Feng Shao had been in seclusion many times when he was in Taiwei Mountain before. However, due to his limited qualifications and the characteristics of the "Qiankun Collection", the effect of each seclusion was not great.

But this time, Feng Shao was promoted directly from the Jindan realm to the Huashen realm.

Speaking of which, the promotion to the Jindan realm was a year ago. It took only one year to advance from the Jindan realm to the Huashen realm. This speed can also be ranked among the top-notch geniuses in the upper domain.

After being promoted to the Huashen realm, the Qiankun Palace team was more confident.

The first thing Feng Shao did after walking out of the Juling Tower was to check on Lin Xiaoran's situation. Lin Xiaoran is not only his little wife now, but also the mother of his future child. Even if there is a maid who takes care of Lin Xiaoran, Feng Shao is still worried if he doesn't watch her at all times.

After returning to the City Lord's Mansion, Feng Shao learned from the servants that Lin Xiaoran spent most of his time in the meeting room during the day, so he immediately hurried to the meeting room again.

Arriving at the meeting room, Feng Shao found Lin Xiaoran who was discussing matters of the Cultivation Academy with Bai Shuanghua and Dai Zhixin without much effort.

When Lin Xiaoran saw Feng Shao, he immediately shouted in surprise: "Brother Shao!"

The next moment, Feng Shao felt a flash before his eyes, and then he was holding a warm and soft jade in his arms.

Looking at Lin Xiaoran, who was nestling in his arms like a young swallow, Feng Shao said with distress: "Ran'er, you have worked hard these days."

Lin Xiaoran smiled and shook her head, saying: "Ran'er doesn't feel tired if she can help Brother Shao a little!"

Feng Shao rubbed her little head and said softly: "But you are pregnant now, your body is not as good as before, you should pay more attention to rest."

As he said, Feng Shao looked at the other two and said: "In the future, if you need Ran'er to participate, it is better to go to the City Lord's Mansion!"

Bai Shuanghua smiled and said: "Master really cares about Master's Wife! He is reluctant to let Master's Wife walk even this short distance."

Dai Zhixin shrugged: "Alas, such a good man, one less is better!"

Next, Feng Shao talked to a few people about the Cultivation Academy. After asking about a few details, Feng Shao nodded with satisfaction and said, "The specific idea is correct, let's do it this way first! If there are any changes in the future, we will make appropriate adjustments according to the situation."

Then, Feng Shao took Lin Xiaoran's hand and left the meeting room.

On the way back to the City Lord's Mansion, Feng Shao asked Lin Xiaoran about his physical condition in detail. After learning that there was nothing wrong, he was relieved. He said earnestly: "Ran'er, for me, no one in this world is more important than you. Even the entire Wuling City cannot compare to your position in my heart. So if you want me to rest assured in the future, you should take care of your body. As long as everything goes well for you, I can also rest assured to do other things."

Lin Xiaoran suddenly felt a warm current flowing into her heart. She gently hugged Feng Shao and whispered: "Brother Shao, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of myself and will never let you worry."

After the two of them were affectionate for a while, they continued to walk back.

At lunch, there was no one else at the table, only Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran. For the two, this was not only a meal, but also the best way to communicate as a family. Although this "family" only has two people now, it will soon increase to three people. In the future, there may be a fourth or fifth person...

At the table, Feng Shao peeled shrimp for Lin Xiaoran very considerately. This shrimp is naturally not an ordinary shrimp, but a dragon beard shrimp raised in the Spirit Lake. This kind of shrimp can slightly increase the Yin attribute of the cultivator after eating, which is very suitable for Lin Xiaoran who is now taking the pure Yin route.

Lin Xiaoran was also very happy to be taken care of by her husband. The two of them fed each other and had a good time. If others saw it, they might have the illusion that a pink love bubble was floating in the air.

When the meal was almost over, Feng Shao said, "Ran'er, I will go on a long journey in a few days. This trip will take at least one month and at most two months. I am afraid it will take a long time to come back."

Lin Xiaoran asked, "Brother Shao, you are talking about the Qiankun Palace, right?"

Feng Shao nodded and said, "Yes. The Qiankun Palace will appear on September 20th, and I plan to go and explore it."

Lin Xiaoran looked worried, "Brother Shao, I heard from my mother before that the ruins of the Qiankun Palace is a very dangerous place, second only to Lihuotian and Wanjian Valley among the ten forbidden areas. Will you be in danger on this trip?"

