Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 199 Female Transmigrator

Outside Wuling City, on Xieyang Road.

To the north of Wuling City, two peaks stand side by side. In the evening, when the afterglow of the setting sun shines in, it shines through the twin peaks and turns into a narrow path of light, which coincides with a road leading directly to Wuling City in the north. And this avenue was called "Seiyang Road".

Before Wuling City was built, the end of Xieyang Road was the small river that went around Wuling City. After that, go all the way south, and there will be another avenue in another ten miles. Afterwards, follow the avenue for hundreds of miles before you reach another small town.

In the past, there were only a few scattered small villages along Xieyang Road. For these poor farmers, this Sunset Road is an important channel for them to communicate with the outside world. Supplies they cannot produce, such as salt, spices, sugar, etc., are obtained through this Sunset Road. Therefore, although Xieyang Road is rarely used by people, it has never been abandoned.

But this avenue, which used to be empty of sight for most of the day, has suddenly seen a lot of caravans in recent days. Their destination is the recently established Wuling City.

Thanks to Wuling City, these villages that were never noticed by the world have become very lively these days.

Many caravans need to stop midway, and these villages are undoubtedly the best places to stop. These villages, where only shopkeepers would occasionally come to sell goods, finally had the opportunity to buy things that they could not usually buy. And they finally had the opportunity to sell the vegetables, fruits, cured meats and leather that could only be sold cheaply to traders at a more reasonable price to the caravans.

This is a win-win trade for both parties.

The formation of trade often requires many conditions, such as geographical location, population, transportation, climate, special products, folk customs, etc., all of which are indispensable. In an era of inconvenient transportation, trade was usually limited to a small area. Only cities with a large population and extensive connections could form truly prosperous trade markets.

Although there are cultivators in this world, after all, the vast majority of people are still just mortals. The methods of those monks are too far away for them, and they still live a very ordinary life, no different from the ancient times. No monks would come here specifically for these mortals to sell and buy things that were not valuable to the monks at all, so the trading methods still seemed ancient and stagnant.

A city driving the development of a region is a true reflection of ancient economic development.

It's just that Wuling City is still a very young city. The population is sparse, special products are poor, and transportation is inconvenient. Therefore, Wuling City's driving effect on surrounding towns and villages is still very limited, and there are very few caravans coming and going. But even so, Wuling City has brought obvious changes to the scattered villages on both sides of the road.

There are more delicacies on the table that I have never seen before, and the food is also more salty. The villagers bought more practical tools and even had some spare money to buy some things for recreation. There were more smiles on people's faces, and their hearts were gradually filled with a sense of satisfaction.

Therefore, the villagers are sincerely grateful to Wuling City.

After the founding ceremony of Wuling City, there were fewer caravans heading to Wuling City, and Xieyang Road returned to its former peace. But on the second day of the city founding ceremony, a carriage was rushing towards Wuling City.

The lone carriage obviously couldn't be a caravan, not to mention that the carriage was made of exquisite materials and was solid and durable. It was obviously not something that would be used by those stingy caravans. Instead, it was more like the carriage used by wealthy families when they went out for fun. carriage.

The person in charge of driving was a young man who looked to be in his thirties and was wearing smart clothes. He concentrated on driving the carriage so that it could pass quickly on the Sunset Road as smoothly as possible.

At this time, a clear and melodious female voice suddenly came from the carriage: "Lang Weiwei, how long will it take for us to get to Wuling City?"

The young man driving the car said casually: "It will probably take another two hours! Please rest assured, young lady, we will definitely be able to reach Wuling City today."

The woman in the carriage said "hmm" and stopped talking.

The young man driving the car couldn't help but asked: "Miss, why are you rushing to Wuling City in such a hurry? I heard that Wuling City was just built not long ago, and the whole city is empty. There is no one there at all." How many people? Even if we go, it won’t be interesting?”

The woman in the carriage snorted and said, "You don't understand! Don't look at the unknown Wuling City right now, but it won't be long before this city will become the leading city in the entire East Continent! You have to know , the city lord of Wuling City, Feng Shao, is an incredible person! His ideas are beyond the comprehension of you people! Only I can see what he is capable of!"

