"Wait a minute." As he said, the man opened the door.

I saw a middle-aged man with a beard standing at the door with a fierce look.

The bearded man looked at Ye Chen and Zhou Susu's vigilant faces and looked at them up and down, but he didn't see any clues from them.

Well-trained Zhou Susu certainly won't show any flaws, and Ye Chen, who has also experienced strong winds and waves, also has a dull complexion.

"Hello, sir, this city area has been expropriated, so in the early stage, each household will be compensated 50,000 yuan." Ye Chen said with a smile.

The bearded man looked at Zhou Susu in front of him with light in his eyes. The beauty in a suit and short skirt in front of him was so beautiful that he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The man thought that if it was night, he would definitely kill Ye Chen, and then take the beauty away and enjoy it.

"Hello, I am Mr. Ye's secretary. According to the regulations, I want to check the information with you before the compensation can be paid to you." Seeing the beard-looking man's ill-intentioned eyes, Zhou Susu did not panic but was very nervous. Calm.


Ye Chen and Zhou Susu were overjoyed when they heard the answer from the bearded man. If they can trick the man out of the house, then they can enter the house to find evidence.

Just when they thought they were going to succeed, the bearded man said, "You don't have to go out."

Hearing this, the two felt tight, could it be that they were discovered.

But this possibility shouldn't be great, just because the cheeky man is more alert.

Just as they were thinking about things, the man smiled and said, "It's better to check it in the house."

Ye Chen and Zhou Susu let out a sigh of relief when they heard the man's words.

The cheeky man didn't pay attention to the man and the woman in front of him at all. He even thought that as long as two people were brought in, he would kill the man without knowing it, but the woman was naturally his.

Thinking of this in his heart, the bearded man couldn't help but smile.

Ye Chen knew that the opportunity was coming, and as long as they entered the house, they could capture the man, and it would be too easy to find evidence at that time.

The bearded man let a man and a woman in front of him into the room, and the man once again showed a fierce look when he entered the room.

"Since you are here, don't leave." He said viciously.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Chen and Zhou Susu said in unison pretending to be afraid.

The reason why they pretended to look like this is to let men relax their vigilance.

"I want to kill you, and then enjoy this little beauty, Lao Tzu is almost broken these days." The bearded man looked at Ye Chen and said.

But Ye Chen smiled and said, "It looks like I've disappointed you."

Saying that he rushed towards the beard-faced man, raised his leg and kicked the man.

I saw that the man was like a ball, being kicked and thrown heavily on the wall.

Zhou Susu hurried over and was about to handcuff the man.

But she was fooled. The man was actually pretending to be dizzy. He hurried up and took out the dagger from his arms when he saw the woman trying to handcuff him.

When Zhou Susu saw the scene in front of her, Huarong paled with fright. Just as the dagger was still half a meter away from her, a figure stood in front of her.

Originally, Zhou Susu thought that he would definitely die today, and tears filled his eyes when he saw Ye Chen in front of him.

Ye Chen grabbed the bearded man's wrist, but he couldn't move it.

"Ahhhhh" the man let out a miserable cry. The more he struggled, the more pain he felt, and he even felt that his wrist had been broken.

Seeing Zhou Susu standing there in a daze, Ye Chen said helplessly: "Sister, come over and help."

At this time, Zhou Susu came back to his senses and ran to Ye Chen, handcuffing the man with handcuffs.

"Boy, you can't kill you by waiting for Lao Tzu to go out." The bearded man said viciously.

"Pa" a loud slap in the face sounded, and the man was stunned.

"Isn't there a point in your mind about the things you committed? You still dare to threaten Lao Tzu if you want to go out. You have to stay in jail for the rest of your life." Ye Chen said with a gloomy expression.

The man smiled and said: "I didn't do anything illegal, why are you arresting me...

The "beat" was another loud slap, and this time it was even harder than the last time.

Zhou Susu was also taken aback when he saw Ye Chen's behavior.

She didn't expect that the young man in front of her would start fighting if he didn't agree, but she didn't say anything. After all, if it wasn't for Ye Chen, she would have been injured.

This time the man did not dare to move, lying on the ground obediently, his face was red and swollen like a pig's head at the moment.

Several policemen waiting for orders also rushed in from outside, everyone holding weapons in their hands.

This time the bearded man finally knew that the man and the woman were police officers, although he was a little surprised but not afraid.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone looked shocked. They couldn't imagine that Ye Chen and the captain would be able to subdue this desperado.

Before arresting him, several policemen were killed in his hands.

It is estimated that if they knew of the gangster who was subdued by Ye Chen alone, they would have their jaw dropped.

"Hurry up and look around to see if it is hidden there." Zhou Susu said while looking at the players.

Several team members searched every corner of the house, but did not find what they wanted.

The bearded man looked smug, and if the police couldn't find something, there would be no evidence to arrest him.

There was a solemn look on Zhou Susu's face. How could it be that the space in the room was so small, they had searched everywhere but still couldn't find it.

Could it be that on his body, Zhou Susu cast a wink at Ye Chen, Ye Chen understood.

He pulled the bearded man up against the wall, carefully searching every place on his body.

"Although you are the police, you can't be so foolish. I am a law-abiding citizen. I can sue you like this." The bearded man yelled.

Ye Chen said coldly: "It looks like you are itchy again, right?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the bearded man closed his mouth hurriedly. He didn't want to be beaten anymore. Now he felt that the faces on both sides were still hot and swollen.

After a while, Ye Chen found nothing but a few daggers from him.

Seeing this, Zhou Susu frowned slightly.

As the cheeky man said, if they cannot find evidence to accuse a man, they will be taken to court by the man instead.

"How is it possible, the evidence is clearly in the house." Zhou Susu thought in his heart. Every time a bearded man would make a video of the killing process, and then slowly appreciate it, but where did the U disk hide the man?

While she was thinking hard, Ye Chen suddenly said: "I know where things are hidden."

Hearing this, panic appeared in the eyes of the bearded man.

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