
It had been a long jog back to downtown New York, because the buses didn't run on Christmas Eve and I had left long before the end of the party, even with the impromptu orgy that Val, Max and Gina had given me. Having to be careful with three horny girls around was a lot harder than I had assumed it would be, especially when Val had begged for me to fill her up. I successfully resisted, thankfully.

Since everyone else had rides from either friends or parents coming for them, I would have had to walk home anyway. I wouldn't have imposed upon them more than I already had, if anyone had offered. They hadn't, as if they knew I would refuse, and I had kissed the three of them goodbye before I left.

I also didn't try to see if there was another patrol flying around, either. I had used that favor and wouldn't be able to ask again until I came through with their payoff. I knew that they had been joking; but, actually delivering on it would give me an even better reputation with the flight crews than I already had.

I had also left my backpack at home with my web shooters, because I hadn't expected to be caught so far away from where I lived, since I was only supposed to deliver presents. I chuckled at the bag I carried and wondered what Pepper would think about what I had bought for her. Would she be surprised? Satisfied? Annoyed?

I shrugged mentally and kept my eyes searching for a taxi, even though I knew that no one would be working on Christmas Eve. I jogged on and on, because it was a bit slippery for full out running, even with my powers.

I was wasting so much time that I could have been spending at home with Aunt May. I had called her about the unexpected change in plans... and when she stopped laughing, she told me she was glad I had the foresight to borrow a warm sweater.

I eventually arrived at Stark Tower and everything was locked up and the lights were off. I didn't care about that and took out my cell phone. I used my access code and the door clicked open and the security footage looped to allow me to enter undetected and unseen. I went to the elevator and rode it up to Pepper's office, which just so happened to be adjacent to the CEO's office, and I went over to her desk.

I wasn't surprised to see the completed paperwork about her buying the shell companies that Stark owned and chuckled at the pile of papers that contained a bunch of glowing reviews from the members of the board for Stark Enterprises. I took out the wrapped present and laid it on her chair, so it was out of sight from the doorway, and placed a folded card on it.

I left the office and thought about visiting Tony's lab, just to see whatever else he was working on, and shook my head and rode the elevator back down to the lobby. I left the building and locked it up, reset the security footage, and made my way to my next destination. Even though it was getting late on Christmas Eve, I was sure she would be home.

I eventually arrived at the address and went up to her apartment and knocked on the door. When it opened, there was a loud gasp and a stunned face that stared at me.

“B-Ben! What are you doing here?!?” Mary Strickland, the Midtown High receptionist, asked.

I held out the gift I had bought for her, which was the last one I had in the bag. “I would have delivered this hours ago, except I forgot the buses stopped running an hour after supper.”

Mary didn't say anything for several moments. “You... you walked here, all the way from your place.”

“Actually, all the way from the high class suburb on the east side. I was convinced to attend a party at the last minute to deliver presents to my friends and I left as soon as I could.”

“You... you...” Mary accepted the gift. “You're insane and you're not dressed properly!”

“Don't worry about that. It was only a few miles in skin-biting bitter winter cold. No big deal.” I joked and she just stared at me. “I just wanted to deliver that before I went home. Have a Merry Christmas, Mary.”

Mary didn't say anything, so I gave her a little wave and turned to walk back to the elevator. “Wait!”

I stopped and turned back to face her.

“Ben, this... why would you...” Mary muttered.

“I care about my friends.” I said and smiled at her surprised face. “You helped me so much when I had been completely lost and I wanted to do something nice for you as a thank you.”

“Ben, this is a lot more than just a simple thank you.” Mary said.

“How do you know that? You haven't opened it yet.” I said and she shook her head.

“It doesn't matter what the present is. It's the fact you travelled across half the city on foot to deliver it. The circumstances also don't matter, only that you're here.” Mary said and gave me a very intense look. “Please, tell me the truth.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “Are you in love with me?”

I opened my mouth to answer and she held up a hand to stop me.

“No, Ben. I want you to actually think about it and don't make a joke or say I'm imagining things.”

