Ye Chen didn't know what they said.

At this time, a beautiful girl came out wearing a cartoon uniform.

The girl is pretty in her own long, holding a selfie stick in her hand.

"Dear friends, Princess Shui Bingyue met a handsome little brother today, and she didn't expect that the little brother delivering the courier would be so handsome."

With that said, Princess Shui Bingyue came to Ye Chen.

"Love, love, this little brother is so handsome."

Many people in the live broadcast room started booing.

"You can't let such a handsome little brother go."

"Anchor, must eat this little brother."

"Anchor, hurry up, this little brother must be very fragrant."

Ye Chen glanced at the live broadcast and was stunned.

Let me wipe, what kind of live broadcast room is this? These people are too dirty.

Princess Shui Bingyue looked at Ye Chen with a smile: "Little brother, are you ready?"

Ye Chen was speechless: "What are you ready? Do you want to eat? Even if you eat, you should change the place, such as a hotel or something."

Shui Bingyue's face blushed: "You are really bad, I mean let you help me take a selfie stick."

Ye Chen nodded awkwardly and took the selfie stick.

"Brother, next I will open the treasure box live broadcast to my fans, will you cooperate with me?"

Ye Chen was speechless: "How can I cooperate with you?"

Shui Bingyue thought for a while and said, "When I open a box, you say Barabara has changed."

Ye Chen: "..."

This is too naive.

"Please, please, thank you brother." Princess Shui Bingyue made a pleading action.

Ye Chen nodded helplessly.

In order to praise, Ye Chen had to accept Princess Shui Bingyue's request.

Shui Bingyue opened the box, and it turned out to be a variety of drinks.

There are many varieties of drinks, the packaging is very cute, peach flavor, blueberry flavor, and apple flavor.

Finally, Shui Bingyue picked up a bottle of chili flavored.

"I heard that this taste is very exciting, have you said how to drink Shui Bingyue?"

Oh my god, there are still chili-flavored drinks, what happens after drinking?

Shui Bingyue also fights for the live broadcast of gifts.

Ye Chen asked about the pungent smell, and he quickly covered his nose.

At this time, Shui Bingyue has begun to challenge the chili-flavored beverage.

The people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded, as if they could smell the spicy sensation across the screen.

"Come on Shui Bingyue, after finishing this chili drink, I will give you a treasure map."

Shui Bingyue gritted her teeth and started drinking.

The treasure map in the live broadcast room flew sloppily.

"Come on Shui Bingyue, you are the best."

"Thank you, Brother Feitian, for your reward."

"Thank you Xiaoyuetu for your reward, I love you guys!"

Ye Chen is speechless, this group of guys are too ruthless.

Let the anchor drink a chili-flavored beverage.

But Ye Chen was also worried about Shui Bingyue.

After all, this girl drank a lot of chili drinks.

This drink is made from chilli peppers from Southeast Asia, which is super spicy.

Shui Bingyue took another sip and introduced.

With that said, Shui Bingyue deliberately looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen reluctantly picked up the stick and drew a circle: "Balabara changed."

Shui Bingyue smiled and continued: "I will continue to drink."

In the live broadcast room, I scanned several treasure maps.

Ye Chen looked at Shui Bingyue and Chili Beverage and was silent.

Many people were also surrounded.

Shui Bingyue drank a bottle of drink directly.

After drinking, Shui Bingyue's face flushed and she made a victory sign.

"The challenge is successful."

"Shui Bingyue is great."

"I knew Shui Bingyue would not let us down."

"Haha, look at the expression of the takeaway boy just now, it's so funny."

"I guess he is silly."

Ye Chen actually knew that drinking a bottle of chili beverage would definitely be uncomfortable.

He curiously asked: "Are you making money by broadcasting like this?"

Shui Bingyue smiled: "It's okay."

"But you hurt your body like this."

"Fight to make money."

Ye Chen was speechless. It was too much to drink chili water to make money.

"Actually, there are many ways to make money, you don't have to use this way."

Before the live broadcast, many viewers were unhappy.

"Brother express is hilarious again, he said so nicely, how much money do you earn in a month."

"That is, a courier is still educating us that Shui Bingyue is too funny."

"The treasure map we just collected just now will cost him one month's salary."

Ye Chen was laughed at in the live broadcast room.

Shui Bingyue was also a little embarrassed.

She just yelled Ye Chen for help, but her fans were laughing at Ye Chen.

"I'm sorry...I need money now, so I can only fight it. They didn't mean to say you."

"It's okay, how can I be familiar with these people, they are not worthy at all."

Ye Chen was very pleased to hear the girl's words.

It seems that this girl is not bad, at least very innocent.

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, a local tyrant's first brother quit in the live broadcast room.

"I'll wipe it, what a great delivery courier, we are not worthy, are you worthy?"

"Haha, is there a level?"

"It's estimated to be level 0."

The people in the live broadcast room began to mock Ye Chen again.

Ye Chen ignored them and said to Shui Bingyue; "Do you really need money now?"

Shui Bingyue nodded: "Well, I really need money now."


"Then you don't have any other live broadcast specialties except for chili water?"

Shui Bingyue said, "I have a lot more, singing and dancing are all right, but the level is average, I can also wash and cook."

Ye Chen nodded: "That's enough."

Ye Chen said; "Come with me."

Princess Shui Bingyue was stunned for a moment, and still followed Ye Chen out.

Everyone was speechless.

"Shui Bingyue, what are you doing with this courier brother?"

"You won't really believe him, a courier, who can't support himself, is he kidding you to make money?"

Princess Shui Bingyue also hesitated when she heard what everyone said in the live broadcast room.

She has to race against time to make money, will it be a waste of time to follow Ye Chen?

At this time, Ye Chen walked to the front of the car and said to Shui Bingyue: "Come and get in the car."

"Huh?" Princess Shui Bingyue was completely stunned.

how can that be?

"This is your car?" Princess Shui Bingyue was almost stupid.

"Of course, otherwise how I deliver the courier, I can't deliver it on the walk."

Princess Shui Bingyue was stunned.

"No, I mean, shouldn't you send the courier with three wheels?"

At this time, the fans in the live broadcast room were stunned when they heard the dialogue.

"Yueyue, what car does this kid drive?"

"Isn't it an electric car? What's all the fuss about?"

"It is estimated that it may be a second-hand car?"

Princess Shui Bingyue did not speak, but pointed the camera in Ye Chen's direction.

In an instant, there was a dead silence in the live broadcast room just now.

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