Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 1334: The boss turned out to be you?

Seeing this girl in a hurry, Ye Chen didn't dare to let her wait too long.

He didn't even change his clothes, so he took the key and walked outside.

The two got into the car and went straight to Su Wanyi's company.

Su Wanyi's phone rang at this time, and she glanced at it turned out to be Song Li.

Ye Chen also saw the cell phone number, and he couldn't help but be a little confused: "Which is so anxious to wake up this morning?"

Su Wanyi answered the phone, and Song Li's anxious voice came from inside.

"Mr. Su is not good, the two artists of our company have terminated the contract with the company."

"Xiao Song, speak slowly, what is going on?" Su Wanyi asked.

"That's it. At about 11 o'clock last night, Yang Miao and Li Yang said they wanted you to discuss the termination of the contract. I hurriedly called you, but no one answered the call."

Song Li told the whole story in one breath.

Later, she continued: "I called the two of them in the morning, but no one answered the phone, and now reporters at the door want to understand why the two artists suddenly terminated the contract."

"Okay, Xiao Song, don't worry, I will go right now." Su Wanyi said.

After she hung up the phone, she took a look at the caller ID of the phone, and it turned out that Song Li called her many times yesterday.

Su Wanyi glanced at Ye Chen again, knowing that this must be his ghost.

Before Su Wanyi could speak, Ye Chen voluntarily confessed: "My wife, I was afraid that the phone would disturb the two of us yesterday, so I mute your phone."

Now that the incident had happened, it would be useless for Su Wanyi to blame Ye Chen.

She sighed and said, "Husband, let's turn around and go to Star Media, the company has an accident."

Ye Chen also heard the content of the chat between Su Wanyi and Song Li just now, and knew something about it and also knew that there were many reporters at the door.

He looked at Su Wanyi and asked, "My wife, there are so many reporters at the door, why should you go there? Let them wait."

"I have to figure it out, I think this thing is a bit difficult." Su Wanyi shook her head and said.

In fact, not just her, even Ye Chen felt that this matter was strange.

Just after changing the boss, the two artists in the company suddenly terminated the contract, presumably there must be someone secretly messing up.

You must know that unilateral termination of the contract for no reason will result in liquidated damages. What's more, the date of the contract signed by the two artists has not yet arrived.

If they need to compensate a large amount of liquidated damages, how could they be willing to get it? Someone must have given them the money.

Ye Chen also knew some friends in the circle, and he decided to investigate the matter.

"Well, it's up to you, be careful about everything." Ye Chen said.

He is not at all worried about Su Wanyi's response to reporters. After all, Su Wanyi is the president of a company and sometimes holds press conferences and is familiar with the road.

Ye Chen has more important things to do.

"Wife, can you be alone? Do I need to go with you?" Ye Chen asked.

"No, go and do your job, I can deal with it." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Her expression was very calm when she spoke, without a trace of tension.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi's ability was enough to deal with this situation.

But it was just a response, but it was impossible for her to find out any clues.

"Okay, call me after you finish processing. I'll pick you up." Ye Chen said with a smile.

For some stars in the entertainment industry, he still. Know some, such as Yang Mimi.

Since you are an insider, you will definitely know what's going on in the circle.

Ye Chen dialed Yang Mimi's phone.

As soon as Yang Mimi was about to leave the house, she saw a call from Ye Chen.

"Brother Chen, you finally remembered to call others, they want to kill you." Yang Mimi laughed.

"Okay, Mimi, don't joke with you anymore, I am looking for you in a hurry, where are you? I will pick you up now." Ye Chen said.

Before, Ye Chen would make jokes with Yang Mimi, but this time Yang Mimi heard Ye Chen's tone very serious, and knew that he must be looking for him in a hurry.

"I'm at home, just about to go out, come and pick me up." Yang Mimi said.

Ye Chen lowered the phone and turned around and drove towards Yang Mimi's house.

"Mimi, I'm here, come down." Ye Chen called Yang Mimi and said.

Yang Mimi changed a pair of shoes, ran out hurriedly, and saw the parked sports car, she got in.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter? You look so ugly." Yang Mimi asked when Ye Chen's expression was so gloomy.

"Mimi, I want to ask you something." Ye Chen said.

Yang Mimi's mobile phone rang suddenly, she glanced at the phone and asked, "What's the matter?"

The agent said: "Miss Yang Mimi, are you finished? I will pick you up now.

"No, I'll just go there myself in a while." After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

"Mimi, do you have any other activities for a while?" Ye Chen asked.

He felt that if Yang Mimi's performance or participation in activities was delayed because of him. Some are not suitable.

"It's okay, Brother Chen, time is still rich. Why don't we find a place to talk." Yang Mimi said with a smile.

Although she said that, she was still a little worried. If she was recognized, she would be in trouble.

But Ye Chen is kind to her after all, and now she is looking for something urgent, she can't help but help.

Ye Chen drove and brought Yang Mimi to a coffee shop, and they found a corner to sit down.

Now it is time for work, so there are not many customers in the cafe.

Although Yang Mimi is a public figure, she can't recognize her wearing sunglasses and a mask.

"Mimi, you are about to wrap yourself up as a mummy. I don't think others will recognize you." Ye Chen joked.

"Brother Chen, you are still smiling, if it weren't for you, why would I be like this? I rarely appear alone in public." Yang Mimi said with an aggrieved expression.

"Haha, Mimi is the best. When you come back, Brother Chen will invite you to dinner." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Is it that simple to eat? Nothing else." Yang Mimi asked with a bad smile on her face.

"Well, I won't tease you anymore, let's get back to business, I really have something to ask you to help me." Ye Chen's expression suddenly became serious and said.

Afterwards, he continued: "Do you know the sudden termination of the contract between the two artists of Star Media?"

"Brother Chen, why did you suddenly ask about this? Isn't this something that Yu Yang should be anxious about? What are you worrying about?" Yang Mimi looked at Ye Chen with a puzzled expression.

In her memory, she thought that the boss of Star Media was Yu Yang.

"Yu Yang, why is he anxious? Now I am the boss of that company, so I will ask you about this." Ye Chen said.

"Boss, it's actually you?" Yang Mimi asked, looking at Ye Chen with wide eyes.

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