Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

47 Potts Plots Proceed


“You're a really great person for doing this.” I said as Pepper tended to the minor scrapes on my back in the backseat of the car. “Most people wouldn't concern themselves over something minor like this.”

“I'm not most people.” Pepper said and applied more disinfectant to the cotton swap she was using.

“I definitely noticed that, Pepper.” I said and hissed slightly as she cleaned a scrape.

Pepper paused and placed a hand on my shoulder to give it a little squeeze, then she continued.

“Your husband must be very proud to have you in his life.” I said with as much awe as I could.

“I'm not married.” Pepper said and I could hear the sadness in her voice. “I have been seeing someone off and on for several years, however.”

“Wait, wait, wait.” I said and turned my torso slightly to look over my shoulder at her face. “You're not married? Really?”

Pepper shook her head.

“Woooow.” I said and turned back to face the door again. “What's the world coming to if someone as wonderful as you is still unmarried?” I shook my head. “Beautiful, talented, warm, caring, and I bet you're super intelligent, too. The whole package.”

Pepper didn't say anything and applied some gauze to the scrape she cleaned and taped it into place.

“I'm tempted to ask you who the idiot you're dating is; but, I honestly don't want to know the name of someone that fundamentally brain dead.”

Pepper let out a girly laugh and started cleaning another scrape.

“You even have a cute laugh.” I said with appreciation. “It seems the more time I spend around you, the better you become! It's really amazing.”

Pepper's fingertips lightly caressed my back before she went back to work. I kept hissing at appropriate times and her gentle hands would pause briefly as she placed her hand on my shoulder again to give it a little squeeze, then she would continue.

“There we are.” Pepper said and her fingertips lightly touched several places on my back. “All done.”

“Thank you very much, Pepper.” I said and slowly turned around on the seat, so her fingers could linger. “You would make a really great nurse.” I widened my eyes slightly. “You just got better again!”

Pepper laughed softly and I helped her pack up the supplies into the pharmacy bag they came in. She reached for the seat in front of her and picked up a peach colored blazer that matched her skirt.

“You need to put this on until we stop to get you a new shirt.” Pepper said and handed the blazer to me.

I put it on and I was glad that I didn't have to button it.

“Please don't be embarrassed because it's a woman's suit coat.” Pepper said.

“Why would I be embarrassed? We're color coordinated now.” I said with a chuckle. “We might even be complimented while we're out shopping.”

Pepper laughed softly and took out her cell phone. She sent a text to the driver to let him know we were ready to go. He had gone to get a coffee while he waited for Pepper to fix me up. He came back to the car and drove us several streets away before he double parked on the busy street and opened Pepper's door for her.

Pepper grabbed her purse and the torn shirt before we climbed out of the car and stepped between two other parked cars. The driver drove away as we entered the shop we had stopped in front of. I wasn't surprised that the shop was the one where I had bought my shirt.

“You knew what shop I bought my shirt from? I knew you were amazing.” I complimented Pepper and she smiled.

“You two make a cute pair.” The sales woman said when we approached the counter.

“I told you.” I whispered and Pepper let out a soft laugh. Luckily, the sales girl was different from the one I had met the day before, so she wouldn't remember seeing me.

“What can I help you with today?” The sales woman asked and Pepper handed her the shirt.

“What happened to this? A cat attack?” The sales woman asked as she lifted it up by the shoulders to look at it.

“A slip and fall, actually.” Pepper said and blushed a little.

I forced myself to blush as well, because I was sure she was thinking about how I had caught her.

“If the shirt is this damaged, the pants can't be much better off.” The sales woman commented.

Pepper caught her breath. “I didn't check! I was so concerned with his back that...”

“I didn't think of that, either.” I said and took off the peach colored blazer to hand to Pepper, then I turned around, only to hear the sales woman gasp. “Is my butt still there?” I asked and no one said anything. “Don't tell me I lost one of my best features!”

The sales woman laughed and Pepper put a hand on my shoulder.

“It's still there, Ben.” Pepper reassured me. “We were just staring at how many scrapes you have.”

“I also examined your dress pants for damage.” The sales woman said. “The pocket is torn up a little, there's a snag on the other side, and one of the calves has a thread pulled.”

“They're that damaged?” I asked and slowly turned around so that Pepper's arm rested across my shoulders.

“I'm surprised I didn't notice before now.” Pepper said, not realizing she was admitting to looking at my butt. “I'll replace your pants, too.”

“I can't ask you to do that. You've already done so much...”

Pepper squeezed my shoulder a little and seemed a little reluctant to let it go as she smiled. “You saved me from what could have been a nasty fall and I would have been replacing my own clothes instead of yours.”

I shook my head. “I never would have allowed that. Your safety is much more important than mine.”

Pepper looked both surprised and pleased.

“Aww, that's so sweet.” The sales woman said. “We have these shirts near the change room and the pants are on the other side of the men's section.”

