Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

50 Actions And Consequences


I landed near the hospital and was glad that I always carried a small vial of dissolver in my backpack. I dabbed it on Val's secured arms and legs before I poured some down my back. I put the nearly empty vial away and caught Val before she slid to the ground. I gently laid her down and quickly stripped off my outer clothing, tucked them and my mask into my backpack with my web shooters, and picked her back up.

I walked at a fast pace as I went into the emergency entrance. “Help! HELP! She's been drugged at a frat party! I don't know what to do!”

The receptionist and a nurse ran over to us.

“Tell us what you know.” They said and led me over to an empty stretcher.

“Valerie called me about 45 minutes ago to come and pick her up. When I arrived about twenty minutes later, I found her unconscious in one of the upstairs rooms.” I said and the two women gave me pointed looks. “I checked her pulse and it's erratic and her breathing's laboured. I ran out of there so fast that I doubt anyone even saw me.”

The nurse checked Val's vitals and had a worried look on her face.

“You didn't do anything to her, did you?” The receptionist asked.

“Wh-what? No! I would never drug her and do something like that!” I exclaimed. “We've already had sex normally! Why would I do this to her? She could DIE!”

The receptionist and the nurse looked surprised at my response.

“You need to pump her stomach or something.” I said. “Whatever they gave her at the party, or spiked the drinks with, she's not reacting well to it.”

“I need to take her into emergency right away.” The nurse said and started pushing the stretcher away.

“Come with me. You need to give me her personal details.” The receptionist said and I nodded and followed her back to her desk.

“I have her purse.” I said and pulled it out of my backpack and handed it over. “I don't know her home address; but, I do know her home phone.” I said and she wrote it down.

“And who are you?” The woman asked.

I held in my sigh, because I should have run when I had the chance. I still could, except it would make me look really guilty. “My name's Ben Parker and I go to high school with Val.”

The receptionist stiffened slightly and then narrowed her eyes. “What was a high school student doing at a college frat party?”

“I told you, I had no idea where she was until I showed up and saw all the people and heard the loud music. When I realized that, I ran inside and searched for her.” I let out the sigh I was holding and gave the woman a sad face. “I just hope I got to her before... you know.”

The receptionist nodded and made note of that and then she dug into Val's purse. I stood there as she took down the address and birth date from Val's ID and then she called the home number, since the cell phone was there in the purse. I actually heard a woman's startled yell from over the phone and then the receptionist hung up.

“You can have a seat over there in the waiting area, Mr Parker. I have to report things like this to the police and they will want to talk to you.”

I had already resigned myself to that happening, so I nodded... and then I had a stroke of inspiration. “Can you ask who they'll send over? If it's Detective DeWolff or Detective Jackson, I know them and they can vouch for me.”

The receptionist looked surprised for a moment, then she smiled and nodded.

“Thank you.” I said and went over to the waiting area. I took out my cell phone and dialed home, because I didn't want May to worry about me. I had a sneaky suspicion that I was going to be stuck there for quite some time.


Three hours later, Adrian was surprised when he checked the feed from the camera and there was no motion detected and no file for him to access. That worried him a little, because the crew had trusted Ben to clean up the huge messes they left behind every evening. If he didn't do that, it would add another half day to the schedule.

He picked up his cell phone and was going to call when it vibrated. He checked it and there was a text. He read that Ben was about to talk to the police about a crime and who was involved. “Damn, kid.”

Doris walked over to him. “Addy? What is it?”

“One of Liz's school friends was drugged at a frat party.” Adrian said and handed her the phone. He was very glad that his daughter was safely at home and was in her room.

“Oh, no!” Doris exclaimed and read the text herself. “Valerie, what were you thinking?”

“She probably wasn't.” Adrian shook his head and took the phone back to send a text to tell Ben to take the night off. He wasn't surprised when Ben responded that his trust wasn't misplaced and the place would be cleaned before the morning. “Stupid kid.” He said and set the phone down.

“I'm sure if Ben was there, he took care of things.” Doris said and led her husband to their bed. “He's quite the young man.”

Adrian nodded and they stripped off and climbed into bed and just held each other. Neither of them had to ask the other why they weren't in the mood for sex tonight.


Detective Jean DeWolff walked from the hospital's receptionist desk over to the nearly empty waiting area. A particular young man had popped up in her life again and she did not like the circumstances.

“Detective DeWolff.” Ben said and stood to shake her hand. He didn't play around and try to kiss it or anything, because he was in serious mode. There would be no joking around tonight. “I'm both glad and sad to see you again.”

DeWolff nodded. “I requested to get called in for any reported rape cases.” She said and saw the shocked look on his face.

“N-no, she... did they... was I too late?” Ben asked and a tear came to his eye. “She was fully dressed when I found her... I just assumed...” He stopped talking and the tear rolled down his cheek. “I guessed a couple of weeks ago that she's been dating a college guy... maybe more than one... and I've been really worried about her. I tried to talk to her about it and she... didn't want to talk about it.”

