Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

75 Holiday Blowout Bonanza


We were both soon naked and Val moaned into my mouth as I gently entered her raw and caressed her all over with my hands. Her body reacted to my gentle touches as if my fingertips gave her shocks and she tightened up down there more than last time, probably because she was feeling me directly. She also squirmed and writhed as I gave her bits of a massage and little tickles here and there.

I explored her body thoroughly and Val's moans were loud, even muffled by my mouth like they were. I eventually managed to get her to orgasm with all of my gentle ministrations and her body locked up and stiffened for several seconds.

When Val finally relaxed, the look on her face was full of shock and awe. “Wh-what... what was that?” She asked, barely above a whisper.

“The first one.” I whispered back and carefully pulled out of her. “We don't have time for more.”

“What? Wait... you...” Val's eyes went to my still hard member. “You didn't go.”

“I'm not wearing a condom. I can't endanger you like that.” I said and glanced around for something to use to wipe myself off.

Val handed me her panties and I raised my eyebrows at her. “I was going to give them to you anyway.”

I gave her a warm smile and made a show of wiping myself off for her. She licked her lips as I did and then she sat up and took me into her mouth, which undid the whole point of wiping myself off. She didn't have to work it for long before I warned her it was coming and she hummed and kept sucking and bobbed her head.

I let myself go and she moaned as I coated the inside of her mouth and her throat. She swallowed several times and eased herself back and gave me one more lick before she looked up at me with a satisfied look on her face.

“Thank you, Val.” I said and bent down to kiss her on the lips.

“Ben!” Val gasped and pulled back. “What are you doing?”

I used a hand to cup the side of her face. “I'm showing you that I care enough about you to kiss you, no matter what you do.”

Val looked stunned by that. “Ben, you... you can't mean...”

I smiled at her and pulled her in close to give her another kiss. “I do.” I said and stood up. I used her panties to wipe myself off as best as I could, then I tucked them into my front pocket and handed her my boxers. “Put those on. It's only fair, since you gave me yours.”

Val accepted them with a blush and she quickly put them on and pulled on her pants. “These feel weird with jeans on.”

I chuckled. “Imagine how weird they would feel in a skirt.”

Val gave me a surprised look and then laughed.

“Yep, no point wearing them with a skirt.” I said and we finished dressing. I put an arm around her waist and gave her half of a hug as we walked to the door of the room. “I'm sorry we don't have more time.”

Val gave me a look that said she didn't believe me. “They are going to suspect we were doing something anyway.”

“I don't care about that.” I said and her eyes widened. “I only care that I didn't succeed in showing you how much I cherish you before someone walked in on us.”

Val looked stunned at my words and let me lead her from the room. I let my arm drop to her ass briefly when we entered the living room and I let her go. I didn't want to give anyone the wrong impression or have them assume we were dating.

“Hey, you two. Where were you?” Gina asked with a knowing smirk when we approached the group.

“Val showed me where to put the presents and she had to peek at what I had for her.” I said with a straight face.

Val made a surprised sound and Gina looked amused.

“I want a dance.” Max said and took my hand.

“Sure.” I responded and we moved over to the middle of the people there and started dancing. It was a fast song, so we both moved around a lot and smiled at each other. The song ended and changed to a slow one and Max grabbed my arm and pulled me close.

“You had sex, didn't you?” Max whispered into my ear.

“Yes, she needed me to start showing her the difference between having sex and making love.”

Max moved back slightly to look at my face. “Like what you did with me last week?”

I shook my head. “I treat you all differently, you know that.”

“Do I?” Max asked.

“I didn't go down on her and it was straight missionary.” I admitted and she looked surprised. “We had to stop in case anyone came in and found us.”

Max nodded and hugged me close for the rest of the song. When it ended, she gave me a pointed look.

“If you can find somewhere that no one will walk in on us...” I started to say.

“I will.” Max said and disappeared through the crowd, I assumed to start searching.

I started walking back over to the other girls when a voice stopped me.

