The security captain also felt very sorry for the little security guard. Although this child is young, he is not afraid of hardship or tired and takes responsibility. Now it is really rare.

But is there any way, even if he wants to, he has no right.

Moreover, it is difficult for him to protect himself, and he might be affected.

At this time, a staff member walked out of the building, looked at the security captain and asked, "Where is the security guard who stopped the car just now?"

The security captain pointed to the little security guard who was nervous.

"You come with me, I'll take you through the formalities." The male clerk said blankly.

The little security guard knew that he still couldn't escape the fate of being expelled, so he bowed his head and followed the male staff into the building.

He thought in his heart that this was his first time entering the building, and he didn't expect it to be the last time.

On weekdays, he guards the door at the gate, and he has no chance to enter the building.

The security guard had been looking forward to one day being able to go inside and have a look, but he didn't expect it to be the day he was fired.

The male staff took the security guard to a spacious lounge, and the security guard felt even more nervous when he saw the people sitting inside.

Judging from the dressing of these people, he knew that these people must be the leaders of the group.

Suddenly he looked at Ye Chen wearing express clothing, thinking about what this young man is doing, and seeing other people's attitude towards this young man is respectful.

"Hello, what are you doing standing at the door? Sit down quickly." Ye Chen said with a smile.

The little security guard moved slowly, with a somewhat unnatural expression, and sat on the seat opposite Ye Chen.

Seeing the actions of the little security guard, the male staff hurriedly introduced: "This is Dong Ye from the Marriott Group. Say hello to you."

Hearing this, the little security guard looked at Ye Chen again, his eyes were full of disbelief. Not all the group leaders in his mind should be in suits and leather shoes, but the young man in front of him was obviously sending a courier.

"Hello, Dong Ye." The little security greeted politely.

"What's your name?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Ye Dong, my name is Wang Tao." The little security guard said nervously.

Ye Chen looked at the little security guard with a very unnatural expression and said, "Wang Tao, do you know why I am looking for you?"

Although Wang Tao was upright, he was not stupid. Of course he knew that it was because of blocking the car.

He also knew that this was his last chance, and even if he was fired, he would have to tell the story of the matter.

"Ye Dong, I do everything in accordance with the company's regulations. The person who drives the BMW is not from the group, but he said that he knows the leaders of the group. I don't think he can let him go. I think I did nothing wrong. Of course, if you want to expel I have nothing to say." Wang Tao plucked up the courage to tell the story.

Ye Chen looked at the upright security guard, and felt the same in his heart. He felt that the person in front of him was very similar to him, and he was not afraid of power.

If the group wants to develop well, it should have more such people.

"Xiao Gao, you go call Captain Zhang to me." Ye Chen said to the male staff member.

After the male clerk left, Wang Tao looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Dong, I'm doing things all by myself. Besides, this matter has nothing to do with Captain Zhang. If I want to be fired, I will be fired."

Ye Chen smiled without saying a word.

Wang Tao also felt ashamed of Captain Zhang. He was not under the care of Team Zhang on weekdays, but he felt unbearable because of his troubles to others.

"Captain Zhang, come with me." Looking at the expressionless male staff member, Zhang Ming knew he was still tired.

He came to Ye Chen and shivered: "Ye Donghao, it's because I didn't educate them well in my usual life, that's why this kind of thing happened today."

It may be that the male clerk had introduced him to the people in the lounge just now. As soon as he entered the door, he came to Ye Chen to say hello.

"Team Zhang, please sit down." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Zhang Ming felt that he was a man who made a mistake, so how dare he sit down?

"Ye Dong, it's better for me to stand." Zhang Tao whispered.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, please sit down."

This time, Zhang Ming sat next to Wang Tao, both of them looked nervous, waiting for the final result.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Ye Chen only felt a little funny in his heart.

He looked at the other directors and said, "I now accept Wang Tao as the deputy security captain, responsible for the security of the building."

"What?" Wang Tao felt like a dream, and hurriedly pinched his thigh, feeling the pain, he knew it was reality.

Wang Tao never dreamed that instead of expelling him, Ye Chen promoted him instead.

Zhang Tao was also incredulous. He and Wang Tao looked at each other with a surprised expression.

"Ye Dong, I..." Wang Tao stammered.

"Wang Tao, this is what you deserve. If a company wants to develop well, it must have someone like you who is not afraid of power." Ye Chen smiled.

Ye Chen didn't say the matter too clearly, mainly because Kang Hua had already embarrassed his son in front of everyone just now.

He didn't want to slap Kang Hua in the face again, if he knew that his son was bullying people like this, where would he put Kang Hua's old face.

Wang Tao felt that happiness had come too suddenly. Not only did he get a promotion and raise his salary, but he also entered the building he dreamed of and went to work.

"Ye Dong, thank you." Wang Tao was moved to tears.

Although Wang Tao is a man, he doesn't feel embarrassed at all when he shed tears this time.

Zhang Ming looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Dong, I was wrong."

If it were not for the fear of influencing him, Zhang Ming would not report Wang Tao's blocking of the car to his superiors. Obviously, he did not do this thing authentically.

Ye Chen smiled and did not speak, but looked at the other board members.

Of course everyone knows Ye Chen's approach. He just wants to tell everyone that the group wants to develop well, that it is not afraid of power and cannot bow to power.

In Wang Tao's heart, he was very fortunate to be able to meet Ye Chen, a boss with a clear reward and punishment.

Ye Chen looked at Wang Tao and smiled: "Young man, the company needs people like you."

Wang Tao said excitedly, "Thank Ye Dong, I will definitely work hard and not let you down."

The male staff took Wang Tao through the promotion procedures, and later his job position was arranged in the building.

Even Zhang Ming wants to flatter him, this is really a bad thing to a good thing.

"Xiao Tao, we will rely on you in the future." said a bearded man from the security team.

"You guy is really lucky. You offended people in the group. Instead of being fired, you got a promotion and a raise."

Hearing everyone's admiration for him, Wang Tao felt very happy. He knew it was all because of meeting a good boss.

If it hadn't been for Ye Chen, it is estimated that his fate would not be so good.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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