Natasha noticed what I did by covering the camera without being seen, and she smiled. “You really have been letting me see as much as possible.”

I nodded and walked over to the bed. “I've hidden a couple of things from you, on purpose, because it's personal and involves business as well. It's not something either you or SHIELD can help with, so the less you know about it, the better.”

“I was wondering what the privacy requests were for.” Natasha whispered.

“I would tell you if I thought it would make any difference.” I said and pulled off my pyjamas and climbed into bed. “I'll start dealing with it tomorrow.”

“Thank you for sending me the change in your schedule.” Natasha said and kissed me, then she slid down to suck me into her mouth. I grew hard almost instantly for her and she moaned because she had a lot more to work with now. She stopped sucking and moved up to lay on top of me and then slid backwards to pierce herself with it.

“You're eager tonight.” I said and grabbed her hips to help her.

“Finally... talk to... Director Fury.” Natasha said and sat up to make the angle sharper. “He wants you in the New York office as soon as possible to start basic agent training.”

“He actually approved of me becoming an agent?” I asked, surprised.

“I'm... personally... responsible for you.” Natasha said.

“Fan-fucking-tastic.” I said and grinned at her as I picked up speed. She moaned and leaned back down to kiss me and I pistoned in and out of her at a very fast pace.

Not surprisingly, we both came at almost the same time. Her body seemed to have adjusted to getting me off, because goddammit, she was still tight after me pounding her like that.

“Could you be any more perfect?” I asked her as we rested side by side for several moments.

“Ben, I... I've done things...” Natasha started to say.

“I know.” I said and she gave me a curious look. “You're a spy. You worked for a rival agency for years and you did bad things for them.” I shrugged. “It doesn't bother me.”

Natasha sighed. “No, I... I mean...” She sat up to look down at me. “I've killed people.”

“So have I.” I said. “Anything else?”

Natasha looked a little surprised that I was being so nonchalant about it. “I killed your parents.”

I gave her a blank look for a moment. “You mean Richard and Mary Parker?”

“Yes.” Natasha said and seemed to back away slightly and tensed up.

“And?” I asked.

“And what?” Natasha asked back.

“That's it? You're preparing to fend me off because of something you did... what, twelve years ago?” I asked and she nodded. “I'll give you an extra spank the next time we're alone together, because we can't be loud here in the apartment.”

Natasha looked surprised. “B-Ben...”

“I forgive you for being a big badass super spy.” I said and nodded at her belly. “Now roll over and show me that spectacular ass of yours.”

Natasha blinked her eyes at me and then did as I asked.

“You're still dripping, even though you expected me to rant and rave at you.” I chuckled and dug my fingers into her and scooped out my recent donation. I flicked it into the trashcan and then I started licking her and eating her out.

“You're really... okay with... knowing I did that?” Natasha asked between moans.

I stopped licking and kept fingering her. “Do you want me to be upset that you were hired to kill rival spies trying to infiltrate another spy agency?”

“No... yes... I don't know!” Natasha gasped and came.

I licked it up and kissed her ass cheek. “They knew what they were signing up for when they became spies. You take your life into your hands every single time you go on a mission, even if it's just to bodyguard some rich guy or to walk Director Fury's cat.” I moved up and placed myself against her soaked opening. “I'll give you two extra spanks next time for believing I would ever be upset at you.”

“Ben... OHHH!” Natasha moaned loudly as I shoved myself into her and she buried her face into my pillow to muffle it.

I pounded her pretty hard for a good ten minutes before she came again, then I rolled her over into the basic missionary position and laid down on her and kept moving as she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me passionately.

After the next time I came and we took another break, Natasha turned to me and looked a little embarrassed. “I have something else to confess.”

I chuckled. “You're just begging for the handcuffs, aren't you?”

Natasha smiled and then sighed. “Ben, I... I slept with Richard, too.”

I gave her a questioning look. “You did that to get close to him?”

Natasha nodded. “And his wife.”

I had to blink my eyes several times as I went over that in my head. “You... ahem... bedded both of them?” I asked and she nodded again. “Please tell me it was at the same time.”

Natasha looked surprised for a moment and nodded a third time.

“You're even more perfect than I thought.” I said and kissed her.

“Ben, you... you're not disgusted by that?” Natasha asked. “I had sex with both of your parents!”

