
Melinda dropped May and myself off at the apartment with all of the bags and wrapped presents I had bought the day before. Of course, I had left one for Melinda with a promise from her to not freak out about it. I had made a different kind of bracelet while the R&D guys had been working on the BWSuit.

It was a collapsible shield that would deploy in barely a second to cover most of her arm in a two foot wide curved circle of titanium and steel alloy with plated gold over the bracelet itself. I wanted her to have it before I sold the idea to SHIELD and they put it into production for all of their normal field agents, because I knew they were going to. It was just too useful to not make it readily available.

I doubted they would do that with adaptions to the BWSuit I had submitted for Hawkeye. It would be much too expensive to outfit the entire SHIELD field agent contingent with custom made and fitted armored suits. The first suit cost a small fortune in materials and construction and that was with salvaging and adapting the tech from the Hammer drones.

Of course, I took some for myself. It was just too useful not to. I also grabbed a dozen noise clickers, two dozen air cartridges that I would convert into web cartridges with the proper pressure valves, and the spare materials I would need to reinforce my Spider-Man suit. I couldn't replicate the BWSuit, just because it would give away Spider-Man's direct connection to SHIELD.

I would have to change the deployment to a backpack and there was no way I could scrounge up enough lightweight titanium alloy to make a suit for myself, so I would have to settle for making it from steel. It was a lot heavier; but, I was a lot stronger than a normal person. If anything, the heavier metal could actually help me get stronger, especially if I add in extra reinforcements.

Aunt May and I entered the apartment and it seemed like we were returning home after we had been away on a nice vacation. We exchanged knowing looks and split up to go to our respective rooms to put our things away. We really did go a little overboard with how much we spent and I didn't regret it.

It was worth almost any price to see May's happy face as she picked out something for herself and she didn't look at the price as she told me to buy it for her. Melinda had let out a laugh at May's smug look as I did as she said and had it wrapped.

I piled the already wrapped presents into the corner of the room and I would deliver them later today, because it was Christmas Eve. I had been too busy yesterday to deliver them and I didn't have to wonder why I was so busy, considering I had two women that pretty much dragged me all over the place to shop for everything.

I chuckled at how the fun day with two Mays had turned out to become a great evening with them at the pool. I was going to remember the sight of two beautiful women wearing barely there gold bathing suits for the rest of my life. The overnight stay at the hotel where Melinda and I had enjoyed each other immensely, was just icing on the cake. And a very delicious icing it was.

I checked the camera was still disabled and nothing in my room had been disturbed. The glass of my window had also not been removed, thanks to the second electronic sensor I had planted on it. I changed my clothes and put on jogging pants and a baggy t-shirt before I went to May's room to see what she wanted to do for the afternoon.

Her door was open and I stopped to stare at her ass. She had bent over in her closet and rummaged around as if looking for something. I wasn't surprised that her ass in panties was just as appealing as it had been when covered in gold cloth.

“Need a hand with something?” I asked.

“Yes! I can't find my damn slippers!” May said with a huff as she stood and put her hands on her hips, which just so happened to jiggle her breasts nicely inside her bra.

That's not a good reason to get a woman upset, Ben. I thought with a chuckle as I walked over to her. “Do you mean the pink fluffy ones or the ones covered in long grey fur?”

“The grey ones. My toes are a little cold and they are thicker there than the pink ones.” May said.

I nodded and knelt to get a better view. The bottom of her closet was a mess again with shoes scattered about, an old top, several skirts, and three unopened shoe boxes. I would have to straighten it up the next chance I could. I had an idea where the slippers were, though.

I remembered tucking them in the corner out of the way to not get flattened when May exchanged her work sneakers. Having comfortable shoes at work was a must when you were on your feet all day and she had several pairs to choose from.

I moved a shoe box out of the way and it had blue high heels inside that matched the dress I had bought for her. I made a point to put them off to the side and reached into the back of the closet on the right-hand side. I felt along the back wall for the long fake fur and stuck two fingers into the slippers before I lifted and pulled them out. Thankfully, they weren't too squished.

“There they are!” May exclaimed and hugged them to her chest. “Thank you, Ben.”

I slowly stood and smiled at her. “I'm always happy to help a damsel in distress.”

May laughed and whacked my arm with one of the slippers. “Go wait downstairs for me. I'm not dressed.”

“You're not?” I asked and looked down at her. “Are you actually naked right now?”

“Ben!” May gasped and laughed as she whacked me a few more times on the arm and head to chase me out of the bedroom. “Out! Out!”