“Hi, Ben.” Sally said and I changed my destination to walk over to her.

“May I have this dance?” I asked and held my hand out to her.

“I... I don't dance.” Sally said with a blush.

It was a slow song again and I smiled at her, took her hand, and led her out to the dance floor. She was a few inches shorter than me, so it was a little awkward to hold her close and bend a bit to talk to her.

“You're embarrassing yourself.” Sally whispered and looked embarrassed herself.

“So what?” I asked and her eyebrows rose. “I might have an ache in my back in a few minutes from having to lean close to talk, though.”

“Then let me go back to holding up the wall.” Sally griped.

I chuckled. “What's a little discomfort between friends?”

Sally gave me an odd look. “You really want to be friends with me?”

“I wouldn't have done anything at all with you if I didn't.” I said and she blushed again. “I meant the labs, eating in the cafeteria, and actually talking to you instead of ignoring you like Peter used to.”

Sally's odd look changed to confusion. “Why do you think he ignored me?”

I had to smile at that. “He had the largest breasts in the school sitting next to him every Friday for three months. Can you honestly tell me he didn't notice? Those things are massive.”

Sally's blush intensified. “Ben, you... why...”

“I'm complimenting you without being vulgar about it.”

Sally looked into my eyes. “What would you say if you were being vulgar?”

“Are you sure you want to know?” I asked and she nodded. I leaned down some more to whisper in her ear, which just so happened to press her breasts into my chest. “I want to see how much those gigantic tits sway and jiggle as I fuck you so hard that you can't think of anything except wanting the next thrust to be even harder.”

Sally made a soft sound, somewhere between a squeak and a moan.

I leaned back a little to see her shocked face. “I doubt I can blow a load big enough to cover your tits with my spunk, though I am willing to try.”

Sally's mouth dropped open and she stared at me like I was crazy. I smiled back and swayed with her in my arms until the song ended. I walked her back over to the wall and let her hold it up once more. I didn't say anything else to her and went back over to where the girls were. They all had different looks on their faces and expressed different emotions.

“That was nice of you.” Betty finally said.

“I thought so.” I said and held a hand out to her. “May I have this dance?”

Betty gave my hand a raise eyebrow and looked at my face. “You better not be doing this for the same reason.”

I chuckled and wagged my hand at her. “I promise this dance isn't going to be the same as Sally's.”

Betty nodded and accepted my hand. We went back to the dance floor and the song was a pretty fast one. She tried to let my hand go to start hopping around and I held on. She gave me a questioning look and I pulled her close and put my arms around her. The blush on her face was worth looking a little foolish for slow dancing during a fast song.

“Ben, what are you doing?” Betty asked and put her arms around my neck.

“Proving to you that this dance isn't like the others.” I said and hugged her and shuffled my feet as we slowly swayed from side to side.

“People are staring at us.” Betty whispered.

“They're just jealous that I have a pretty blonde in my arms while they are only flailing around.”

Betty blushed again. “Ben...”

“I'm sorry we haven't had much chance to hang out lately. You were the first girl I met at school and I miss not having you in my classes anymore.”

Betty blinked her eyes at me and didn't respond.

“You should be happy to know that I finally put my life in order.” I said and she nodded. “I have a few other things I could tell you... perhaps a big news scoop, too.”

Betty perked right up and gave me an intense stare.

“Maybe we should get Cindy in on this?” I asked and the young Asian woman appeared beside us as if by magic. I chuckled and opened one of my arms to let Cindy into the hug. She stepped right in and put an arm around Betty's waist and one around mine.

“All right, spill! What's the sitch?” Cindy asked.

“Now everyone is really staring at us.” Betty said. She didn't sound disappointed or annoyed about it, though.

“That's because I'm the guy with two pretty girls in his arms and most of them have no one. How lucky can I be, right?” I asked and they both blushed a little and looked happy.

“What's the scoop?” Betty asked.

“Blondes do not have more fun, they are just the ones that brag about it more.” I joked.

