"In the future, if you offend others for the benefit of the group, I will deal with it, don't worry." Ye Chen gave everyone a reassurance.

Ye Chen knew that only if he was able to work harder, the group could develop better.

Everyone ate desserts and afternoon tea, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"After everyone has finished eating, let's continue the discussion here." Ye Chen said after taking a sip of coffee.

It may be because it was too formal in the conference room, everyone was more cautious and even many people didn't say what they were thinking.

If you change to a relaxed environment, the effect should be better.

After drinking the afternoon tea, under the leadership of Ye Chen, the discussion began again.

This time the effect is much better than before, and a plan has also been developed.

"Yes, everyone is very thoughtful. The group is sure to develop better because of you." Then, he glanced at Song Yang, who was sitting next to him, and said, "Lao Song, you should arrange the minutes of the meeting and then talk to Dong Zhang Report." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Okay." Song Yang nodded.

"I'll leave if I have something to do, everyone." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen got up and left, everyone watching with admiration and respectful eyes.

Before, everyone was still talking about Ye Dong, who had never met before, thinking that he was just a dude who relied on his parents, and many people even refused to accept him.

Seeing him today refreshed everyone's views on Ye Chen.

Not to mention anything else, Kang Zhen's complaint and Wang Tao's promotion, which showed Ye Chen's attitude.

Although Ye Chen is young, he has a sense of measure and bottom line.

With such leadership, the group will definitely be able to develop better and better. Employees with such leadership can do their best to increase the benefits of the group without distraction.

Ye Chen came to the lounge and saw Liu Tian sitting there in a daze.

"Miss Liu, what's the matter with you?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

When Ye Chen changed her name, Liu Tian did not answer but said dissatisfied: "Why don't you call me sweet."

Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "Isn't it to cooperate with you in acting before, now you can rest assured that Kang Zhen will not harass you anymore."

After Ye Chen said so, Liu Tian couldn't say anything more, after all, she was a girl and had to be more reserved.

"Thank you, I invite you to dinner." Liu Tian said with a smile.

Ye Chen didn't even want to refuse directly: "No, I still have things to do."

Liu Tian didn't expect Ye Chen to refuse so simply. To know how many rich children want to invite her to dinner, it all depends on her mood.

Now he took the initiative to invite Ye Chen, but was rejected.

Liu Tian has always rejected others, but for the first time she was rejected by others.

"Well, I will invite you to dinner next time you are free." Liu Tian said with a smile on her face.

She knows people like Ye Chen, the more you chase harder, the farther he will get away from you.

Then Liu Tian said again: "May I ask you a question?"

"You said." Ye Chen said lightly.

"Who are you?" Liu Tian said the question in her heart.

Ye Chen shrugged and said, "I'm a courier."

"You didn't tell the truth."

Just now Kang Zhen's father looked respectful in front of Ye Chen, it was obvious that Ye Chen's position was higher than him.

Seeing Liu Tian's face of disbelief, Ye Chen said helplessly: "Well, then I will tell you that I am the man you will never catch."

This guy Liu Tian is really irritating. If she changes to someone else, she will definitely go back, but this person is the one she likes, and she is a bit speechless for a while.

The atmosphere was a bit tense, and the lounge became quiet.

"Okay, don't make me funny, I'm going to deliver the courier." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Two people walked out of the Marriott Group building one after another. When Wang Tao saw Ye Chen, he saluted a standard salute.

Ye Chen started Cullinan while Liu Tian sat in the co-pilot.

Checking the time, it is only past four o'clock.

"I'll take you home first." Ye Chen said while looking at Liu Tian.

"What about you?" Liu Tian asked.

"Of course I went to the courier point to pick up the courier." Ye Chen said in a temper.

He felt that Liu Tian was a little more in charge, and she was not his woman yet.

"I don't want to go home. After I go back, my mother has to ask questions again." Then she begged and said, "Ye Chen, will you take me to deliver the courier?"

Ye Chen thought for a while and had to agree to it. Thinking about bringing a beautiful woman to deliver the courier is quite interesting.

When he arrived at the courier station, Ye Chen did not let Liu Tian get out of the car, but returned to the car after taking the parcel to be delivered.

Drove Liu Tian to the gate of a park.

Parked the car, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Miss Liu, you will be waiting for me in the car. I will be back after delivery of the express."

Originally Liu Tian wanted to go with Ye Chen, but was refused.

Ye Chen walked into the park and dialed the contact number on the express.

After the phone was connected, Ye Chen said politely: "Princess Shui Bingyue, where are you, here is a courier for you."

The girl smiled and said: "You walk to the park playground area, and then call three times Princess Shuibingyue, your prince is coming to you, I will naturally appear."

Ye Chen still had something to say, but the phone was hung up, and no one answered after making several more calls.

"Hey, there are so many weird customers right now." Ye Chen said to himself, but he tried to get a good comment.

Ye Chen walked towards the place the girl said, and soon came to a playground where there were many people.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Chen was really a little frustrated. If he shouted, he might be able to make headlines.

The girl was broadcasting live, and she saw Ye Chen standing still, and said with a smile: "My dear fans, show you a handsome little brother today."

There was a lot of discussion in the comment area.

"Wow, this is the most handsome courier brother I have ever seen."

"Is this a celebrity who came over to film."

"I fell in love with love. I saw this little brother, and his heart was pounding nonstop. I think I fell in love with him."

Ye Chen stood still and finally plucked up the courage, closing his eyes and shouting loudly: "Princess Sailor Moon, your prince is looking for you."

"Princess Sailor Moon, your prince is looking for you."

"Princess Sailor Moon, your prince is looking for you."

He just yelled three times in a row, attracting the attention of people around him.

A **** the swing tilted her head and looked at the father next to him and asked, "Dad, what is that little brother doing?"

The girl's father thought for a while and said, "He might be calling his girlfriend."

The girl said as if she understood: "Dad, did you call out your mother in the same way, and then there will be me."

Girl father: "..."

He really didn't know how to answer the child's question, so he was silent.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions Rewarded for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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