“Do you know why she contacted you to come and get her?” DeWolff asked.

Ben shook his head no as he sat down. “I had just eaten supper with my aunt and hopped on the bus to go to my part-time job when I checked my cell phone for missed messages.” He said and handed it to her. “I was shocked that she would text me, because it's the first time... and then I saw she wanted me to pick her up and she gave me the address.”

She checked it and nodded, because it matched Valerie's cell phone, and she handed it back.

“I had barely missed it, so I responded and went there as fast as I could when she didn't answer.” Ben said and then he told the story again. He didn't add too many details, because that would indicate it was rehearsed.

DeWolff wrote everything down and it matched what Ben had told the receptionist. His outrage at being accused of doing it was genuine, as was the sad state he was in now. She sat down next to him put a hand on his thigh.

“I don't normally give out details of ongoing cases like this.” DeWolff whispered and leaned in close. “The rape kit came back negative, Mr. Parker. There was some vaginal tearing; but, it was several days old and there was no semen present.”

Ben looked stunned. “I... I... I made it? I actually was in time? Val didn't... she wasn't...”

“You saved her from a terrible experience.” DeWolff said.

Ben's stunned face changed to a happy one. “Thank you!” He said and pulled her into a tight hug as he wrapped his arms around her. “I was so worried! I've been sitting here and dreading having to talk to her parents about it. If Val had actually been... I couldn't...” He eased his hold on her and looked deep into her eyes. “Thank you, Jean. Thank you very much.”

Before DeWolff realized what was happening, Ben's lips were on hers and she was being kissed like they had been in love for years. She couldn't help herself and kissed him back, because when someone kissed you like that, you had to respond in kind. Or punched them. Yes, punching was also an option.

DeWolff broke the kiss and her fist connected with his chin. To her surprise, his head only jerked to the side and he wasn't laid out on the floor, unconscious.

“You need more leverage than that to knock me down, Jean.” Ben whispered and turned his head back to smile at her and let her out of the hug. “I apologize for kissing you like that. I'm just so happy and I had to show it.”

“You could have just clapped your hands.” DeWolff said and quoted the old children's song. Like she had predicted, he didn't laugh.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Ben shook his head. “I won't joke again until I know Val's going to be all right after ingesting whatever they gave her.”

“She had an allergic reaction to it, so they treated her, pumped her stomach to empty it, and they are also flushing her system with an IV.” DeWolff said. “They won't know anything else until morning.”

“Her parents...” Ben started to say.

“I've already talked to them and they are reluctant to talk to you right now.”

Ben opened his mouth to respond and sighed instead. “The nurse told them we already had sex.”

“You did volunteer the information and she marked it down. It explained the vaginal tearing, too.”

Ben nodded. “We were together on Sunday and we had fun.”

DeWolff noted the wording. “It wasn't a date?”

Ben shook his head no. “We're just friends.”

“That have sex.” DeWolff added.

“Protected sex and that was the first time.” Ben said and sighed again. “With how she was treated tonight, I doubt she's going to want anything to do with guys for a while.”

“She might not remember a lot... or anything at all.” DeWolff cautioned him. “I need to warn you to not pressure her for details or try to get her to relive what happened.”

“Of course not. That would only add to her trauma over it.” Ben said and she nodded. “I'll text her close friends in the morning and let them know to not bombard her with questions or make her feel guilty or stupid for making a mistake.”

DeWolff was surprised that he was so insightful. “You seem to know a lot about things like this.”

“Rape is a terrible blight on the collective human psyche and no one should ever have to experience it.” Ben said and squinted his eyes. “If I could delete those kinds of thoughts from people's minds, I would.”

“I... I think we would all wish for that.” DeWolff whispered.

Ben blinked his eyes for a moment before he put his arms around her to hug her tenderly. “I am doubly sorry for kissing you without your permission, Jean. I'm very sorry that you went through something so terrible and I'm even more sorry that what I'm saying are just words and don't have the impact they should have.”

“What do you mean?” DeWolf asked and she wasn't sure if she wanted to hear what he was going to say.

“I would make love to you and show you that you're not damaged or worthless, because it wasn't your fault. It's never your fault. Never.” Ben whispered and tried to let her see in his eyes that he did desire her and wouldn't do anything without her permission. “You are a strong and independent woman and you are not responsible for other people's actions. They are at fault. Not you.”

DeWolff wasn't sure why she believed him; but, she did. His sincerity was also quite touching.

“May I kiss you in thanks for sharing such a deeply personal detail with me?” Ben asked in a whisper.

DeWolff wasn't sure why she nodded, then his lips were on hers again and heaven help her, he was kissing her the same way. She almost melted into his arms as she made out with him and she let her thoughts run wild as she imagined him actually doing what he said. When her hand went down to his crotch and felt his quite hard erection, she realized what she was doing and broke the kiss.

Ben smiled warmly at her and put a hand on hers that was still on his erection. “This means more to me than the kiss does, Jean. Thank you.”

