Ye Chen smiled and said, "Dean Chen, please tell me."

"That's the case. The hospital has not enough wards. I can only wrong your friend's mother and live in the same room with someone else. I'm really sorry." Dean Chen said apologetically.

"Dean Chen, no problem, you have already caused you so much trouble, you don't need to be so polite with me." Ye Chen said politely.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Chen Yuan let out a long sigh. He had already prepared a basket of good things, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

Dean Chen brought Ye Chen and Fan's mother and daughter to the ward in person, but Ye Chen refused.

When he came to the ward, Fan's mother was lying on the hospital bed, while Ye Chen and Fan Ying were busy with their things.

Mother Fan was moved in her eyes.

"Xiaoying, let Ye Chen go quickly, it has already delayed him for so long." Fan mother said hurriedly.

Fan Ying blushed and said, "Brother Ye Chen, I am here now, so go to work."

Hearing what the girl said, Ye Chen said: "Okay, I just communicated with the hospital. Auntie will have surgery tomorrow. I will come back tomorrow. If you have anything, please call me."

"Okay, Brother Ye Chen." Fan Ying's face was still blushing.

After Ye Chen walked out of the ward, Fan's mother looked at her daughter and said: "Xiaoying, don't hurry to send Ye Chen off."

After hearing her mother's words, Fan Ying hurried out, catching up with Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye Chen, thank you, drive slowly on the road."

When she was speaking, the girl kept her head down, not daring to look at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen felt a little funny in his heart, really a simple little girl.

"Don't always tell me to thank you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

The girl nodded slightly, then turned and ran away.

When Fan Ying went back, she heard a discordant voice from the ward: "Isn't it all said that the people who come to this hospital are either rich or expensive? How come a soil bun was admitted."

Fan Ying walked in after hearing it, and saw a woman on the next hospital bed looking at her mother with contempt.

Seeing the ugly expression on her daughter's face, Fan's mother hurriedly stopped Fan Ying and said in a low voice: "Xiaoying, how come the doctor is not here to breathe, there is no need to be familiar with this kind of person."

Because of her mother, Fan Ying had to be obedient and sat beside her mother.

The lady didn't say anything when she saw that no one was taking care of herself, but she was very depressed in her heart.

If relatives and friends know that she lives in a ward with a dumpling, they won't let them laugh out of their teeth.

How could she be mixed in the aristocratic circle if she spread it out like that.

After leaving the hospital, Ye Chen continued to deliver the express.

He suddenly remembered Grandma Zhang, who hadn't been to see her old man for a long time, and he didn't know how the old man was doing recently.

Ye Chen drove to Grandma Zhang's community, went upstairs and knocked on the door in front of him.

After a while, the door of the room opened and only a middle-aged woman was standing in the doorway.

Seeing the woman in front of him, Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "I didn't expect you to be here."

"Yes, Mr. Ye Chen, please come in." The woman said politely.

"Xiaoling, who's here?" the old man asked.

"Mom, Mr. Ye is here to see you."

Ye Chen was let into the house and saw the amiable old man.

The old man in front of him was ruddy and looked very good.

After seeing Ye Chen, the old man was also excited and speechless: "Xiao Chen, grandma wants to kill you, but I am embarrassed to disturb you."

"Grandma Zhang, if you miss me, just call me." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

Then he looked at the old man and asked, "Grandma Zhang, you're pretty good these days."

"Well, it's good. Thanks to you for my old bones." Grandma Zhang's eyes were a little moist.

"Mom, look at why you are emotional again. The doctor didn't mean to keep you calm." The woman blamed her face.


This is the woman who looked at Ye Chen and said gratefully: "Mr. Ye, I really want to thank you. I knew my job before and ignored my mother’s feelings. Since listening to you, I feel that there is nothing more than staying with my mother. The side is more important."

Of course Ye Chen knew that the woman was telling the truth, because she lost her job because of him.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't mean it, he wanted women to spend more time with the elderly.

And according to Ye Chen's request, although the woman was fired, she still paid the woman's salary card on a monthly basis.

The old man suddenly said with a sad expression: "Mr. Ye, watching Xiaoling staying at home every day is just staying with my old lady, I really can't bear it."

Things have passed for so long, and the old man couldn't bear to see his daughter staying at home every day.

Seeing Ye Chen coming today, she wanted to plead for her daughter, after all, it was her daughter who lost her job.

"Grandma Zhang, don't worry, I am here today for two things, one is to see you, and the other is your daughter's work." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, thank you. I just want to be with my mother now. After all, it's impossible for my mother to have no one around her when she is old." The woman refused.

"Don't be anxious to refuse, after listening to what you have said, you will tell me what you think." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, then." Since Ye Chen had already said that, he would be a little impolite if he didn't listen.

Ye Chen continued: "I bought the land in the old town and want to build a new real estate. I heard that you are very talented in design. I want to ask you to be my designer."

"But Mr. Ye, I haven't designed a real estate, I've just done some advertising design." The woman said with an embarrassed expression.

"Didn't you always have confidence in yourself? Why do you lose confidence when you stay at home." Ye Chen said while looking at the woman.

"No, it's mainly because I'm afraid to delay your business." The woman explained.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this. This project is not very urgent. You can design it slowly, and we can communicate at any time."

"And you don't have to go to the company, you just need to work at home."

Ye Chen's words dispelled the worries in the woman's heart.

If it is true as Ye Chen said, not only can work but also take care of his mother, this is simply a good thing for the world.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, then I will try." The woman said with gratitude.

She knew that the reason why Ye Chen arranged such a job for herself was because of the old man's face.

After hearing this, the old man also looked grateful and said, "Xiaochen, thank you so much. Now that Xiaoling has a job, she can be as confident as before."

"Grandma Zhang, you don't need to thank me. The reason for using your daughter is that I have also inquired before that she is indeed very capable."

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