
The next night I was off from training and finally had a chance to try and design a new bow for Clint to use when wearing his HESuit. He had already broken two custom bows and fifteen arrows, and that was just from practice.

I had a neat idea to incorporate repulsor technology into it, only the beam was way too big to propel a projectile without obliterating it. I sat down at my desk and started working on a system that could reduce the beam, similar to what I had done with the BWSuit's Collapsible Pistols. It would also be collapsible and it would need a holder for the arrows.

They couldn't be normal arrows, either. Steel was cheap, so solid shafts would need to be made. That was easy, because you could buy industrial coils of any thickness you wanted, unroll it, and snip off whatever length you needed. A run through a straightener and a quick turn on a lathe to make the ends compatible with different tips and add the end with the feathers, and you were done.

I would need a successive reduction of the aperture without reducing the force. I could use the bow for that part and make the string of the bow an actual solid piece with reflectors inside at the ends and they could join at the middle where the end of the arrow would sit in a small receptacle.

Drawing the bow back would charge and activate the repulsor mechanism and the energy would flow from the bow hand, through the bow ends and reduced in size but not strength, through the 'string' to the receptacle that the arrow sits in. Releasing the fingers holding the arrow would let the energy shoot off with a full repulsor blast focused solely on the back of the arrow.

I nodded and drew out what I would need for the construction. I would also need dozens of capacitors and a bleed off system if Clint decided to not shoot the arrow. Maybe mini-thrusters in the bow arms for the excess energy? He could still dry-fire the bow without an arrow, even if it would damage the bow and possibly his hand with the repulsor blast released without focus.

I filled out the details and then the measurements for both the final bow and the compacting technology, signed my name and agent number, then went to the R&D department. With luck, the day crew could have it built by lunchtime tomorrow and ready for testing.

It also gave me an idea for my own type of gun. A special web gun. One that was not restricted by pinhole nozzles.


Clint was blown away by what was in his metal covered hand. He had expected a super-size compound bow that used steel cables or something for the launching mechanism. He also expected larger arrows to handle the larger bow and steel drawstring. He also expected to have a difficult time adjusting to it.

He did not expect normal-sized arrows made of steel instead of fibreglass that could easily use his custom arrow heads. He also didn't expect it to shoot with the force of a full repulsor blast that was focused down to the size of a pencil eraser.

“How the hell did he do this?” Clint asked.

“He didn't say.” Davis said. “Want to give it a try?”

“Hell yes.” Clint said and nodded down the range. “What's the test readings for the distance?”

“We haven't tried firing it past a single test shot and we don't want to influence your shot by telling you the results.” Davis said. “Your normal compound bow can fire at about 200 miles per hour and will travel up to 400 yards, or 1,200 feet. That's about a fifth of a mile in about 4 seconds.”

Clint nodded. “You want me to use this in the same manner?”

“That's how it was designed.” Davis said. “Parker said, and I quote: He won't have to learn a different way to shoot his favorite weapon.”

“Smart kid.” Clint said and picked up a basic arrow. He didn't need any special arrowheads for a test. He took his normal stance and put the arrow into the holder and ran it along the bow's guide for a proper aim. The first target was at the normal compound bow's distance and he pulled back on the bow's string that was actually a titanium alloy tube. He felt the repulsor charge and tamped down on his excitement.

“Oh, one more thing. You don't have to adjust for height with the first shot. You'll miss completely if you do.” Davis said.

Clint nodded, even though he was surprised. He fixed his aim and pointed the arrow at the center of the target, fully expecting it to slam into the ground long before it reached there. He took a deep breath and let it out, and released his fingers. To his utter shock, the arrow disappeared from the bow with a whining sound and the 'string' returned to its normal position.

“What the fuck just happened?!?” Clint asked.

“Test successful. Center of target hit. Distance 1,200 feet. Time of flight: 0.2 seconds.” Davis read off.

“Fuck!” Clint cursed and felt like stomping around. It was unbelievable! There was no way it was possible to shoot an arrow 20 times faster than a normal bow. No way!

“Now you know why I didn't tell you.” Davis said with a chuckle. “By the way, the test arrow we shot upwards at an angle, ended its flight out in the harbour. No boats were harmed during the experiment.”

Clint couldn't stop his chuckle. “Do we even want to see how far I can fire this thing?”

Davis nodded and tossed him a special arrowhead. “GPS tracker. You're the expert archer. Show us what someone can do with that monster when he knows what he's doing.”

Clint nodded and picked up another steel shaft and screwed the head onto it.

Davis went back over to the side and started the recording equipment for accurate measurements. He was sure he wasn't going to need it. Not with Clint intentionally shooting for distance.

Clint took the stance again and angled it up where he knew was the optimum angle for distance, and drew the arrow back. The bow charged up and he took a deep breath and let it out as he let his fingers go.

The arrow disappeared and even his suit's sensors couldn't track the projectile itself. He could track the signal from the GPS, though. He activated his suit's display and stopped breathing as the arrow passed two miles... three.. four... five... six...

“Splashdown.” Davis said and the arrow didn't stop. It went another half of a mile before it stopped. “We have a lightweight titanium arrow prepared if you want to try it.” Davis said with hope in his voice.

