Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

98 The Kingpin Of Crime


I swung downtown and realized had no clue where the Kingpin was. I had a general idea, a rich looking building; but, I didn't have a mental map for it or a point of reference. I landed on a water tower on a brownstone building and took out an untraceable cell phone. A quick search later for Wilson Fisk, and I had his image, a biography, and his address.

I chuckled as I put the phone away. It really made me wonder how you could still be alive if everyone knew you were a mob boss and where you lived. It just didn't make sense. Then again, you would only get one shot. If you missed or messed up, he would probably wipe out your whole family, your friends, and their families.

That thought didn't make me pause at all. I swung back towards downtown and eventually came to a high rise building that made my spider-sense tingle. It was then I realized why I recognized both the feeling and the building. It was one of the addresses of the three thugs I had accidentally killed.

I swung around the building for a minute before I found a spot that barely made my senses react and I landed there on the very corner of the building. I could almost feel the hum of electricity and I let my eyes lose focus as I looked around. It didn't take me long to find the electronic sensors that were liberally spread out around the building, both inside and outside.

Paranoid much? I asked myself and carefully crawled up the very edge of the building. I had to disable about fifteen of the sensors along the way as I made my way to the roof. The outside of the building was all smooth glass, so there was no way of getting inside that way without being caught.

When I reached the top, I discovered that it was a classic penthouse suite with a partial balcony... and it was wired up for security better than a jewellery store. It also had the updated Stark Protect devices. I smiled under my mask at that and continued on to the roof. I had a feeling there would be an accessible spot somewhere, because that was how things always worked.

I found three ways in and they were all heavily protected. If I touched any of them, I would give myself away. So, I had to make my own way in. I went to where I suspected the elevator was and peeked in the edge of the window to make sure, then went over to the spot. My spider-sense went off when I reached for the metal and I pulled my hands back.

I almost smacked myself on the forehead for being so stupid and not doing the obvious thing. I had tried for quick easy access and I should have planned better. I eased across the roof of the high rise building and then leapt off. I needed to be smart about this and couldn't rely solely on my spider-sense to get me through it.

I was near terminal velocity when I was a hundred feet from the ground and shot two weblines at the nearby buildings on either side of the street. I used them like a swing and it slowed my speed down to a reasonable amount. I held on and swung back before I let go and flipped over twice and landed on a lamp post.

It was late at night and almost no one was around. I hopped off the light and landed on the side of the next building and crawled into the alleyway. I felt my spider-sense tingle and knew there was one other person in the alley. I homed in on them and discovered a homeless man sleeping inside a cardboard box.

I reached in and did the same knockout trick I did to Jubadi, because I didn't want the guy waking up to see me enter the building. When he was out, I crept over to the building and followed along the alleyway to a flat steel door without a handle or keyhole. It looked like it might have been a fire escape door previously and it had been closed permanently.

I put my hand on the door where a deadbolt should be and used my sticking power to hold onto the door and slowly pulled. The metal groaned as I eased the door open and the deadbolt popped like a gunshot. I winced and waited to see if anything was going to happen, and nothing did. I opened the door the rest of the way and stepped into a one foot wide space.

It had been dry-walled over and it surprised me there were no vertical wood beams to hold it in place. Whoever the construction crew was, they cut a lot of corners. I poked a finger hole at eye height and looked inside. It was a kitchen, thankfully a blank wall with nothing in front of it, and I carefully made a hole big enough for myself to fit through. I crawled in and up onto the ceiling, only to pause as I discovered that the ceiling was a drop-down one and only supported by thin metal strapping.

Stupid cheap contractors. I thought and stayed on the wall as I pulled the metal door closed. I secured it with some permanent webbing and crawled along the top of the wall to the air vent. I slipped inside and closed it behind me.

I followed the air flow to the source, which should bring me to the building's maintenance area with the furnace and things inside, just like at my high school. It would also give me access to the electrical panel that controlled the entire building. I exited the vent when I neared the blower and almost shouted in happiness, because I was in the room I wanted.

I checked the panel and found the penthouse. I clicked off the ones I wanted to disable and went back over to the vent and almost laughed out loud because I saw a detailed map of the vent network on the wall. I quickly traced where I needed to go and nodded.

I climbed back into the vent and made my way over to the elevator shaft and exited the air vent. The steel cables holding the elevator were a welcome sight and I hopped on and climbed them like a monkey as I went all the way up to the penthouse. It must have been a private elevator, because it was at the top and blocked my access to the next vent I needed to get to.

A quick search netted me a small crawl space between two support beams in the elevator shaft. It was going to be a tight squeeze and it was barely wide enough for me to fit in, which meant no arm or leg movements. I took off my boots, webbed them to my calves to give my toes free movement, and used my excessively double-jointed body as I stretched myself out and snuggled between the two support beams.

I had my arms stretched above my head and only used my fingers and toes to pull myself into that tight space between the elevator car and the wall. It took me five full minutes to slowly squeeze through the space and I came out on top of the elevator and right beside the air vent. It was wired with a contact electronic signal and I used my toolkit to strip the wires and connected them, which closed the circuit.

