Of course Su Wanyi knew that Ye Chen was not telling the truth. She glanced at Ye Chen and said, "Huh, don't I know how careful you are?"

Ye Chen was afraid that Su Wanyi would continue to ask questions, so he lied and said, "Well then, I'll tell you, I'm thinking about how to eat you later."

As he spoke, he picked up Su Wanyi beside him and threw it on the bed.

This sudden movement made Su Wanyi a little flustered and her pretty face turned red. She didn't expect it to be so fast.

At the same time, Ye Chen had already pressed up.

Su Wanyi didn't dare to look at Ye Chen's face, but she closed her eyes tightly. It might be because the two of them hadn't made each other for a long time, and they were a little shy.

Ye Chen looked at her trembling eyelashes and blushing pretty face, a little funny, thinking that it was not the first time that an old husband and wife were still like this.

He is a very pitiful person and treats his beloved woman very tenderly.

This night, the two of them turned over and over again, very cheerful.

The next day, Ye Chen rubbed his shoulders, looked at Su Wanyi who was sleeping next to him, and walked gently out of bed for fear of awakening her.

Last night was really choking, no wonder Su Wanyi, who usually doesn't sleep in bed, hasn't woken up until now.

Ye Chen got dressed and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He glanced at the ingredients in the refrigerator. He decided to make a bacon sandwich and then two more cups of coffee.

This coffee is not the kind of instant coffee. Ye Chen prefers to drink freshly ground coffee. He feels that the instant coffee has no taste, and he doesn't like adding sugar. He thinks that only this way can drink the coffee's aroma.

Su Wanyi was lying in bed and didn't want to get up. She felt sore all over.

A scent entered her nose, and she smelled it so hard that she couldn't help but make a gurgling noise in her stomach, which seemed to be really hungry.

She glanced at the phone and exclaimed: "Ah, I'm late, I'm late."

Ye Chen was taken aback by the sound. He thought that something happened to Su Wanyi and ran over quickly, and when he saw that there was nothing wrong with Su Wanyi, he was relieved.

Su Wanyi's expression was a little anxious, she saw Ye Chen say: "Husband, I'm late for a meeting in the morning. I've never had it before."

"Silly girl, I have already called your secretary and told her that the meeting is cancelled, and the time of the meeting will be announced separately." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He thought to himself that this was the case, which was really scary.

"Husband, how can you cancel the meeting casually?" Su Wanyi asked while looking at Ye Chen.

"Why not, it's not an important meeting." Ye Chen said.

It is true that Su Wanyi just wanted to hear the work reports of various departments. This meeting can be opened any time, but Su Wanyi belongs to the kind of resolute person.

"Well, it's cancelled anyway, it's useless if you think about it." Ye Chen smiled and comforted.

Then he continued: "Breakfast is ready. If you don't eat it, I will eat it all. You will be depressed here."

Su Wanyi had already smelled the fragrance just now, and even the gluttons in her stomach were all about to move, how could it be possible not to eat it.

"Of course I ate. Go now. Wait for me." Su Wanyi said.

After Su Wanyi got dressed, the two came to the kitchen.

Ye Chen carried a sandwich, and Su Wanyi carried two cups of coffee, as harmonious as a newly married couple.

"Wife, you said that we are not short of money. Why are you so busy and so hard every day? Isn't it good to lead an ordinary life like this?" Ye Chen asked as he walked and looked at Su Wanyi beside him.

He enjoys this feeling very much, and he likes this kind of life.

"What else did you say, why would it be too late for the meeting if it wasn't for you?" Su Wanyi didn't answer but changed the subject.

There was some fear in her heart, fearing that if she really returned to the family, her husband and son would be out of touch with the society, and the attraction to Ye Chen would not be too strong.

Su Wanyi had a friend who was once a strong woman like her, but since she was married and gave birth to a child, her whole person has changed completely, and even the two of them can't talk together anymore.

Seeing the change of her good friend, she was scared in her heart, and she didn't want to let herself become that kind of person.

What's more, Su Wanyi is a person with too strong entrepreneurial ambitions, it is impossible to stay at home, so she has never thought about Ye Chen's proposal, at least in recent years will not consider it.

Ye Chen knew Su Wanyi very well, he knew that this girl was avoiding it on purpose, and since she didn't want it, he didn't force it.

The two of them ate breakfast in silence without any communication.

Suddenly, Su Wanyi said, "Husband, I recently read a novel that is very beautiful. When I come back, I will tell you the title of the book. You can also read it."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in your women's love story." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

"Husband, I also have the idea to write the love story of the two of us into a novel. What do you think?" Su Wanyi asked when she looked at Ye Chen.

Hearing that, Ye Chen has an idea in his mind, I can be a novel anchor, this girl really gave a good inspiration.

Ye Chen stood up and kissed Su Wanyi gently on the forehead. This kiss also stunned the girl.

"Husband, who are you?" Su Wanyi asked, looking at Ye Chen with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Just as rewarding you in advance, didn't you mean to write the love between us as a novel." Ye Chen said with a smile.

But he didn't tell the truth to Su Wanyi, and lied again.

"Okay, eat quickly, or else it's cold, I'll take you to the company in a while." Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi after drinking the coffee in the cup.

Since the morning meeting has been cancelled, there is no need to worry, Su Wanyi can naturally eat slowly.

Ye Chen did not urge Su Wanyi, but sat on the sofa thinking about which novel to choose. At this moment, there were thousands of novels in his mind.

Of course these are nothing in this world.

After a while, Ye Chen showed a smile on his face, thinking in his heart: "Okay, let's choose it."

Ye Chen is already looking forward to it, what kind of response will be heard when netizens hear it.

"My husband, I'm ready to eat." Su Wanyi walked to Ye Chen and said.

"Well, you go to change clothes, I'll clean up, let's do it in sync." Ye Chen got up and went to the dining room to take the cups and plates to the kitchen and rinse them.

With this little thing, Ye Chen got it all done within a few minutes.

What surprised Ye Chen was that Su Wanyi also changed clothes and was waiting for him at the door.

"Wife, you are so fast." Ye Chen said as he looked at Su Wanyi in front of him.

"That is, my time is precious now, but I have to hurry up." Su Wanyi replied.

Hearing that, Ye Chen was speechless. He thought he was slow when he had just eaten, but now he is getting up quickly. Sometimes he really doesn't understand this girl.

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