“Fuck shooting for distance! I want to try sending it into orbit. It's only fifty miles!” Clint said and Davis laughed.


“Please forgive my language.” I said two days later and Melinda nodded. “Flying this thing is fucking AWESOME!”

Melinda smiled at me as I righted the Quinjet after flying though the last hoop of a training simulator. It was pretty cool that the front cockpit windows could display giant hoops for us to fly through.

“Test Flight Alpha Romero to Tower.” Melinda said into her microphone. “Requesting you commence with evasive manoeuvres exercise Baker Foxtrot Golf.”

“Roger that, T-FAR. Proceed to starting point and we'll take it from there. Good luck.” A voice said in our ears.

“Agent Parker, take us around to the port side of the carrier. Quarter mile clearance and back five miles.” Melinda ordered.

I did as I was told and swung us around and popped the jet engines for a quick burst of speed. When we reached the spot, I spun us around in a circle to hover in the exact spot she asked for.

“Limit yourself to 5Gs. There's a danger of you blacking out if you go faster.” Melinda warned me.

No, there isn't. I thought and winked at her. “Don't you just love these five point harnesses?”

Melinda let out a soft chuckle. “Don't say I didn't warn you.”

“I appreciate it.” I said and meant it. “I'll keep us to 5Gs.”

A large numerical 5 appeared on the cockpit window and started to count down.

“The goal is to travel ten miles through hostile enemy fire without getting hit. If you do, you lose.”

“Got it.” I said and put my right hand on the jet thrust controls as the number hit one. I jammed the lever forward and we jumped right to 5Gs and stayed there. The surprised look on Melinda's face was worth showing off.

Then the aircraft carrier started firing at us. With live ammunition. From six big fucking guns.

Oh, Baker Foxtrot Golf. I thought with a chuckle and trusted the transport's sensors as well as my spider-sense as I dipped us down to near water level, did a corkscrew to avoid a shell, then I pulled back on the controls and dropped to 2Gs as we went nearly straight up and avoided four more. I did a half-gainer and brought us back to 5Gs and flew us upside down for about a hundred feet before more shells appeared.

I cut the engines and we almost completely stopped as six shells flew past the cockpit. I gunned the jet engines again and banked a roll to the left to avoid a straight at the cockpit shot. I didn't have time to admire the gunner's ability to keep up with me and dropped speed and altitude into a dive towards the water.

I suspected there was going to be a blanketing series of shots coming up, because that's what I would do for a highly evasive target, and I needed some radar and visual cover. Melinda gave me a questioning look and then she stared as I hit both the landing thrusters and the braking thrusters without reducing speed.

The water plume the move created was quite spectacular.

I cut the engines and thrusters to slow us down and watched the waves of water around and ahead of us take fifteen shots that completely missed us. There was only a single mile left to the course, so I leisurely flew the Quinjet for the last stretch, barely above the water's level.

“Tower to T-FAR. Course complete.” The voice said in our ears. “You'll have to tell us how you did that water trick. The other pilots are already screaming at us to add it to the evasion manual.”

I chuckled. “T-FAR to Tower. RTB. Have them meet us in the mess hall. The beer's on me.”

“Copy that, T-FAR. You're clear for an upper deck landing. Tower out.”

I brought the transport around to return to base and glanced over at Melinda. The look on her face was the same one I had seen at the pool. “I hope you can wait until after the meeting.”

Melinda gave me a nod and started doing the down-flight checks and ran diagnostics on the ship's systems. By the time we landed, we were both done and shut the thing down into standby mode. We had to leave it that way in case it was necessary to move it before we used it to return to New York.

The mess hall was already in party mode, considering it was late at night, and they all cheered when The captain of the aircraft carrier handed me my flight patch.

It didn't take me long to explain the trick and explain why it actually worked. Apparently, knowing how to take most of the transport apart had given me a unique perspective of the ship's capabilities. I knew what stresses it could take, how much force could be applied with the engines, and how the ship would react.

“You're writing that up as soon as we get back.” Melinda ordered and took a drink of fruit juice.

“Yes, ma'am.” I said and took a drink of my own. I knew she meant 'back in the office' and not 'immediately upon return', because her look hadn't changed for the hour we had been in the mess hall.

“Then you better get back.” The captain said and shook my hand. “I look forward to seeing what else you can do, Agent Parker.”

“So am I, sir.” I said and saluted him.

That had the guys laughing and patting me on the back. I went to the ship's Purser and gave him several hundred dollars. He looked surprised until I whispered to let the day shift guys have a beer on me, too. Melinda and I left there and returned to the flight deck. We checked the transport over and performed the pre-flight checks after she sat in the pilot's seat. I took the co-pilot's seat and we took off after a brief communication with the carrier's tower.

Melinda didn't waste any time bringing us back to New York and landed on the disguised helicarrier in the harbour. Instead of taking a boat to the shore like I thought we would, I was led to a small state room on the helicarrier, divested of my clothing, then I was pretty much ravished. Showing off and still passing the test was a huge turn on for her, apparently.


