When the battle in the sky ended, many people were still in shock for a while.

The eight Tribulation Realm masters from the Jiuyou Holy Land who had come out in full force, just... finished?

Are the three masters of Yunjian Pavilion so strong?

At this moment, many people involuntarily raised their evaluation of Yunjian Pavilion in their hearts.

As one of the five super first-class forces, Yunjian Pavilion has the shallowest foundation and the fewest masters, and has always been ranked at the bottom in the eyes of the world. But this battle undoubtedly made the world re-recognize Yunjian Pavilion, and also re-recognize Lin Fengtian, Xiao Ruoyao and Leng Lingyue.

After all, it is a miracle to win a great victory with three against eight.

As for Feng Shao's role in it, it was directly ignored by everyone.

This is no wonder. Feng Shao's realm is only Jindan, how can he be qualified to participate in the battle of the Tribulation Realm masters? Not being affected by the residual power and dying is already considered a great ability for him. As for controlling the situation? How is that possible?

However, Xiao Ruoyao and Leng Lingyue knew that the first credit for winning this battle was still on Feng Shao.

But Xiao Ruoyao couldn't help but worry. How could a secret method that could allow a Jindan realm cultivator to leap to the strength equivalent to the Jiejie realm have no sequelae? Therefore, before returning to the ground, Xiao Ruoyao pulled Feng Shao to ask questions non-stop.

In this regard, Feng Shao had to explain the actual situation to Xiao Ruoyao in detail.

The protective ability of the positive and negative twenty-eight constellations formation is well known, but the attack ability is little known. And Xiao Ruoyao only knew today that the positive and negative twenty-eight constellations formation actually had such a wonderful use.

To be more precise, before this, Xiao Ruoyao even only knew the twenty-eight constellations formation, but had never heard of this composite formation with positive and negative combinations, not to mention the attack ability.

But Xiao Ruoyao was knowledgeable after all, and after deducing it in his mind, he almost understood this unknown city defense formation.

In fact, the attack principle of this formation is very simple, it is simply an additional outlet for spiritual power. And Feng Shao is this outlet for spiritual power. Therefore, Feng Shao, who has been blessed by the formation, can only use the power of true essence, but not the power of spiritual essence. After all, there is still an essential difference between him and the real strong man in the realm of crossing the calamity.

In addition, the attack method of this formation actually has many restrictions. The biggest restriction is the realm of the person who presides over the formation.

If the spiritual power pours into the body continuously and is not released in time, it is easy to burst oneself. Feng Shao is only at the Jindan realm, so this spiritual power should not exist in the body for too long. Therefore, during the entire battle, Feng Shao did not dare to drag his feet at all. The spiritual power that was infused only turned around in the body, and he was madly poured out.

As long as the pouring is fast enough, there is really no sequelae afterwards. But if the pouring is slow, then... it can be regarded as no sequelae, after all, the person is burst, and this result can no longer be regarded as a sequelae.

Another limitation is that the spiritual power infusion can be interrupted with a high probability, but the premise is that someone attacks inside the formation and the attack direction is accurate. This is the main reason why Feng Shao couldn't wait to drive Xin Ruxiong out of the city. Although the possibility of Xin Ruxiong interrupting the spiritual power infusion is not very high, it exists after all, and Feng Shao doesn't want to take this risk.

Although the effect is outstanding, because of the harsh restrictions and high risks, Feng Shao doesn't want to use this attack method unless it is necessary. It was used today, firstly because it was necessary, and secondly, it was also to deter everyone so that Wuling City would have a more stable development environment in the future.

Overall, the effect is good. Regardless of whether everyone thinks Feng Shao played a key role in this battle, at least they still know that this city is covered by the Yunjian Pavilion, and even the forces at the level of the Holy Land can't break through. As for the forces, let alone.

After resolving the episode of the Nine Nether Holy Land, the city-building ceremony continued to be held according to the original process.

As the founder and city lord of Wuling City, Feng Shao delivered a speech on the stage. I won't go into the details of the speech here, but the general meaning is: Wuling City was not created to occupy the living space of other forces, but to coexist peacefully with other forces. The purpose of Wuling City is win-win cooperation, not a zero-sum game. Although Wuling City will not take the initiative to provoke trouble, it will never be afraid of trouble. For all enemies who come to attack, Wuling City will also use all means to give a head-on blow...

Basically, it is a copy of the sentences commonly used by the diplomatic spokespersons of the modern China.

Feng Shao's speech is unique in this world, but it also makes many people's eyes light up. Whether it is sincere or just out of politeness, Wuling City has expressed its intention to cooperate. Then even if it is just for superficial work, Wuling City will not easily refuse the cooperation requests of other forces. Therefore, many people began to think that maybe they can really consider cooperating with Wuling City.

Of course, the "cooperation" mentioned here basically refers to transactions. Exchange what you have and what you don't have, and exchange goods for goods.

