"Well, I will sleep on the sofa tonight, don't regret it" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"You dare." Su Wanyi said as she opened the door.

If his parents found out that Ye Chen had been sleeping on the sofa all night tomorrow morning, he would definitely ask questions again.

Seeing Su Wanyi standing at the door waiting for herself, Ye Chen smiled and asked: "Wife, why are you willing to open the door."

Su Wanyi glared at Ye Chen fiercely, wondering if this fellow asked knowingly.

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to find something." Su Wanyi said lightly.

Ye Chen followed in and threw himself on the bed fiercely, occupying the whole big bed slopingly.

Su Wanyi pushed him and said, "You can get me up."

No matter how hard she tried, it was useless, Ye Chen remained motionless.

"Well, you sleep in this room, and I will go to other rooms." Su Wanyi was really angry right now.

"Wife, what's the matter with you, I just teased with you." Ye Chen quickly got up and hugged Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi struggled and said, "You know in your heart what I am because of, so let go of me."

Ye Chen certainly knew why Su Wanyi was angry, but he was really embarrassed to tell Su Wanyi what he was talking about with Su's father.

But seeing that Su Wanyi was so unhappy, he had to say: "Wanyi, you must be mentally prepared before I tell you."

"Well, let's talk about it." Su Wanyi looked at him with those clear eyes.

"Your father actually taught me how to discipline you upstairs." Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and observed the changes in her expression.

"What?" Su Wanyi asked in disbelief.

Ye Chen said five to ten: "Dad told me that women can't be pet, they can only fight."

After hearing these words, Su Wanyi blushed.

She really didn't expect her father to talk about this with Ye Chen, and she also taught Ye Chen how to discipline her, and even Su Wanyi wondered if she was her own.

Seeing Su Wanyi's silence, Ye Chen said hurriedly: "My wife, don't worry, I can't help you be too late to beat you."

"Oh, it seems that you still want to beat me, right?" Su Wanyi also had a temper.

"No no, you misunderstood." Ye Chen said with a grieved expression.

"I'm sleepy." Su Wanyi threw Ye Chen's pillow and quilt on the ground.

Ye Chen looked at the woman in front of him and thought that turning his face was faster than turning a book, but he could only sleep on the ground tonight.

The next morning, Su Wanyi got up early and went to the dining room after washing up and saw her parents were already waiting there.

"Wanyi, Xiaochen hasn't gotten up yet?" Su's mother asked with a look of concern.

Su Wanyi faintly replied: "Well, he is still asleep."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen had already walked downstairs, feeling sore all over.

Looking at the listless Ye Chen, Father Su said with a look of concern: "I was exhausted yesterday."

"Dad." Su Wanyi flushed her pretty face.

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Yes, my whole body hurts."

Su Wanyi glared at Ye Chen and motioned him not to talk nonsense.

Ye Chen thought to himself that he was right. He slept on the ground last night, and now his arms and legs are very awkward.

"Your mother, specially made chicken soup for you to replenish your body." Father Su said with a smile.

Ye Chen understood the meaning of Father Su's words just now, and it seemed that he had really misunderstood.

After breakfast, Su's father and Su's mother wanted Wanyi and Ye Chen to stay for a few more days, but Su Wanyi excused that there was something in the company.

"Wanyi and Xiaochen, don't try too hard, you must pay more attention to your body." Su Mu asked.

"Xiao Chen, remember what I told you yesterday." Father Su said with a mysterious expression looking at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had already told Su Wanyi yesterday, so after hearing these words, Su Wanyi's pretty face turned red.

Mother Su also asked curiously: "What do you let Xiaochen remember?"

"This is a matter between our men, so you women shouldn't mix things up." Father Su said with an impatient expression.

Leaving the Su family, Ye Chen drove Su Wanyi back to the company first.

On the way, Xiaopang called Ye Chen: "Brother Chen, where are you? I have a big deal. Come and help me."

Xiaopang spoke very quickly, Ye Chen didn't hear clearly, but he knew Xiaopang must be in trouble, otherwise it would be impossible to call himself so early.

"I'm driving, don't worry, I'll call you in a while." Ye Chen comforted him.

Su Wanyi heard the conversation between Ye Chen and Xiaopang and said hurriedly: "Ye Chen, you find a place to stop for me, you hurry up, I can take a taxi by myself."

"No, I don't worry about you alone." Ye Chen said as he raised the speed to the extreme.

Within an hour's journey, Ye Chen drove downstairs to Su Wanyi's company in less than forty minutes.

After Su Wanyi got out of the car, Ye Chen didn't drive away in a hurry, but dialed Xiaopang's phone.

"Fat, you say slowly, what happened?"

"Brother Chen, someone asked me to do a favor and ask for a phone call, saying that if I don't help him, he will complain to me, and you will drive your Pagani over."

After Ye Chen heard it, he smiled and said, "Fat, you send me the position and wait on the spot."

Ye Chen is not surprised at what Xiaopang said. Customers often ask couriers to help with shopping, throwing garbage or doing other things. If they don't follow their instructions, they will be complained.

The chubby is a nice person, honest and kind, and a warmhearted person who can help his friends.

In Ruixing Coffee Shop, in front of a man in a suit, a short and fat courier stood. This person is not someone else but a fat man.

"Sir, I really don't know how to ask for that lady's phone number." Xiaopang said with an embarrassed expression.

"If you don't do me this favor, I will complain to you, then it will definitely affect your performance, right." The man in the suit said with an arrogant expression.

"Sir, why do you embarrass me?" Xiaopang said with an ugly expression and nervous expression.

The man in the suit shook his head and sighed, "Hey, who told you to catch up."

As he was talking, he heard the roar of the motor outside, Xiaopang knew that Ye Chen was here, and ran out hurriedly.

Ye Chen walked out of the car in a suit, standing next to the car door handsomely, a movie star alive and well.

This handsome figure attracted the attention of pedestrians passing by.

After seeing Ye Chen, Xiaopang said excitedly: "Brother Chen, you are finally here."

Ye Chen knew that if Xiaopang was complained, it would definitely affect his performance appraisal, and his salary would definitely be deducted.

Ye Chen wouldn't care about these, but Xiaopang was different, so he had decided to help.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions Rewarded for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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