The girl opened the shopping bag and saw the princess dress inside, with an ecstatic expression on her face.

She took out the skirt. It was a white lace princess dress with crystal flowers inlaid on it, which was very valuable at first glance.

"Do you like it? Go ahead and try it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you brother, I like it so much." The girl looked excited.

The waitress took the girl away. When she came back, she saw the girl in a princess dress. The middle-aged man couldn't believe that he was his daughter.

The girl wears a crown on her head, a princess dress on her body, and a pair of crystal shoes on her feet, looking like a rich lady.

"Yaya, you are really too beautiful today." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

The girl wore a princess dress and turned around a few times. She felt a little unreal, as if she was in a dream.

After blowing the candles and cutting the cake, Ye Chen left.

"Thank you brother, today is the happiest day of my life." The girl's face was filled with happiness.

"I wish you a good time. If you are satisfied with the express delivery I sent, please give me a five-star praise."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, the father and daughter showed blank expressions on their faces. Ye Chen is already so rich, so he even went to deliver express delivery, and he was still concerned about other people's five-star praise.

After speaking, Ye Chen turned and left. When he came to the lobby, he told Manager Zhang and asked him to wait until the father and daughter had finished their meals before sending them home.

Ye Chen felt that since it was good deeds, good deeds should be done to the end.

"Mr. Ye, you can rest assured that we will arrange it properly." Manager Zhang sent Ye Chengong to the door.

Manager Zhang expressed the doubts in his mind: "By the way, Mr. Ye, why did you deliver the courier again?"

Ordinary people think that a wealthy person like Ye Chen shouldn't be a beauty in a car, how could he suffer this kind of hardship in the wind and rain to deliver the courier?

"I'm experiencing life, and it's very interesting that I can see all kinds of people when delivering express delivery." Ye Chen said with a smile.

After arranging everything, Ye Chen rode away on an electric roller bike.

Manager Zhang looked at Ye Chen's back and made a decision in his heart that he should work harder.

Ye Chen is already so rich, he is still working hard without being satisfied, and he is just a small manager, so why not work hard?

After riding for a while, a system prompt sounded in Ye Chen's mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving five-star praise and rewarding one hundred sets of demolished houses in the old city. The keys and the house book are in the Cullinan car. 】

Good deed, the system is really too proud, and it has rewarded Ye Chen with so many properties.

Ye Chen became more motivated for the job of delivering express delivery.

He decided to look at the property rewarded by the system early tomorrow morning. After all, it is the old city and it must be planned and remodeled.

Ye Chen came to the gate of a community, said to the guard, and rode in.

Because the address on the courier was more detailed, Ye Chen didn't call but went upstairs directly.

Dangdang knocked on the door a few times, and the door opened. A girl in rabbit pajamas opened the door. Ye Chen handed the courier to the girl and said, "Your courier, please sign for it."

The girl did not pick up the courier but directly pulled Ye Chen closer to the house, and said with a smile: "Little brother, you are so handsome, do me a favor."

Ye Chen had already reduced his appearance to a lot, but his handsome appearance still couldn't be hidden.

"Miss, we are not familiar at all, what do you mean."

Ye Chen's behavior was really shocked by the girl's behavior just now, wondering if the girls are so open now?

"Little brother, will you help others?" the girl said coquettishly.

Ye Chen was most afraid of the girl acting like a baby, so he had to bite the bullet and agreed.

Seeing Ye Chen's promise, the girl was very happy, and said with a smile: "I'm live streaming now, you will be with me in a while."

Ye Chen had heard that the courier's little brother was taken to repair water pipes and run errands to buy things, but he had never heard of helping live.

He didn't want to attract attention, he just wanted to deliver the courier quietly.

After hearing the girl's words, Ye Chen frowned slightly.

Seeing the expression on Ye Chen's face, the girl smirked and said: "Brother, if you don't live with me, I will give you a bad review and let the company deduct your money."

Ye Chen wasn't afraid of deducting money. He was mainly afraid that bad reviews would affect system rewards, so he had to agree.

He looked around and found that this house is not big, but the live broadcast equipment inside is all available. It seems that the girl is a real book.

The girl pulled Ye Chen to the phone and said apologetically: "Sorry for keeping everyone waiting, I just caught you guys."

"Mengmeng, this little brother is so handsome, you can't be alone."

"Loved, he is the male **** in my heart."

"I suddenly felt like first love."

The screen has been swiped on the phone, all of them are like Ye Chen's messages.

"Mengmeng, this little brother is so handsome in express clothes. If he wears ancient clothes, he must be a handsome prince."

"Hehe, I just have this idea, let my little brother change clothes in a while, so that your eyes will shine." Mengmeng smiled and looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen felt helpless, the children nowadays were thinking about everything, all of them seemed like idiots.

Mengmeng smiled and said: "My dear fans, wait a moment, the excitement will continue later."

Speaking, he pulled Ye Chen into the fitting room and motioned Ye Chen to change clothes.

"Mengmeng, you are not allowed to peek at my male god."

"Mengmeng, you are not allowed to peek at my first love."

The phone swiped the screen again, Mengmeng did not wait for Ye Chen but continued to interact with the fans.

Ye Chen looked at the various clothes hanging in the fitting room, wondering if he must go crazy with this girl called Mengmeng?

But the girl just said that if she doesn't cooperate, she will give a bad review.

He had no choice but to take off his express uniform and put on an ancient costume.

Ye Chen, who wore an ancient costume, really stunned Mengmeng. Before he could walk to the phone screen, Mengmeng pushed him back.

Then he said to him: "Brother, can I trouble you to put on this headgear as well."

Speaking of handing the headgear in his hand to Ye Chen's hand, Ye Chen hesitated looking at the headgear, but he still put it on his head obediently.

Seeing Mengmeng leaving, fans were unhappy.

"Smelly Mengmeng, are you the male **** peeping at me?"

"Brother, where are you, come back quickly."

"You are mine. Don't let other girls look at you, little handsome guy I love you."

The fans said with dissatisfaction, for fear that the first love in the heart of the male **** would be taken advantage of by Mengmeng.

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