Cindy giggled and Betty pouted cutely. It was doubly funny because Betty was in the journalism course at school.

“You promised to not play around about an actual scoop.” Betty reminded me.

“I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.” I said and took a chance as I leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

Betty's face was a little red as she blushed and Cindy looked both scandalized and excited to have been there to see it. I couldn't let her gloat about it, so I turned my head slightly and kissed her cheek, too.

“You're lucky you don't have a girlfriend or we would both be really upset right now.” Betty said.

“Just from a kiss on the cheek?” I asked and she nodded. “What if I kissed you on the lips?”

Betty stared at me and and didn't respond while Cindy looked thoughtful.

“Anyway, the main scoop is that one of your classmates has recently changed jobs.” I whispered. “He was laid off from his really fun construction job and has to wait until they move on to another building before he can work for them again. In the meantime, he luckily landed a job downtown as a data entry clerk. It's quite boring in comparison to swinging a sledgehammer around and crushing concrete; but, it pays really well and it's opened up a lot of doors for him.”

Both Betty and Cindy stared at me now.

“What is it? Is there something on my face besides lipstick?” I asked and Cindy closed her mouth to muffle her giggle. “I did not just admit to wearing lipstick. Nope, I did not.”

That had both girls giggle and they gave me amused looks.

“This interview is not going how I thought it would.” I admitted and both of them looked pleased. “You're not supposed to enjoy my embarrassment!”

Betty and Cindy exchanged knowing looks and smiled at me before they spoke. “Yes, we are.”

“You're terrible for taking advantage of me!” I exclaimed and they both laughed.

Max walked over to us and gave me a pointed look.

“Oh, it seems my secret affair has decided to let me know she's ready for another rendezvous.” I said.

Both Betty and Cindy let out surprised sounds and spoke at the same time again. “Scoop!”

“Yes, you're both terribly cute.” I said and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek again to make them blush, then I took Max's hand and we left the dance floor.

Max led me up the stairs to Liz's room and into the attached bathroom. “Give me the Val treatment.”

I wasn't sure how to react to that until Max pulled off her sweater and showed me that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. “You dirty, dirty girl.”

Max gave me a happy smile and then slipped out of her pants and took off her panties. “She said bareback with you was ten times as fun as it was with a condom, so you better deliver, Mister Parker.”

I chuckled and stripped off. “I'll try to not disappoint you, Miss Caufield.”

“You haven't so far.” Max said with a smug expression and turned around to wiggle her ass at me as she braced her arms on the back of the toilet.

“Val didn't do that.” I said and lightly caressed her hips.

“Val doesn't have this cute ass.” Max responded and gave me a 'come here' look over her shoulder.

I didn't say anything and positioned myself in the right spot before I thrust into her without prepping her first. Max cried out and I had to put a hand over her mouth as I screwed her pretty ruthlessly. She came barely a minute later and moaned that Val had been right. Feeling me directly was so much better than using a condom.

I didn't comment that it was much more dangerous as well, which added to the appeal. I held back and made her orgasm twice before I pulled out and blew a load all over her ass and her back, which actually made her moan and orgasm again. We were in a bathroom, so the clean-up went much faster than if we had been anywhere else.

Max looked immensely pleased as she left me there to walk back to the party on her own. Even though several people had seen us leave together, she didn't want us arriving at the same time. I had shrugged at her reasoning, because it really was an open secret that we were having an affair and everyone knew that.

What no one really knew was that I had sex with several of Liz's closest friends as well, not to mention Liz herself. I had barely stepped out of the bathroom when Gina stood there with an embarrassed and hopeful look on her face.

“Ben, I... I really want you.” Gina admitted. “I can't get our last time together out of my head and...”

I didn't say anything as I stood to the side and waved at the bathroom. Gina stopped talking and nodded as she walked by me. I closed and locked the door behind her and then watched as she stripped off and gave me a needy look while clear liquid flowed down her thighs.

