Ye Chen hurriedly said, "Forget it, Wanyi and I are fine."

He thought in his heart whether Su Wanyi was born, and that his father actually gave his son-in-law how to discipline his daughter. It would be interesting if it were passed on.

"I just saw your wimpy look, and I was angry. You said how can you be a man to let a woman be obedient." Su's father shook his head and said.

"Dad, I love Wanyi, not because I am afraid of her." Ye Chen explained hurriedly.

"A man must look like a man, and only promises in front of a woman. That's a man, right?" Father Su continued to express his opinions.

Father Su continued: "Just now you were carrying large bags and small bags, Wan Yi had nothing in her hand. If I changed it to, I would have stopped doing it a long time ago."

Ye Chen thought that he didn't hear what he said just now, so he didn't say anything anymore, just listened quietly.

Seeing that Ye Chen stopped talking, Su's father thought Ye Chen agreed with his point of view.

"Xiaochen, I tell you that women can't control, they can only fight." Su's father said with a mysterious face.

After Ye Chen heard it, he felt helpless, he increasingly doubted whether Su Wanyi was born.

When the father even said such things, he was very disagreed by outsiders.

But even so, Ye Chen did not speak.

"I'll tell you again, if you are not convinced once, you will fight twice, and if you are not convinced twice, you will fight three times. There will always be a fight, right?" Father Su said with a smile.

Upon hearing Su's father's opinion, Ye Chen really wanted to ask Su's father a question, is that what you do to Su's mother?

But Ye Chen opened his mouth, and finally did not ask. After all, this is the business of the old couple, and he is a junior in charge of so much.

Seeing Ye Chen's silence, Father Su looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Do you understand?"

"Understood." Ye Chen said and nodded.

He really didn't want to continue this topic, mainly because even if Su's father said so, he wouldn't do anything to Su Wanyi.

Because in Ye Chen's heart, his wife was used to hurt her, how could she be able to do anything against her.

Su's father smoked a cigarette contentedly, thinking that Ye Chen's education was very successful.

After he finished smoking the cigarette, he smiled and said to Ye Chen: "Xiao Chen, let's go downstairs."

When Ye Chen went upstairs, Su Wanyi wanted to follow up and listen to what her father and Ye Chen would say.

But she was stopped by her mother. Mother Su looked at her daughter and said: "Wanyi, your father and Ye Chen are talking about business, you are not allowed to go up and listen."

"Why can't I listen to them." Su Wanyi asked with a puzzled expression.

"Wan Yi, you should go cook with me." Mother Su took her daughter to the kitchen.

Su Wanyi was very curious about what her father would say to Ye Chen, but her mother stopped her and dragged her to the kitchen.

"Mom, isn't Sister Zhang cooking?" Su Wanyi asked as she looked at Sister Zhang who was busy in the kitchen.

Mother Su said with a serious expression: "Anyway, you just can't go up. If your father finds out that you have followed and eavesdropped, you will definitely be angry."

Mother's words were true, and her father's temper was clear to her.

Su Wanyi walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room to watch TV boredly, and her eyes looked upstairs from time to time.

She wondered what was going on with her father, and she had been talking with Ye Chen for so long.

When she looked upstairs with anxiety in her heart, Father Su and Ye Chen walked down from the second floor.

Seeing Su Wanyi's eyes looking upstairs, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Why, how long has it been since then, miss me?"

"Cut, you won't be stinky here anymore, I don't think about you anymore." Su Wanyi denied.

"Xiao Chen, sit down first, and I will go for a walk in the garden." Father Su said while looking at Ye Chen.

Su Wanyi saw her father go out and hurriedly came to Ye Chen and asked, "Ye Chen, what did you and my father talk about just now?"

Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "You still don't know."

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't tell her meaning, Su Wanyi stopped asking more questions and continued to watch TV.

Soon the meal was ready, and Mrs. Zhang brought the meal to the table. After Su's father and Su's mother were seated, Ye Chen and Su Wanyi sat in their seats.

Su's father happily took a bottle of wine and poured it on himself and Ye Chen separately. Originally, Ye Chen wanted to say not to drink while driving, but he saw Su's father acted upon him.

"Old man, the doctor said you can't drink." Mother Su said anxiously.

"Today Wanyi brought Ye Chen, I'm happy, it doesn't matter if I drink a little, and Xiaochen wants to drink it too." Father Su said with a smile.

Hearing what Su's father said, Ye Chen looked at Su's mother and said hurriedly: "Mom, I haven't seen Dad for a long time. It's rare that Wanyi and I will go home. Let us have a drink."

Now that Ye Chen had already said that, Su's mother couldn't say anything, and listening to Ye Chen's mouth-by-mouth call from father to mother, Su's mother was happy.

Su Wanyi also found out that Ye Chen and her father had a chat with the Queen, but she changed her words so quickly, she couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

She glared at Ye Chen, but she didn't get a response.

Father Su ate this meal very happily, after all, he drank wine today because of Ye Chen.

After the family had eaten, Ye Chen got up to help Su Mu tidy up the table, but was stopped.

"Xiaochen, sit down, Wanyi, go and help your mother clean up." Father Su gave orders.

Su Wanyi didn't dare to defy her father, so she stood up reluctantly and followed her mother into the kitchen.

"Xiao Chen, did you see that doing housework is something a woman has to do. You don't have to do housework at home in the future?" Su's father continued to educate Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Dad, I know."

He said that, thinking that Father Su was completely machismo.

The family watched TV for a while, and Su's mother said with a smile: "Xiaochen, you can live here tonight, it's rare to go home."

Su Wanyi didn't speak, and Ye Chen couldn't refuse.

Seeing that her daughter and Ye Chen did not object, Su's mother walked upstairs with a look of excitement.

After a while, Mother Su went downstairs and said to the two of them: "The room upstairs has been cleaned up for you. Don't sleep too late."

Because of their age, Su's father and Su's mother took a break early in the morning, leaving only Ye Chen and Su Wanyi.

After watching the TV for a while, Su Wanyi got upstairs and walked into the room her mother had carefully cleaned up.

Seeing Su Wanyi getting up and leaving, Ye Chen followed.

When Ye Chen walked to the door, he suddenly heard the sound of the door closing.

Ye Chen knocked on the door and said, "Wan Yi, you open the door."

"You go to sleep in another room." Su Wanyi refused.

After hearing Su Wanyi's words, Ye Chen rolled his eyes and suddenly had a plan.

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