I closed my mouth and looked at her as I went over everything that I had gone through when I first woke up. Unlike a lot of the other people at the school, Mary had actually done a lot more than she was supposed to in order to get me sorted out.

That had touched me a lot deeper than I realized at the time. With all of my experiences since then, especially with the way Natasha had reacted to me knowing about her, I now knew what Mary meant. She knew I was a completely different person long before anyone else had accepted it and she hadn't rejected me, ignored my plight, or made things infinitely harder for me... and she easily could have.

I walked over to her and gave her that same intense look back. “Yes, I do love you.”

Mary put my present down on the little table beside the door and took my hand, pulled me inside her apartment, and shut the door. She didn't say anything as she stepped close and put her arms around my neck. The intense look in her eyes didn't change as she gave me a kiss.

It was a bit basic at first, as if she expected to feel something different for several moments, then she let out a happy sound and her lips started moving and her tongue joined in. I wasn't going to disappoint her, so I kissed her back in the same manner, then I put my arms around her and hugged her close.

Our situation quickly devolved from there and we stripped off as we went to her bedroom. I laid her down on her bed and buried my tongue between her legs and inside of her. Mary moaned loudly, as if it had been the first time she had ever felt something like that before, then she was mewling and squirming as I worked her over with all of my acquired knowledge.

After she had a particularly strong orgasm that I suspected had been a multiple one, her hands grabbed my fairly long hair and yanked me away from her well prepped opening. She pulled me up on top of her to look into my eyes and she had an unopened condom in her hand.

“You better shove that thing into me before I change my mind!” Mary exclaimed and her voice sounded like she was trying to convince herself to actually change it.

“With pleasure.” I said and quickly applied the condom. I didn't struggle as I pushed myself inside of her and she let out the cutest and sexiest moan I had ever heard. The look on her face was flushed red and full of embarrassment, so I gave her a tender kiss. “That was a wonderful sound, Mary. I'm going to make you make that sound a lot more.”

“B-Ben...” Mary started to say and I pulled out and shoved back in. She didn't make the same sound, so I had to change strategies. I fell back onto what I had been thinking I needed to do for Val and started to move slowly and used myself like a prod to find all of her good spots.

Mary's moans started to change as I explored her and then I found a great spot for her. She let out that moan again and I arched my back to brace my arms by her shoulders and looked at her face as I gently prodded that spot, over and over.

“B-Ben... mmmm... don't... don't look at me.... mmmmmmm... like that.” Mary said between moans.

“I want to watch your reactions and listen to the sounds you make.” I said and kept moving.

“N-no... s-stop.” Mary said and tried to cover her eyes with her hands.

I adjusted my arms and took her hands in mine and held them above her head on the bed. “Do you realize how sexy you look and sound right now?”

Mary shook her head and tried to look anywhere but at me.

“If I had any doubts about doing this with you before now, they have been thoroughly destroyed.”

Mary blushed harder and tried to clamp her mouth shut to stop her moans from escaping. That didn't last long as I kept going at a slightly increased pace and she started panting and moaning. She writhed underneath me and tried to pull her hands out of mine.

“Let my... hands go.” Mary panted and I did so. She looked a little surprised for a moment, then instead of covering her face with her hands, she moaned again and reached up to grip my hair tightly. “This needs... to be longer... can't hold on... properly.”

“I'm working on it.” I said and she pulled me down into a searing and passionate kiss.


Natasha stood on top of SHIELD's New York office and her breathing was laboured. She had just flown inside her Armored Suit for the very first time and it was the scariest and most exhilarating thing she had ever experienced. Almost nothing compared to the unadulterated feeling of freedom she had experienced as her heavy suit had defied gravity with her inside of it.

“How's the bird's eye view?” Clint asked in her ear.

“Spectacular.” Natasha responded.

“Try the different viewing modes.” Clint said and Natasha switched to Night Vision.

“NV is clear. No obstructions, no pixel oscillation, and no electronic flicker.” Natasha responded.

