Hearing Ye Chen's words, not only Fan Mu but also Fan Ying was a little surprised.

To know that what Fan's mother needs to do is heart surgery, the surgery fee alone costs hundreds of thousands.

But Ye Chen didn't look like a rich man in dress, but his tone was so big.

After all, Ye Chen is kind, and Fan's mother is not easy to say anything.

But Fan Ying said very honestly: "Brother Ye Chen, how come you have so much money."

From the time Fan Ying met Ye Chen for the first time, she knew that Ye Chen was delivering couriers, and a courier earns several thousand yuan a month.

Hundreds of thousands should not be a small number for Ye Chen, but it was so easy to say from his mouth, which could not help but make Ye Chen doubts.

"Then you don't have to worry about it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

At this time, the doctor walked in from the outside and asked with a smile: "Ms. Fan, are you thinking about it? The operation must be hurry."

"Doctor Zhao, I think it's better to forget it." Mother Fan said with an embarrassed expression.

Before Dr. Zhao could speak, Ye Chen asked, "Doctor, I want to ask you whether Ren'ai Hospital is better than our hospital for this kind of operation."

After hearing the young man's words, Dr. Zhao looked at Ye Chen contemptuously and said, "That's natural, but the people who can live there are either rich or expensive, and the surgery fee is also ridiculously high."

The doctor looked up and down Ye Chen, and mocked in his heart: "This poor ghost, if he doesn't have money to see a doctor, he just said that he made up such a lie in order not to lose face."

"Well, we will transfer to the hospital now." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Young man, Ms. Fan's condition is very serious. You children, you can't make fun of the patient's body. If you don't have money, you can collect money. Remember that life is more important than money." Dr. Zhao said sincerely.

He really couldn't stand Ye Chen's approach. He didn't have the money to perform the operation and made up a lie indiscriminately.

As a doctor, he naturally does not allow this to happen, and kindly persuades him.

"Doctor Zhao, tell you the truth, we really can't make up so much money, so let me be discharged from the hospital." Fan mother pleaded.

"Ms. Fan, it is my duty as a doctor to treat and save people. You have to understand me. Moreover, your illness is really serious. If you don't have the operation right away, I'm afraid you will not live for two years." Dr. Zhao had no choice but to tell the truth.

Hearing the doctor's words, Fan Ying's tears that had just stopped shed again.

"Xiaoying, don't worry, I will contact Ren'ai Hospital now." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

He is most afraid of girls crying, and feels at a loss whenever this happens.

Dr. Zhao wanted to say something, but he saw Ye Chen dial a number and said, "Dean Chen? This is Ye Chen. A mother of my friend is in urgent need of heart surgery. Could you please arrange it? I am waiting for your message."

When Dr. Zhao saw Ye Chen's dress, he didn't believe that he would know the dean of Ren'ai Hospital, so he wanted to see how Ye Chen would continue to act.

After a while, Ye Chen's cell phone rang, and he deliberately turned it on.

I saw the other end of the phone saying: "Mr. Ye, everything is arranged, you can move in at any time."

"Okay, thank you Dean Chen, you are in trouble." Ye Chen said politely.

"Mr. Ye, you must not be so polite to me. It is my honor to be able to help you."

Hearing the conversation between Ye Chen and Dean Chen, Dr. Zhao was really taken aback.

He didn't expect such an ordinary young man to know the dean of Ren'ai Hospital.

Moreover, the dean was so polite to Ye Chen, it seemed that this young man was not easy.

"Ms. Fan, you are really lucky to be able to undergo heart surgery at Ren'ai Hospital. You will definitely recover soon." Dr. Zhao said with a smile.

Then he looked at Ye Chen and said, "Young man, don't take what I said just now. Please forgive me if that sentence made you uncomfortable just now."

"Doctor Zhao, you don't need to say that. I knew you were a responsible doctor just now," Ye Chen said with a smile.

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Dr. Zhao said with a grateful expression: "Thank you for your understanding."

Then he reincarnated and walked out of the ward.

Ye Chen looked at Fan Ying and said: "Xiaoying, hurry up and pack things for auntie, let's transfer to the hospital."

Fan Ying hasn't recovered from the shock just now, she has just heard the conversation between Doctor Zhao and Ye Chen.

I didn't expect Ye Chen to have such a great ability to transfer his mother to the hospital they couldn't even think of.

"Xiaoying, what are you doing there?" Ye Chen asked.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Fan Ying came back to her senses and hurriedly helped her mother pack her things.

But Mother Fan said with a bit embarrassed expression: "Ye Chen, thank you for transferring me, but I just heard from Dr. Zhao that the cost of that hospital is much higher than this one, and we really can't afford it."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Auntie, don't worry, since I help you transfer to hospital, I will be responsible for the cost of natural surgery."

"How embarrassing is this?" Fan mother said sensibly.

Fan Ying also packed up her clothes and said, "Brother Ye Chen, I am very grateful that you can come to see my mother in the hospital and help her transfer to the hospital. I will figure out the cost of the operation myself."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "You are a girl from home, how can you find a way? This is a lot of money after all."

It is true. This fee is really difficult for Fan Ying, but she will definitely figure out a way to save her mother. She has already thought about selling the house ice drink shop at home, so that it should not be bad. too much.

Ye Chen, who possesses mind-reading skills, can naturally read the thoughts in her heart.

"Okay, you don't need to be polite with me. I think I lent you this money, and you can pay it back slowly when you have money." Ye Chen said comfortingly.

"But, but..."

"Don't worry about it anymore, now the most important thing is to cure Auntie's illness." Ye Chen interrupted Fan Ying.

Now that Ye Chen had already said that, she couldn't say anything more.

After packing up his things and completing the discharge procedures, Ye Chen drove Fan Mu and Fan Ying to Ren'ai Hospital.

At this moment, Dean Chen was already waiting at the door. Seeing Ye Chen and the others came, he hurriedly greeted them and said, "Mr. Ye, our medical team has been waiting here for a long time."

"Okay, Dean Chen, you have worked hard." Ye Chen said politely.

The crowd walked into the hospital with Ye Chen and Fan's mother and daughter, and the hospitalization procedures had already been completed.

At this time, Dean Chen called Ye Chen aside, looking a little embarrassed and said: "Mr. Ye, there is one thing I need to tell you in advance."

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