DeWolff was surprised he would say that.

“A willing touch from a beautiful woman speaks volumes about her confidence in herself. You know what you want and only an idiot would deny you.” Ben said and then smiled. “I have to be that idiot right now, because I'm very late for work.”

DeWolff was surprised even more when Ben stood up and held her hand on his erection.

“You have my number and I usually have Sundays free. If you need a friend to talk to, please don't hesitate to call.” Ben said and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Thank you for looking after Val for me.”

DeWolff could only nod as he stepped back and held onto her hand, shook it, then he walked over to the receptionist's desk. She watched him have a brief conversation with her and he gave her his number to call when Val woke up, then she watched as he walked out through the emergency room doors and disappeared into the night.

“What the fuck just happened?” Detective Jean DeWolff asked herself out loud.


I quickly swung through the city and landed near the construction site. I took off my dark outer clothing, gloves, and mask before I walked over to the front of the building. I unlocked the door and locked it behind me when I entered. I put on my safety equipment in full view of the camera and then I worked like a madman.

I was quickly running out of time to have the work done by the morning and I was glad that I had texted Natasha while I was waiting at the hospital. She would have been disappointed if she had shown up and waited in my room all night and I hadn't shown up.

I was only a little surprised that I hadn't received a text from either Mary Strickland, the school's secretary, or Miss Leyva, the chemistry teacher. I had thought once school was out, we would have exchanged a text or two, even just as a teaser.

I chuckled at that, because I was already crossing the line with a couple of older women and I didn't really need any more. I chuckled even more at that thought, because of the way I had reacted with Detective DeWolff. I really had been relieved that I hadn't been too late to save Val and I resolved to carry my real cell phone at all times. I wasn't going to miss another text if I could help it.

I finished up work and changed out of my safety gear, locked up the place, and checked around the dump truck. I only found a few small chunks of concrete had missed the back and I tossed them in, then I left the alley at a fast walk. I ducked into another alleyway and ascended to the roof, donned my coverings one more time, then swung through the city to head home.

I wasn't surprised to find May was still on the couch, only she was sound asleep with her cell phone clutched to her chest. She looked so pretty like that, even with the slightly worried look she had on her face. I crept up the stairs and went into my room to stash my backpack, and I felt my spider-sense tingle a bit more than normal.

I shook my head at that and ducked down and opened my door while staying out of the doorway. There was no laugh this time and only a muffled yell. I peeked into the room and sighed at seeing Clint covered from the mouth down in bright yellow containment fluid. His hand was on my sliding closet door and it was opened wide enough for the sensor to trip and it had activated one of my security devices.

“I'll deal with you later.” I whispered to him and looked over at the camera to see that it was covered with some kind of rubber thing attached to an arrow. “That's pretty slick.” I said and went over to it and examined the arrow and the rubber piece that fit precisely over the small camera. It was a great shot, especially considering the sharp angle from the window.

I didn't say anything else as I took out one of the untraceable cell phones and turned off the activated security device. I put my backpack into the closet and shut the door, then turned the device back on. I grabbed a set of pyjama bottoms and my cell phone before I left my room to go to the bathroom and stripped off. I did the sponge bath thing again and was careful with the bandages, then I dried off and went downstairs to collect May.

She didn't react when I picked her up and she kept hold of her cell phone as I carried her up the stairs to her room. It wasn't until I carefully put her down and started to tuck her in, that she started to stir. She mumbled something that I couldn't hear and her eyelids fluttered a little.

“Mmm... Ben... so strong now...” May's eyes opened a little and she caught her breath when she saw me. “Ben!” She gasped and her eyes opened all the way. “You're home!”

“I didn't mean to wake you.” I said and took her cell phone to put on the nightstand. “You still have about two hours before you have to get up to go to work.”

“You...” May paused and yawned. “...stayed out nearly all night.”

I smiled and lightly stroked her hair as I sat on the bed. “...and someone's beautiful aunt tried to stay awake all night and waited up for him.”

May took my hand from her hair and held it with both of her hands. “I was worried.”

“I'm sorry I worried you.” I said and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I'm hoping the hospital calls this morning to let me know Val's going to be okay.”

May nodded and her face went sad. “Ben, I'm sorry you had to go through that.”

“I was scared for a while that I hadn't been in time until I talked to Detective DeWolff and she told me that the rape test came back negative.” I said and smiled. “I was so relieved to hear it that I kissed her.”

“No!” May gasped.

“Yep, right on the lips, too.”

“What did she do?” May asked and almost looked afraid of the answer.

“What any woman would do when kissed by a stranger. She punched me right on the chin!”

May looked surprised and then she looked amused and tried to not laugh.

“I was hugging her at the time, so she didn't have a lot of leverage.” I leaned down and turned to show May the spot I had been hit. It was becoming a nice bruise already.

“She still got you good.” May said and lightly touched it with her fingertips.

“It would have knocked me out if I had been any farther away.” I said with a chuckle. “And yes, before you ask, I apologized immediately.”

