Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 1306: Someone who doesn't know good or bad

This next week Jian hated Ye Chen even more, and he vowed to take revenge on him.

Ye Chen lay on the bed and his eyelids twitched, feeling that something bad would happen.

Suddenly the system prompt sounded in my mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the external order, obtaining the god-level creation, and obtaining all the copyrights of Allen."

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard the words. He originally thought that the system had made a mistake on the take-out order, so he could only make a trip for nothing, and could not get any rewards.

But who knew the system actually gave him a surprise, he jumped out of the bed happily.

He knows what the god-level creation means, but what the **** is this copyright and it is all the copyright that belongs to Allen.

He turned on the phone and tried to search for Allen's songs, but he didn't find any of them. Then he searched for all the movies that Allen had played, but there was still no one.

At the same time, countless song scores and movie scripts flooded into Ye Chen's mind, and he finally understood what this copyright meant.

In other words, all the songs and movies about Allen are gone from now on, and they belong to Ye Chen alone.

Ye Chen couldn't help feeling in his heart that the system was really awesome, and it could be done in this way.

With these, he can realize Su Wanyi's dream of starting an entertainment company.

Originally, Ye Chen had always planned to give Su Wanyi a surprise when he proposed to marry him. Before, he was a little worried and didn't know what to give, but now it's just right.

Ye Chenping recovered his excitement and went to bed to continue sleeping.

Suddenly, he remembered something and hurriedly dialed Su Wanyi's number.

After a while, the phone connected, and Su Wanyi's voice came from inside: "Ye Chen, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I just want to see if you get home." Ye Chen said.

Before Su Wanyi could answer, Ye Chen already knew the answer, because he heard that the other side was very lively, and knew that Su Wanyi was still in the banquet hall without asking.

"Oh, not yet, I'm chatting with a friend." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"Wanyi, I think it's late, I'll drive to the hotel to take you home." Ye Chen said as he got up and put on clothes.

"No, I'll go with my friends and call you when I get home." Su Wanyi hurriedly refused.

She is very considerate and feels that it is not appropriate for Ye Chen to take a trip to pick herself up.

"Wan Yi, I really don't worry about you coming home so late." Ye Chen said again.

At the banquet, several businesswomen who had a good relationship with Su Wanyi also came, and they made a lot of noise when they heard the chat.

"Wanyi, your boyfriend is considerate enough."

"I envy you, it's so sweet."

"Have a chance to introduce us to me. I would like to meet this man."

Su Wanyi's pretty face turned blushing, and she hurriedly said: "Ye Chen, I won't tell you for now, I'll call you when I get home."

After she finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone, and her pretty face became even more blushing to the root of her ears.

Ye Chen also heard the noise from the other side, and did not call Su Wanyi back.

He thought for a while that Zhou Jian was no longer at the banquet, there should be nothing to worry about, not to mention the location of Su Wanyi on his mobile phone.

Ye Chen endured the intense sleepiness and didn't dare to sleep until Su Wanyi called.

Just as he kept yawning, the phone rang.

After taking a look at Su Wanyi's phone, a girl's voice of apology came from the other side.

"Ye Chen, I'm home, I'm sorry to let you wait for me for so long, you must be sleepy, go to sleep."

"Okay, you lock the door and go to bed as soon as possible, contact tomorrow." Ye Chen said.

He fell asleep after putting down the phone.

At this moment, Zhou Jian couldn't fall asleep for a long time because of the anger in his heart.

He didn't feel scared because of his father's warning, and he didn't have any plans to shrink back. From a young age to a big man, no one who provokes him has any good fruit, and Ye Chen is no exception.

Since he had suffered so many losses from Ye Chen, he decided to transfer the object, and then start with the woman next to Ye Chen.

At the banquet, he saw Su Wanyi and Ye Chen behave closely, and the relationship between the two must be unusual. Zhou Jian picked up Su Wanyi's idea.

He had already decided to start with Su Wanyi.

The next day, Su Wanyi drove out from home, but was kidnapped on the way. No one dared to call the police.

Ye Chen stretched out after getting up, and the phone rang suddenly.

After he got on the phone, he smiled and said, "You girl, do you keep peeking at me? How come you just..."

Ye Chen did not finish speaking, and was indeed interrupted by the other party.

"Ye Chen, it's me, I'm Li Ming." Li Ming said.

"Li Ming? Ask me if you have anything to do. Haven't the money already been received?" Ye Chen asked.

"Ye Chen, don't get me wrong, I did receive the money, but I called to discuss something with you." Li Ming said embarrassedly.

"What are you discussing with me?" Ye Chen asked.

"Ye Chen, I don't want to sell that unfinished building, I want to return the billions to you." Li Ming said nervously.

"Didn't you use part of the money to pay off the debt?" Ye Chen asked.

"Not yet, I didn't move a single billion of those billions. Do you agree with my proposal?" Li Ming asked in a low voice.

Last night, Li Ming regretted the news on his mobile phone. He regretted selling the unfinished building to Ye Chen. On the surface, it was a gain, but in fact it was a big loss.

He thought about it and called Ye Chen with a fluke. He guessed that maybe Ye Chen hadn't noticed the news.

"I don't agree." Ye Chen refused.

Li Ming didn't expect Ye Chen to refuse so simply, he hurriedly said: "I think you also watched the news, so that you can have one-third of the proceeds after I sell the house?"

"Li Ming, it's not a question of money, you have to be credible as a man." Ye Chen said in an angry tone.

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart sank. He knew that Ye Chen would not return the unfinished building to him anyway. He angrily said, "We have returned to classmates. You already have so much money and still care about it. What kind of friendship I think is bullshit, you can say nothing in the face of interests, right?"

Ye Chen really didn't bother to listen to Li Ming's nonsense, he hung up the phone unceremoniously.

He felt that Li Ming was really a white-eyed wolf, instead of thanking him for helping him kindly, but in exchange for this, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little bit chilly.

Actually, it's not that Ye Chen cares about the money. The main reason is to take the money back and return the unfinished building to Li Ming, which will become another appearance.

This is the god-level investment that Ye Chen used. If the money is recovered, it means that he has not used this skill, and everything will change, but Ye Chen did not tell Li Ming the truth.

He really doesn't bother to waste his tongue with this kind of people who don't know good or bad.

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