“Damn, how did he do that? Even the normal goggles have the pixel problem and flicker when switching from the binoculars.”

Natasha didn't comment about Ben and switched to the zoom function. Simple controls embedded into the armored gloves gave her full control when she didn't want to use the eye movement recognition software.

And wasn't that something that Fury had been all but crowing happily about when he saw the full lab report on the suit's diagnostics. Natasha thought. “Zoom at 32X and steady. No distortion.”

“You're telling me you can read the street sign at the end of the block?” Clint asked, surprised.

Natasha hit the command to allow visual confirmation from an external source. “Check it for yourself.”

Clint brought it up on his laptop and let out a curse. “Fuck! When are we getting that alloy shipment? I need this ASAP!”

Natasha let out a light chuckle. “You're stuck with your old outfit until the new year.”

Clint cursed again and then spoke. “All right, jump back down here to the garage and test the auto leveller and air brakes.”

“Did you just ask me to jump off a fifteen storey building without engaging the flight system?” Natasha asked, surprised.

“We've got an airbag and...”

“You. Are. Insane.” Natasha said and walked over to the other side of the building to look down and saw where they had the thing set up. “What if it doesn't work?”

“Then it's better we know now and not on the mission in two hours.” Clint said, matter of factly.

Natasha stared down at the spot and switched back to normal view as she worked up her courage. “I think I'm insane, too.” She said and then jumped. She had the foresight to not try doing it head first or tumbling, not that it would have mattered.

Barely a second later and halfway down to the ground, panels opened up on the arms, thighs, chest, and back. Small thrusters engaged and would have righted her anyway and then her arms and legs locked as her hand and feet repulsors lit off and she drifted down to land perfectly in front of Clint and the gathered lab guys.

Clint turned the laptop around to show her the computer commands that had run automatically and she saw the auto flight adjusters and the fall recovery protocols. “He's a computer genius.” He said and closed the laptop. “The real world test was successful.”

Natasha nodded and didn't order her suit to disengage.

Clint saw this and smiled. “How long are you going to keep wearing it?”

“I'm not taking it off until I have to.” Natasha vowed and Clint chuckled.

All of the lab guys packed up the monitoring equipment and left to head home. They didn't mind working for double time and a half pay for the evening, since it had been fun for them as well.

“We should eat before boarding the transport.” Clint said and Natasha nodded and followed him inside the building. They entered through the secret entrance and the place was practically deserted. “You know, this would be the perfect time to assault this place with everyone gone home.”

“Actually, the security protocols are heavily reinforced when there is no one here and not the opposite.” Natasha said as they went to the cafeteria. It was self serve with no one around and she had to disengage the suit to gather up some food.

“Damn, Nat. Don't look so disappointed.” Clint teased.

“It's a rush, Clint. It's even better than sex.” Natasha said and winced internally at the lie.

Clint shook his head and didn't comment, because he knew exactly what she was thinking about.

The two sat down and ate their food and exchanged the occasional glance. They always did this before a mission and neither of them needed to say anything about anything. They had each other's backs and they would always be there for each other, because they knew the other person's secrets and trusted each other.

Natasha quashed the pang of guilt she felt about Ben knowing her secrets, even though she was constantly reminded of him and also wore his Christmas gift. She had thought the lab guys were joking at first and then they handed her the Christmas card with Ben's handwriting inside.

'Protecting your friends is the gift that keeps on giving. This is my gift to you.'

Natasha hadn't cried then and she wasn't going to cry now. She couldn't afford sentimentality when she was about to tear apart a drug syndicate with her bare hands. No, with titanium hands. She thought and finished eating.

The pair of agents cleaned up and left the cafeteria to go over the mission details one last time before they boarded the transport and flew to the place where they were going to cause a large group of people to have a very bad Christmas Day.


I laid in Mary's bed and her hand lightly caressed my chest as she cuddled into my side. Her brown hair was quite similar to mine and it was just as wavy. She was also lightly crying.