“Damn right you should have.” May said and cupped the side of my face briefly before she let it go. “I doubt I'm going to get back to sleep now. Do you want to get those scrapes checked?”

“Are you sure? Two hours is a long time to add to your normal shift.”

“I've pulled longer shifts before.” May said and sat up. “I put those extra supplies in the bathroom.”

I nodded and took her hand to help her stand up. “Then please, tend to this wounded soldier to allow him to fight on.”

May chuckled and led me by the hand out of her room and into the bathroom. “Go ahead and sit down on your throne, Mister Soldier. Your nurse is about to fix you right up.”

I sat down regally to make her laugh, then I turned around for her.

“Oh, Ben.” May whispered and leaned close to kiss my cheek. “You did this much damage to get close to Miss Potts?”

“It was worth it.” I said and tried to not flinch as May picked at the tape that had been liberally applied and she pulled a piece off with a quick snap. “Ahh! Dammit!”

May let out a girlish giggle. “Believe me, it's better to do it fast and get it over with instead of trying to slowly peel it off. That hurts a lot more.”

“I don't mind losing the tiny hairs, it's the surrounding skin I'm worried about.” I groused.

“You have a choice. Slow and painful or quick and annoying.” May said and leaned into my field of vision to grin at me. “What'll it be, champ? A nurse recommended action or will you wussy wuss-out?”

“That's not really a fair choice, dammit.” I said and fake scowled at her. “Wussy wuss-out, please.”

May laughed and kissed my cheek again. “Nurse recommended it is.”

I smiled at her. “Like I said, not really a choice.” I said and braced myself. “Go ahead. I can take it.”

“I've heard that before.” May said and placed a hand on my shoulder, gripped the next piece of tape, and yanked it off.

“Ahh! Dammit.” I said as I flinched.

May giggled. “If you think this is painful, you should try a bikini wax sometime.”

“Ignoring the application of boiling hot wax to my most sensitive area, do you seriously expect me to be insane enough to yank out all of the short fuzzy hairs on my balls with a single pull?”

May pulled off another piece of tape to make me yell and flinch. “Don't be so vulgar.”

“Sorry, I meant exorcising my hair in an immediate fashion from my tender testicle container.”

May giggled again and pulled off another piece of tape. “Much better.”

I turned my head to look at her over my shoulder. “Do you actually have that done?”

May nodded. “Usually once a month during the summer, especially if we go swimming a lot. During the winter, I usually shave it just enough to keep it nice and trimmed.” She said and then paused. “I hope you're not disgusted by that.”

“I'm not. Hair growth is just a normal body process.” I said. “I still think you're insane for subjecting yourself... YEOW!”

May giggled again and tossed the next piece of tape and gauze in the trash.

“ this every month.” I shook my head and looked at the shower stall again. “If I was going to have my hair removed, I would rather do it permanently with electrolysis.”

“Electrolysis? What's that?” May asked and sounded confused.

I stiffened at mentioning something she didn't know and thought about what to say. “I read about it at the library when I was looking up other things. It's a new method of permanent hair removal where a tiny needle is inserted into the hair follicle and a small electric current is sent through it to kill it. The hair dies and falls out, and bingo bango, no more hair grows there.”

May's hand gripped my shoulder tightly. “Ben, please tell me you're joking.”

“Why would I be joking?” I asked her.

“I work in the medical field and I haven't heard of anything like that.” May said.

“I can't remember where I read it from.” I said and that was true, because I couldn't. I just hadn't read about it here. “It's a simple but a long process, because you're working with individual hairs.”

“Ben, I need you to search for it as soon as possible!” May said and sounded desperate. “Even if it doesn't have FDA approval, not having to shave my armpits or my legs anymore is worth violating their safety policies!”

I was a little surprised at the strength in her hand. “May, can you not bruise my shoulder?”

“What? Oh!” May gasped and let my shoulder go. “I'm sorry, Ben.”

“It's okay.” I said and turned to look at her. “It seems really important to you.”

“Do you know how much money I spend on shaving foam and razors? The hair grows back within days and...” May started to rant.

I reached up and put a finger on her lips to stop her before she really got going. “Relax, May. I get it.”

May smiled and moved my finger. “I'm allowed to be passionate about some things.”

“Who knew it would be about epilation.” I said and she looked confused again. “It's the removal of everything involved with the hair, both above and below the skin. Depilation is just the removal of the hair itself.”

“I need to remember that.” May said and made a turn motion with her hand. “I need to finish taking the gauze and tape off. After I check the scrapes, you need to shower. I'll apply the antibacterial cream and the gauze again when you're done.”

I nodded and turned around to let her finish. May worked quickly and was almost continuously giggling as I flinched every time and yelled or hissed with the impromptu hair removal treatment. When the last of them was removed, she had me stand so she could look at them closer.

“Pepper really did do a good job.” May said and I heard the approval in her voice. “All right, go ahead and get a shower. I'll come back in when you're done.”