However, their trading target is not Wuling City, but the Yunjian Pavilion behind Wuling City. In the eyes of most people, Wuling City is simply the spokesperson for Yunjian Pavilion. The difference between Wuling City and Bianyun City is that it is a little farther away from Yunjian Pavilion.

But then, Feng Shao's action surprised everyone.

Feng Shao gave a small and exquisite pen to everyone who participated in the city founding ceremony. This small pen is only half a foot long, about the thickness of a little finger, but there is no refill. This small pen looked unremarkable, except for the small golden ring at the top that looked like a storage device. However, after everyone tried it, they found that the ring could not be opened at all.

To put it simply, the ring is actually locked and can only be opened using specific techniques.

Everyone was playing with the small pen and didn't know why for a while. It wasn't until Feng Shao introduced the purpose of the small pen that everyone was involuntarily surprised.

This turned out to be an engraving pen with spiritual energy as the core!

In fact, someone thought about using spiritual energy as a refill very early on. It's just that this core must be of high concentration of spiritual energy, and high-concentration spiritual energy can only be extracted from spiritual stones. The consumption is very huge, and the price is naturally very expensive. No matter how rich a person is, they will not consume massive amounts of spiritual stones just to extract high-concentration spiritual energy.

But here in Feng Shao, high-concentration spiritual energy has become very cheap. Feng Shao clearly told everyone that if the spiritual energy in the gas storage ring is used up, they can come directly to Wuling City to replace it with a new gas storage ring!

And the price is only a mere 100,000 spirit stones!

It's not expensive at all! It’s ridiculously cheap!

Many people were excited, but some people looked at the engraved formation pen thoughtfully.

There are also some bright-minded people who discovered a problem that many people ignored.

At that moment, someone asked: "Then, Lord Feng City, what is the price of this moment formation pen?"

Many people came back to their senses. yes! Feng Shao only mentioned the price of ventilation, why not the price of the engraving pen?

Unexpectedly, Feng Shao's answer was to shake his head: "Sorry, the engraving pen is not for sale."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Feng Shao continued: "The output of the engraved formation pens is very low, and the cost is very high. The engraved formation pens delivered to you are the entire inventory of Wuling City. These engraved formation pens will only be given as gifts and will not be made public. For sale, please understand! ”

Many people are disappointed. Everyone is not stupid and naturally understands the meaning of this engraved formation pen. With it, and hiring a skilled weapon refiner, wouldn't there be an endless supply of high-grade magic weapons? Therefore, everyone can understand Feng Shao's decision to refuse large-scale sales.

But understanding is understanding. Due to the position issue, I will definitely not support it. Just taking a look at the people in Yunjian Pavilion who were sitting at the top, everyone swallowed back what they were saying very rationally.

However, some smart people thought of another way to obtain the Engraving Formation Pen.

At that moment, someone found a representative of a small family and directly proposed to buy the engraving pen in his hand for 300,000 spirit stones.

The man was immediately shocked, and then he was overjoyed and agreed without hesitation. They are just a small family, and their annual income does not even amount to one hundred thousand spiritual stones. The other party suddenly paid for the engraving pen with spiritual stones equivalent to more than three years of their income. This deal was such a bargain!

So he agreed without hesitation.

The other party was also a cheerful person, and he handed over the spirit stone immediately, and the money and goods were settled in an instant. But when the representative of the small family was happily counting the spiritual stones in the storage ring, he overheard someone next to him purchasing the engraved formation pen for half a million spiritual stones.

The man: "..."

He took a look at the storage ring on his hand and felt that 300,000 spirit stones were no longer favourable.

The gifts given out by many families and forces in this celebration only cost 50,000 to 60,000 spirit stones. A mere engraving pen can be exchanged for hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. They immediately felt that this trip was not in vain, and they were secretly grateful to Feng Shao for his generosity.

In response, Feng Shao just smiled and said to himself: You may make money, but I will never lose money.

After many technological improvements, the cost of one of today's engraving pens is no more than two thousand spiritual stones. However, the manufacturing of the engraved array pen is not the difficulty, the difficulty lies in the acquisition of high concentration of spiritual energy. Under the current situation that only Feng Shao can provide high-concentration spiritual energy, a gas storage ring alone can make Feng Shao a lot of money.

The spiritual energy in a gas storage ring is equivalent to the spiritual energy contained in 80,000 spiritual stones. After taking into account the technical cost, it is not expensive at all to sell such a large amount of high-concentration spiritual energy for 100,000 spiritual stones, so everyone can accept the price, and many people even ordered a lot of gas storage rings on the spot.

Of course, Feng Shao would not tell them that as soon as he opened the spiritual energy valve, he could have as much spiritual energy as he wanted at this concentration. Not to mention 80,000 spirit stones, at most it only costs a hundred spirit stones, which is the cost of the gas storage ring.

When everyone was happily playing with the engraved formation pen and began to imagine how much wealth they would gain through this engraved formation pen in the future, Feng Shao suddenly announced another thing.

Feng Shao smiled and said to everyone: "My wedding will be in two days. Please attend on time!"

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