“Lead the way.” Pepper said and the woman walked ahead.

I took Pepper's hand and she didn't try to pull away, so I smiled shyly at her and followed the sales woman. She went to the pants section first and asked me what size I wore. I told her and she flipped through several pairs of dress pants and grabbed a pair that almost matched the ones I wore. We walked over to the change room and the display of shirts.

“Do you want a direct replacement for the shirt or are you okay with a different color?” The sales woman asked.

“I guess that means you don't have a match for it.” I said and she nodded. I looked at Pepper and gave her a pleading look. “Can you help me pick out a good color? I kind of struck gold finding that shirt and I don't want to look foolish if I pick a color that doesn't go well with my skin tone. I did that once with a puce green t-shirt and the yellowish green color made it look like a cat threw up on me.”

The sales woman barked a laugh and Pepper clamped her mouth shut and struggled to not laugh.

It took a moment for Pepper to compose herself. “I think I can help you to not look like cat vomit.”

I beamed a smile at her and we spent a good ten minutes picking out several shirts.

“I think that's a good selection. We can narrow it down when you try them on.” Pepper said and I nodded.

“You can change into these, too.” The sales woman said and handed me the dress pants.

“Okay.” I said and entered the change room. I emptied my pockets of the money I carried, because I had intentionally left my wallet at home, and took off the pants I wore. I examined them and nodded. The snag on the side was several inches long and went through the cloth, which meant I could tease Pepper a bit more.

I slipped off my underwear and found the same spot on them, then carefully made an identical tear and used my fingernail to give myself a scraped red mark on my cheek. I put the underwear on and did several quick strokes to get myself hard and went to the door of the change room.

“Um... I might have... a little problem.” I said and blushed.

“Did the pants not fit?” The sales woman asked.

“It's not that. I haven't tried them on yet.” I said and stepped out in just my boxers. I saw their eyes widen at my tent pole and I turned around and pointed at my butt and the damage in the cloth. “It's this.”

“Oh.” Pepper whispered.

“I don't think it's bleeding; but, it does hurt. I don't know why I didn't notice it before.” I said and turned around to see two blushing women and their eyes roamed over me. “Should I try the pants on anyway?”

“No, I'll be right back with a first aid kit.” The sales woman said and quickly walked away.

“Ben...” Pepper started to say.

“I'm sorry I'm causing you so much trouble, Pepper.” I said and ducked my head a little.

“It's... no trouble, Ben.” Pepper said and stepped close to give me a reassuring hug.

I hugged her back and let the feeling of her warm body pressed against me maintain my erection. I also discovered she was about five inches taller than me. Since she wore three inch heels, she would be about five foot nine with bare feet, making her only around an inch or so taller than me.

“Here we are.” The sales woman said as she walked back over to us.

Pepper let me go, once again reluctantly, and accepted the first aid kit. “Do you mind if we handle it in the change room?”

“Please feel free to do so. If the pants don't fit and he needs to change, we can't have potential blood on them.” The sales woman said. “If you need anything else, I'll be at the front counter.”

“Thank you.” Pepper said and took a deep breath and let it out as the sales woman walked away.

I took her hand and led her into the change room and shut the door. “Pepper, you don't have to do this.”

“I said I would take care of it, and I will.” Pepper said and I could see resolve fill her eyes.

“Thank you.” I said and blushed a little before I turned around and dropped my underwear to the floor and stepped out of them. I bent over at the waist to pick them up and heard a sharp intake of breath behind me. “Is it worse than I thought? Is it bleeding?” I asked in a slightly worried voice and stayed bent over.

“N-no.” Pepper said in a whisper.

“That's a relief.” I said. “Should I stay like this so you can tend to it?”

Pepper didn't respond and I stayed quiet as well, because I assumed she was seriously considering it. “I think... standing up would be better... for you.”

I almost laughed at the qualifier and slowly stood up. “Whatever you think is best.” I said and decided to give her something else to think about. “I'll do everything you want me to do.”

Pepper let out a little surprised sound. “I... Ben, I... I'll need to touch you take care of that scrape.”

“I am completely at your mercy, Pepper.” I said. “You did a great job taking care of my back, so you can touch anything you want.”

“All... all right.” Pepper said and I heard her as she opened the first aid kit.

I took the opportunity to lightly stroke myself unobtrusively in order to maintain my erection. I felt her hand lightly touch my other butt cheek and she cupped it slightly, then an alcohol covered swab touched my skin. I hissed and clenched my butt cheeks, even though it didn't hurt, and it made her hand grip my butt harder to hold me steady.

“Are you okay?” Pepper asked.

“I'm... fine. I can take it.” I said and relaxed. “Keep going, please. I don't want to get an infection.”

Pepper didn't loosen her grip on my butt as she cleaned the long scrape, then she had to let it go before she applied a piece of gauze and taped it in place. “There, all better.”