“Mary, you don't have to do that.” I said in a vain attempt to convince her she was wrong.

“I made my decision, Ben. I broke school policy and slept with a student. It doesn't matter if I'm a teacher or a member of the staff, the rules still apply to me.” Mary said. “I also broke the law by sleeping with a minor without a parent's or guardian's consent.”

That's when it clicked in my head about what happened with May and Melinda the day before. She had been giving her permission and I had no idea at the time.

I took Mary's hand. “What if I told you when I woke up, I had the mind of a 34 year old?”

Mary huffed and held my hand without trying to pull away. “It doesn't matter. Even if you were an immortal trapped in that body, your body is legally registered as being 14 and won't be 15 until August tenth. I broke the law and I will turn myself in to be appropriately prosecuted.”

“I can't allow you to do that.” I said and sat up to look at her.

“Ben, it's not your decision. I'm quitting work first to save the school the embarrassment and then I'll go to the police station. With any luck, I'll be quietly sentenced and...”

I hopped out of bed and dove for my clothes. I pulled out my real cell phone and quickly typed a message. I waited for several moments for a response and nodded. I quickly typed up several other things and waited.

“What are you doing?” Mary asked and sat up. Her beautiful breasts hung invitingly and I had to ignore them for the moment.

“I'm making sure you don't throw your life away because you let me make love to you.” I said and she opened her mouth to respond just as my phone rang. “This is for you.”

Mary took it and answered it. “Hello?”

“Is this the woman that just had sex with my nephew?” Aunt May's voice asked.

Mary paled a little. “Y-yes.”

“Then I retroactively give you permission to do so from the time he woke up as Ben Parker. Since he is a new person, any previous conditions do not apply, including his enrolment in school. Since you have yet to confirm his proper enrolment for the paperwork, you did not break school policy.” Aunt May's voice said. “His name has also been legally changed as well.”

“But... I... but, we...”

“As for sleeping with a minor, because I have given you my permission, you should feel no guilt whatsoever about it... unless it was a terrible experience. I will discipline him if that is so.”

Mary stared at me. “N-n-no, I... it... it was wonderful.”

“Splendid. I am glad we had this talk. If you need to discuss my nephew's sexual performance in the future, please tell Ben and he will let me know and I will call you.”

“No, I... that's all right. I don't think you need to call me about this again.” Mary said.

“Then it was nice talking to you. Goodbye.” Aunt May's voice said and hung up.

Mary stared at my phone and didn't say a word. She also looked completely stunned.

“I hope that settles things.” I said and climbed onto the bed.

“Ben, I... I can't believe that you... your aunt said...” Mary mumbled and stopped talking.

“I did that to show you that you were wrong. You don't have to give up who you are or your life, just because you wanted to reward me for loving you.”

“I... Ben, I...” Mary looked away from me.

“I'm still going to wait until graduation to bend you over the counter at school.” I said and she caught her breath. “My plans won't change, just because of this.”

Mary gave me a longing look. “Do you have to go home right now?”

I took my phone from her and sent another text. “Aunt May is going to bed and she expects me to be home before she wakes up in the morning. This is our first Christmas together, after all.”

Mary nodded and pat the bed beside her. “Another half hour, please.”

“Another condom, please.” I said and she dug one out of her nightstand.

“Remember, not too rough. I don't like it.” Mary said and laid down to stare at me as I applied the condom.

I nodded and laid down beside her, kissed her tenderly, then massaged one of her breasts and used my other hand to play with her between her legs. She was soon ready again and we started another lovemaking session that she moaned through and looked completely embarrassed about. It was almost too cute to see, honestly.

I left Mary's apartment at a jog and sent a thank you text to Jarvis for impersonating Aunt May and only the last text I had sent had gone to the real May. I had also promised Jarvis that I would clean out some of the junk that was lodged in his system processors, because unlike him, I had administrator access.

I made it home with an hour to spare and I didn't try to take a nap. The last thing I needed was to sleep through my first Christmas Morning with my new name and my new family.


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