Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

99 A Not So Random Encounter

Val knocked on Ben's apartment door at an ungodly hour on Saturday morning, or so she thought. The door opened barely a few seconds later and Ben's face went completely blank.

“No, don't.” Val said and held up her hands. “Please, just let me... EEP!” She squeaked when Jubadi walked around the edge of the door.

Ben looked at his guard and then at Val's startled face. “Jubadi.”

Jubadi's stern expression changed to a welcoming smile and she knelt on one knee. She put one hand over her heart and bowed her head. “I must apologize if my presence has unnerved you, friend of the Royal Consort. My job is to be imposing, as is a guard's duty, to protect his person before it needs to be physically protected.”

Val opened and closed her mouth several times, because she wasn't sure what to say to that.

“That's why you've all been avoiding me all week?” Ben asked.

“Yeah.” Val said and felt embarrassed. “I mean, she's over six feet tall, has muscles on her muscles, and is wearing African battle armor. Saying she's intimidating is a severe understatement.”

“I am wearing a bit more armor than normal because I was upgraded from a Squad Leader to a Royal Personal Guard.” Jubadi said and lifted her head. “It is a great honor to ascend and stand among the best warriors of my people.”

“She really is one of the best.” Ben said and waved for her to stand and move off.

Jubadi nodded and swiftly disappeared from sight.

“How did she do that?” Val asked, surprised.

“Years of training.” Jubadi's voice said from deep inside the apartment.

“She's back in the kitchen and scarfing down another breakfast burrito.” Ben said and then fell silent.

Val gave him a sad look. “Ben, I... I'm sorry. I know that's not what you want to hear, not after... I mean, you know I... I only realized what happened after...” She shook her head and sighed.

Ben didn't say anything and waited for her to gather her thoughts.

“It doesn't matter if I went along with the others because they were scared and embarrassed. I let my own fear dictate my actions and I didn't consider the consequences, just like when I went to that frat party. I made another mistake and I'm sorry.” Val said as tears came to her eyes and she hugged herself. “You saved me then and I'll be forever grateful to you for that. I shouldn't have ignored you and I'll forever regret that I did. I just... I didn't know how to handle...” She let out a sob and turned to walk away.

Ben stepped out and caught her arm to use her momentum to swing her around and he pulled her into a hug. Val burst out crying and put her arms around him as the tears poured out of her eyes and down her face. The shoulder of Ben's shirt was soon soaked and he didn't let go.

“I'm sorry, too. I didn't know how to handle it better then just showing up at school.” Ben said. “I didn't realize until later that I should have warned you all that things were going to change.”

The two of them stayed there and held each other for several minutes as Val cried. She eventually calmed down and tried to let him go. Without saying a word, Ben held on and guided her into the apartment. Aunt May handed them several tissues and they cleaned Val's face enough that she wasn't too embarrassed about joining the three of them for breakfast.

“Mom? Can you grab the blue folder from on top of the desk in my room, please?” Ben asked when they were done eating.

May gave him a questioning look.

“I'd like a moment alone with Val.” Ben said.

“You could wait until I go into work.” May said.

“I could.” Ben said with a smirk. “You can't snoop through my room if I'm in there, though.”

Val snorted and covered her mouth to stop her laugh.

May shook her head at him as she stood, kissed the side of his head, and slowly walked up the stairs as she intentionally drew out how long it was supposed to take.

“Your present is in the second crate on the left.” Ben prompted her.

May caught her breath and stared at him, then she ran up the stairs. Two seconds later, a door slammed shut.

“I'm not in any rush. You really could have waited for...” Val started to say before Ben's lips captured hers. She tried to not moan as he expertly kissed her exactly how she liked it, then she gave up resisting and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with enthusiasm for several minutes.

“OH, MY GOD!” May's voice yelled and Val laughed in the middle of a deep tongue probing kiss.

Ben broke the kiss and smiled at Val's happy face. “I think May might have found it.”

“What is it?” Val asked and looked into Ben's eyes.

“Just something that every woman would probably kill for.” Ben said

They heard his door open and May came down the stairs with the blue folder in her hands.

“You are starting that right after I have my bath tonight!” May said and handed him the folder.

“Okay.” Ben said and then smiled. “You might not like the... ahem... restraint that needs to be applied.”

“You could hang me upside down and spank my ass for all I care.” May said and quickly packed half a dozen burritos into a thermal bag. “It will totally be worth it.”

Ben stared at her with wide eyes and May laughed before she bent down to kiss his cheek.