Friday morning was biology class and lab and I sat at my assigned table and waited for the inevitable confrontation. Sally walked into the room and blushed as soon as she saw me. She didn't try to avoid me and came right over to our table and sat down beside me.

“So, are you in complete denial about what happened?” I whispered to her.

Sally turned her head to look at me for a moment, then her finger dug into the neck of her t-shirt and pulled out the small diamond pendant on the necklace I had given her.

“Disbelief, then?” I asked and she nodded. “I don't have plans for lunch.”

Sally gave me a blank face for several seconds before she blushed. “B-Ben, we... we can't.”

“You have obviously not explored the darker parts of the school like I have.” I said and wagged my eyebrows at her. “There's a maintenance closet on the second floor and the basement is cleaned regularly.”

Sally looked stunned.

“Before you ask, no. I haven't done any other girls at school.” I said and she didn't react. “I have a box of condoms and they have tickle nubs on them. Do you want to try it out with me?”

Sally didn't say anything for about ten seconds. “Tickle nubs?”

“I saw the box and it looked interesting.” I said with a shrug. “If you like them, I'll keep buying them.”

Sally looked stunned again.

I pretty much did the lab by myself and Sally signed her name to it. I passed it in and then took Sally's hand to lead her to the basement entrance. I waited until it was clear before going in and took her to a fairly empty part of the basement. I had been preparing for this since the Christmas party and took off my large backpack and removed the folded up blanket to spread it out.

I then stripped off completely to let her see I was already hard, then I stripped her off and laid her down on the blanket. I applied the condom and her eyes widened at the small rubber protrusions that were sparsely scattered over the surface.

“Now that I see it, this might not be good at all.” I said and frowned at it. “They should be strategically placed, not stuck on anywhere.”

Sally let out a laugh. “You're complaining about it and I'm the one that has to take it.”

“No.” I said and pulled it off, turned it inside out, and tried to put it back on. “Ow. Ow! Nope, nope, nope.” I pulled it off and shook my head. “I'm writing to the company to complain. How the hell is a girl supposed to enjoy being torn up like that?”

Sally just stared at me and didn't say anything.

“I'm glad I didn't only buy them.” I said and took out a normal condom. “We can have some fun and then we'll eat afterwards.”

“There's no way I'm going to the cafeteria after having sex! Everyone will know!” Sally nearly shouted.

I chuckled and took out the thermal bag from my backpack. “Relax, I've been planning this since Christmas.”

“You... you have?” Sally asked, clearly surprised.

“Yeah. I even have a great joke to tell you.” I said and applied the condom. “What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? You better hold onto your nuts, because this is going to be one hell of a blow job.”

Sally's surprised face disappeared and she laughed, which jiggled her breasts nicely. I knelt and dug my face between her legs and proceeded to give her a comparable experience before I put the condom to great use.


I arrived at work that night and I knew something was up when I went to the elevator and it overrode my destination and took me up to the top floor. I didn't need anyone's prompting to go right to the Deputy Director's office and knocked.

“Come in, Agent Parker.” Maria Hill's voice said.

I entered her office and closed the door behind me. I walked over to her desk and stood at parade rest.

“You have an assignment.” Maria said and handed me a folder. “We normally don't interfere in non-UN countries, even if their actions affect UN countries, because we have to be invited in.”

I opened the folder and successfully hid my surprise. It was an assassination contract.

“In this case, a Columbian gang leader has decided that they can take whatever they want from whomever they want.” Maria said. “He stole from the wrong person.”

I raised my eyebrows at her. “You're giving me a lot more background than necessary.”

Maria nodded. “I'm trying to gauge your reactions to different motivations.”

I had to smile at that. “You're assuming I'll care if the guy is a bastard or a prick?”

Maria's lips twitched into a smile.

“Ha!” I said and looked back at the folder. “When does the transport leave?”

“Thirty minutes.” Maria said. “We want this quiet. No one is to know what happened, who did it, or have any idea anyone else is involved. Do you understand?”

I nodded. “I'll have to ditch any electronics and leave them behind on the transport. If I'm going full stealth, even taking the night vision goggles is chancy.”

Maria's eyes twitched slightly and I caught on that they wanted proof.

“Do you have any self-contained recording devices and not wireless? If it can be both hidden and not emit a signal, it shouldn't interfere with no emission protocols.”

Maria nodded. “Stop by R&D first to grab it and then equip up. Your guide will be waiting for you at the proper exit.”

I understood that she meant leaving through the secret entrance. “I'll be ready in plenty of time.”

“Good luck, Agent Parker.” Maria said.

“Thank you, Deputy Director. I won't disappoint you.”

“I'm not sure why I believe you.” Maria said and I left her office to get ready.

It's because I'm being sincere. I thought and was reminded of that woman at Dr. Strange's building. She had said the same thing and I responded in my thoughts the same way. That's a couple of times now I've had similar interactions with different people.

I pushed that thought to the side and mentally prepared myself for what was to come. I was about to make my first official kill. If I screwed this up, I would never live it down.

Then don't screw up, dumbass! I thought and then laughed, because it was easier said than done.

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