“You talked to Val?” I asked and she nodded several times. I laid several towels down on the floor and she laid down and spread her legs for me without being asked, which showed me she was soaked and more than ready for me. I carefully laid down on top of her and easily joined with her.

Gina caught her breath at the much different feelings her body gave her at feeling me without a tight piece of rubberized plastic between us. When I started to move, the sounds she made were also much sharper and louder than they had been the last time we had been together.

I made sure to take my time and kissed her and caressed her like I had with Val. Not surprisingly, Gina reacted more than Val did, because of her inexperience with feeling someone making love to her and not just having sex. It really was something that the girls were not used to, because their reactions were fairly pronounced when they came from being treated so lovingly and tenderly.

Gina had reacted in a similar manner as Val and froze as she came pretty hard and held onto me as if her life depended on it. It took her a lot longer to relax and the astonished look on her face when she finally let me go was well worth all of my efforts. She was just as surprised as Val had been that I hadn't come inside of her and I gave her the same excuse that I wouldn't endanger her like that.

Gina sat up and sucked me off, just like Val had, except she also jerked me until I came into her open mouth, and she worked her throat several times to swallow it all. It was spectacular to see how much I shot off and she was just as surprised this time as she had been the first time she had seen it.

Once again, the clean-up was quick and Gina kissed my cheek before she left the bathroom first. I was starting to realize there was a pattern happening as I dressed and tried to leave the bathroom. Instead of Liz like I had expected, it was Sally that stood there with a look that was a mix of expectation and anticipated rejection on her face.

I wasn't going to say no, not after telling her what I did while on the dance floor. She surprised me when she handed me a condom and walked by me into the bathroom. I quickly checked it to make sure it wasn't tampered with, then I stripped off my clothes again and put it on. I would trust my spider-sense to let me know if the condom was going to fail and turned to face her.

Sally was already naked and the look on her face was the same mix of emotions as before. I walked over to her and gave her a tender kiss, then I laid her down on the floor and dove for the space between her legs. I made her come once and then moved up to look at her face. The look of utter disbelief on her face was one that I wanted to remove, so I shoved myself into her hard and her breasts jiggled.

Sally gasped and her look of disbelief changed to desire. “You really... wanted to see...”

“Shake those massive tits for me, baby.” I ordered and she nodded as she used her hands to move them while I plowed into her as hard as she could stand.

Not surprisingly, she was extremely tight and it didn't take me long before I was ready to do as I proposed. She pushed her breasts together and the look of anticipation on her face as my pace picked up, was going to make me shoot as big of a load as I could.

Sally came with a yell just before I pulled out of her, yanked off the condom, and blew a huge load over her breasts and splashed her face with it. The pleased moan she let out and her opened mouth that caught any excess, kept me rock hard as I jerked myself and painted as much of her chest as I could. When I was done, I straddled her chest and pushed my dripping manhood into her mouth.

“MMMMM!” Sally moaned and sucked me off like a champion and I helped by rocking my hips. Thanks to my already fairly aroused state, I was ready to blow another load fairly quickly. I didn't ask her where she wanted it and pulled out when I was close and moved back to spray even more of myself over her massive breasts.

The pleased sounds she made as I covered more of her chest with my hot white liquid, was a huge turn on for the both of us. The look of desire on her face as her hands rubbed my expulsions all over her gigantic soft mounds, made me think she needed another good screw. I didn't have another condom, though.

Thankfully, I wasn't so far gone into lust that I ignored common sense or tried to plunge into her while still having come dripping out of my erection. It wasn't going away soon, however.

Sally stared at it and licked her lips. “You... really... enjoyed that.”

“I enjoyed it so much that I want to keep going and fuck you raw.” I said with a deep voice and she moaned a little. “We can't take the chance that you'll get pregnant.”

“N-no, you're right. That... would be... terrible.” Sally said in a completely unconvincing tone of voice.

I chuckled and bent down to kiss her on the lips. “It's okay to want the forbidden, Sally.”