“Yes you did, and at the same time, too. You went above and beyond your job of killing them. You made their last moments be memorable.” I kissed her again. “I've seen pictures of them and they were great looking people.”

“They were great people, period.” Natasha said and lightly ran her fingers through my hair. “They were the first kills that I regretted having to do.”

I smiled warmly at her. “You started to grow a conscience because of them?” I asked and she nodded once more. “Then their deaths actually meant something and were not a waste. If it wasn't for that happening, we wouldn't be where we are right now.”


“Natasha, I can only say I forgive you so many times before the words become meaningless.” I said and hugged her. “Just accept that I understand what happened and I hold nothing against you for what you did in the past.”

Natasha let out a long and drawn out sigh and then smiled. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome, gorgeous and deadly.” I said and made a twirling motion with my finger. She rolled over onto her side to face away from me and I pulled her hips close as I slid into her still soaked opening. I didn't pound into her, though. I took my time and slowly stroked in and out as I caressed her breasts, her thighs, her arms, and her neck while I tenderly kissed her ear and the side of her face.

“You're spoiling me.” Natasha whispered.

“Is that a formal request to stop?” I whispered back and she shook her head no. “Then be quiet and let me love you like you deserve.”

Natasha turned her head to look at me with surprise on her face. I gripped her chin to hold her steady and kissed her lovingly and tenderly. She broke the kiss and the surprise was still there.

“I hope you don't think I'll be going easy on you or your training because of this.” Natasha warned me.

I kissed her again. “I expect the opposite, actually. You want me to be better than everyone else, just so I can keep up with you.”

Natasha smiled warmly at me. “How did I know you were going to say that?”

“Because you're a very smart woman.” I said and continued to kiss her as we had gentle loving sex.


Pepper Potts was a busy woman, even on this unseasonably warm day in December. She was pretty much running Stark Enterprises in everything but name and she had intentionally scheduled time off during an actual work day, just to unwind a little. She had a very delicious lunch at Chez Perez and a large glass of tasty wine, which had her thinking about why she was sitting there all alone. She should have had an engaging conversation with the man she had been dating off and on for the last few years.

She let out a sigh as she drank the last of the wine and waved the waitress over. She paid with the company credit card and added a moderate tip, because it was a business lunch and noted in her schedule. It was just too bad she didn't have a handsome billionaire genius sitting across from her to complete the polite fiction in her head.

Pepper grabbed her purse and strode across the restaurant and an attendant opened the door for her. She didn't interrupt her stride as she turned her head and nodded at the older man in thanks, which just so happened to take her eyes off of where she was walking, namely onto a busy sidewalk.

“Lady! Watch...” The older man started to say as something slammed into her side. “...out.”

Pepper let out a girly squeal of fright as her purse went flying and she seemed to turn around from the impact, felt a firm and gentle grip hold her, then she saw the startled face of a young man with styled brown hair.

A moment later, she was face down on the pavement... or she should have been. To her surprise, that startled face was still in front of her and she braced her hands on his firm chest as they slid about a foot and came to a stop with a scraping sound.

It was then that Pepper noticed exactly where the young man had firmly gripped her. He had a hand locked onto a cheek of her ass and had hugged her close down there, and his other hand had braced against her own chest and gently cupped one of her breasts. She felt him grow hard where they were pressed together and she blushed as her nipple grew hard in response.

Pepper only wore a simple cloth bra today under her blouse and she knew by the blush on his face that he clearly could feel her nipple poking into his palm. His firmness was also pressed quite snuggly against her and it seemed to be very, very hard.

“M-m-miss, I'm terribly sorry!” The young man said and his blush intensified. He didn't let her go, though. “Are you hurt? You just seemed to appear out of nowhere and I tried to take the brunt of it when we fell.”

It took Pepper a moment to get her own blush under control. “I think I'm okay.”

“What about your knees or your toes? You're a bit taller than me and I'm not sure I protected you enough.” He said and his voice was full of concern. “I'd feel terrible if such a beautiful woman was hurt because I wasn't paying attention.”

Pepper glanced at where his hand was on her breast and back to his face. “I think you're getting enough feeling already and you should feel terrible about it.”

The young man's blush remained. “I... well, I... I can't really let you go without you sliding off and possibly hurting yourself. You're balanced perfectly right now.”

Pepper blinked her eyes for a moment and realized that he was right. He didn't look out of breath with all of her weight pressed on top of him and they had fallen fairly hard. She also wasn't struggling to keep herself braced, either.

