The woman with heavy makeup is of course unhappy when she sees that someone is making trouble.

She clenched her fists, looked at Ye Chen in the express clothing, and said viciously: "Boy, there is nothing you do here, so be less nosy here."

At this moment, the girl with a nervous expression on the side saw Ye Chen and said, "Brother, why are you here?"

Originally, someone just heard what Ye Chen said, but still felt that there was some truth, and wanted to question women with heavy makeup.

After hearing what the courier brother said, the woman with heavy makeup felt a little guilty. She was afraid that these people who watched the bustle would have this idea.

I was thinking of countermeasures, but after hearing the girl's address to the courier brother, the woman's hanging heart was let go.

The crowd onlookers are not fools, it is not clear that the two know each other, did the courier brother come forward to help the girl?

"Oh, I knew each other, no wonder they said that." The woman with heavy makeup looked at Ye Chen and said.

Then she continued: "Boy, what you said can't help her at all. I advise you not to make trouble here."

Seeing that the courier brother and the girl met, everyone talked again.

"It's really amazing, it seems there are helpers."

"Obviously, there is a mistake first, and I am looking for someone to confuse and mislead everyone."

"Yeah, I have done such an immoral thing, and I still have the face to explain."

Hearing everyone's comments, the girl's face became a little ugly: "Brother, don't worry about me, hurry up and go."

Ye Chen did not speak, but walked through the crowd to the girl's side.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't mean to leave, the girl showed an anxious expression on her face. She was afraid of causing trouble to Ye Chen because of her own affairs.

"Little brother, I have never done anything ignorant of my conscience, so I am not afraid at all. I believe in justice and comfort." The girl said with a firm expression.

"I think some people are thief shouting to catch the thief, and they have to rely on others for their own problems. This is the most shameful." Ye Chen stared at the woman with heavy makeup and said coldly.

The reason why Ye Chen stayed to help the girl was because he learned through the life resume system that the woman with heavy makeup used to frame other shops in other cities because of the poor business of her shop.

The most important thing is that women with heavy makeup also opened an ice drink shop called "Pang Guoguo" across the street.

Now she wants to use the same trick to frame others.

"This eldest sister, you also opened an ice drink shop, because you see that this shop is better than yours, so you use this kind of indiscriminate means to frame people, right?" Ye Chen looked at the woman with heavy makeup. Asked.

"Ah? Brother, is what you said is true, I'm traveling with her?" The girl said with a shocked face covering her mouth.

"Yes, your two shops are separated by a street."

Hearing the conversation between the courier brother and the girl, the people who eat melon felt that something was wrong. In fact, from beginning to end, some of them felt that girls would not do this kind of thing, but the women with heavy makeup disturbed them when they talked about things with their children. Judgment.

"They all say that their colleagues are enemies, so it works."

"But this method is really shameful. If the business is not good, I will frame others."

"There is no morality, it is really too moral."

The woman with heavy makeup saw that the situation had changed, and now the masses seemed to understand the truth under the guidance of Ye Chen.

But how can this courier know this?

The woman with heavy makeup didn't care about it, her eyes were red and choked with sobs: "Pity my son, he was poisoned after drinking the drinks and food from this house, rolling all over the floor with a stomachache, and lying on the hospital bed all the time."

"I am a mother, and I have the heart to look at the child so painful and want to die. It's you, the evil spirit." The woman with heavy makeup cried even harder and wanted to step forward and grab the girl.

But Ye Chen stood in front of her, preventing her from succeeding.

"Boy, you can stay away from me, there is nothing wrong with you," the woman with heavy makeup said viciously.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't mean to leave, she continued: "Don't be nosy here and leave as soon as you don't want to die."

When the voice fell, a man rushed over with an axe.

Seeing this, Ye Chen hurriedly pulled the girl aside.

The man smashed the glass of the shop with an axe, only hearing the sound of clattering, the glass shattered and glass **** scattered on the ground.

The girl felt distressed when she saw that the shop was smashed.

The woman with heavy makeup looked at the man and said, "Husband, why are you here? Didn't I say not to let you come? How is our son?"

"Still in a coma in the hospital, I was out of anger, so I came. How can I just watch when you see so many people bullying you alone."

"Husband, I really feel sorry for our son. He has to suffer such a crime at such a young age."

The crowd onlookers had just been a little angry with men, but they couldn't help but sympathize when they heard the conversation between the husband and wife.

You have to know that what a man does is illegal. If it's not really angry, who would make a joke of himself.

Ye Chen looked at the woman with heavy makeup and the flat-headed man as if watching a good show.

But the girl was pale and her palms were cold. She had never seen such a scene.

"Wonderful, really wonderful, you two are really too talented if you are not actors." Ye Chen said while applauding.

"Boy, you owe you a beating, right? You have no conscience at all. It's a nest of snakes and rats." The flat-headed man said with an axe.

"I think it's you who have no conscience. In order to frame other people, they even made fun of the life of their own son. I really admire it."

Ye Chen's words were like a blast of thunder.

The scene was silent at first, and then there was a sound of discussion.

"No, I sacrificed my own son in order to compete with others"

"Are these biological parents? Why are they so cruel."

"I don't think the expression of this courier brother is like nonsense."

Everyone looked at the couple and shook their heads constantly, pitying the child.

When the flat-headed man heard Ye Chen's words, he turned into anger: "You are unfounded nonsense, I can sue you for framing."

Afterwards, he took the axe and walked to Ye Chen and the girl, full of threats.

"Boy, believe it or not, I hacked you to death." The flat-headed man whispered.

"You were pierced face-to-face, and you just want to kill people, your true colors are finally revealed." Ye Chen said without showing weakness.

The flat-headed man is a **** in this area, how could he be afraid, just when he was going to raise his axe and chop towards Ye Chen.

Suddenly the sound of a police siren was heard in the distance, and the flat-headed man hurriedly put away the axe. His face became a little ugly, and he didn't even dream of who was calling.

Just seeing the action of the flat-headed man, the girl and some timid people closed their eyes for fear, and they felt that this courier boy was dead.

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