Yuting looked at the old man and motioned to her to speak nice things in front of Ye Chen and help.

Of course the old man knew what the daughter meant, but how could she be embarrassed to speak up.

Ye Chen has done so many things, her daughter not only is not grateful, but also sue them.

Now it's good to shoot yourself in the foot.

Seeing her mother not speaking, Yu Ting became a little anxious, but she was too embarrassed to say more.

After all, it was his fault first, and he was so arrogant and domineering in front of the chairman of the group. This is no one to blame.

"Xiaochen, go ahead and don't delay work." Grandma Zhang said kindly.

Originally, Ye Chen thought Grandma Zhang would intercede for his daughter, but he had already thought out what to say to refuse.

But the old man still thinks about him, which makes Ye Chen feel warm in his heart.

The gap between people is really too big, and the difference is also sad for this kind old man, who actually gave birth to such an arrogant and domineering daughter.

"Okay Grandma Zhang, take a good rest, I will come back to see you tomorrow." Ye Chen said as he walked out of the ward, no one stopped him this time.

Ye Chen left with his front foot, and followed Sun Peng and said to the woman: "Yu Ting, my company will leave first if there is something to do."

Of course, Yu Ting knew what Sun Peng meant. He was afraid of getting involved with him and being hit by Ye Chen.

Seeing that Yuting didn't speak, Sun Peng shook his head and walked out of the ward.

Three steps and two steps to catch up with Ye Chen, panting and said: "Mr. Ye, please stay."

Ye Chen thought that these people are really snobs, and since he knew his identity, even the title has changed.

"Something?" Ye Chen stopped and asked, but he didn't look back at Sun Peng.

For this kind of person, he was too lazy to pay attention.

Sun Peng hurried to Ye Chen and said, "Mr. Ye, how offended you just now, please forgive me."

"Oh, I see." Ye Chen said lightly.

After speaking, without waiting for Sun Peng to say anything, he walked forward.

This time Sun Peng was very acquainted and gave way to the road ahead.

In fact, even if Sun Peng didn't come to admit his mistake, Ye Chen wouldn't care about him.

One of his dignified chairman, with a net worth of hundreds of millions, did not take these people in his eyes at all.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't say anything, Sun Peng let out a sigh of relief.

He decided to keep a distance from Yu Ting, not to ruin his future because of a woman.

Besides, she looks better than Yu Ting, and some women with good figures are, as long as he has money, can he not find it?

Thinking about this, Sun Peng felt much better.

When only Yu Ting and Grandma Zhang were left in the ward, Yu Ting said with a reproach: "Mom, why don't you intercede for me in front of Chairman Ye."

"Yu Ting, Yu Ting, you are so embarrassed to talk to Xiaochen, this is the punishment you deserve." Grandma Zhang said angrily.

"Look at how he doesn't look like a chairman in his outfit, and he delivers express delivery. Can you blame me?" Yu Ting retorted.

A look of helplessness appeared on Grandma Zhang’s face: "Daughter, you haven’t realized your mistakes until now. You are in a high position, and you always look at him with a colorful eye. You will fawn on people who are higher than you. You can step on people who are in a lower position than you. Isn't it possible for us to be like this?"

After hearing her mother's words, Yu Ting was speechless.

What the mother said is the truth, she is such a person.

There was silence in the ward, and neither mother nor daughter spoke anymore.

After Ye Chen left the hospital, he continued to drive Cullinan to deliver the express.

Sun Peng saw Ye Chen sit on Cullinan and walked away.

He thought in his heart that the wealthy people now are really good at playing, driving a luxury car to deliver couriers.

There happened to be a courier near the chubby ice drink shop, but this section of the road was in a state of congestion, Ye Chen had to park the car aside and hold the courier.

After delivering the express delivery, seeing a lot of people around the entrance of the ice drink shop, Ye Chen thought to himself that there are really too few shops with good business.

He walked over, but when he heard the quarrel, he couldn't help frowning.

"You are evil, your things are unsanitary." A woman raised her voice.

Hearing the woman's voice, everyone passing by stopped trying to find out.

Many of them like to come to this ice drink shop before. The owner is enthusiastic and attentive, giving people a comfortable feeling.

"This elder sister, you can't talk nonsense and ruin people's business." An old man persuaded.

The woman in front of me is dressed in **** clothes with heavy make-up, no way to look like a good person.

On the contrary, it is the girl's dress, which makes people feel pure and cute. When these two people stand together, everyone can see who is the good and the bad.

The woman with heavy makeup hurriedly retorted: "Why am I talking nonsense? I have evidence. My son ate this ice drink and was admitted to the hospital."

Then she took out the hospital’s diagnosis certificate, which said "food poisoning"

After everyone saw it, the expressions on their faces were shocked and then angry.

Some people even said: "Even children are harmed, this shop is really a black shop."

After the girl saw the diagnosis certificate, she was also taken aback and was speechless for a while.

She firmly believes that there is nothing wrong with her raw materials and food hygiene is also pass, but how can food poisoning occur?

Seeing the girl's expression, everyone guessed that she was speechless and blamed her.

"Looking at this little girl is pretty good on the surface, but her heart is so bad."

"I won't buy it at her house again, the province was poisoned to death."

Hearing the words of the crowd, the girl's eyes were red, and she felt very wronged.

She asked herself that she had never done anything ignorant of her conscience, but now she couldn't argue.

Seeing everyone's accusations against the girl, a sneer appeared on the face of the woman with heavy makeup, what she wanted was such an effect.

Those people who eat melons criticize the girl.

Now that the girl was said by everyone, she was speechless.

This clearly shows that the girl is at a loss, just as the woman with heavy makeup said.

Everyone will sympathize with the woman, thinking that her son ate the iced drink from this house, and food poisoning, she is now a victim in everyone's eyes.

Just when everyone pointed to the girl, and the woman with heavy makeup was proud of her heart, a discordant voice suddenly sounded: "Your child is poisoned by food, it doesn't necessarily mean drinking this milk tea, right."

Everyone looked for their reputation, only to see a man in a courier uniform looking at the woman with a cold expression, without a trace of sympathy in his tone, and said unceremoniously.

The woman with heavy makeup had already gained the sympathy of everyone, knowing that the purpose was about to be achieved, she didn't expect such a troublemaker to pop out.

She looked at Ye Chen fiercely, her fists clenched tightly.

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