“You're also wearing a skirt and...” He paused and started to whisper. “I can't ask you to... to... spread your legs... and straddle my waist... to sit up.” He said and his blush went to an even deeper shade of red. “Even if... I would really enjoy it.”

Pepper blinked her eyes for another moment as she thought about what he said. Did he just tell me he wants me to straddle him?

“Miss? Are you okay?” The older man that had held the restaurant door asked as he approached them. He held her clutch purse in his hands.

“I think so.” Pepper said and tried to keep her face neutral as she thought about how to get up.

She could roll to the side and onto the sidewalk on her back and sit up that way, potentially ruining her outfit and getting a few scrapes, or she could do what the young man suggested. She could easily stand if she did and she wouldn't risk damaging anything.

Pepper couldn't stop the small smile on her face as she pushed slightly on the young man's firm chest and spread her legs. She almost laughed at the surprise on his face and then she held in her moan as her lower half rolled across his firmness and she successfully straddled his waist.

“M-m-miss.” The young man whispered as his hand on her backside eased its tight hold and his gentle hand on her breast let her go.

Pepper braced her hands on his chest once more and easily stood up onto her high heeled shoes and up to her full height. She looked down at him and could easily see his excitement, which made her fight to not blush, because she had given that to him, even if it had started out as an accident.

The young man sat up and then stood as he tried to brush himself off, then he knelt on one knee and adjusted her skirt to its proper length and then he carefully checked her knees and her feet.

“Yes! There's no damage except for several runs in your stockings, miss.” He said and hopped up to his feet. “I'm so glad you're actually okay.”

Pepper accepted her purse from the doorman and then gave the young man a pointed look. “What about you?”

“Oh, it's just a few scrapes. Nothing to worry about.” He said and smiled at her. “It was very nice meeting you, even under the circumstances.”

Pepper held a hand out to him. “It was nice meeting you, too. I'm Pepper Potts.”

The young man accepted her hand and shook it. “I'm Ben Parker.”

“Well, Ben. I should thank you for doing what you did...”

Ben shook his head. “There's no need to thank me. I only did what was right.” He said and let her hand go. “I hope you have a great day, Pepper.” He said and turned to start walking away.

“Oh, god!” Pepper gasped when she saw the tatters of the nice shirt he wore and the bloody scrapes on his back. She quickly walked over to him. “Ben! Stop!”

Ben stopped and turned to her. “What is it?”

“Your back.” Pepper said and turned him around to have a closer look at the damage. She saw there were bits of salt and dirt on his skin, too. “That needs to be cleaned right away.”

“You don't have to...” Ben started to say.

“I insist.” Pepper said in a stern voice and turned him back around. “It's the least I can do, besides replacing your shirt.”

“It was an accident.” Ben said.

“That you took the brunt of.” Pepper repeated his words to him. “We'll stop at a pharmacy to grab some things to clean those scrapes and then you're coming with me to buy another shirt.”

Ben looked into her eyes and saw the resolve there. “If you think it's for the best, I'll do whatever you want. Thank you, Pepper.”

“I have a car and driver waiting down the street.” Pepper said and nodded in that direction.

“That's great!” Ben said and took her hand, which kind of surprised her, and they started walking. “Even though this is a really warm day, going for a walk kind of seems like a bad idea now.”

Pepper couldn't stop her laugh at that. “There wouldn't be much of your back left if you keep bumping into women and letting them fall on you.”

Ben gave her a warm smile. “I think that just this once, it was worth it, because I got to meet you.”

Pepper could almost feel the sincerity from him and her heart beat a little faster. She gave his hand a light squeeze and didn't say anything until they reached the car. “You can't lean back on the seat with your back like that, so lean on me instead.”

The driver opened the door for them and Pepper climbed in first and Ben went next, looked at the large seat, and turned around to face her and laid down on his side to rest his head on her lap.

“You can't wear a seatbelt like that.” Pepper whispered.

“I'm not worried.” Ben said and reached up to grab Pepper's seatbelt, buckled her in, and then held on to the buckle with his hands.

Pepper looked down at him and he looked like he was cuddled up to her thighs and seemed very happy to be there. “Take us to the closest pharmacy, please.” She said to the driver and one of her hands seemed to move on its own as she lightly ran her fingers through his soft hair.

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