Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

85 Chemistry Isn’t Overrated


Modern History class after lunch was just as entertaining as it usually was. Mr. Jensen loved his subject and it showed in his passion during his delivery of what would normally be dry dates and times for various events over the last few years. It was interesting how little things could shape an entire country's economy or culture and how major events might not really impact more than superficial things.

I left the class with a pile of notes and a smile. The teacher had nodded and smiled as I passed his desk, too. He appreciated it when a student was actually learning what he was teaching.

I went to the chemistry class and saw Miss Leyva behind her desk. When she saw me, she gave me a fake polite smile and nothing else. Considering what happened the last time in class, I expected a little more than that, like a hello or good afternoon.

It couldn't have been a coincidence that both my Latin teacher that morning and my chemistry teacher this afternoon seemed upset with me, so I walked over to her desk. Her polite smile disappeared and she tried to keep her face neutral.

“I need to ask you why you're upset, Selena.” I said boldly and didn't beat around the bush.

“You didn't text. You didn't call. I was all alone on New Year's Eve and who did I see on the television? You on the arm of a beautiful woman going into Stark Tower!” Miss Leyva said, clearly angry.

I gave her a shocked look for several seconds, then I started laughing. Her angry face just made me laugh harder, because it was so stupid for her to be jealous. We weren't dating and we hadn't really done anything. In fact, I had seen more of my aunt's body that I've seen of hers.

“Ben!” Miss Leyva spat.

“Hooo. Hooooo. That was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh.” I said and she looked scandalized. “First of all, you were supposed to call me and tell me when you were free. You didn't. I assumed you were busy and didn't bother bugging you about ignoring me.”

Miss Leyva's mouth snapped closed and she lost the angry look.

“Second, that beautiful woman just so happens to be my Aunt May. It was her debut as a corporate mogul and I assume there was no audio or it was too noisy for you to hear my introduction of her.” I sat on the corner of her desk and gave her a pointed look. “Were you angry I was with someone else or that I was taking her into Stark Tower?”

Miss Leyva thought about it for a moment. “Both. It should have been me.”

I smiled, now glad that she hadn't called, because if that was what she thought, I wouldn't have taken her anyway. It 'could' have been her, not 'should' have been. I had a few other women I could have taken and I didn't even consider them, because it was May's night. I wanted to reward her for everything and giving her a lavish night out as we met other rich people, was the best way to do so.

We were both still essentially homebodies, though. We loved our couch, cuddled on it, and watched television, because it was both relaxing and made us feel at home. It was one of the main reasons why we hadn't moved, even though we had a lot of money now. We even had the bank call and practically shove credit cards down our throats.

They wanted us spending money and we politely refused all but one. Having one and using it responsibly would drive our credit rating through the roof. It was already fairly high, because even though we had been through some hard times and had to choose what bills to pay and what to ignore every other month, May never went into debt.

“I'm sorry that your previous expectations about me have allowed you to severely underestimate my potential, Miss Leyva.” I said and waited for her to get it.

It took her about a minute before her eyes widened, because I hadn't used her first name, either.

“Thank you for considering me as a viable companion after seeing what kind of personal connections I have. That was very kind of you.” I said and stood up from sitting on her desk. “I assume Miss Romani and you have a similar outlook?”

Miss Leyva nodded and I smiled.

“The next time you see her, please relay to her the same things I've said to you. I would hate for her to continue to judge me unfairly.” I said and she nodded again. “Thank you.”

I walked back over to my desk and sat down. I didn't even ask to review the lab beforehand, even if that was why I had showed up early in the first place. I wanted her to know I was there to talk to her instead, just so she could sit there and look at me as she thought about everything.

The bell rang and the classroom quickly filled up and I said hello to Sarah and Kelly, both of whom blushed and sat down without responding. I was in a particular mood now, thanks to my interaction with the teacher, so I didn't try to talk to them or anything.

I sat through the lab's explanation quietly and then I did the lab and wrote out the report at the same time. Because of the extra books I had read from the downtown library to perfect my web fluid and the other things I had used the same chemicals to do, I easily predicted the lab's outcome and handed in the completed report at the end of class.

Miss Leyva gave me a slightly sad look as she accepted it and I smiled sadly back and left. I dropped my main books off at my locker and went to the library to visit my favorite librarian. The look on her face was a mix of desire and exasperation.

“A book of the month club? Really?” Gladys asked me in a whisper.

“What's better than a gift that keeps on giving?” I whispered back. “It's a lifetime subscription, too.”

