The two security guards took the money and were about to do it, but they heard an explosion behind them.

Zheng Long turned around and saw the property manager Chen walking over in a panic.

He hurriedly said: "Manager Chen, this courier brother is making trouble here, so I asked the security guard to blast him out."

Manager Chen hurried to Ye Chen's body.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I'm late, I must give you an account of this matter."

Ye Chen nodded: "I didn't speak."

Manager Chen wiped his sweat and took out the phone directly: "Mr. Wu, come down."

After a while, a middle-aged man walked over quickly.

It is Wu Guang, the boss of Huarong Technology.

At this time, Zheng Long already felt something wrong.

What did the property manager call Ye Chen just now?

How is it possible, isn't this guy just a courier guy?

Wu Guang's expression changed slightly when he saw Ye Chen, "Ye Dong, hello."

Manager Chen said coldly: "Mr. Wu, your vice president is going to let the security blast our boss Ye out. How do you deal with this matter?"

"What?" Wu Guang's expression changed abruptly after hearing Manager Chen's words.

The people around are all looking silly.

what's going on?

Why does this person call the courier brother the boss, and Mr. Wu is so respectful to the courier brother?

Wu Guang stared at Zheng Long with a gloomy expression, then directly raised his hand.

"Pop!" A loud slap hit Zheng Long's face.

"You dare to be disrespectful to Dong Ye and look for death."

Wu Guang was really angry.

You know, he just told Mr. Chen that he asked his boss to reduce rent for his company.

At this time, it seems that the talk is almost complete. The idiot Zheng Long is here to drive the boss out. Isn't this putting eye drops on himself?

Zheng Long was slapped in the face immediately.

"Mr. Wu, what are you?"

Wu Guang said coldly: "Do you know who you offended? Mr. Ye, the owner of this financial building."

At this moment Wu Guang was going crazy.

This idiot actually offended the boss of the Financial Building. Not to mention rent reduction, it is a question of whether he can stay in the Financial Building.

Zheng Long stunned for a moment and said, "Mr. Wu, you are mistaken, this kid is obviously a courier delivery boy, how could he be the boss of the Financial Building."

"Zheng Long, are you really stupid? Isn't it possible for Boss Ye to experience life? Do you know what level of director Ye is? The financial mansion alone collects billions of rents. Why do you compare with others?"

Hearing Wu Guang's words, the scene was deadly silent, and everyone saw Ye Chen's eyes completely changed.

It turned out that this little brother Didi turned out to be a super boss.

Those expressions of disdain just disappeared completely, replaced by awe of Ye Chen.

Chen Ling was dumbfounded. She listened to Wu Guang dumbfounded, and couldn't help but cried out excitedly.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible."

Manager Chen said coldly: "Mr. Ye is indeed the boss of our Financial Building, but our boss Ye is very low-key and likes to experience the life of ordinary people."

Hearing what Manager Chen said, the scene was deadly silent, and everyone was stunned.

Chen Ling stood there stupidly.

All this turned out to be true.

It turned out that the target of her blind date turned out to be a super gangster, and the rich life she dreamed of was ruined by him.

At this time, Chen Ling's intestines were almost regretful.

Ye Chen turned out to be a super rich man, just now he turned out to be...

If she hadn't just looked down on others, she might have become the girlfriend of the boss.

The more Chen Ling thought about it, the more regretful she became.

"No, I must save it all."

A thought suddenly flashed through her mind.

As long as Ye Chen can be my boyfriend, then I will be the rich wife.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling said suddenly: "Ye Chen, I actually liked you just now, it was him who persecuted me, but I actually love you."

With that said, in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, Chen Ling actually knelt on the ground with a thump.

"Ye Chen, I am willing to be your girlfriend, no, I am also willing to sit on your little third."

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was speechless.

This woman is really okay.

The skin is thicker than the city wall.

For this kind of woman, Ye Chen had only one feeling in his heart, nausea.

Ye Chen didn't even look at Chen Ling, and went straight into the building.

"When I came out for a while, I didn't want to see these two eyesores in the mansion again."

Speaking, Ye Chen went straight into the building and continued to deliver his express.

After Ye Chen left, several security guards had surrounded Chen Ling and Zheng Long.

"Hehe, two, you have heard what our boss said just now. I hope you don't make us embarrassed and go out by yourself."

Zheng Long's face paled when he heard this.

Wu Guang said coldly: "Zheng Long, you have been fired from today."

Zheng Long's body trembled slightly.

It was hard for him to climb to the position of vice president. He didn't expect to be fired because of a woman.

There was endless regret in his heart.

If I knew today, why bother in the first place.

Chen Ling got up from the ground and caught up with Zheng Long.

"Aaron, wait for me..."


Zheng Long slapped Li Yingying directly.

"You bitch, how could I be expelled if it weren't for you, get away."

There was fire in Zheng Long's heart. Seeing that Li Yingying was even more angry, he slapped him directly.

In an instant, Li Yingying's face swelled up.

"You bastard, you're really my girlfriend. Are you worthy? Get out of my way."

With that, Zheng Long rushed to leave.

Li Yingying was left messy in the wind.

This time, the wealthy wife did not take it, and the love that was finally saved was gone.

Ye Chen walked into the elevator, Wu Guang quickly reached out and took the express in Ye Chen's hand.

"Mr. Ye, let me take the courier for you."

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, Wu Guang continued to please: "Mr. Ye, today's things are all misunderstandings. Zheng Long has been fired from me. Please be sure to be me.

Ye Chen said coldly: "By the way, Mr. Chen, you told me last time to lower the rent for Head Office Wu. I don't think they need to do anything. If they can't even pay this rent, they are not eligible to be here. This financial building exists."

Saying that Ye Chen left straight away.

Wu Guang looked bitter after hearing what Ye Chen said.

This Zheng Long **** caused him to lose several million all at once.

Ye Chen took a deep breath after delivering the courier.

The character delivering the express today is also considered complete.

At this time, my mother called: "Son, how about the person I introduced to you today?"

Ye Chen directly posted the video just now: "Mom, this is the girlfriend you introduced to me. I really have a girlfriend. Don't bother you."

In order to eliminate future troubles, Ye Chen posted Su Wanyi's photo.

After a while, my mother called back: "Oh, don't you lie to me, so beautiful is a movie star at all."

Ye Chen: "..."

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