kissed Ye Chen.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

The deputy captain looked excited.

The deputy captain is only in her thirties. She hasn't married yet, so she doesn't want to die.

She doesn't want to die.

"Sir, thank you for saving me." The deputy captain said excitedly.

At this moment, all the crew members surrounded Ye Chen.

Each of them had the excitement of the rest of their lives.

Even many people couldn't help but want to hug Ye Chen.

The flight attendant said excitedly: "Sir, I thank you on behalf of all the crew and passengers."

With that, the flight attendant and the crew behind him bowed to Ye Chen, tears gleaming in their eyes.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "The reason why we can land safely is the result of everyone's hard work."

At this time, the captain who had just fainted finally woke up.

He opened his eyes.

Where am I?

Am I dead?

Wow, so many beauties, is this the legendary paradise.

Everyone laughed.

Ye Chen was speechless.

This guy will really wake up.

You fainted just when you needed you most, and the plane just woke up after landing safely.

Ye Chen walked out of the cockpit, and Song Xiaoxiao rushed into Ye Chen's arms.

"Ye Chen, you are amazing."

Zhao Hua also looked excited.

Worthy of being a god, it's really amazing.

Ye Chen is his Zhao Hua's savior, and in his heart, he is more focused on Ye Chen.

At this time, the hatch opened.

Ye Chen walked out of the cabin.

Everyone stood at the door of the cabin, welcoming the hero.

Brook and Rock are at the forefront.

"To the hero manager." Brook made a salute.

"On behalf of Eagle King Airport, I extend my highest respect to you."

Everyone looked at Ye Chen with admiration.

Ye Chen rescued more than 300 people in the entire plane.

Seeing the crowds of people below, Ye Chen frowned.

He doesn't want to be an internet celebrity.

Not far away, those reporters were ready to interview Ye Chen.

Ye Chen understood that if he accepted the interview, he would immediately become a national idol.

Even this news will reach China, and he will become a celebrity on the Internet.

After all, he saved more than 300 lives.

Ye Chen sighed.

Hey, too good is also a troublesome thing.

Brooke said excitedly: "Mr. Ye Chen, the reporters outside are preparing to interview you. You will soon become famous."

As said to Brook, what the world needs most is a hero.

Ye Chen is so young, so handsome, and has completed a miraculous landing, it's hard to think of not being popular.

Even today's events will become the headlines of the entire world.

Ye Chen shook his head, "Mr. Brook, can you do me a favor?"

He doesn't want to be famous, let alone become a star that the whole world pays attention to.

You know, becoming a star also has a price.

You have to wear masks and sunglasses when you go out, and you don't even have any personal privacy, which Ye Chen didn't want.

Brook froze for a moment.

If you are an ordinary person, you will be very happy to face this kind of thing.

But Ye Chen didn't seem to accept this honor that belonged to him.

Brook asked, "What is Mr. Ye? As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you."

Ye Chen said: "I don't want to be a star, let alone an idol that people around the world pay attention to. I just want to be an ordinary person."

"What?" Hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone was stupid.

This was an opportunity to become famous in the world, but Ye Chen was about to refuse it.

Brook looked at Ye Chen a little puzzled: "Mr. Ye, are you sure you want to do this?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, I don't want to be interviewed, let alone be exposed."

After all, Ye Chen's body is systematic.

He doesn't want to be the focus of the world.

Because he understands that if he is too bright, he is likely to be targeted by some organizations.

That's why he refused the chance to become famous overnight.

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