Gladys took a very deep breath and let it out. “I must remind you that it is against school policy to have any kind of a relationship between a staff member and a student.”

“I know, which is why I'm here to find out the course materials for the other three years of high school.” I said and her eyes widened. “If I work my ass off like I've been doing the last two months, I'm sure I'll have enough earned extra credits to graduate in June.”

Gladys bit her lip cutely and adjusted her glasses. “June. You want to graduate in June.”

“I would do it before then if I thought I had enough spare time to complete all the work.” I said and she shivered slightly. “Shall we get started?”

“Y-yes, I... I'll help you meet your goal.” Gladys promised.

“Thank you, dear lady. I willingly place myself into your tender care.” I said with as much innuendo as I could.

“Don't tempt me.” Gladys whispered with a blush and came around the counter.

I followed her and wrote down all of the books that the other year students were using. I borrowed the next year's books and I would work through them over the next few weeks. It was going to be a blistering pace of learning, just like it had been before Christmas, and I was looking forward to it.

The little ass grab Gladys gave me as I bent over to pick up the last book from one of the lower shelves, lightened my heart. I made a little moan sound and didn't move for several moments, then I stood up and gave her a shy smile and a wink, just so she knew I was completely okay with her bold move.

“If you need me for anything, please come and see me at any time.” Gladys offered.

“Don't tempt me.” I whispered back and she blushed. “Thank you, Gladys. I really appreciate this.”

Gladys nodded and led me back over to the counter and I checked the books out. Most of them were carefully put into my backpack and the rest I carried. I bid her a good day and left the school to go to the bus stop and waited for the next one to get me across town. To my surprise, Val was waiting there for me.

“You should have warned me you would be waiting, Val.” I said and sat down on the bench beside her.

Val looked at my weighed down backpack and the books I carried in my arms. “Doing a bit of extra work, I see.”

“A bit.” I said and nudged her with my shoulder. “What's up?”

“Ben, I... I just wanted to thank you.”

“For what?” I asked.

Val gave me a disbelieving look and then huffed. “For what you left under my pillow.”

“I'd almost forgotten about that.” I said, even though I hadn't.

“You almost forgot that you gave me two thousand dollars?” Val asked, surprised.

“I gave the money to a friend and it wasn't a loan or anything. Why would I try to keep track of it?” I asked with a shrug. “Did my prediction come true?”

Val gave me another disbelieving look for a few seconds before she huffed again. “Practically the next day. They were going to garnish my allowance and keep any money they would have given me for my birthday and then graduation.”

“Fucking bastards.” I said, casually.

“Yeah.” Val said and then smiled. “You should have seen the look on their faces when I slapped fifteen hundred bucks onto the kitchen table and told them that if they cared about me even half as much as the friend that gave me the money, I wouldn't have stopped calling them mom and dad years ago.”

I laughed and handed her the books in my arms. Val took them without comment, so I put my arms around her and gave her several quick kisses. She looked pleased when I was done and handed me the books back.

“When are they kicking you out?” I asked.

“The same as before, right after graduation.” Val said. “Except they actually have to help me instead of just cutting me off like they had planned, because of the medical bills.”

“What about college?” I asked.

“They've allowed me the privilege of attending New York University, despite their belief that the mature bird needs to leave the nest.” Val said.

I huffed this time. “They're making you take the boarding option, even with your house that close?”

“Yeah, how stupid is that?” Val asked me as the bus we were waiting for arrived. “It would save them a ton of money if they let me stay home and commute.”

I stood up and she did as well. We boarded the bus and it pulled away as we swiped our bus passes. She sat down next to the window and I sat beside her, a bit closer than normally. Val didn't comment and I balanced the books on my lap and held a hand up for her. She took it with a smile and stared at my face.

“I'm wearing lipstick again, aren't I?” I asked and she giggled.

We fell silent for several minutes as we looked at each other.

“Ben, I want to thank you for not holding what happened between you and Liz against me.” Val said.

“Why would I do that?” I asked.

“If she hadn't sent me to test you, she would have been your girlfriend all this time.”

“Maybe.” I said and she raised her eyebrows at me. “I ended up becoming really busy and wouldn't have had the spare time to spend with her, assuming she could stand having a similar relationship as her parents.”

Val got it right away. “A working man that only has late evenings and some weekends to spend with them.”

“I've been running myself ragged and... I've found that I like it. I like being busy. I like keeping my mind engaged. I like working out and feeling myself get stronger.”

