"By the way, you sign for this and give him to your mother, she will definitely be happy." Ye Chen handed the cake box in his hand to the boy and said.

"It turned out to be a cake." A joyful expression appeared on the boy's face.

You know, today happens to be my mother's birthday, and this cake is like rain in time.

He looked at Ye Chen in front of him and was moved inexplicably.

Ye Chen didn't taunt him when he saw his creation like others did, taunting him, saying that he was not doing his job properly, but it gave him a great encouragement.

"I'm leaving, you must stick to your dream and keep working hard." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you, I will." The boy changed his previous expression and his eyes were full of confidence.

Ye Chen walked out of the small ruined house, and melodious music came from it. There was a smile on his face. Although this time the takeaway was made by the system, he helped a teenager regain his confidence. A good thing.

After helping the young man, Ye Chen rode his motorcycle toward the wormhole again, and he felt very comfortable in his heart for some reason.

Before coming to the wormhole, he didn't stop and drove in.

Reappearing is the world he lives in, and Ye Chen is in a very good mood today.

Look at the Zhou Jian who has been provoking Ye Chen. He is staying in the police station at the moment, yelling incessantly: "You let me go quickly, my dad is the chairman of the Zhou Group. Let's see how he cleans up you."

He yelled and resented Ye Chen and Tian Kun in his heart. If Ye Chen hadn't provoked him before, he wouldn't do that. If it hadn't been for Tian Kun to tell him the news, he wouldn't be embarrassed in public.

So that he shot Tian Kun and was locked here by the police.

Zhou Jian has been spoiled by his father for a long time and has developed a selfish personality. Every time something goes wrong, he will not look for problems from himself, but it is the fault of others.

After a while, Zhou Minghan rushed over with the lawyers. They asked about the situation, contacted the director, Zhou Jian and Tian Kun took them away.

Zhou Minghan sent someone to send Tian Kun home, and he bought a lot of things and lost a lot of money. Although Tian Kun repeatedly refused, he insisted on doing so.

"Xiaokun, my uncle apologizes to you. It's true that Xiaojian beat you. It's true that he was wrong. I must teach him a lot when I go back. You should tell your father not to hurt the harmony of the two families because of this incident." Zhou Minghan looked on. Said apologetically.

Although he is a high-powered person, he is a reasonable person, and he has to apologize for doing wrong things.

"Uncle Zhou really doesn't need to be like this, I just treat this as it didn't happen, let alone tell the truth to my father." Tian Kun said hurriedly. He didn't expect Zhou Minghan to put down his body and apologize to a junior.

"Xiaojian, look at how generous his Xiaokun is. My friends want to be like this. You quickly apologize to Xiaokun." Zhou Minghan looked at his son and said.

"I didn't make any mistakes, why should I apologize, it is obviously Ye Chen and Tian Kun's fault, I..." Zhou Jianli said frankly.

Before he finished speaking, a loud slap in the face rang.

I saw Zhou Jian clutching his hot face, eyes full of anger and grievance.

The people around him were dumbfounded. As everyone knows how much Zhou Minghan loves this son, how can he bear the heart to beat him.

After all, it is outside. Even if Zhou Minghan teaches his son, he can't be in front of everyone. First, his son is too big to save face, and second, there are a lot of things that are not convenient to say outside.

Tian Kun was stunned there, eyes full of shock.

"Xiao Kun, these are your medical expenses and supplements. Take them all. I will let the driver take you back." Zhou Minghan motioned to his subordinates to take out the prepared money and things and hand them to Tian Kun.

Only then did Tian Kun come back to his senses, he said quickly: "Thank you Uncle Zhou."

After speaking, he followed the driver into the car. He wanted to leave here as soon as possible. Uncle Zhou's eyes were really terrifying.

Zhou Jian covered his face and looked at his father in disbelief. This was the first time his father had hit him when he grew up, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

He grunted and ran forward, but was stopped by Zhou Minghan's hand and forcibly pulled into the car.

"You let me go, let me go." Zhou Jian shouted.

No matter how hard he struggles, it won't help. Zhou Minghan's men have all practiced, so how can he break away from those people.

Soon, Zhou Jian was pushed into the car, still yelling, very unstoppable.

After a while, I asked the driver to stop, and then said that he would jump off the car, and then he said that he didn't want to live and it was boring to live.

Zhou Minghan sat in the car without saying a word, despite Zhou Jian's constant noise, he was both angry and distressed.

It really hurts in my father's body.

His wife passed away early. Thinking about how he raised his son as a father and a mother in recent years, to satisfy his son's possessions. Because of Ye Chen's affairs, he couldn't help but be a little worried about his son, fearing that he would cause a catastrophe.

Zhou Minghan just received a call from the police station. He felt a little stunned. How could he be caught by the police station when his son had gone to the banquet.

He hurriedly called the lawyer and asked the driver to drive him to the police station. When he saw his son and Tian Kun, he couldn't help but let go, but the two children were fighting.

But when he heard his son mention Ye Chen, he couldn't help but feel nervous and scared. He knew that his son must have provoke Ye Chen again.

He had warned his son not to provoke Ye Chen before, but since he put his words on deaf ears, how could Zhou Minghan not be angry.

The car drove forward and drove into Zhou's Manor. Zhou Minghan got out of the car and went straight into the study. Zhou Jian was followed by two of his men.

"There is nothing to do with you here, let's go out." Zhou Minghan said to the two subordinates.

"Yes, sir." The two subordinates said in unison, and they closed the door after they went out.

At this moment, only Zhou Minghan and his son were in the room. He looked distressed and said, "Xiaojian, did my father hurt you?"

Zhou Jian covered his face and didn't even look at his father. At this moment, there was one more person holding a grudge in his heart, and that was his father.

"Hey, Xiaojian, why don't you listen to me and provoke Ye Chen." Zhou Minghan sighed and said.

"What's so great about Ye Chen. As for you to be so scared of him, aren't you just a stinky brat, who even snatched a woman from me? It's too self-reliant." Zhou Jian said nonchalantly, his expression when he spoke. With anger.

"You shut up, I think you are the one who is not able to measure your strength. This is the first and last time. I can warn you that next time you provoke Ye Chen, I will not be as simple as hitting you." The kindness on Zhou Minghan's face was news again, and his face turned to anger.

He didn't understand why his son was so obsessed with it, and had to provoke the person who even he didn't dare to provoke.

Ye Chen was lying at home and dreaming. He didn't expect that Zhou's father and son would be at odds because of himself tonight, nor did he expect that he would be happy.

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