“You're not the only one who knows how to tease.” May said and walked across the apartment to put on her shoes and coat. “Have fun running around today and don't forget your backpack.”

Ben, Val, and Jubadi waved to her as she left the apartment.

“I'm not even going to ask.” Val said with a shake of her head.

“I'm not sure I can explain anyway.” Ben said and handed her the folder. “You're welcome.”

“What's this?” Val asked and opened the folder. It took a couple of minutes for her brain to make sense of what she was seeing. “Ben, you... even though... why would...”

“I wasn't going to back out after giving my word.” Ben said and went to the counter to pack up the other burritos. “I'm sorry I don't have more to share. If I knew you were coming...”

“You would have locked the door and pretended to not be home.” Val said and flipped through the pages. “You did it... for all of us? Even Liz?”

Ben picked up a backpack with a weird pattern on the bottom third of it. He put the thermal bag inside and closed it. “Especially for Liz, considering how she reacted after Christmas.”

“You want to rub it in her face?” Val asked.

“Yep.” Ben said with a grin. “She had such a hard time believing that I could get her a thoughtful gift. What is she going to think when I give her a full ride scholarship to NYU?”

“But... but...”

“Yes, you can refuse it.” Ben said and flipped the pages back and pointed to the clause where they had to submit their acceptance or denial in writing.

“I need a piece of paper.” Val said.

Ben went over to the telephone and grabbed the notepad and brought it back.

Val wrote 'I accept' on it and handed the pad back to him. “Max and Gina are going to accept, too.”

Ben chuckled and handed the pad back. “You have to sign it.”

Val quickly did so, using her full name, and Ben tucked the piece of paper into the folder. “Can you unblock...”

“You, yes.” Ben said and picked up the folder. “You made the effort to come and see me in person, even though you were afraid of my bodyguard. That took courage and resolve. Even Jubadi respects that.”

“Facing your fears, real or perceived, is the mark of a brave soul.” Jubadi said and looked at Val's body. “We just have to work on the rest of you to get your soul and body to match.”

Val looked from her to Ben.

“I have my own training schedule that I've been slacking on a bit too much. I need to step things up to make up for it.” Ben said and started walking up the stairs. “I'm sure Jubadi wouldn't mind giving you... say... the three year old's course.”

“WHAT?!?” Val yelled in surprise.

“Trust me, it's not as easy as it sounds.” Ben said and entered his room as he shouted. “They fight grown men and can break bones by age six!”

“No. Way.” Val whispered and stared at Jubadi. “I... ah... believe I was right to be afraid of you.”

Jubadi smiled. “You are intelligent as well. Good. I can work with that.”

Val blinked her eyes for a moment. “I didn't agree to anything.”

“We know.” Ben said as he came back down the stairs. “You can come with us this afternoon while we train. You can choose then if you want Jubadi to teach you how to defend yourself.”

“This afternoon?” Val asked and she was pretty sure she was going to accept.

“Yeah. I have somewhere important to go to this morning. It's why we were up so early on a day off.”

“I thought you worked on Saturdays.” Val said.

“I usually do.” Ben said and shared an amused look with Jubadi. “I had a bit of an altercation with my boss and I'm on paid leave until she calls me in.”

“I don't want to know.” Val said and stood. “Where should I meet you when you come back from wherever you're going?”

“Stark Industries, floor 60. I'll leave word with the doorman and I'll text you when to come by.”

“S-Stark Industries? As in the huge building downtown with the word STARK in bold letters across it?” Val asked, stunned.

“That's the one. I'm renting the entire floor, too. Parker Incorporated needed a nice office space to work out of and renting ended up being a lot cheaper than trying to buy an office building.” Ben said and grabbed the backpack and walked over to the front door to put on his shoes, jacket, and then the backpack. “Then again, that was before they announced the death of that Willie Fish guy.”

“Fish?” Val asked and dressed as well, then she gasped. “You mean Fisk? Wilson Fisk?”

“Yeah, that guy.” Ben said and took out his keys. “It was all over the news this morning how they found his penthouse ransacked, covered in webbing, and they're sure the pile of stuff on the floor is what's left of Fisk. That webbing is nasty stuff. They had a hard time separating the blood from it to identify him.”

“Ugh, that sounds disgusting.” Val said and stepped out with Ben and Jubadi.

“I'm sure it was.” Ben said and locked the apartment door and used his cell phone to set the Stark Protect devices in the apartment. “Anyways, there's probably going to be a mad scramble to snatch up all of the properties that don't have an owner.”

“Can they do that?” Val asked as they stepped into the elevator.