“Thanks, May.” I said and remembered the one on my butt. I sighed, because I couldn't hide it from her. “Um, May? There's one more scrape.”

“Where?” May asked.

I turned around and pointed to my butt cheek.

May was quiet for several seconds. “Ben, are you telling me that you let a strange woman see your naked backside?”

“Pepper noticed a tear in my pants and she was adamant that she take good care of me, even if it was embarrassing for the both of us.” I said without turning around. I was sure that I didn't want to see the expression on May's face right now. “She barely touched me as she used a cotton swab and alcohol.”

“She touched you, too?” May asked in a whisper before she took a deep breath and let it out before she spoke with a flat tone. “Then I need to check it as well, just in case.”

“May.” I said a bit sternly. “I could have easily hidden it from you.”

May sighed this time. “All right, I won't get mad because of it.”

“Thank you.” I said and pulled my pyjama bottoms down to uncover my butt and held onto the front to stop myself from flashing her. “Just so you know, she asked for my permission to touch me.”

May put a hand on my shoulder again and gave it a light squeeze. “I'm sorry. I was just worried she was taking advantage of the situation.”

Oh, no. It was me. I really, really took advantage of it. I thought and held in my smile. “Did you forget the fact that she's dating a billionaire?”

May chuckled as her hand slid down my back and paused briefly at my hip before it continued on and her fingers started to dig at the tape on my butt cheek. “Existential thoughts don't really enter a woman's mind when there's a handsome young man naked in front of her.”

I desperately wanted to make a joke about me being naked in front of her before and I clamped my mouth shut. I promised myself that I wouldn't joke again until I heard how Val was, so I remained quiet. May used her other hand to brace my hip before she gained a good grip on the tape and then yanked it off.

“YEE-OUCH!” I said and clenched my butt cheeks together. “Dammit!”

May giggled and tossed the gauze into the trash, then she lightly caressed a single fingertip near the scrape for several inches along my butt cheek. “Okay, I can't fault what she's done. All of the scrapes were well cleaned, treated, and completely covered.”

May's tender touch had made me shiver in a good way, which was bad for me, because Penis Parker didn't mind at all that she was Peter's aunt. He didn't mind at all.

“Whew, that's a relief.” I said and pulled my pyjama bottoms up and covered myself with a hand. “If I ever hear from her again, I'll let her know that she has a registered nurse's approval.” I said before I turned around to face her.

May started to smile at my words and it changed to a slightly opened mouth of surprise, because she had been kneeling on the floor and her face was now right in front of where I was trying to cover up my erection. The similarity to when Pepper had done that, was not lost on me or Penis Parker, because he throbbed in anticipation.

Stupid hormones. I thought and forced a smile on my face. “Thanks a lot for the help, May. I'll grab that shower now and I'll holler when I'm ready for you.”

May slowly nodded as she stood, then she left the bathroom without saying a word.

I sighed and took off my jogging pants and started to jerk off into the toilet. It reminded me of when the girls had been there and watched me on Sunday, and that really got me going because I remembered what happened afterwards. I had done them all. The reluctant Liz, the eager Max, the we're having fun Val, and the surprisingly energetic Gina.

I hadn't been sure Gina even liked me. She admitted that seeing me get hurt in gym had swayed her opinion completely to the positive side. Oh boy, when she liked you, she really liked you. I think she kissed me more than Max did, even though Max was the one I was having a not-so-secret affair with.

I remembered one particular point when I had all four of them going at the same time. I was plowing into Gina, had my fingers buried into Val and Liz on either side of her, and Max was half-hung over the back of the couch to present herself so I could eat her out. She really enjoyed it, too.

“MMM!” I moaned and shot my load into the toilet. It actually made a splash sound, as did the next two shots. That kind of surprised me, because I was sure it wasn't normal to be able to be that forceful every time I had an orgasm. I hadn't really noticed when I was with a partner, because that wasn't something a guy thinks about when he's paying attention to them instead.

I looked at my dripping manhood and decided I would need to do a bit more research on spider behavior to expand on the biological knowledge I already had. Maybe it would give me a clue as to what was going on with me.

I wiped myself off and hopped into the shower, lathered up while also being careful of my scrapes, and washed myself. I took several extra minutes to wash my hair as well and then dried off and wrapped a towel around myself. I held onto it firmly before I went to the bathroom door and opened it.

May stood there with a slight blush on her face and a tube of antibacterial cream in her hands, so I stepped back to let her enter and I sat down on the toilet for her. She didn't say a word as she used her finger to start applying the cream to all of the little scrapes. It didn't take her long before she had finished with the ones on my back.

“Ben...” May whispered.

I slowly stood up and undid the towel to let her apply the cream to the last scrape. Even though the cream was cold, her warm and tender touches had aroused me again, which told me there really was something going on and I would have to research spiders before looking at the available patents.

May applied replacement gauze and taped it a different spot than it had been.

“Did you just ensure that I'll be losing more hair?” I asked.

