Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 702: No one can stop me from delivering the courier (four more)

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw the door of the villa opened, and then walked through the courtyard to the door of the villa.

This girl is interesting.

Ye Chen glanced at the express, it said food.

It should be a snack bought by a girl.

Who is this girl? Why is the sound so familiar?

Ye Chen glanced at the villa, which was a small three-story building.

From the exterior of the villa, Ye Chen can see that this villa is not inferior to his own villa in Washington, but it is also very luxurious.

It seems that this girl is also a rich girl.

At this time, the door of the villa opened, and a girl appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw the girl.

No wonder the voice is so familiar, it turned out to be the movie star Xiao Di.

Is she a fat snack?

Now Xiao Di is very popular, and I don't know how many boys are the goddess in their dreams.

Ye Chen didn't expect to meet her here.

It seems to be the role of the Peach Fortune Card.

Let yourself meet such a beautiful big beauty, it seems that this peach luck card is pretty reliable.

Ye Chen looked at the beauty in front of him.

There was a sweet smile on Xiao Di's face.

Ye Chen was very curious.

According to a star of Xiaodi's level, there should be a bodyguard assistant next to her. Why is she alone?

At this time, Xiao Di was also staring at Ye Chen closely, as if she wanted to see through herself.

Xiao Di looked at Ye Chen with an inexplicable affection in his heart.

Because Ye Chen is so handsome.

Oh my God, how could there be such a handsome boy in this world?

Suddenly, Xiao Di was a bit absent-minded and became a nympho.

As a popular actress, Xiao Di has cooperated with many Xiao Xianrou.

But there are really too few people like Xiao Di.

Ye Chen looked at Xiaodi and his eyes were a little speechless.

The other person stared at him, it felt like staring at the prey.

Of course, being the prey of this beauty is also a kind of enjoyment.

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "Beauty, this is your express."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Xiao Di only woke up from the state of being absent.

She hurriedly took the delivery, and a red glow appeared on her pretty face.

At this time, Xiao Di's heart was pounding very hard.

Ye Chen's face is really too bad.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Di, the other party was wearing a bathrobe, his body was still wet, and the white thighs of his lower body stretched out.

Just now Xiao Di was taking a bath and the faucet suddenly broke, so she ran out in a very embarrassed manner.

What's more terrible is that she is currently shooting a variety show in the life category.

She was arranged to adapt to the environment by herself first, and the crew has not arrived yet.

Originally, Xiao Di just wanted to take a quiet bath, but unexpectedly encountered an accident with a broken faucet.

What makes her most depressed is that the bodyguard and assistant are gone, how did she encounter such a situation as a big star.

At this moment Ye Chen appeared suddenly.

Originally, she wanted Ye Chen to deliver the courier directly to the door, but now the faucet is still running, so she can only ask Ye Chen for help.

"Brother Express, do you know how to fix the faucet?" Xiao Di said embarrassedly.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "Fix the faucet?"

Xiao Di embarrassed: "I was taking a bath just now, the faucet broke, so..."

Ye Chen saw that a lot of water had already flowed out on the stairs.

"Let me take a look for you first."

Ye Chen came to the bathroom, still carrying Xiao Di's scent in it.

This kind of water pipe repairer Ye Chen has never done it.

He said to Xiao Di behind him: "I'm sorry, I don't know how to repair water pipes, or I will help you fix the water pipes?"

Xiao Di was a little disappointed when he heard that Ye Chen could not repair.

However, Xiao Di's feeling towards Ye Chen has not changed at all.

Because Ye Chen refused to look at himself, he was so handsome.

The water flows more and more, and if the people waiting for the repair of the water pipes come, this villa will become a swimming pool.

Now she can only rely on the handsome man in front of her.

Xiao Di said pitifully: "Little brother, please help me."

Seeing Xiao Di's pitiful appearance, Ye Chen really couldn't help it.

Ye Chen didn't look down on a woman to act like a baby, let alone Xiao Di.

"Forget it, then I will try."

When Ye Chen agreed, Xiao Di's eyes lit up.

Ye Chen walked into the bathroom again, looking terrible inside.

Maybe because I haven't used it for a long time, the water pipe inside has burst, and the water is raging crazily.

Ye Chen was also a little at a loss when he saw this scene.

Xiao Di asked very nervously: "Brother Express, you can think of a way."

Ye Chen thought for a while and said: "Well, I will find the water shutoff valve first, and stop the water after turning off the water valve."

So Ye Chen started looking for the water valve in the bathroom.

But what made Ye Chen depressed was that he closed the two water valves, but the water still flowed again.

In desperation, he looked at the bathroom.

At this time, it was as if it was raining in the bathroom, and it seemed that the key water valve was there.

Xiao Di said nervously on the side: "Is there any way?"

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "There are still ways, but...I have to take off my clothes."

"Ah!" Xiao Di's pretty face flushed with embarrassment after hearing Ye Chen's words.

What does it mean to undress.

But soon, Ye Chen took off his coat.

Seeing Ye Chen's movements, Xiao Di was also frightened and said quickly: "You, what are you going to do?"

After all, a man undressed in front of her, which made Xiao Di very nervous.

This guy, don't want to do that kind of thing.

Xiao Di even regretted that he shouldn't let Ye Chen in.

Seeing Xiao Di's horrified expression, Ye Chen said speechlessly: "You think too much, I'm going to the bathroom and turn off the water valve. If I wear clothes, I won't get drenched."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Xiao Di's pretty face blushed.

"Oh my God, how could I be so dirty, I thought he wanted it just now."

For a while, Xiao Di's pretty face turned red.

As if thinking of something, Xiaodi said: "Wait for me, then."

Saying that Xiao Di turned and ran away.

After a while, Xiao Di came back, holding a bathrobe in his hand and handing it to Ye Chen.

"You will have to deliver the courier later. Put on your bathrobe first, or you will get wet and you may catch a cold later when you go out."

Ye Chen was taken aback after hearing this.

This girl is quite sweet.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded, then went to the next room to change his clothes.

At this time, Ye Chen and Xiao Di were both wearing bathrobes, and this bathrobe seemed to be a couple's.

Xiao Di looked at Ye Chen timidly, and even the muscles on his chest could be seen clearly.

Being in the same room, both of them are still wearing bathrobes, it feels like they have just done something like that.

Thinking of this, Xiao Di's face was hot.

Ye Chen didn't think much, he just wanted to quickly turn off the cold water valve so that he could continue to deliver the express.

Hey, the system is too tricky. It's so lucky. It's just letting myself be a plumber for free.

Ye Chen rushed into the bathroom, and in an instant, the spray of water wet Ye Chen's body.

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