Sally gave me a surprised look. “You don't hate me for it?”

I shook my head. “I've teased someone else about the same thing, just because I knew she was considering it.”

“Really?” Sally asked.

“Yeah.” I said and laid down beside her to rest. “I'm sure she's going to ask me to try and get her pregnant soon, just because she knows I wouldn't be an absentee father.”

Sally turned her head to look at me. “I think you would make a great dad.”

I put an arm over her shoulders and hugged her close. “Maybe when I'm out of school. Right now, I'm way too busy to have a kid.”

“Me, too.” Sally said and moved close to kiss my cheek. “I wouldn't mind if it was me you picked when you were ready.”

I gave her a warm smile. “I wouldn't mind splitting you apart with Penis Parker as many times as I could, just to see how long it would take for you to get pregnant.”

“Ben!” Sally gasped and then blushed.

“That wasn't a no.” I joked and she blushed harder. I didn't need to see the happy look on her face to know she wouldn't say no if I ever did ask her to have my child. It was honestly flattering.

After we rested for several minutes, we cleaned up as best as we could without taking a full shower and dressed. Sally insisted she leave first, just so no one would suspect what had happened. I tried to tell her that I didn't care if anyone knew and she hushed me with a quick kiss and shut the bathroom door.

I waited for a couple of minutes and went out into Liz's bedroom. No one was there and I was a little relieved, because I was sure the present exchange was going to happen soon and there was no way I could manage to screw another girl in time. I opened the bedroom door and stopped dead, because Liz's mother stood there with a stern look on her face.

“What exactly have you been doing inside my house?” Doris asked and tapped her foot.

For some reason, I thought complete honesty was warranted. “I've been discreetly having sex with any girl that's been bold enough to approach me.”

Doris looked surprised that I would admit to such a thing. “You... you really...”

“I know you're happily married, so I won't offer you the same thing. I draw the line at adultery.” I said and her mouth dropped open in shock. I stepped close to her and kissed her cheek. “Thanks for not freaking out about it. You're a great woman and Adrian is a very lucky man.”

Doris looked at a loss for words, so I winked at her and went down the stairs. The music stopped and the DJ announced that anyone that brought presents to exchange, should go into the sitting room. The place nearly cleared out as everyone went down the hallway to the sitting room.

I guess that explains all of the extra chairs in that room. I thought and followed everyone to where Liz was going to get a majority of the presents.

I entered the packed room and Max waved me over to where she was and I carefully made my way over to her and she pointed at the plush chair that she had saved. I sat down with a smile and she sat down on my lap, just like I knew she would. Neither of us were surprised that no one gave us a second look, not even the girls I had already had sex with.

The exchange went by fairly quickly, considering that a majority of the gifts were for Liz and she handed out Christmas cards in exchange with some money in them. Mine had a crisp ten dollar bill in it and I took it out and tucked it into Max's front pocket. She gave me a questioning look and I whispered for her to buy a box of condoms for next week. She beamed a smile at me and nodded.

Liz had quite the pile of presents piled near her and she started opening them as she thanked each person that gave her something. They ranged from cute little knickknacks to books to clothes. That didn't change until she came to my present. It seemed a lot smaller than the others she had unwrapped and I could tell by the looks on everyone's faces that they thought it was going to be a cheap gift.

“Thank you, Ben.” Liz said in a fake happy voice as she tore off the wrapping paper, then she caught her breath at the square velvet box. Her face flushed red from embarrassment, probably because she had thought the same thing as everyone else.

“Go ahead and open it.” I prompted.

Liz didn't look at me as she flipped up the hinged lid. She sucked in a sharp breath and stared at the contents of the case.

“What is it?” Betty and Cindy asked, their voices full of anticipation.

Liz blushed even more as she lifted out a set of five intricately carved and decorated 18 carat gold bangles. Everyone gasped and stared at them.