The young man driving the car couldn't help curling his lips, feeling the urge to complain.

My eldest daughter didn't know what was going on. Ever since she fell into the water a few days ago, she felt completely different. On the third day after waking up, he clamored to come to Wuling City, saying that it would be too late if he didn't come.

Of course, my master would not allow his daughter to run out so casually. Although the master favors sons over daughters and does not value his daughter very much, he is very concerned about the family tradition. In his opinion, a woman should stay at home, whether before or after leaving the cabinet. Going out casually is considered inappropriate and should be punished for imitating female virtues.

In the past, the eldest lady listened to the master's words and never left the door. But this time, the eldest lady was determined to run away, and her destination was very clear. In order to be able to go to Wuling City, she actually took out her valuable jewelry and bribed a guard, who was the driving guard.

Lang Wei didn't want to disobey the master's wishes, but the eldest lady gave him too much, so he had to secretly drive a carriage to take the eldest lady to Wuling City.

The eldest lady was chattering along the way, always saying something he couldn't understand, about the welfare of time travellers, the trends of the times, pigs that can fly, real estate, technological immortality, and so on. He basically didn't understand a word except "pigs can fly."

Oh, there is another sentence that is always mentioned by the eldest lady. That sentence is "I have never touched money, I am not interested in money."

Guard Lang: "..."

Could it be that the eldest lady is possessed by some mandrill spirit?

At this time, the young lady didn't know what the guard was thinking in his mind. Because right now, she was still thinking about something in her mind with excitement on her face.

In fact, she is not from this world.

She is a time traveler, and she travels through the soul.

The person she traveled through was a young lady from a wealthy family in a small town in Dongzhou, named Dai Zhixin. If this family were placed in the entire Dongzhou, it would be insignificant. But in that small town, it was famous. And Dai Zhixin is also a stunning beauty known far and wide in the small town, with many admirers.

But no matter how beautiful she is, Dai Zhixin is nothing more than a marriage tool to her father. And her marriage partner is the young master of the city lord's palace, a dandy with no knowledge or skills.

The original person has no feelings about this. After all, this was the education she had received since she was a child, and she would not have any thoughts of resistance in her heart. Just follow your father's arrangements and live your life step by step. As for pursuing something, it is something that only those with ability deserve. A woman like her who has nothing but beauty is not worthy of such a noble thing.

But a few days ago, after Dai Zhixin accidentally slipped and fell into the water in her manor, the situation became different.

Dai Zhixin was delicate and frail, and died of suffocation shortly after falling into the water. But before she could die, the soul of a woman who died unexpectedly in this world entered her body under the guidance of an unknown force and began to dominate her life.

After traveling through time, it only took one night for the woman to accept the setting that she had traveled through time. It took her another day to realize that she was traveling through a novel world!

And it just so happened that she had read this novel!

After learning this, Dai Zhixin couldn't wait to ask people around her about things that were far away to her, such as Wuling City, Yunjian Pavilion, Feng Shao, Lin Xiaoran and so on.

Then she found out that Wuling City would hold a city founding ceremony in two days!

Dai Zhixin's eyes suddenly lit up, and she began to make calculations in her mind.

The protagonist of this novel world is Feng Shao, the lord of Wuling City. Feng Shao is also a time traveler. With the concepts of modern people, he started from a city in this world of cultivating immortals and created a new era of cultivating immortals. But that's a story for another day. Feng Shao is just at the beginning of his career. But Wuling City has now been established!

what does that mean?

Dai Zhixin, who was tortured to the point of death by the high housing prices in today's world, immediately thought of real estate.

Taking advantage of the fact that Wuling City has just been built, if we don’t quickly stock up on land and wait for the price to rise, wouldn’t we be watching wealth slip away from our fingertips?

I can't keep up with Bitcoin. I have to have a share in Wuling City's real estate business!

With the dream of capitalism in mind, Dai Zhixin resolutely embarked on the journey to Wuling City.

Standing at the forefront of the times, pigs can fly! As long as I seize this opportunity, sooner or later, I will be able to make an understatement on the surface, but actually say those words proudly in my heart:

"I have never touched money, I am not interested in money!"

It’s really beautiful when you think about it!

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