Hearing Ye Chen's words, the old man was taken aback for a moment, and then a warm current surged in his heart.

Seeing that the old man did not speak, Ye Chen thought that the old man was worried about him, and quickly said: "Grandma, I am not a bad person."

"No, my little brother is touched." The old man said with moist eyes.

With the old man's consent, Ye Chen went into the kitchen and got busy.

I looked at the ingredients in the refrigerator. There were tomatoes, eggs and noodles.

Ye Chen decided to make a bowl of tomato noodle soup for the elderly.

Seeing Ye Chen's busy figure in the kitchen, the old man's tears actually shed.

After a while, Ye Chen came out carrying a bowl of hot tomato noodle soup and handed it to the old man.

Originally, the old man had no appetite, but when he smelled the aroma from the bowl, he couldn't help picking up his chopsticks and eating.

The phone rang, Ye Chen glanced at Zhou Susu, and the girl's voice came from the other side: "Ye Chen, I have arrived, where are you now?"

"I have something to do now, I will be late." Ye Chen said.

"Okay, then you are busy." Zhou Susu said empathetically, and she did not ask Ye Chen the reason on the phone.

The old man heard the conversation between the two and hurriedly said: "Little brother, I'm not conscious, it's wasting your time, you go quickly."

Originally Ye Chen was cooking for her, and the old man felt embarrassed.

Now Ye Chen actually delayed things for her, which made her even more embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, grandma, by the way, my name is Ye Chen, so just call my name." Ye Chen had a kind of intimacy when he looked at the old man, so he told him his name unconsciously.

"Okay, Ye Chen, thank you." The old man started crying as he said.

Ye Chen didn't know why the old man would cry suddenly, feeling a little at a loss.

Seeing the panic expression on Ye Chen's face, the old man wiped his tears and said, "Ye Chen, you can call me Grandma Zhang from now on. I was really touched today. You chat with me again and cook for me. , Even my daughter has never cooked a meal for me."

Although the old man did not cry anymore, Ye Chen knew the pain in the old man's heart.

"Grandma Zhang, if you like it, I will talk to you and cook for you when I have time." Ye Chen comforted the old man.

"Ye Chen, that's great, of course I like it." A smile appeared on the old man's face.

The communication between the old man and his daughter is almost by mobile phone, and the daughter rarely comes, even if she comes, she will leave after a few minutes.

"By the way, Grandma Zhang, I called just now, why didn't you answer it?" Ye Chen asked suspiciously.

"That is my daughter's phone number. She is afraid that I will be deceived. She kept her mobile phone number for all the delivery."

"Grandma Zhang, please remember my phone number and call me if you have anything to do in the future." Ye Chen told the old man his cell phone number because he felt that it is always unsafe for an old man to be alone at home.

Ye Chen asked the old man to dial his mobile phone number and save the caller ID number so that the old man would call him and Ye Chen would not miss it as a fraudulent call.

After helping the old man to clean the bowl, Ye Chen asked the old man a few more words, and then left.

Driving towards the Kailai Sai Western Restaurant, Ye Chen was going to go home to change clothes, but it was delayed because of Grandma Zhang's affairs.

After Ye Chen parked the car, he walked towards the entrance of the western restaurant.

The waiter saw Ye Chen in the express uniform and ignored him.

Ye Chen didn't bother to pay attention to these low-looking guys, and he walked straight to Zhou Susu.

Zhou Susu in front of him was like a different person, wearing a one-shoulder blue dress with a high bun and shiny high heels on his feet, like a noble princess.

It is really difficult to associate her with the profession of police.

Ye Chen looked at the beauty in front of him with a bit of a daze. Zhou Susu today is really beautiful, and the beauty is suffocating.

It is Ye Chen, who has countless women who read countless women and has high-value beauties around him, is fascinated by her.

Zhou Susu shook his slender hand in front of Ye Chen, pretending to be angry, and said, "What do you think?"

Ye Chen felt that his behavior was indeed a bit gaffe, scratching his head and honestly said: "Today you are so beautiful, and I was stunned."

When Zhou Susu entered the restaurant just now, he attracted the attention of men around him and also made the women in the restaurant jealous.

Several men wanted to talk to Zhou Susu, but she ignored them.

But seeing that in front of Zhou Susu, there were young men in express uniforms sitting unexpectedly, and those men gritted their teeth with hatred.

Ye Chen is very handsome, but after all, it is not a time to look at faces, and he needs money to speak.

"You honestly confessed that you were late wherever you went just now." Zhou Susu was dissatisfied.

"It's not what you thought, I just did a good job." Ye Chen said with a smug expression.

Zhou Susu knew that he was not Ye Chen's girlfriend, and had no right to question him.

Ye Chen said with a smile on his face: "Did you miss me? See me on the grounds of eating, right?"

"Nonsense, I invited you to dinner to thank you." Zhou Susu said with a flushed face.

Ye Chen did say that she was in her mind, and she missed Ye Chen very much these days.

The education Zhou Susu received from an early age was that girls should be reserved, so why was she embarrassed to open an appointment with Ye Chen.

It happened that she had this reason, so she mustered up the courage to ask Ye Chen to come out for dinner.

Zhou Susu dressed up to see Ye Chen today. She knew that Ye Chen liked gentle girls.

Seeing Zhou Susu's blushing was already like a ripe apple, Ye Chen couldn't keep joking anymore.

He hurriedly eased the atmosphere, and said with a smile: "This time you solved the case, did you get a lot of bonuses, but you have to divide half of me."

"How can I get a bonus? Beautiful thinking." Zhou Susu gave him a white glance.

Ye Chen wailed for a while, the five million bonus just flew like this, it was really a pity, mainly because he didn't want to make trouble for himself.

"Is it distressed? Who told you to slip away first?" Zhou Susu continued.

"Well, five million." Ye Chen said pretending to be distressed.

Zhou Susu asked with a look of curiosity: "Ye Chen, how did you find that big man, tell me about it."

"This is a secret, of course I can't tell you." Ye Chen refused.

He couldn't tell Zhou Susu that it was a murderous madman found by a mosquito. This is too ridiculous. Even if he said that, no one would believe it.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't say anything, Zhou Susu didn't force it anymore.

While the two were chatting, a man and a woman walked into the door. Zhou Susu's expression became a little ugly when he saw it.

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