Ye Chen also saw Zhou Susu's face change, but he didn't ask her anything.

The man led the woman in their direction.

Ye Chen looked at the pair of men and women. The man was wearing a dark blue suit by Gucci, his hair was shiny and he was obviously smearing a lot of things, and the leather shoes on his feet were also shiny.

The woman wears a purple evening dress with jewelry on her neck, ears, wrists, and fingers. She looks like a nouveau riche with jewels.

The man looked at Zhou Susu with a joking expression on his face: "Susu, you said that after you left me, how did this taste become so bad? He actually got mixed up with a courier."

"Zhang Kai, keep your mouth clean and stop talking nonsense here." Zhou Susu said with anger on his face.

"Susu, as your ex-boyfriend, I really feel distressed to see your self-defeating appearance now." Zhang Kai said falsely.

The woman in the purple skirt covered her mouth with her hand, and said amusedly: "Akai, this is the ex-girlfriend you told me. This taste is really bad, no wonder you don't want her."

Seeing Zhou Susu's dress, the woman in the purple skirt became jealous. She felt like an ugly duckling in front of Zhou Susu, and Zhou Susu was the white swan.

Hearing her boyfriend mocking Zhou Susu in this way, of course she had to make up for it and exhaled.

"Xiaoxue, how can she compare with you?" Zhang Kai looked at the woman in the purple skirt with affection.

Ye Chen was eating steak beside him. He didn't want to pay attention to the man and woman, but he heard the two of them beeping there endlessly, which seriously affected his appetite.

He put down the fork in his hand, looked at the men and women in front of him, and said, "The hygiene of this restaurant is really bad. No one cares about the two flies that come in."

Zhou Susu covered her mouth and smiled.

Zhang Kai's expression on the side became a little ugly, of course he knew what Ye Chen meant.

"Boy, you are a takeaway, what right do you have to call me?" Zhang Kai pointed at Ye Chen and said angrily.

"You're right, I'm the one who delivers food, but I earn money by labor, unlike some people who eat soft meals." Ye Chen said without mercy.

Just through the life resume system, Ye Chen knew that the man named Zhang Kai treated the purple skirt woman nicely because that woman had money at home and Zhang Kai was relying on her.

After Ye Chen said this, Zhang Kai's face became even more ugly. What he was most afraid of was that others said that he was eating soft rice, but Ye Chen stabbed him in the pain.

The woman in the purple skirt looked at Ye Chen and said mockingly: "Look at your dress, and I am embarrassed to eat here, if I'm not embarrassed to come in."

Originally, Ye Chen didn't want to pay attention to this woman, but when a woman said that, how could he not return her mouth.

"Hey, your dress is pretty good, and it looks like a nouveau riche." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"All people wear clothes, but what clothes you look like can't make up for it." Ye Chen didn't carry a dirty word from beginning to end, but he was ironic and speechless.

What girls pay most attention to is their appearance. Ye Chen's words clearly mean that women in purple skirts are ugly.

The words behind Ye Chen were like a burst of thunder.

"Miss, I kindly remind you of two things. The first is that Susu kicked the man next to you instead of what he said. Second, the man next to you doesn’t really love you. What he likes is Your money."

Just now Zhang Kai looked at Zhou Susu's obsessive eyes, and the woman in the purple skirt saw it clearly.

She used to believe what Zhang Kai said, but after seeing Zhou Susu today, she knew the truth.

I also know that based on her looks, it is impossible for Zhang Kai to follow her, it is entirely because of money.

After Ye Chen said so, Zhang Kai became a little guilty, and indeed he wanted to kick Xiaoxue away as long as he got the property of Xiaoxue's family.

"Boy, I warn you not to provoke the feelings between me and Xiaoxue here, we are true love, right Xiaoxue." When Zhang Kai spoke, he did not forget to glance at the woman in the purple skirt.

The woman in the purple skirt did not pay attention to him, but walked towards the door of the restaurant. She felt really embarrassed.

Zhang Kai saw that the woman in the purple skirt was gone, and hurriedly chased after him. When he left, he dropped a sentence: "Boy, wait for me."

"No problem." Ye Chen said lightly.

After the couple left, Ye Chen and Zhou Susu continued to dine, and they chatted as they ate.

The phone rang, Zhou Susu thought something was going on in the team, and then he looked at Ye Chen's cell phone.

After answering the phone, there was a nice girl's voice: "Brother Ye Chen, tomorrow you will accompany me to a place tomorrow."

"No time, I have to deliver the courier tomorrow." Ye Chen rebuffed.

"Please, Sun Ze will also go tomorrow. If I go alone, it will definitely be dangerous." Xiao Ya pleaded bitterly.

Ye Chen was really helpless and had no choice but to agree.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Susu smiled and looked at Ye Chen and said, "What number is this, I'm not too old to hear it."

"This is a high school student." Ye Chen said honestly.

Xiao Ya said with a smirk: "Oh, the old cow eats tender grass."

Ye Chenbai glanced at Xiao Ya, and said with no anger, "I am a moral person, so I don't have this kind of thought."

Xiao Ya didn't speak, but in her heart she also thought that Ye Chen would not mess with a high school three.

After eating, the two people walked out of the restaurant and did not go home directly but came to a nearby park.

The two walked side by side in the park. Ye Chen seemed to think of something and said, "I'll help you catch the criminal. You don't want to kill me with a meal."

"Then what do you want?" Zhou Susu asked tentatively.

Before Ye Chen could speak, she suddenly turned sideways, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Ye Chen on the cheek.

Feeling the moistness on his face, Ye Chen's heart swayed.

"Take it as a reward for helping me catch the criminal," Zhou Susu said shyly.

"I like this reward."

"Well, it's getting late, let's go." Zhou Susu said.

Originally thought there was a follow-up, but when Zhou Susu said this, Ye Chen felt a little disappointed.

The two walked to Ye Chen's Lycan car and sat in the car. Ye Chen asked, "Come to my house and sit down."

"No, I have to go to work tomorrow." Zhou Susu refused.

Ye Chen thought that this little Nizi was really bad, so he drew the fire in his heart and ignored it.

But Ye Chen didn't force it, he liked women willingly.

After Ye Chen sent Zhou Susu to the door of his house, he turned around and drove towards Washington.

After returning home, he saw Lin Wanrou and rushed towards her. The two lingered for a while, and Ye Chen felt that the evil fire in his heart had disappeared.

I took a shower and lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

The next day, instead of driving, Ye Chen took a taxi to the place agreed with Xiao Ya.

Xiao Ya sat in the Ferrari supercar and greeted Ye Chen to get in the car when she saw Ye Chen.

Ye Chen pulled the car door and sat in the co-pilot, looked at Xiao Ya and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

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