I put my boots back on and slipped inside the vent and followed the plans to the bedroom and saw a large lump in the bed. The problem was, the vent cover was wired. In fact, all of the vent covers I checked along the way were wired. The wires I needed access to were on the outside of the vents and I couldn't bypass the contact, so I went back to the room next to the bedroom.

It must have been an unused room or something, because it was spartan and didn't have much of anything in it. It also had a long stretch of exposed metal venting across the room, which was perfect for my needs.

I used my spy watch with the laser inside and tapped the time setting dial three times and held it in. The powerful laser shot out and I easily cut a me-sized hole through the side of the metal vent and caught the piece before it fell. I pulled it into the vent and then crawled out of the hole and onto the solid ceiling. I cased the room with my eyes and realized it was an interrogation room. There were also blood stains scattered about.

He doesn't get the grunts to clean up after him? I asked myself and crawled over to the wall where the bedroom was. I was tempted to do some subtle knocking to see how solid it was, then laughed in my mind. I was trying to be quiet and subtle, not handle things like the Hulk.

I crawled over to the door and it wasn't locked. I eased it open and felt a tingle of a camera in the hallway. I cursed myself for not shutting everything off in the building, because the cameras must have been on fuses not connected to the penthouse. The tingle disappeared for about three seconds and then it was back.

I knew then it was a sweeping camera from that and I only had that long to get out of the room and into a blind spot. Normally, that wouldn't be enough time. However, I was Spider-Man and I had trained myself for this.

The exact moment before the tingle disappeared, I opened the door, slipped out while the tingle was gone, shut the door, and leapt down the hallway towards the camera. I softly landed and crouched against the wall to absorb my momentum and I was right below the slowly rotating camera that covered two hallways.

I took out an untraceable cell phone and set it to record before I webbed it under the camera's end. I let it record an entire sweep and dissolved the webbing, looped the footage, and webbed the cell phone to the front of the camera. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and stayed on the wall as I crawled down the hallway to the bedroom door.

I was tempted to drop to the floor and didn't, just on principle, because even though my spider-sense wasn't going off, I felt that walking on the floor would be bad. I was not going to ignore my gut. Not now. I checked the door and it wasn't locked. My spider-sense didn't go off either. I actually thought that was odd, because a paranoid man like Fisk should have locked his bedroom door.

So, I did my hide to the side trick and opened the door slowly. Thankfully, the hinges didn't creak and the door opened quietly. My spider-sense still didn't go off and that was troubling. I was about to meet the Kingpin of Crime and I was sure it was going to be a harrowing fight. Was he actually there? Was it a decoy?

I was too far in to back out now and crawled into the room on the ceiling. I cased the room with my eyes and nothing seemed out of place. I didn't feel a familiar tingle from my spider-sense, which meant no cameras, either. I pulled myself very close to the ceiling and carefully crawled across the room and near the bed. As I did, my spider-sense finally started to warn me of danger.

I was almost worried it had stopped working. I thought and readied myself. I took shallow breaths to pump myself up and counted down from five. Four. Three. Two. One. And I leapt.

My spider-sense screamed at me and I twisted in mid-air to avoid a large fist as it swung and threw off the blanket. I landed on a hand on the side of the bed and flipped over to land on my feet and stared at a fully dressed Wilson Fisk as he slowly stood up on the bed.

“It took you long enough to get here.” Fisk said. “I've been waiting for you since you turned off my back-up security system in my panic room.”

Well, fuck. I thought and skittered backwards when he stepped down onto the floor.

“So, you're the Spider-Man that's been causing a lot of problems in my city.” Fisk said.

“Nooot yourrrs.” I said in a gravelly voice.

Fisk barked a laugh. “I own the city council, half of the legitimate businesses, more than half of the illegal ones, and I eat dinner with the mayor at least once a month. More if I need a favor that my good friend is more than happy to accept campaign contributions to complete for me.”

Taking him down might not be as easy as I thought if his influence is that spread out. I thought.

Fisk made his hands into fists and the knuckles cracked. “I've crushed bigger men than you with my bare hands, insect. I hope you can put up a better fight than they did.”

I was about to respond when my spider-sense screamed at me. I leapt straight up as Fisk lunged and his large booted foot slammed into the floor where my head just was. I barely had the thought that he was a lot faster than he looked when his large hand grabbed my ankle and he flung me back down to the floor.

Pain lanced through my back as I dented the wood flooring and then I was flung in the other direction and I covered my face with my arms as I slammed into the floor again.

Fisk repeated this three more times and then tossed me down to gloat over me. “Puny bug.”

My mind immediately replayed that scene in Avengers where the Hulk did the same move to Loki and I realized that because of my meddling, it might not happen then. No, it was happening now. With me. It was then I realized that I was the invader. I was the interloper. I was the one causing so much change to the world.