I laughed and left the room, even though I hadn't asked what she wanted to do. I waited on the couch for her and she came down a few minutes later and wore her flannel pyjamas and the slippers. I pat the couch beside me and she sat down and cuddled into my side.

“Are we ordering in or making something?” I asked her and put my arm around her.

“Ordering. You have those presents to deliver and I have some paperwork to work on.” May said and gave me a bit of a glare.

I kissed her cheek. “Matt said you didn't have to look at anything until after Christmas, even if it is my present to you.”

May shook her head and picked up the remote. “You made me the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, Ben. That's not just a Christmas present. That's a life changing event.”

I chuckled. “It doesn't have to be, unless you want it to be.”

May turned on the television and looked at me. “What do you mean?”

“Oh, nothing.” I blatantly lied and turned my head away to hide my amusement.

“Benjamin P. Parker! Don't lie to me.” May said in a stern voice.

I jerked slightly at her tone of voice and because of what she said. I looked back at her face and let her see my confusion. “What... what did you call me?”

May lost the stern look and smiled sweetly. “Wait right here. I'll be right back.” She said and stood, then walked back up the stairs and disappeared.

I sat there and waited for several minutes before she appeared at the top of the stairs with a large manila envelope and walked down the stairs, almost like she was presenting an award at an award show. I stared at her as she walked over to me and held out the envelope.

“May?” I asked.

“Go ahead and open your present.” May said and knelt on the floor in front of me.

I opened the tab at the top that held the flap closed and reached inside. I felt several sheets of papers and pulled them out. I started reading them before I had them all the way out and I caught my breath at what the top sheet was. It was a birth certificate. Instead of saying Peter Benjamin Parker like it should have, it said Benjamin Peter Parker.

I moved the sheet and the second page had the legal change of name form that had been signed by May and Matt, it was also notarized. The third sheet had my new social security number card with my new name on it, as well as a wallet-sized birth certificate.

“M-M-May... I... I...” I couldn't speak as tears came to my eyes. I also didn't know what to say. She had changed my name to match who I was and I was so shocked that I was at a complete loss for words.

“Merry Christmas, Ben.” May said and moved the papers to the side to pull me into a tight hug.

I started to cry and put my arms around her to hug her just as tightly and held on, because I felt the wracking sobs as they overwhelmed me. I cried even harder when May whispered that everything was okay, that I was her Ben now, and she promised to take care of me and be my family, for always and for ever.


Liz Allan had debated with herself for a very long time over inviting Ben to her Christmas Party or not. She had good reasons for both sides, even when she remembered that she had invited the academic decathlon team and several other kids from her different classes. Popularity really could be a burden.

In the end, her indecision made the decision for her and the accusing glares she received from her close friends when Ben hadn't shown up for the party, had been well deserved.

She had eventually taken them aside and apologized before she explained what happened. They reluctantly accepted that this was the third time she had done the same thing and told her in no uncertain terms that if there was a fourth time, she would be the one left out when the next set of plans between friends were made.

Liz readily accepted that condition and they went back to the party that was just getting into full swing. The music played and a lot of them were dancing. They also wore funny Christmas Sweaters, which was the theme of the party.

A short time later, Liz realized another problem was about to surface. Her friends had brought presents for Ben to put under the public tree and everyone else at the party would soon know that she hadn't invited him, even if it had been a mistake.

Max was quickly taken aside by Liz and given a pleading look as she motioned to her cell phone. “He's going to say no.”

“Not if you ask him.” Liz said. “He really likes you.”

Max gave her a pointed look. “You have apparently forgotten that he wanted to date you first.”

Liz blushed a little. “I know. I just... I don't know why I...”

“He likes boldness.” Val said as she stepped close and took out her cell phone. “You've pretty much ensured that he's not going to want to pick things up with you later. Or ever.”

Liz looked embarrassed about that as Val typed out a text. “Is there any chance he's going to respond soon? If he leaves his apartment in the next half hour, he might make it before we get to exchanging presents.”

Val gave her a smug smile and hit send. “One, two, three, four, now.” She said and her phone beeped.

Liz looked shocked and Max barked a laugh.

“It seems he is out delivering presents to his friends that he thought were at home.” Val read and Liz felt bad about that, because her friends had thought he was going to her house and hadn't told Ben they wouldn't be home. It beeped again and she nodded. “He said he's at Max's house right now and he doesn't have a sweater to wear to the party.”

“Even if he took a taxi, which we all know he can't afford, there's no way he will make it all the way across the city on Christmas Eve to get here in time.” Max said.

Liz nodded and sighed sadly. “You might as well tell him what happened, that I'm really sorry, and that I hope he'll forgive me. Again.”