“Before you get angry, the tape sticks better this way.” May said and stood. “It will also make the other bare spots less noticeable.”

I sighed and secured my towel again before I sat down on the toilet to let her do the rest of the scrapes.

“If it comes out too patchy, you can look forward to having more hair removed tomorrow and possibly the next night.” May said and patted my head.

I sighed again and she went to work covering the cream treated scrapes.


Pepper's alarm went off and the man in bed beside her didn't react at all and kept snoring. She turned the alarm off and sat up as she pushed the covers off, slipped off of the bed, and stood up. She was naked and for the first time since they had started dating, she regretted it. She picked up the lacy bra and panties that Tony hadn't noticed and brought them into the bathroom.

While she showered and cleaned herself to remove the traces of the mediocre sex they had, she replayed last night in her mind. She had been determined to prove Ben wrong about Tony not really paying her any attention and she had gone into Tony's workshop and told him to watch as she did a little striptease.

The lack of interest on his face should have been Pepper's first clue. She ignored it and took his hand and led him out of the workshop and to the elevator to go to the penthouse. Tony had mumbled and complained that he was in the middle of something important, even when they reached the bedroom, which had been her second clue that she also ignored.

Pepper tried her best to recreate the scene in the lingerie shop and strutted around the bedroom confidently and then she took things a little further as she shook her chest and her ass at Tony. The bored look on his face was not encouraging for her at all and that had been her third clue. She had popped off her bra and tossed it at him and it hit his chest and fell to the floor. He hadn't even tried to catch it. That had been her fourth clue.

She slipped off the matching panties as she wiggled her hips, then she let them drop to the floor and kicked them at him. He caught them this time and then complained that they almost hit him in the face as he tossed them onto the floor beside the bra. That had been the fifth clue and she still tried to capture the emotions she had felt earlier in the day because she refused to admit that it wasn't working.

Pepper had stalked over to the bed and started undressing Tony, which he didn't fight against or helped with, and she looked down at his soft member. She successfully kept the disappointment off of her face as she knelt and used her hand to try and get him hard. It took a few minutes to get him to a semi-hard state and then she bent down to suck on him to speed things up.

She was surprised that it took another few minutes to get him hard enough to have sex, because she had used nearly every trick she knew to arouse him. Even the swirly tongue!

Tony laid back on the bed and Pepper straddled him as she easily slipped him inside because she wanted to have sex. She tried to not feel disappointed again because it didn't feel anywhere near as good as a certain young man's, or as big, or as enthusiastic. She did most of the work as she rocked her hips and tried to encourage Tony to do something besides lay there.

Pepper had even taken his hands and mashed them into her breasts and massaged them using Tony's hands. His interest seemed to grow a little and he had handled her a little roughly, so Pepper slid off of him and laid down and spread her legs for him. Tony hadn't needed more direction than that and he laid on top of her in the missionary position and pumped in and out of her for about ten minutes.

She had tried to kiss and caress him and he had pretty much rested his head on her shoulder and went at her as he ignored her attention. Tony soon finished inside of her, thanked her as he called her babe, and rolled off of her. That had been the last and final clue for her.

Pepper had thought she was special and meant more to him than all of the others he had slept with, and he had just told her the same thing he told them when he was done with them. It had hurt a lot more than she thought it would, because she really had invested herself into their relationship for years.

Despite her sole indiscretion that day, one she couldn't really explain besides having a handsome young man had found her so desirable, she truly thought that Tony and her were a good match after he had changed his womanizing ways.

Pepper continued to wash herself as she thought about all of the things she had ignored or accepted as Tony being Tony over the years. She wasn't sure why she was seeing things in a different light, until she remembered Ben giving her his sole attention all day and then he had shown her how much he had desired her. He had shown her a lot.

She leaned against the shower wall as her fingers rubbed between her legs and her mind replayed the tryst she had in the change room of a clothing shop... in public... and her desire spiked as she slipped two of her fingers inside of herself. She started fingering a sweet spot and used her other hand to flick her nub and rubbed her outer lips at the same time.

It reminded her of Ben doing that and she moaned and sped up her movements. She really wanted to feel that passion again, like she had when they had been together. After a couple of minutes, she came hard and squirted out onto the shower floor.

Pepper panted and rested against the wall as she looked down at her expulsion being washed away down the drain. As she watched it disappear, she regretted that Ben had been so respectful of her wishes that he hadn't come inside of her.

That reminded her to use her douche again and she rinsed out what Tony had left. She was also glad that today was a safe day, because even though Ben had been careful, there had been a lot of come spread across her back and her ass.

Pepper actually bit her lip and had to stop herself from masturbating again when she remembered the feeling of that boiling hot liquid as it splashed onto her sensitive skin. It had felt amazing at the time and now she was wondering how amazing it would have felt if it had been inside.

Oh, screw it! I'm still horny and I need this! Pepper thought and started rubbing herself again.