I felt resolve fill me as Fisk took a step towards me. Yes, it's me. It's all me. This is my world now. It's mine. “MIIIIINE!” I growled out and flipped my legs up over my head to avoid Fisk's stomp. I pushed off from the floor and kicked him in the chest. He barely moved. I rolled away as his fist swung at my side and I did a cartwheel to get some distance.

“Yours? I don't think so, bug.” Fisk said and ran at me.

I decided to stop holding back and braced myself in a crouch. When he was close enough, I leapt with all of my strength and swung my fist to punch his smug face three inches behind where it actually was.

He must have seen it coming, because he leaned back to avoid it. My knuckles slammed into the underside of his nose and shattered it and tore the skin right off.

Because I had launched myself, I flew up and over him, landed on the ceiling and bounced right back down. He had barely started screaming from pain when my double fist slammed into his upper back. He grunted and dropped down to a knee as he held his bleeding face with one hand and slapped backwards with the other.

I caught the hand and with my left and brought my knee up and my right elbow down onto his arm. His elbow shattered and he screamed again. I swung as hard as I could with my right fist and backhanded him in the ear. His head rocked to the side and he rolled away as he ignored his torn up face and cradled his broken arm instead.

“I am... going to... kill you.” Fisk said as blood poured down his face and he tucked his arm into his suit coat before he slowly stood. “Then I'm going to tear off your mask and find out who you are. Then I'll kill your family, their friends, their families, and then everyone on the street where you live.”

“Nooo, you won't.” I said and took out my permanent web fluid shooter and webbed his feet to the floor. I then webbed his broken arm in place and then shot a glob onto his mouth. “Becaussse you arrre alrrready dead.”

Fisk looked confused for a moment, then he started to choke. With his nose torn off and bleeding and his mouth permanently webbed shut, no air could enter into his lungs. He tried to use his free arm to pull at the damaged part of his face to get air; but, all he managed to breathe in was blood.

I stood there and watched as his movements started to slow down and he tried to pull his feet from his shoes to get away. Fisk tried to take a step and the floor groaned for a moment, then his bulk toppled over and both of his ankles snapped as he fell face first onto the floor. He turned his head to look at me and the anger in his eyes would have burned me alive if he had that power.

“Shhhh, it'sss okay.” I said and knelt on one knee beside him to pet his bald head. “Go to ssssleep, little baby.”

Fisk's eyes soon stopped moving and the life faded from them. I closed them and thought about what to do with him now. I didn't want to take the chance that he had some secret healing facility or something like making him a cyborg, so I proceeded to use my boots to stomp his head and body into paste.

The floors must have been reinforced, because they felt solid as I reduced the man to squishy bits, then I sprayed his remains with permanent webbing. It bonded to the flesh and blood as well as the wooden floor, so there was no way for anyone to bring back Wilson Fisk. If he ever does somehow appear again, it will be a robot, an illusion, or a copycat.

I felt the aches of the pounding I took from the floor and ignored it, because I would be fine in the morning. I walked around the bedroom and checked the walls for what he had mentioned. His safe room. It didn't take long to find it and I tore the thick steel door from the housing. I entered the room and nodded at all the dark screens.

I hit a few buttons and made sure it really was without power and then I webbed it all up. With that done, I checked for safes and safety deposit boxes. It wasn't like I needed the money; but, waste not want not. Depending on how much I found, I could just say it was a secret investor. Or I could give it away. There were lots of people that could use a few thousand dollars.

When I found his safe, that was not well hidden in his office, I stood there and stared at the stacks and stacks of cash. It was ridiculous. No one in their right mind would keep so much cash on hand... unless... oh, Sweet Mary Mother of God, it was all illegal funds and completely untraceable.

I now knew exactly why SHIELD was so interested in passing Klaue's weapons off to the Kingpin. A sale that big required Kingpin to clear out a lot of his ready cash... and here it was. My thoughts about this world being mine came back to me and I smiled under my mask. I was going to need several large duffle bags and maybe an armored truck.

I barked a laugh at the thought and tossed the large office desk and chair up to the ceiling and webbed them there. I did that with the other furniture and then tore up the office carpet. I quickly transferred all of the money onto the carpet and webbed it to keep it closed. I did the same with the safe door, only I used permanent webbing.

I picked up the large bundle and was glad I had the foresight to ensure it would fit through a doorway. As a last thought, I hopped up to the ceiling and searched through Fisk's desk. I wasn't surprised there was no banking information or details, considering it was a home office. I shrugged and carried my bundle of cash down the hallway to the stairwell after retrieving my cell phone and breaking the security camera.

It didn't really matter if the doors were wired to alert Fisk, because he was dead and I was leaving. I still disabled and tricked what I could see, though. I wasn't stupid. He could have guards and armed thugs somewhere else in the building. I left through the roof access door and permanently webbed it shut, just in case.

I stood at the top of the high rise and gazed over the city. My city. I smiled again at the thought and leapt off of the building as if I didn't have a care in the world.

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