“Not normally.” Ben said with a chuckle and hit the button for the ground floor. “Apparently, someone sent in a bunch of anonymous tips and evidence implicating Fisk in a whole bunch of things, including a huge warehouse fire down by the docks.”

“No way!” Val gasped.

“Yes, way. It was full of illegal weapons, too.” Ben said with a shrug. “It was almost like someone was trying to get rid of the evidence of a huge shipment that had somehow made its way into New York.”

Val fell silent for the rest of the ride down to the ground floor.

“Val? What is it?” Ben asked as they stepped out of the elevator.

“I... well, I... my parents... um...” Val felt embarrassed and looked away.

“Oh.” Ben said and then he chuckled. “I hope they were only friends and not huge contributors to the Mayor's re-election campaign with Fisk.”

Val's blush deepened and Ben stopped walking to take her into a hug.

“No matter what happens, you can call me. Even when I'm angry at you, I won't turn you away.” Ben said. “I would have shut the door in your face, otherwise.”

“You're still angry with me?” Val asked, surprised. “I thought... well...”

“It's going to take a bit more than a fantastic kiss to make up for a whole week of abandonment.” Ben said and let her go before he held the front door of the apartment building open for her.

Val stepped out and looked sad as Ben and Jubadi came out behind her.

“Don't make that face. You know you have to start earning my trust again before I let you into my life fully.” Ben said and Val nodded. “Be careful on the bus and stay away from the bad parts of the city as...” He paused and shook his head. “You know what? Go to the library and start looking up good places to rent near the college. With a full ride, you can either use the dorm or use the money to rent a place near the campus.”

“What about... Max and Gina?” Val asked.

Ben thought about it as they walked down to the bus stop. “You're not allowed to tell them they are still getting the scholarships. If they know before coming to me to apologize, then the apology is meaningless.” He said and nodded at Jubadi, who wrapped herself around him and sighed as she snuggled her head next to his.

Val stared at her and didn't know what to say.

“African suddenly in winter.” Ben said.

“Oh.” Val said and blushed. “I thought... well...”

“Oh, we are.” Ben said and her eyes widened. “It's considered training for when I'm with the princess.”

“I... that... why would she allow...”

“It's me that's not allowed to disappoint her.” Ben corrected. “It's one of their highest insults to disappoint a warrior in any aspect of their life.”

Val wasn't sure what to say to that.

“As I was saying, don't encourage Max or Gina to come to me, either. Any promise of a reward or benefit would also influence them. If they are going to disappoint me, you need to let them do it on their own.”

Val sighed and nodded.

Ben took her hand. “I'm not telling you to not talk to them. They're your friends. If you want to tell them you did what you did today, I won't stop you.”

“I just have to leave out the scholarship part.” Val said.

“And maybe the kiss.” Ben said with a smirk. “Also considered a reward and could influence them.”

Val gave Ben a pointed look.

“I know what you're thinking, and no. I wouldn't.” Ben gave her hand a squeeze. “That kiss was all yours and won't be repeated with anyone else.”

Val's eyes went to Jubadi and the African woman shook her head. Val wasn't sure why that made her feel better about everything, even knowing Ben had... is having... sex with an Amazonian warrior. There was no way for her to compare herself to a woman like that and the more she thought about it, the less she wanted to try and make a comparison.

“Hey.” Ben said and Val turned her head to look at his face. “I know that look. Don't.” He said and lifted her hand and kissed it. “You are your own person. Jubadi is her own person. I am my own person.” He said and then smiled. “How do you compare oranges to apples?”

Val looked at her hand near his lips and smirked. “You taste them. Duh.”

Ben looked surprised for a second, then he laughed and laughed. “Oh... that... you...”

The bus pulled up and the three of them climbed on. Ben was still laughing as the bus pulled away and he also still held Val's hand. When the bus reached the end of the street, Ben turned to her.

“That was the best counter argument I've ever heard and I've used that analogy more than I care to admit. It never occurred to me to use another sense to compare such different things, which renders my entire point of them not being comparable, completely moot.” Ben said and gave Val a warm smile. “I'm really glad you showed up today. I had been in a mixed mood earlier and now... now...”

“What?” Val asked.

“I want you to come back to the apartment with me after the workout this afternoon.” Ben said.

Just by the look in his eyes, Val didn't have to ask what he had planned. “Okay.”

Ben smiled at her and they continued to ride the bus downtown. One to go to the library and the other to get to a transport with his guard. He had a quick flight to take and a particular problem to deal with.

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