Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 703: This is an accident (five shifts)

Ye Chen rushed into the bathroom and soon found the water valve under the sink.

He turned the water valve vigorously and finally shut the water off.

The water valve closed, and the water finally stopped flowing.

Xiao Di outside also took a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

However, Ye Chen was very embarrassed at this time, and had already turned into a chicken.

Ye Chen came out of the bathroom, wiped the water on his body and said, "Beauty, it's done, but it just stopped the water, but you have to find a professional person to repair the water pipe."

Xiaodi quickly nodded after hearing this: "Thank you so much, you are wet for me."

Ye Chen: "..."

Xiao Di was a little embarrassed, and his words seemed a bit ambiguous.

"I did not mean that."

Ye Chen smiled: "I know."

Xiao Di stared at Ye Chen, especially now that Ye Chen's wet body exuded a suffocating charm.

Ye Chen is really attractive now.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Di, who was a nymphomaniac, and said, "I will change my clothes first."

"Yeah." Xiaodi nodded after hearing this.

Although Xiao Di is a big star, he can't resist Ye Chen's temptation in front of a super attractive man like Ye Chen.


At this time, a video camera stopped outside the villa.

Leading the team is Mr. He, the host of the Happy Life section.

According to the program's schedule, this is a home life program.

Xiao Di lives alone, and then the program team suddenly visits and interviews Xiao Di's feelings.

Therefore, Xiao Di's agent and bodyguards withdrew before the program group arrived.

The car stopped outside the villa, and everyone's eyes suddenly fell on the Cullinan car.

Teacher He asked suspiciously, "Why is there a Cullinan parked here? Is it Xiao Di?"

The cameraman of the show crew behind him also looked at each other.

"No, I haven't heard of Xiao Di opening Cullinan."

"How is this going?"

The situation at this time has completely exceeded the scheduled plan of the program group.

The most speechless thing is that such a cool Cullinan car body has a express express logo.

"It's still live streaming now." Teacher He took a deep breath.

"Well, the live broadcast room has been exploded now, and they are all discussing who owns this car."

Teacher He also showed bitterness.

At that time, I wanted to make a surprise attack, and then let the show have a different effect.

But no one thought that a Cullinan with a courier sign suddenly appeared at the door.

This is a bit embarrassing.

The assistant director whispered: "Or stop recording first and figure out the situation before talking?"

Teacher He shook his head: "Our program has no such precedent, and if that's the case, isn't it a real hammer? Xiao Di has a problem?"

And if the live broadcast is suddenly shut down, it will be a big blow to the credit of the program.

He took a deep breath and said, "Let's go in first and act by chance."

At this time, Mr. He led everyone, carrying the camera, and walked toward the villa mightily.

Teacher He was about to ring the doorbell, but the door opened.

Before the live broadcast, Xiao Di's fans were looking forward to Xiao Di's appearance.

However, beyond everyone's expectations, a man walked out of the villa where Xiao Di lived alone.

Suddenly everyone was stunned.

what's going on?

The man wore the express uniform of the express express, and his hair and body were still wet.

That's right, this is Ye Chen who just walked out.

After Ye Chen finished changing his clothes, thinking that there were still a few orders that had not been delivered, he hurried out to deliver the express, so he greeted Xiaodi and was about to leave the villa.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he opened the door, he saw Mr. He and several photographers blocking the door.

I go, what's the situation?

Ye Chen was also stunned.

Teacher He and the others in the program group were also dumbfounded when they saw Ye Chen walking out.

what's going on?

How did a man walk out of Xiao Di's villa?

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "You are interviewing Xiao Di, she is in the room."

At this time, Xiao Di also followed.

Seeing Teacher He and a group of reporters, Xiao Di was also dumbfounded.

Yesterday, she heard from her assistant that the program team was going to record, but she didn't tell her the time.

Xiao Di was also a little dumbfounded by this sudden attack.

She is still wearing a bathrobe.

If she knew that the reporter came, how could she be dressed like this.

Especially seeing that the camera was still broadcasting, she quickly wrapped her bathrobe tightly.

At this point, the live broadcast room has been exploded.

"Oh my God, what did I see?"

"Xiao Di is so **** in a bathrobe!"

"I'm going crazy, is this a special benefit given to us by the program group?"


At this time, a careful audience discovered that Ye Chen and Xiao Di's hair turned out to be wet.

What does this show?

Could it be that the two of them just?

Could that handsome guy just now be Xiao Di's boyfriend?

Suddenly the fans of the live broadcast group went crazy.

At this time, even Teacher He, who had been on the battlefield, was stunned.

Although he has encountered many unexpected accidents, how does this make him round?

When Ye Chen saw the camera, he knew that he had been exposed.

He doesn't like being exposed, it is not a good thing to let Wanyi know.

Ye Chen didn't want to take the blame.

At this time, Xiao Di said embarrassingly: "Actually, he is my friend, who came to help me fix the water pipe..."

"What the hell, repairing the water pipe?"

Netizens exploded even more.

This hint is too obvious.

Ye Chen was speechless, this was simply adding fuel to the fire.

He hurriedly said: "Actually, I am a courier. I just delivered the courier to this young lady. Okay, I will flash it first if you continue to record the show."

After speaking, Ye Chen glanced at Xiaodi: "Beauty, remember to give me a five-star praise."

Then Ye Chen squeezed out the crowd and slipped away.

Ye Chen also wanted to deliver the courier well, but he didn't want to be a news figure.

Especially when facing the camera, Ye Chen was still a little bit reluctant.

My own charm value has been adjusted very low, this is all paid attention to, it is too depressing.

But watching Ye Chen run away in a hurry, these people have already determined that Ye Chen and Xiao Di must have an unusual relationship.

But everyone is very curious.

How can the dignified goddess of the nation, Xiao Di, have a boyfriend who delivers express delivery?

This is too unbelievable.

At this time, everyone watched Ye Chen drive Cullinan Juechen away even more bewildered.

I wiped it, this courier was still driving Cullinan.

All the netizens before the live broadcast were all messed up.

Driving a luxury car to deliver couriers, what is this special operation?

Ye Chen didn't know that this news had exploded in the entertainment industry.

Not long after the launch, Ye Chen heard the system prompt: "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the five-star praise, activating the system rewards, and obtaining the Beast Guarding Technique."

You can control any animal with the beast defense technique.

Control animals?

Ye Chen felt very depressed about this skill.

He has no interest in keeping pets.

Ye Chen took the courier package and came to a community, but saw a lot of people surrounded by a tree.

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