“It doesn't hurt anymore!” I said excitedly and turned around with a huge smile on my face and my erection prominent. “Thank you for taking such good care of me, Pepper.”

Pepper had a shocked look on her face and her mouth dropped open as she stared at my erection that was right in front of her face.

“Oh! You want to take care of this for me, too? That's so nice of you.” I said and slipped the tip into her open mouth, went in an inch or so, pulled back, and moved forward again. “So... nice. So... so nice.”

Pepper's shocked face didn't go away, because she had automatically started sucking while I kept moving in and out, probably to stop herself from drooling. Her eyes looked up at my face and they were filled with both confusion and accusation.

“How can you look even more beautiful?” I asked her and her eyes widened. “I guess that old saying is right. When a beautiful woman is on her knees and blesses you like this, she really does become a goddess!”

Pepper's surprised face changed to a happy one and she started flicking her tongue over my tip at the end of each stroke.

“Oh, goddess... I'm not going to last long... if you keep doing that!”

Pepper's face changed again to a determined one and her hands reached around me and cupped the cheeks of my butt. I stopped moving as she held me steady and she bobbed her head forward and back. She also went a little deeper than the shallow strokes I had been doing.

“Oh, goddess... oh... oh, I'm close...”

Pepper went faster and sucked harder.

I reached around her to the first aid kit and picked up some gauze. “I can... use this to... catch...”

Pepper hummed twice and gave me a pointed look.

“Yes, I'll say when... oh, it... I'm almost there!”

Pepper slipped her mouth off of me and had to let my butt go to use her hands to stroke me. A few moments later, she felt me throb and took the gauze as she leaned to the side and kept jerking me.

“OHHH!” I moaned for her and let my shot go. It splashed into the gauze and Pepper looked surprised, then I shot again and again.

“There's so much.” Pepper whispered as the amount quickly soaked the gauze and she had to grab more. Her hand moved and jerked me a few more times to get it all.

“A goddess deserves a proper tribute.” I said and didn't pretend to be winded. I pointed to the small trash can in the corner and she tossed the gauze into it. I helped her stand and then I knelt and unzipped her skirt to drop it to the floor. “Now it's your turn.”

Pepper blinked her eyes at me. “Excuse me?” She asked and didn't try to stop me or picked up her skirt.

I noticed her wet panties and pulled them down to reveal a well trimmed area. “You keep getting better and better.” I said and she blushed. “Do you taste as delicious as you look?” I asked and gave her dripping opening a lick. “Mmm, even better!”

“Ben, we... we shouldn't be doing this.” Pepper whispered.

“I know! Isn't that great?” I asked and carefully put one of her legs over my shoulder and dug my tongue right into her soft folds.

Pepper moaned and had to cover her mouth to muffle it. I kept licking her and even used a finger to rub her and slipped another inside of her. Her moans were almost constant as I worked her over pretty well and made her orgasm several times. She was breathing heavily by the time I stood up and her eyes were wide, because I still had my erection.

“Ben, we can't!” Pepper harshly whispered.

“I can't let this chance pass me by, Pepper.” I said and picked her up easily, which surprised her, and she moaned as I slipped inside of her. “If we never see each other again after our chance meeting, I would have always regretted not making love to someone as wonderful as you.”

Pepper let out a sound I couldn't identify and she wrapped her legs around my waist and draped her arms around my neck. Because most of her height was in her legs, she fit almost perfectly against me. I moved in and out of her for several minutes before she came again.

I let her rest as I braced her against the wall and I used a hand to unbutton her blouse and popped open her bra. “Look at how beautiful you are.” I said and bent down to briefly suckle on her hard nipples. “The longer I'm around you, the better you become.” I said, repeating what I had been telling her since we met.

The look of desire on Pepper's face made all of the pretense and preparation worth the work.

“I'm going to kiss you now.” I said and Pepper nodded several times. I didn't want to disappoint her, so I kissed her like I had kissed Liz, full of love and tenderness, and Pepper moaned into my mouth. I started moving again and she hugged me tightly as she started rocking her hips to help me go as deep into her as I could.

When Pepper came again, I moved us from the wall to the small bench. I laid her down on it and kept making love to her. She pulled me down into a kiss to muffle her moans and her hands seemed to move on their own as she lightly caressed my hair, parts of my back, and my shoulders. It made what we were doing feel very sensual and she seemed to be getting a lot more out of it than I was.

I waited until she came again before I carefully turned her over to put her knees on the floor and I entered her from behind. It was a sharper angle with her half-propped on the bench like she was, so I didn't have to go at her for long before she came again. I waited for her to stop twitching before I pulled out of her and she made a sad sound.

“Don't worry, you magnificent woman.” I said as I picked her up again and laid her down on the floor, which was also on top of a mix of our clothes and the clothes I was supposed to try on. “I'm nowhere near done yet.”

The surprise on Pepper's face quickly changed back to desire when I entered her again. She embraced me as tightly as she could before she kissed me passionately and enthusiastically.

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