Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 748: Take the initiative to deliver

After the two of them had breakfast, Ye Chen drove the girl to the store. After all, the store still had to open, and the family's life depended on the girl.

Ye Chen helped the girl clean up the shop, and then said to the girl: "Xiaoying, someone will come over to repair the glass for you in a while. This is my contact information. You can always find me if you have any issues in the future."

As he spoke, he handed a note with the phone on it to the girl.

Fan Ying took the note with excitement tears in her eyes. She can't remember how many times Ye Chen helped herself.

She only remembered that Ye Chen would come to her every time she encountered danger.

"Okay, Brother Ye Chen, don't worry, go to work quickly." Fan Ying said with a smile.

Yesterday, because of Fan Ying's affairs, the express delivery hadn't been delivered yet, so Ye Chen turned around and walked the streets with the express delivery.

Looking at the courier address in his hand, Ye Chen unknowingly walked to the old town.

This piece was rewarded by the system to Ye Chen, but he did not expect that there would be people staying in such a shabby place.

Ye Chen just walked to the old town, but behind him came a familiar voice: "Ye Chen, why are you here?"

Looking back, it turned out to be Zhou Susu.

I saw this girl dressed in casual clothes, and a few police officers in casual clothes were standing behind her, all with weapons on her waist.

"Susu, why are you here?" Ye Chen asked rhetorically instead of answering.

A discerning person can know what Ye Chen is doing here as soon as he sees Ye Chen's clothes. Does this still need to be asked?

"We are here to catch the bad guys." Zhou Susu replied.

"Captain, this is a secret operation, how can you tell outsiders." One of the police officers dissatisfied.

Zhou Susu ignored what he said, but said with a smile: "I would like to introduce to you, this is Mr. Ye Chen, the hero who helped our police station solve the case many times."

I used to listen to the captain in advance, but now I finally saw the real person, but seeing Ye Chen's dress, everyone was a little dubious, and some people even showed a touch of disdain in their eyes.

Ye Chen didn't bother to pay attention to everyone, looked at Zhou Susu and said, "If you don't arrest people, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Susu had an embarrassed expression on his face: "Brother, you have to pay attention to evidence when arresting people."

"Then you should look for evidence?" Ye Chen said.

After hearing what Ye Chen said, several other policemen showed contempt on their faces. They looked like a layman.

"The evidence is in his room, but we can't get in at all. This guy is very cunning and has very poisonous eyes." said one of the police officers.

At this time, Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen's dress and said, "Are you here to deliver the express?"

Ye Chen said, "Well", thinking that wearing express clothing is not delivering express delivery, is it delivering food delivery?

Zhou Susu glanced at the courier in Ye Chen's hand, and suddenly his eyes lit up, because the courier belonged to that guy.

"Ye Chen, great. This is that guy's express delivery. When you deliver the express delivery later, you must be more careful and try to lead him out," Zhou Susu asked.


After speaking, Ye Chen walked towards the rental house, and Dangdang knocked on the door a few times, but no one paid any attention.

Ye Chen stepped up his efforts and knocked a few more times, and a man's voice came from the room: "Who, be crazy, be careful to knock on my door."

Hearing the voice in the room, Ye Chen said: "I am a courier, here is one of your couriers, please sign for it."

However, no one answered in the room. Ye Chen waited for a long time and there was no sound in the room. Helplessly, Ye Chen had to leave the courier at the door.

After Ye Chen returned, Zhou Susu knew that the plan had failed.

There was helplessness on her face: "This guy is really too cunning to get the bait at all."

"Susu, I heard from that little brother just now that the evidence is in the room, right? As long as you enter the room, won't you find the evidence?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"But it's not easy to get into the house," Zhou Susu said with a frustrated expression.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I have a way."

"What can you do as a courier?" a male policeman asked rhetorically.

"The houses in this old town belong to me. As the head of the household, I always have no problem entering my own house." Ye Chen said lightly.

"It's all yours here. What's the joke? How much money do you earn by delivering express delivery a month? How can you own so many properties." The policeman just heard a funny joke and said, looking at Ye Chen.

Zhou Susu was also shocked when she heard it. She didn't believe what Ye Chen said was true, but she didn't mock Ye Chen like the policeman.

"Wait for me." Ye Chen said as he looked at Zhou Susu with surprise.

Seeing Ye Chen's departure, the male policeman hurriedly said: "Captain, this courier guy is not reliable at all. I guess he must have ran away when he was dismantled. Let's think of another way."

Zhou Susu said, "Wait, let's not act rashly or we will startle the snake."

Although she didn't believe that Ye Chen owned so many properties, she believed that Ye Chen would not be the kind of person who escaped.

After a while, Ye Chen ran over with a large pile of things.

"What is this?" Zhou Susu asked in confusion looking at what was in Ye Chen's hand.

"The room book."

Hearing Ye Chen's answer, everyone looked shocked, and it seemed that what the courier boy said was true.

But how you think is impossible.

"Why do you have so many properties?" Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

"Don't worry, they are all legal." Ye Chen dispelled Zhou Susu's doubts.

Then Ye Chen continued: "Do you need my help? If you don't need it, I will send the courier." Ye Chen turned and left.

Zhou Susu watched Ye Chen's actions and hurriedly stopped and said, "Of course it is necessary. This is simply great."

Because she knew that only by entering the room in a legitimate way, it would not cause a great loss.

"Well, you will be my secretary." Ye Chen said while looking at Zhou Susu.

"no problem."

Zhou Susu held the stack of books and followed Ye Chen.

"Dangdangdang" Ye Chen knocked on the door, and the man's voice sounded again in the room: "Who, get away, don't bother me."

"This city needs to be renovated, and we are registering." Ye Chen said.

"I have no time to leave you, hurry up." The man said impatiently.

"Sir, it's like this. We just want to demolish the house in advance and want to compensate everyone. Today is the registration and payment of compensation, 50,000 yuan per household." Ye Chen explained calmly.

When the man heard that he was about to send money, he immediately moved his heart. He was worried that he had no money to run away, but now it is so good that he has sent it to the door.

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