Manager Zhang looked at the young man in front of him, and said respectfully: "Mr. Ye, you are here, and you are welcome, and I hope you forgive me."

Upon hearing this, the bald men and women looked shocked, Manager Liu panicked, and the middle-aged man looked confused.

Being called by Manager Zhang like this, everyone knows that this young man's identity is unusual.

"Manager Zhang, has our hotel always adhered to the customer's priority? When will it be changed?" Ye Chen said coldly.

Hearing this, Manager Zhang was confused and had just attended the work report meeting of the head office, so he didn't know anything about what happened in the hotel.

But Ye Chen asked, he couldn't say nothing.

"Mr. Ye, the hotel has always adhered to the principle of customer first, and it has never changed."

"I don't think so, you are so bold to divide the guests into three or six or nine grades." Ye Chen said with a gloomy expression.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him again, and Manager Zhang seemed to understand something.

Manager Zhang looked at Manager Liu, whose face was pale and shivering with fright, and asked: "Manager Liu, you tell me what the **** is going on?"

"Manager Zhang, I was wrong. I was afraid of offending Boss Zhang so I wanted to drive this middle-aged man out of the hotel." Manager Liu said what was in his mind.

Manager Zhang said angrily: "All the guests who come to the hotel are guests. How can you favor one over the other?"

"Sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me." Manager Liu pleaded like a kid who made mistakes.

"You ask Mr. Ye for forgiveness, he is the owner of the hotel" Manager Zhang showed a helpless expression on his face.

As soon as Manager Zhang's words came out, there was silence around him, and the air was a little condensed.

Everyone called Ye Chen through Manager Zhang, and they all thought Ye Chen had some identity, but they didn't expect to be the owner of this hotel.

No one would have thought that a hotel owner would actually deliver the courier.

"Boss, I was wrong, please forgive me." Manager Liu pleaded bitterly.

"My hotel is too small to accommodate you, you have been fired." Ye Chen said mercilessly.

What he hates most is this kind of people who look down upon others. Putting such people on the management of the hotel will definitely be detrimental to the development of the hotel.

Hearing Ye Chen's answer, Manager Liu fell to the ground. He didn't expect that his future was ruined because of his snobbery.

"Manager Zhang, can you ask the Personnel Department to send Manager Liu's related matters as well as this month's salary." Ye Chen said lightly.

"Okay, don't worry, I will do it right away." Manager Zhang respectfully said.

Ye Chen looked at the bald man and said, "You will not be our hotel's super VIP anymore. Our hotel does not welcome you."

"Boy, you know that I spend millions from your hotel every year." The bald man yelled.

"I really didn't see your money." Ye Chen said coldly.

The bald man thought that Ye Chen would beg for himself, but he didn't expect that Ye Chen would never see these millions in his eyes.

Ye Chen didn't want to talk nonsense with the bald man, and said coldly: "Please go out."

"I'm not leaving, what can you do to me?" The bald man looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

Ye Chen looked at the security guards, and the security guards understood: "Sir, please, don't let us do it."

After all, a bald man is a person with a face and a face. If he is blasted out of the hotel and spread out in the business district, he will have no face.

He had to take the woman away in embarrassment.

After solving these problems, Ye Chen looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Uncle, you can rest assured to eat here. Today is your daughter's birthday. I will give you the best private room in the hotel."

The middle-aged man took out a wrinkled wad of money from his pocket, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Mr. Ye, I took this money with me, it is not enough to pay for the box."

"Uncle, don't worry, all your consumption in the hotel today will be free of charge. It is a birthday gift for your daughter. I hope she will have a good memory." Ye Chen smiled and comforted.

As he said, he looked at the girl and said, "Little sister, I wish you a happy birthday, and I hope you have fun in the hotel today."

"Thank you brother." The girl said happily.

Ye Chen said to Manager Zhang, “No matter what they order today, it’s free. Let them use our Emperor Pavilion.”

Manager Zhang nodded and said, "Mr. Ye, don't worry, we will follow your instructions."

Ye Chen called another waitress and said, "Go and do something for me."

Then he whispered a few words to the waitress.

"Okay, boss." The waitress said with a smile.

He knows that every girl has another princess dream, and today he is going to help girls realize this dream.

Just as Ye Chen was about to leave, the girl suddenly stopped him: "Brother, can you accompany me on my birthday?"

Seeing the pleading look in the girl's eyes, Ye Chen couldn't bear to refuse: "Okay, no problem."

Ye Chen took the middle-aged man and girl to the Imperial Pavilion.

Entering inside, it was like entering the palace. Both of them were shocked by the decoration of the box. If they hadn't known Ye Chen, they would not have been able to enter such a high-end box in their entire lives.

Knowing that this Imperial Pavilion cannot be booked with money, the girl has a surprised expression on her face: "Dad, tomorrow I will tell my classmates that I am dining in the most upscale box of the Marriott Hotel today, and they will always laugh at me."

"Ya, it's all bad for dad. If dad has the ability to have a decent job, you won't always be laughed at by classmates." The middle-aged man blamed himself.

The girl walked to her father's side and said, "No, you are the greatest father in the world, and you are pulling me up with all your hard work."

Seeing the sad conversation between the father and daughter, Ye Chen changed the subject and said, "Yaya, it's your birthday today. You should think of something happy."

"Yeah, happy birthday Yaya, this is a gift from my father." The middle-aged man handed the express parcel to the girl.

When the girl opened it, she saw a hairpin, but her face showed a happy expression.

He knew that his father had saved money to buy it for her, and he held the hairpin in his arms if he had won the treasure.

At this time the waitress walked in, carrying a cake and a shopping bag in her hand.

She put the cake on the table, and then greeted the girl to come over: "Little sister, this is a gift from our boss."

The girl didn't know what was going on, she looked at Ye Chen with a puzzled expression on her face.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "This is a surprise my brother gave you, hurry up and have a look."

The girl walked over obediently, seeing the contents in the bag with an excited expression on her face.

This is something she has thought about thousands of times, er, and she didn't expect that her dream will come true today.

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