Ye Chen rode to the one hundred demolition houses presented by the system.

These demolished houses are in the old city, and the location is very biased.

But just now, an announcement was made on TV that this old town is going to be demolished.

Suddenly the whole demon was a sensation.

You know, the house price here is only more than 10,000 yuan per square meter, but according to the city's compensation for demolition and relocation, the price per square meter is now 50,000 yuan.

Ye Chen has a total of 100 demolished houses, which is an income of several hundred million, which is simply too cool.

When it comes to the demolition house, there are not many people living here, and it seems very desolate.

But it won’t be long before tall buildings will be built here.

But at this moment, Ye Chen saw a familiar figure.

It turned out to be Zhou Susu.

What left Ye Chen speechless was that Zhou Susu was still wearing very revealing clothes.

What is this girl doing in this kind of clothes so late?

Could it be said that she has this habit?

Ye Chen followed Zhou Susu, but he soon understood that Zhou Susu seemed to be handling the case.

She walked very slowly and seemed to be watching her surroundings.

Ye Chen did not appear, but quietly followed Zhou Susu.

Zhou Susu was very nervous at the moment.

There have been several homicides in this area recently.

The murderer's criminal methods were very cruel, and the murderers were all women who went off the night shift at night.

In order to catch this criminal, Zhou Susu had to use himself as a bait.

There is no moonlight today, and the night is very dark.

Although his teammates were supporting Zhou Susu not far away, Zhou Susu was still a little nervous.

After all, girls have a natural fear of walking on this night road, not to mention Zhou Susu knows that the criminal is likely to appear suddenly.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and walked forward step by step.

Suddenly, he felt a slight movement in the dark place.


Zhou Susu was nervous and excited.

She deliberately increased her speed, and the sound of footsteps in the back was obviously faster.

Suddenly, a big hand stretched out from behind, Zhou Susu suddenly grabbed the opponent's hand and one was thrown.

The man was thrown off by Zhou Susu.


The opponent fell heavily to the ground.

Obviously, the other party didn't expect that this slim and slim beauty in front of her would have such a terrifying combat effectiveness, and her face suddenly changed.

He stood up, turned and ran.

How could Zhou Susu let him run, chase him quickly, and then kicked him on the back of the opponent.

The criminal staggered forward and fell down again.

When he got up this time, the criminal seemed to become angry, so he took out a dagger and stabbed at Zhou Susu.

After the fight just now, Zhou Susu already knew the opponent's combat power.

She was more than enough to catch each other by herself, so she didn't call for rescue.

Seeing the dagger stabbing, Zhou Susu was sideways and avoided the dagger.

Suddenly, Zhou Susu seemed to smell a strange smell.

Then, she suddenly felt weak in her limbs.

Zhou Susu stepped back and snuggled against the wall.

"How can it be?"

The man chuckled, "Haha, it turned out to be a little policewoman, do you want to catch me? If you are lucky today, you can catch a little policewoman for fun."

Zhou Susu's face changed wildly, and she wanted to take out her mobile phone and call for reinforcements.

But the man snatched her phone first, and then grabbed her.

Zhou Susu wanted to resist, but he didn't have any strength at all.

Is that the end?

Zhou Susu gritted his teeth and felt very unwilling.

A figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

It's really sad, I haven't really talked about a relationship.

I haven't even confessed to the one I love yet.

Zhou Susu knew that life would be worse than death in the hands of this bastard.

But now she was so weak that she wanted to die without a chance.

Suddenly she saw the dagger in the criminal's hand.

"Ye Chen, I'm sorry, I will be your woman again in the next life."

With a cross in his heart, Zhou Susu rushed towards the dagger.

However, when she was a few inches away from the dagger, the man suddenly grabbed her hair.

"It's not that easy to want to die."

Tears shed tears in Zhou Susu's eyes.

Is there really no chance of death?

But at this moment, suddenly a figure appeared behind the criminal.

"My woman, you dare to move and die."

The voice fell, and the opponent grabbed the man in black by the collar. The next second the criminal was thrown out like a sandbag.

"Ye Chen?"

Seeing the figure appeared, Zhou Susu was stunned.

She never dreamed that Ye Chen would appear here.

Ye Chen walked to Zhou Susu: "Silly girl, do you think you are Superman? How dangerous is it to catch criminals alone?"

At this time, the criminal stood up and wanted to run, Ye Chen knelt down and picked up a stone.


The stone shot from Ye Chen's hand and directly pierced the criminal's right leg.

Plop, the criminal fell to the ground.

His calf was pierced directly, and he screamed on the ground in pain.

At this time, the police sirens not far away blasted off.

Seven or eight police officers rushed over and handcuffed the criminals.

The police stared at Zhou Susu who was held by Ye Chen and was stunned.

These policemen knew Ye Chen, and they didn't expect Ye Chen to be here.

Ye Chen said: "Susu has been drugged, go to the hospital and give her an antidote."

In the hospital, Zhou Susu was infused with fluids and looked at Ye Chen gratefully: "Ye Chen, thank you for saving me again. Am I stupid and always saved by you?"

Ye Chen smiled: "You are not stupid, how can you give me a chance to save the United States by a hero."

Zhou Susu's pretty face blushed after hearing this: "You fellow."

Suddenly, the room was a little quiet, Zhou Susu stared at Ye Chen closely.

Ye Chen was a little embarrassed: "Why are you looking at me like this."

Zhou Susu suddenly said, "Ye Chen, I like you."

Ye Chen: "..."

He didn't expect Zhou Susu to confess to himself suddenly, but how should he pick it up.

Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen's expression and smiled miserably: "I know you already have a girlfriend, but I just like you. I didn't dare to say it before. Until just now I regretted it. Now I say it, even if I die. Up."

Ye Chen patted Zhou Susu's head fiercely: "What do you think of this stinky girl? Don't talk nonsense in the future, and I will protect you from letting anyone hurt you."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Zhou Susu's pretty face also blushed slightly.

"Ye Chen..."

Ye Chen smiled: "You are my woman, I won't let anyone hurt you again."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhou Susu's pretty face blushed slightly.

Zhou Susu was originally caught in a drug, but after the infusion, the medicine was relieved and nothing happened.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Don't be aggressive next time, you know?"

Zhou Susu blushed, like a little girl doing something wrong: "Yes, I see."

Ye Chen drove Zhou Susu home. Zhou Susu blushed when he got out of the car and gave Ye Chen a sudden kiss.

Looking at Zhou Susu's back, Ye Chen shook his head. Hey, handsome men are also a very troublesome thing.

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