Val started typing and sent it. The phone beeped ten seconds later. “He said Max's mom is going to let him borrow a sweater and he'll be here as soon as he can.”

“Good luck with that fantasy! It'll be a Christmas Miracle if he shows up before ten.” Max said.

Val chuckled and sent it. The phone beeped a moment later and she laughed.

“What did he say?” Liz asked and Val showed her. “Look upon the heavens and your wish shall be granted?”

“Ha! Now I really want him to show up!” Max exclaimed and Val nodded.


“I really appreciate you doing this for me, guys.” I said to the pilot and co-pilot on the Quinjet as they flew me across the city.

“We were doing a patrol overflight anyway.” The co-pilot said.

“Taking a massive detour from your flight pattern is going to show up on your flight recorder.”

“Emergency bathroom break.” The pilot said with a grin and his co-pilot chuckled.

“I assume you've used the excuse before?” I asked.

“I buzzed a cheating girlfriend's house during a high wind gale and used the jets to blow her roof off.” The pilot said.

I laughed and nodded. “Good for you.”

“I thought so, too.” The co-pilot said. “That's a nice sweater, Agent Parker.”

I ran a hand over the plush reindeer head with real Christmas lights hanging from the antlers. “It only cost me ten minutes of eating a woman out and a promise to finish tomorrow.”

The two men exchanged a quick look and then burst out laughing.

A few minutes later, the pilot swung the transport around and landed a street away from Liz's house with its operating lights off, and dropped the rear ramp.

“Thanks again, guys! Let me know if you ever need anything.” I said.

“Black Widow's autograph!” Both men said at the same time and then laughed.

I waved and carried my bag of presents as I walked to the back and hit the retract button before I jumped down the ramp and then I ran down the street. I took the corner and ran up the next street. I wasn't surprised to see Liz, Val, Max, Gina, Betty, Sarah, and a few others I didn't recognize outside and looking up at the sky. The surprising one to see was Sally, my overweight biology lab partner.

“Ben? Did you fly here? Was that a helicopter we heard?” Val asked.

“I'm sorry, I can't divulge Christmas Miracle secrets.” I said and came to a stop in front of everyone.

“I can't believe you actually made it.” Max said with a smirk. “Mom's sweater looks good on you.”

I chuckled and flicked the button on the collar to turn on the Christmas lights and they flickered randomly. “It's the the most Christmassy sweater I've ever seen.”

“You are definitely winning the contest.” Max said.

“I don't know. I can see a few sweaters that are just as garishly bright and cheery as mine.” I said and several of the girls let out soft laughs. “Hey, Liz. I'm sorry I'm late to your party. I got caught up at home when my aunt sprang an unexpected gift on me and it took me a while to handle it.”

Liz looked embarrassed, which was why I said it the way I did. Not only did it cover for her, it let her blame me for her mistake and would make her look magnanimous for allowing me to still come inside.

“That's okay, Ben. You're here now and that's all that matters.” Liz said and several of the girls around her nodded.

“Then what are we all standing out in the cold for? I'm freezing my balls off here!”

That set a few of the girls to laughing and we all filed back inside Liz's house and into the warmth. We all went into the main part of the house to see that the party was jumping and the music was pumping. A couple of the girls started to sway and pump their arms to the music.

“I'm really glad you made it.” Val whispered from beside me.

“I told you I would always come when you called.” I whispered back. “Where do the presents go?”

“This way.” Val said and took my hand and led me back through the house to near the entryway and opened a side door. Inside was a sitting room and presents were piled around a large tree.

I stood there and wondered where I should put my presents so that they wouldn't get stolen or have the nametags switched, when Val shut the door and locked it. I turned around and saw a very aroused face where a subdued face had been a moment before.

“Val?” I asked as she walked over to me.

Val took my bag of gifts and tucked it beside the fireplace and out of the way, then she came back to me to give me a longing look. Her hands went to the sweater's collar and she clicked off the lights.

“Val.” I whispered as she pulled the sweater off over my head and her hands deftly flicked the buttons open on my shirt. She did the cuffs next and then my shirt was on the floor.

“Ben, please.” Val whispered as her hands slid up my torso and her fingers danced over my chest.

“Are you sure you want it like this?” I asked in a whisper. “We have to be quiet and I can't treat you properly.”

Val bit her bottom lip. “You would treat me differently if we were somewhere else?”

I took her hands in mine and slid them down to press them to my erection. “I told you that I don't want to have sex with you. I want to make love to you and show you the difference.”

“You can't do that here?” Val asked and pulled off her sweater to reveal she wore only a basic cloth bra.

“I can, just not for as long as I think you deserve.” I said and pulled her into a hug and kissed her.

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