Song Ming sneered when he saw that Ye Chen was pointing to a Volkswagen, and it seemed that Ye Chen was not doing well.

Two people walked to the front of the Volkswagen, Song Ming said with a smile: "Hey, Ye Chen, you can also mix, you are driving the Volkswagen, I have the opportunity to take you in my BMW.

Ye Chen smiled faintly and took out the car key and pressed it lightly.

Suddenly the headlights of a cool Lycan car next to him turned on.

I rub.

Song Ming suddenly looked silly.

It turned out that the car they drove was Lycan.

Along the way, Song Mingju was embarrassed.

He drove a Mercedes-Benz and Ye Chen pretended to be forced, but was beaten in the face properly.

Ye Chen returned home and cooked Lin Wanrou a hearty breakfast.

Lin Wanrou was eating, and the little bird nestled in Ye Chen's arms.

"My son, if it weren't for an important meeting, I wouldn't be willing to leave."

Ye Chen smiled: "Then don't go, we don't miss the money."

Lin Wanrou shook her head: "How can it be done? I will be your good helper."

After eating, Ye Chen sent Lin Wanrou to leave.

Ye Chen received a call from his mother as soon as he came out of the airport.

"Ye Chen, I introduced a girlfriend to you."

"Mom, didn't I tell you, I have a girlfriend."

"Don't lie to me anymore. You are busy with work and you can't delay the major events of your life. I must see you today. This girl is very beautiful and I didn't tell her that you are rich. Don't worry, you must be satisfied."

Ye Chen was helpless after hearing this.

Now that my mother has made an appointment, let's meet.

Ye Chen came to the coffee shop according to the time.

There was a very beautiful beauty sitting opposite.

The beauty looked at Ye Chen with a proud face.

"Mr. Ye, do you have a house? Do you have a car?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, it was too straightforward.

"I have a house and a car."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the girl's eyes lit up: "What house or car is yours?"

Ye Chen said: "The house is in Puyang Community, and the car is a Geely."


Chen Ling's face suddenly changed slightly when she heard Ye Chen's words.

She frowned and said, "Oh, that's how it is."

At this time, Chen Ling's cell phone rang suddenly, and a man's voice came over the phone: "Xiaoling, I was wrong, let's make up, I'm at the door of the cafe."

Chen Ling's eyes lit up after hearing the voice on the phone.

"Mr. Ye is probably not suitable for us. My boyfriend should at least have a house in Tomson Yipin, and by the way, drive a Mercedes-Benz and BMW."

With that, Chen Ling pointed to a man who came not far away and said jokingly: "Yes, it's the man with the Mercedes-Benz at the door. He is my Prince Charming."

Ye Chen was speechless, Nima had a boyfriend and met him, playing with me.

Lao Tzu's time is precious, isn't it good to have this time to deliver express?

Ye Chen smiled and said, "You really don't want to be my girlfriend?"

Chen Ling snorted coldly: "You don't take a pee and look at yourself. My mother told you that you were handsome, so I saw you to kill time. How can a courier be worthy of my Chen Ling's boyfriend."

Ye Chen sighed, "But you will regret it."

"Regret, how is it possible?"

At this time, the man had already walked in with the rose.

"A Ling, it was my fault for me to find another woman before. I didn't know that you were the girl I wanted most until I left you. Please accept my apology.\'

Chen Ling twisted her waist and took the huadao: "Hani, I forgive you."

Said the two people left intimately.

Ye Chen shook his head: "This kind of scum girl, I wouldn't want it for nothing."

After checking the time, Ye Chen could also send a few express orders.

This express express happens to be the financial building.

He even delivered express delivery to his own building.

Ye Chen came to the Financial Building.

At the door, Ye Chen took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the user. At this time, a frivolous figure stood in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen frowned suddenly.

It turned out that Chen Ling and his boyfriend stood in front of him.

At this time, Chen Ling was very intimate with her boyfriend.

Chen Ling frowned when she saw Ye Chen.

She went straight to Ye Chen's body and yelled: "Ye Chen, I said that we are inappropriate, why are you still pestering me? How did you know that I work in the company?"

Ye Chen is speechless, is this woman so shameless?

I am here to harass you, who do you think you are?

As Chen Ling shouted, many people gathered around to watch the excitement.

Ye Chen was wearing a courier suit, plus what Chen Ling said just now, many people looked at Ye Chen with weird expressions on their faces.

At this time, the young man on the side said: "Ye Chen, right? I didn't expect your profession to be really noble. You turned out to be a courier. By the way, I am the vice president of Huarong Technology, in the financial building. At work, do you want to fight with me for a girlfriend? Do you think you are qualified?"

Zheng Long's face was joking, he really enjoyed the feeling of stepping on Ye Chen.

A courier can compare with him and compete with him for women.

Chen Ling next to him also said jokingly: "Aaron, let's ignore this poverty. A courier wants to chase me."

Chen Ling's face was full of mockery.

At this moment everyone also shook their heads.

This young man is too self-conscious. How could a courier go after the white-collar workers in their commercial building.

Disdain appeared in everyone's eyes.

In their opinion, this young man just took his own humiliation.

"Hey, if I choose white-collar workers too."

"That is, what is the status of the courier now."

Everyone talked a lot.

When Ye Chen saw this scene, his expression was cold.

"Chen Ling, you think too much. I'm just here to deliver express delivery. I am really not interested in you."

As he said, Ye Chen looked at Zheng Long: "Man, you have been over-indulgent recently, but you have to relax, play with women too much and be careful of kidney damage."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Zheng Long's whole body exploded, and this **** actually insulted himself openly.

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

At this time, the people around saw Zheng Long's expression becoming weird.

Ye Chen didn't say anything but afterwards, everyone didn't pay attention. After speaking, they realized that the young man had dark circles on his eyes and his face was sallow.

Zheng Long said to the security guard on the side: "Guardian, look for this face for me. I will not allow him to come in in the future. Now I will blast him out immediately."

At this moment, a figure suddenly came over and saw Ye Chen's face change slightly.

Originally, he saw a lot of people gathered and thought something was wrong, but when he came to see it, it turned out to be the boss.

And he also heard Zheng Long say to let the security guard drive Ye Chen out.

At this time, Zheng Long was still pretending to be forced. He directly took out two red tickets and gave them to two security guards.

"To beat this kid out, this is for your benefit." Zheng Long said coldly.

"I see who dares." The property manager shouted angrily.

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