“The clerk at the jewellery store said they can all be worn on one wrist or split up between them. They can also be worn on your ankles if you're feeling adventurous.” I commented and not a single person said a word in response. “I used my last paycheck from Bestman Salvage to buy them and I really hope you like them.”

“B-Ben, I... I... oh, god.” Liz said and stood up with tears in her eyes. “I'm so sorry.” She said as she hugged the bangles to her chest and then left the room at a fast walk.

No one reacted for several seconds, then everyone stood and tried to leave at the same time to follow her. I could only guess that they wanted to ask her what was wrong or comfort her, so I wasn't surprised to be left all alone in the room. I looked at the bag of presents I had brought and wondered if I should deliver them by hand or if I should wait there and let them come back to the room.

In the end, I waited for about ten minutes until the music of the party started up again and picked up the bag. I left the room and people were milling about and not really doing much except whispering and muttering. I walked around a bit until I found Sally back at the wall she had been holding up before and I handed her a present.

“Merry Christmas, Sally.” I said and she just stared at me with wide eyes. “Don't freak out about it. It's just a necklace and a diamond pendant.”

Sally made a surprised sound and hugged the gift close.

“See you at school.” I said and she nodded. I walked around a bit more and didn't see anyone else on the main floor, so that meant they were upstairs. I went up and there was quite the crowd, which included both of Liz's parents, Adrian and Doris.

“Ben! What did you do to my daughter?” Adrian asked me in a stern voice.

“I apparently gave her a present that she thinks she doesn't deserve, Adrian.” I responded.

“What was it?” Doris asked and several people volunteered what it was. “Why would she think she doesn't deserve that?”

Liz's close friends exchanged looks and then looked at me.

“That's not really something to discuss with so many people around.” I said.

“That's fine. Everyone else go back downstairs.” Adrian said and gave them a look. “Now.”

They scrambled to leave and Val gave me a pointed look before she left as well.

“Explain.” Adrian said to me.

So, I did. About not actually being invited to the party, Liz feeling guilty about it, her friends pressuring her to invite me to save her reputation and my social standing in the school, about me rushing here and accepting the blame for being late, her fake acceptance of what she thought was a cheap gift, her gift to me of a nameless card with ten bucks in it, and what I said about the gift and what I paid for it.

When I was done explaining the situation, Adrian had a hand over his frustrated face and Doris looked thoroughly embarrassed.

“Ben, you...” Adrian took a deep breath and let it out. “Go deliver the rest of your gifts. My wife and I will handle... whatever this mess is.”

“I'll head home after I do. It's getting late and Aunt May is waiting up for me.” I said and took out a gift for him and one for Doris.

“Ben...” Doris started to say as she accepted hers.

“I didn't go outrageous with them. It's only an impact proof and waterproof watch for Adrian and a set of quarter carat diamond earrings for you.” I said and the matched surprised looks on their faces was worth the price of the gifts. “Merry Christmas.”

“M-merry Christmas.” Doris said in a whisper. The guilt on her face was pretty clear. They hadn't bothered to buy me a present, either.

Adrian didn't speak and just nodded.

I nodded back and left them in the hallway. I went downstairs and went to each of the girls, Val, Gina, Betty, Cindy, and Max, and handed them each a present. Only Val, Gina, and Max asked me to go to the sitting room to get the presents they had for me. I accepted them and opened each one, a sweater from Val, a chemistry book from Gina, and a set of ping pong paddles from Max without the ball.

When I gave her a look, she turned around and stuck out her denim covered ass at me. I barked a laugh and smacked one of the paddles across one of her cheeks. She yelped and then moaned as she gave me the 'do me now' look.

“You know what? Fuck it.” I said and kissed Val passionately, grabbed Gina's ass tightly with one hand, and dug my other hand's fingers between Max's legs. “Someone lock the door.”

“I got it.” Val said and locked it. She had the same look on her face as Max, which Gina quickly adopted onto her own face, and the four of us stripped off as quickly as we could and we soon became a pile of moans, groans, and bodily fluids on the floor.

We would always remember this as the best Christmas ever.

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