Feng Shao in the old fate track can finally be with Xiao Ranran forever.

Lin Xiaoran in the new fate track also waited for his long-cherished brother Shao at home.

And Feng Shao in the fantasy world will also return to his own world to reunite with his wife and unborn child.

Everyone in each world has his own obsession and things that he can't give up. They have their own destiny. The only difference is that the dependence and sustenance in their hearts have never wavered.

My beloved, please believe that no matter which me, my love for you is eternal.

Even if I have lost you before, I will do everything to find you back.


Upper Domain, Dongzhou, Wuling City.

It has been nearly two months since Feng Shao left.

The birth of Qiankun Palace is a big news in the entire Upper Domain. In order to seek opportunities, various forces have sent disciples to explore. This is an extremely dangerous journey, but the monks who have always fought against the sky still gather here without hesitation.

For a long time, rumors about the Qiankun Palace became the hottest news in the upper domain. This is especially true for those who have relatives and friends who go to the Qiankun Palace.

After Feng Shao left, Lin Xiaoran seemed to have no changes on the surface. She ate as usual and slept as usual, and the fetus grew up gradually in Lin Xiaoran's orderly life. But as the time for the birth of the child was approaching, Lin Xiaoran began to be more and more dazed.

She often sat in the garden of the City Lord's Mansion for a whole day. She did nothing, just sat there, dazed, as if thinking about something, but also as if thinking about nothing.

But everyone knew that she missed Feng Shao.

But when everyone remembered the news from the Qiankun Palace some time ago, they didn't know how to tell Lin Xiaoran.

The Qiankun Palace, which appears once every hundred years, basically has a regular pattern every time it appears. According to records, the Qiankun Palace will appear in the world for three days and disappear after three days. Therefore, the time for cultivators to seek opportunities in it is only these three days. After three days, if the monks can't come out, then they will probably never come out.

But this time, the situation has changed.

The monks of various forces waiting outside the Qiankun Palace were surprised to find that the Qiankun Palace had disappeared after the Qiankun Palace opened for one day!

Yes, this time the Qiankun Palace appeared for only a short day!

No one knows why such a change occurred. After the initial surprise, everyone soon realized another problem.

None of the monks who entered the Qiankun Palace came out.

In the past, there were tens of thousands of monks who entered the Qiankun Palace, but every time there were only a few monks who could successfully leave the Qiankun Palace. Although the proportion of surviving monks was very low, there were indeed every time. But this time, they didn't wait for even one person to come out!

This situation surprised everyone. Then, various speculations began to circulate among the monks.

Some said that the reason why the Qiankun Palace appeared in the world for three days in the past was because there were still monks alive inside. As long as there are cultivators alive and the three days have not expired, the Qiankun Palace will not be closed. This time, it is very likely that all the cultivators died inside on the first day, so the Qiankun Palace was closed in advance.

This guess is agreed by the most people, after all, it is reasonable. But if this is true, it seems that this time, the sects that invested the most outstanding disciples have suffered heavy losses.

Some say that the three palace masters who have disappeared for thousands of years have appeared, and they took the Qiankun Palace away directly. In ancient times, some people speculated that the Qiankun Palace is very likely to be a huge magic weapon and can be taken away. But only the three palace masters have the ability to take away such a large palace complex. No one can guarantee that the three palace masters have no means to escape the spying of the Heavenly Dao, and the three palace masters who have disappeared for thousands of years may not be impossible to return again.

So this guess, although it sounds outrageous, is indeed possible.

Others say that the Qiankun Palace is envied by the Heavenly Dao, so the sudden disappearance of the Qiankun Palace this time was a punishment from the Heaven. This speculation is based on ancient rumors, and it makes sense. As for why the Qiankun Palace did not suffer heavenly punishment when it appeared in the world before, no one can explain it clearly.

This speculation has many contradictions, but there are also a small number of people who believe that this possibility exists.

Of course, in addition to these three speculations, there are other speculations, but those speculations are more or less outrageous, and even the people who say them don’t believe them.

But no matter what the speculation is, one result seems to be certain.

The monks who went in will never come out again.

The news about the Qiankun Palace spread quickly to the surrounding areas, and various speculations spread along with it. Almost everyone believed that those who went in were dead, and only a small number of their relatives and friends still firmly believed that they would come back alive.

Wuling City is far away from the Qiankun Palace. When the news was delivered here, more than half a month had passed since the Qiankun Palace was opened. And Feng Shao had been away for more than a month.

When they received the news, Bai Shuanghua and others' first reaction was disbelief. They didn't believe that Feng Shao had died in there, and they didn't believe that Feng Shao would never come back. Because before he left, he said in person that he would definitely come back to see his child born with his own eyes.