In the back of her mind, Ben's words of encouragement echoed. Take care of yourself, Pepper. He had told her. She knew exactly what he meant and she resolved to do just that. In fact, her first meeting that morning was going to involve the company's board members, so she could start laying the groundwork right away.

“Ohhhhh!” Pepper moaned loudly as she came again and her half-formed business strategy cemented into a solid plan in her mind. She would start manipulating things to use her access to the company's assets to buy out the dummy corporations that Tony owned by proxy, discreetly of course, and she would order Jarvis to not bother Tony with trivial things like that.

Pepper Potts was going to be the CEO of Stark Enterprises or her name wasn't Pepper Potts!


After spending an hour with May cooking enough chicken and sausage breakfast burritos for us to eat and for her to take to work, May left the apartment full and happy. I made six extra burritos and took them upstairs to my room. Clint was still there, not that he could have left, and the look of accusation on his face made me smile.

“I did say later. It's later.” I said and my cell phone rang. “Excuse me.” I said and took my phone out of my pocket and saw it was from Mercy Hospital. “Hello, gorgeous! It's so nice to hear from you.”

It took a moment before the voice on the phone spoke. “Mr. Parker? This is Claudia, the receptionist at Mercy General.”

“I know.” I said and she didn't respond. “Please, call me Ben and tell me Val's awake and okay.”

“I can't divulge a patient's condition to non-family members.” Claudia said. “I can relay a message to you, however.”

“I'm all ears.” I said in a serious tone.

“Ahem.” Claudia cleared her throat. “Ben, they told me you brought me here. I might not have made it if you hadn't saved me. Thank you. I knew I could depend on you.”

I took a deep breath and let it out as relief filled me. “Was that all?”

Claudia was quiet for a moment. “She said to kiss you for her and I can't do that.”

“Do you mean because I'm not there or because you won't do it?” I asked.

“A little bit of both.” Claudia said.

“Ha!” I barked the laugh. “I'll stop by later and I'll let you kiss my cheek.”

“I'm about to go off-shift.” Claudia responded.

“Make that tonight, then. I assume you have to keep her for a few days to make sure she's okay?”

“I can't divulge a patient's condition to non-family members.” Claudia repeated.

I chuckled. “I bet you really hate having to say that every time someone asks you a question.”

Claudia sighed. “Every damn time.”

I laughed. “All right, you've convinced me. I'll bring you a nice snack tonight to make up for me annoying you like this.”

“You don't have to do that.” Claudia said.

“I know.” I said. “My aunt's a nurse, so I kind of know what you have to go through. It's also homemade, so it doesn't have any calories and you don't have to worry about gaining weight.”

Claudia chuckled. “I don't think that's how it works.”

“It doesn't? Well, damn.” I said and she laughed. “How about, once you taste it, you won't care?”

“That sounds much more reasonable.” Claudia agreed.

“Great! I'll see you tonight.” I said. “Thank you for calling, Claudia. I really appreciate it.”

“You're welcome, Ben. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” I said and hung up.

“Hmm hm hmm hm hmmm.” Clint hummed to me.

“Surprisingly I actually understood that you said, 'get me out of here'.” I said with a grin. “I'll get you out of there if you promise to keep quiet about it.”


“Why? Because it's personal and it's complicated. Lots of legal issues and stolen ideas. You know, a typical teenager's problems.” I joked and he actually looked amused. I grabbed the untraceable cell phone and entered the code to disable the motion detector and opened the sliding closet door. “Close your eyes. The dissolving fluid's not toxic; but, it will sting the hell out of your eyes if you get any in there.”

“Hmm.” Clint said and closed his eyes.

I activated the dissolution option on the hidden security device and stepped back as a spray of liquid started at Clint's neck and several nozzles spread it out and down to his feet. I remembered to go and grab the vacuum from the hallway and came back in as I switched it to the hose option and sucked up the yellow goop as it dissolved.

I shut the closet door and turned on the full features of the security device again. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

“What the hell was that stuff?” Clint asked as it dissolved up from his neck to free his head.

I used the vacuum to clean his face and neck. “The first stuff or the second stuff?” I asked with a grin.

Clint chuckled. “Both.”

“The first is a patent pending secure foam. It activates when mixed with air and solidifies nearly instantly when it hits a target within range. The second is a patent pending special solution that specifically dissolves the first and nothing else.” I said and used the vacuum to suck the rest of the residue from his uniform and switched the vacuum back to the main part and ran it over the carpet.

“SHIELD is going to want that.” Clint said as he stepped over to the center of the room out of the way and he didn't try to open the sliding door again.

“That's part of my legal problem. SHIELD probably already has the bastardized version of it.” I said and turned off the vacuum when everything was gone.

Clint wasn't an idiot and got it right way. “Stark Protect and their new security system.”

“You got it.” I said and put the vacuum against the wall. “I assume Natasha told you I was going to be out for the night and she wasn't going to be here waiting for me.”

“Ben, don't get angry at her.” Clint said. “You can't blame us for wanting to know what you're hiding.”