Val's free hand went to my arm to stroke it through the shirt. “I like it, too.”

I smiled. “I'm training very hard to make myself better and I'm succeeding. I might not have as much time to do everything that I want; but, I'm managing it all and even adding more to see what my limits are.”

“Or if you have limits.” Val whispered.

“Exactly.” I said. “I also have an in with Stark Industries and I'm starting negotiations soon to get you and the others college bursaries for expenses.”

Val's hand gripped my arm hard and her mouth opened in a little 'o' of surprise. “You lie.”

I shook my head. “I can't do it myself, mainly because my company needs to be incorporated for at least six months, and stay solvent, to qualify as an established business.”

“Company? What company?” Val asked.

Oops. I thought and then laughed. “I could lie and say it's one in my head, except I had it created over the winter break. We've already rented office space at Stark Tower and we're scouting for a good place for the free clinic and homeless shelter.”

“You... you... you...” Val muttered and looked lost.

“Val, I was practically dirt poor before Christmas. That money I gave you? I scrounged it up from a few different places, including handing in a few guns I found to the police.”

Val caught her breath. “No way!”

“Yes, way.” I said and chuckled. “Let me tell you, they grill you in an interview room, even if you didn't do anything wrong. It's basic police procedure, apparently.”

“Ben, you... why...”

“You needed it more than I did.” I said and she blushed. “I did it to help a friend and I'd do it again.”

Val took a breath and let it out. “You really are too good to be true.”

“Nah, I'm an asshole sometimes. I'm vindictive, too. No one is allowed to hurt the people I care about and heaven help those that do.” I said and gave her a happy smile. “What will your parents say when they find out you don't need their pitiful stipend for expenses while attending college?”

“I'm not telling them that!” Val exclaimed and then shook her head. “It's their job to help me as much as possible while I'm in school. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it, if they weren't so condescending to me about it and potentially wasting their money.”

I gave her a huge smile. “You know, I'm a fairly good forger. How would you like a slightly altered expenses list that increases things by about 15%?”

Val blinked her eyes at me. “Are you serious?”

“It's enough to give you a bit more money overall and not enough to cause your parents to balk at it or question it.”

Val gave me an intense look before she leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss. “I humbly accept your offer, Ben.”

“That was humble?” I asked and she smiled smugly.

“This is my transfer stop.” Val said and pulled the brake cord to ring the bell. “Although, I am tempted to follow you home and let you see what else I can do humbly.”

I barked a laugh and stood up to let her out of the seat. “I'm banned from having anyone over for that. The new couch is to remain completely untouched for as long as possible.”

Val looked even more smug now as the bus came to a stop. “You had to toss out the couch?”

“Yep! May didn't even want to look at it, let alone pay to have it dry-cleaned.”

Val stood and gave me another kiss. “I don't know why that makes me feel happy.”

“That's satisfaction from a job well done.” I said and she laughed. “See you tomorrow.”

“See you.” Val said and stepped off the bus.

I sat back down and rode the bus to where I needed to do my own transfer and went home. I had studying, chores, and cooking to do... and I liked it. I liked it a lot.


Nick Fury stared at Agent Melinda May with his patented eye glare and she didn't squirm at all. He had read her report about the agent she was training and the numbers were near the peak of human performance. He had known Benjamin Parker was going to be good; but, not that good.

“He's ready for field work, sir.” Melinda said. “I can still teach him a few things when he shows up for the evening shift; but, he doesn't really need it. He's an uncanny learner and he picked up everything I showed him after only two or three examples and he can fight against me, almost blow for blow.”

“How is that possible?” Maria asked.

“It's rare for someone to pick things up so quickly.” Melinda admitted. “He has also countered Agent Barton a few times during their spars.”

“Spars are not real life.” Nick said. “Are you sure you want to push this through?”

“Positive.” Melinda said. “I've also submitted a request to teach him to fly a transport at his request. Our first lesson is tonight.”

“He's going to learn how to operate all of our equipment, isn't he?” Maria asked and Melinda nodded.

Nick Fury gave Melinda one more dose of eye glare and signed the paper. “Hill, find Agent Parker something to do. Something quick and subtle. Full monitoring protocols, too.”

Maria made a note of it. “Any recommendations?”

“Just a clean kill. No witnesses. If he can pull it off, add him to the rotation for normal missions. Evening deployment.”

“Yes, sir.” Maria said and Melinda nodded.

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