Feng Shao shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry! I have made preparations in advance for this trip. Preparation. I have already figured out a lot of the situations inside. Qiankun Palace is very dangerous in the eyes of some people, but for me it is like going home. "

Lin Xiaoran was silent for a while before he slowly said: "Brother Shao, no matter how confident you say you are, I still don't want you to take this trip. But I also know that you have made a decision and others can't persuade you. So don't worry, I will definitely keep the house for you before you come back. But you must remember that you must come back before the child is born. I hope you can see him born with your own eyes. "

Although Lin Xiaoran was spoiled, he was probably influenced by Lin Fengtian and Xiao Ruoyao's genes. He was a fearless person since he was a child. Even when he fell into Chu Hao's hands last time, Lin Xiaoran did not show any weakness. This courage, even Chu Hao couldn't help but secretly admire it.

But after getting pregnant, Lin Xiaoran began to become timid. She cherished her current life very much, so she kept away from all dangers. Especially now that Feng Shao was going to the famous Qiankun Palace ruins, this made her even more uneasy.

But even so, Lin Xiaoran suppressed her reluctance and did not say anything to keep Feng Shao. Because she knew that Feng Shao was a man with lofty ambitions, and his heart was filled with not only their small family, but also a lofty dream. As Feng Shao's good wife, Lin Xiaoran did not want to hold him back, so she could only silently support Feng Shao behind the scenes.

Feng Shao saw the worry in Lin Xiaoran's heart, so he gently held Lin Xiaoran's hand and said softly: "Don't worry, my life now does not belong to me, but to you and our child. Even for you and the child, I will protect myself and will never let you worry."

Lin Xiaoran nodded silently, then suddenly smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this. Brother Shao, you have to accompany me well during this period before going out. Aunt Jia said that keeping the body and mind happy is conducive to the healthy growth of children. So these days, all your time is mine!"

Feng Shao also smiled and said: "Okay, then I will accompany you well and not leave at all!"

In the next few days, Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran were inseparable no matter where they went. They knew that in a few days, they would not see each other for a long time, so they cherished this time even more.

Seeing how loving the two were, some familiar people couldn't help but tease them. The two didn't care, but laughed and teased back. This behavior of showing affection everywhere without paying attention to others really made many people envious, and also made countless single dogs sad.

When Feng Shao was in love with Lin Xiaoran, he did not forget to send someone to pay attention to Deng Jingyun who had been staying in Wuling City during this period.

Deng Jingyun has never left Wuling City since that day. During the day, he went out to wander around the city, as if he was experiencing the customs and customs of Wuling City. At night, he would find a few children from other familiar families to drink and talk in the newly opened restaurant in the city, as if he was devoted to the world. As for the family affairs of Qianyun City, it seems that he has completely forgotten them.

If it were someone else, knowing Deng Jingyun's recent plans, they would probably think that Deng Jingyun was reveling before a desperate fight. But Feng Shao felt that Deng Jingyun was not such a simple person. Although when talking about the family curse, Deng Jingyun seemed to be calm on the surface. But from his eyes, Feng Shao could clearly see a hint of ruthlessness and determination.

Such a person would never succumb to fate. Even if he was already on the beheading platform, he would struggle hard.

So Deng Jingyun's behavior seemed to Feng Shao to be for him to see.

Three days passed in a flash. Unknowingly, September arrived.

Early in the morning, Feng Shao climbed out of bed quietly, carefully not to wake up Lin Xiaoran. And Lin Xiaoran curled up beside him, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Seeing Lin Xiaoran's frowning face in his sleep, Feng Shao couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Feng Shao had to go to the Qiankun Palace. It was not because of the agreement with Deng Jingyun, but because of the second page of the "Heavenly Book" that was unlocked in his mind.

The second page of the "Heavenly Book" was accidentally unlocked when Feng Shao handed the Earth Yuan Shen Chapter to Lin Xiaoran at Snake Tooth Mountain. However, due to time constraints, it was not convenient to think carefully. It was not until the matter was over that Feng Shao took the time to carefully study the second page.

The content of the second page was more difficult and obscure than the first page, but in connection with the content of the first page, Feng Shao vaguely sensed the important information contained in it.

This information was about the Heavenly Dao, and it directly pointed to the most core secrets of the Heavenly Dao. Such important information, let alone speaking it out loud, even communicating with the spirit would be easily detected by the Heavenly Dao. Therefore, the Lord of Xihe Palace would use such an obscure way to convey this information to Feng Shao.

In order to verify his guess, Feng Shao had to go to Qiankun Palace. This trip was not only related to himself, but also to the future fate of everyone around him.

After putting on his clothes, Feng Shao leaned over and gently kissed Lin Xiaoran's cheek, and then walked out of the door lightly.

At the moment the door closed, Lin Xiaoran suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the direction where Feng Shao left, stunned.

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