I sighed and used the cell phone again to disable the motion sensor and opened the sliding closet door. I moved some old shoe boxes out of the way and Clint let out a whistle as he saw five of my security devices. I closed the door again and didn't bother turning the device back on.

“Even though I built them before trying to patent them, it's actually against the law for me to have them, because Stark owns the patent.” I said and didn't hide how I felt about that. “Not only did that fucking bastard steal my idea, he ruined it by 'improving' it, put in a bunch of crap it didn't need, and he is also severely overcharging for it, which ruined my projected business model.”

Clint looked to be at a loss for words.

“I know Stark is a sub-contractor for SHIELD, which is why I didn't want anyone at SHIELD knowing about it.” I said and walked over to the camera and popped off the arrow with the rubber piece on it. I stood there and ran my hands over the arrow. “It's also why I told Natasha that I would have told her about it if there was any way that she could help me with it.”

“Jesus.” Clint whispered and I walked over to him to give him his arrow back.

“You're going to need to toss that arrow shaft. It's been used too much and is structurally weak.” I said and he gave me an odd look.

“Squeeze it hard about three inches from the tip.” I said and went to my closet to grab my gym back with my SHIELD things in it.

There was a light crack of fibreglass and Clint said a whispered curse. “How did you do that?”

“Imperfections on the surface. I did the same for several bats during gym class.” I said and opened the bag. “What time is Natasha picking me up?”

Clint checked his watch. “About half an hour.”

“Good. You've got time to eat before you have to leave.” I said and pointed to the plate of burritos on my desk. “Have a seat and help yourself.”

Clint gave me a questioning look.

I chuckled and shuffled them around, then picked one up and bit into it. “Proof I didn't poison them.”

“You've studied our procedures.” Clint said and started eating one. “These are pretty good.”

“They should have only been sausage and veggie; but, I had some chicken pieces that I had to use up before they became freezer burnt.” I said and kept eating the one I took. When I was done, I checked my equipment bag and pulled out the business suit I had worn a few times. I added jogging pants and a t-shirt to the bag and closed it up.

Clint saw what I was doing and nodded. “See you later.”

“Take some to go.” I said and indicated the plate of burritos.

“Thanks.” Clint said and grabbed two with one hand, went to the window and popped the pane out, then he stepped out and used some glue to put it back into place.

I waved and he waved back before he went down the fire escape. I was tempted to follow him and meet Natasha down on the street, then shrugged. I was going there officially as Ben Parker, so she would be coming in the front door this time. I moved the security device in the closet and activated it, just so Clint, or anyone else they might send, wouldn't already know what direction it was going to come from.

I dressed in the suit and put the earpiece in and put on the sunglasses, tucked my two untraceable cell phones into my coat pockets, and picked up my real one. When I checked mine for any messages, it reminded me to send messages to Liz, Max, and Gina about Val to remind them to not ask her questions or to bug her about what happened.

I specifically told them I would be angry at them if they made her feel guilty or stupid about it, too. They were her friends and they needed to support her in her time of need and they shouldn't make her feel worse about it. Words of caring and encouragement were what she needed right now.

With that done, I carried my gym bag and the plate with a single burrito downstairs. I warmed it up in the microwave and left a note for May on the table in case she came home early. I had been tempted to tell her that I had a job interview, except I wasn't sure who I could say that I had one with. I definitely couldn't say SHIELD, because it was a spy organization, so I would have to talk to Natasha and see what she recommended.

I reached for my jacket to wear over my suit coat and there was a knock on the door. I felt my spider-sense tingle a little and smiled at the familiar feeling. I darted back into the kitchen and grabbed the plate and ran back to the door. I stood behind it where it would open to, and opened it. I could almost feel her surprise that no one was at the door when it opened.

“Hello, Ben.” Natasha said.

“Hi! Breakfast Burrito?” I asked and held it around the edge of the door. “Clint already tested it for poison.”

Natasha chuckled and took it. “Stop fooling around and let's go. We've got a tour and some paperwork to fill out before I put you though the official paces.”

I stepped out from behind the door and picked up my gym bag.

Natasha gave me a look with raised eyebrows. “You're lucky it's sunny out.”

“Sunglasses should be worn when it's cloudy out, too. Ultraviolet radiation doesn't care about clouds.”

Natasha looked surprised as I stepped out into the hallway and I locked the door behind me.

“You've never noticed that you sometimes have to squint your eyes on overcast days?” I asked and walked with her to the elevator.

“Not really, no.” Natasha said. “I'll be more aware of it now.”

I nodded and we waited in silence for the elevator. It soon arrived and we stepped on and faced the doors as they closed. “Have I proven that I can be professionally distant enough to kiss you now?”

“Only if you lose the glasses.” Natasha said with a smile.

“Done.” I said and tucked them into my front breast pocket, then I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her passionately. When the elevator dinged for the ground floor, we broke the kiss and resumed the polite facade that we weren't having sex every chance we could get.

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