But whether they believed it or not, there was a fatal problem in front of them.

How should they tell Lin Xiaoran about this news?

Lin Xiaoran was the legitimate wife of the city lord. When Feng Shao was away, Lin Xiaoran was the most distinguished person in Wuling City. So it stands to reason that such a big thing could not be hidden from Lin Xiaoran. But looking at Lin Xiaoran with a big belly, they immediately felt the thorniness of this matter.

It was simple to tell Lin Xiaoran about the matter, but then what? What if Lin Xiaoran couldn't bear the blow and something unexpected happened? She is now a pregnant woman, and she is about to give birth. Any violent emotional fluctuations may affect the physical and mental health of mother and child. Once an accident occurs, the consequences are unimaginable.

So the upper-level officials of Wuling City quickly held a small meeting. The content of the meeting was how to deal with this news.

Influenced by Feng Shao's style of doing things, the officials of Wuling City who were promoted and appointed were more pragmatic. Therefore, when discussing this matter, most people considered the worst possible scenario, that is, assuming that Feng Shao would never come back.

If this result is true, what should they do?

Most people believe that this news cannot be disclosed to the public for the time being to avoid causing bad influence. As for the subsequent handling, it still depends on the development of the situation. But the paper can't cover the fire after all, and the news will be leaked sooner or later. What should I do when that time comes?

The biggest problem facing Wuling City at present is that the highest person in charge, Lin Xiaoran, should not know about this matter.

Someone immediately proposed that since Lin Xiaoran should not know about this matter, why not find someone above Lin Xiaoran?

Who is this person above Lin Xiaoran? There is no need to say it clearly, everyone already has the answer in their hearts.

So Bai Shuanghua decided that Feng Lingxue would go to Yunjian Pavilion to inform Lin Fengtian and Xiao Ruoyao and his wife about this matter. Presumably, after learning about this, the couple would definitely not be able to sit still and would definitely come to Wuling City to take charge of the overall situation. As long as there are two great masters of the Tribulation Realm in charge, Wuling City will naturally be safe.

As for why Feng Lingxue was chosen, it was because Feng Lingxue had learned swordsmanship from Xiao Ruoyao for a period of time. Although they were not in the name of master and apprentice, they had a master-apprentice relationship. After all, it was easier to talk to her than others.

However, among the participants, there was a person who held a different point of view.

This person was Dai Zhixin.

Since Dai Zhixin joined Wuling City, her ability has gradually been recognized by everyone. Although she has no cultivation and no prominent family background, many of her advanced ideas have played a role in promoting the construction of Wuling City. Now the main construction work of Wuling City is carried out under the leadership of Dai Zhixin.

Dai Zhixin believes that the disappearance of Qiankun Palace is only temporary, and Feng Shao will come back sooner or later. The expression on her face was so unwavering that for a moment, others almost thought that she had information that others did not know.

Dai Zhixin's suggestion is to block this news until Feng Shao comes back. As long as Feng Shao comes back, all the rumors will be broken.

Bai Shuanghua retorted: "But what if Master can't come back? I also hope that Master can be safe, but we must consider the worst result."

Dai Zhixin shook her head and said: "It's a waste of time to consider the result that will never happen. If you have that time, you might as well consider how to stabilize the city lord's wife. When the city lord comes back, he must want to see his wife and son who are safe and sound, not the messy Wuling City."

Luo Qiushuang, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "You are so sure that Master will come back safely, do you have any gossip?"

Dai Zhixin smiled faintly: "No, I just have confidence in the city lord."

Knowing the original plot, Dai Zhixin naturally knew that Feng Shao's trip was safe. In this case, why bother to consider things that will not happen?

But this reason cannot be told to everyone.

Everyone looked at each other, and for a moment they were speechless about Dai Zhixin's inexplicable confidence.

Lu Qingyuan also said: "I agree with Dai Zhixin's point of view. Senior Brother will definitely be able to return safely."

Other people from Taiwei Sect also nodded in agreement. They were full of confidence in Feng Shao and never believed that he would die in Qiankun Palace. Instead, they were more willing to believe that Senior Brother must have had some adventure in there, which caused Qiankun Palace to disappear in advance.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Shuanghua had to nod: "In this case, let's do it according to your idea first. But... it's not easy to hide it from Master's wife!"

Dai Zhixin couldn't help but smile bitterly when she heard this.

In fact, why did Lin Xiaoran need them to hide it? Dai Zhixin, who knew the original plot, understood that Lin Xiaoran now probably had a premonition of this situation.

She sighed in her heart and murmured: "Men, they are all pigs!"

Su Zhenyan

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