"Brother Feng, why can't you wake up?"

Looking at Feng Shao lying on the wooden bed, Liu Shou said helplessly.

Tang Fei, who was sitting in the corner of the room meditating by himself, closed his eyes and said, "Don't worry, he will definitely wake up. But you, can you please stop asking me again? If you don't bother asking, I'm already bored!" "

Liu Shou glared at Tang Fei with dissatisfaction and said, "You guy, you know how to meditate, meditate, meditate every day! You should think about how we should go out!"

Tang Fei sighed, opened his eyes, and said, "Do you think I don't want to go out? But where do you want me to find a way to get there? The outside is full of fog that can block perception. Once you walk in, you are likely to be lost in it forever. We finally found this foothold, so let’s find a way to regain our strength first!”

"Okay, okay, can you two stop arguing?" A girl said helplessly, "We are lucky to be alive, so don't say those depressing words at this time!"

She glanced at Tang Fei again: "Senior Brother Tang is right. In this situation, it is useless to rush. We might as well wait here for Brother Feng to wake up and then consider what to do next."

Liu Shou glanced at the girl and said angrily: "It's really a husband and a wife!"

The girl's face turned red, but she didn't say anything.

The place they were in now was a dilapidated cabin. The entire wooden house is only a dozen square meters in size, and there are so many things scattered around that it is difficult to find a place to stay. There was only one bed in the whole room, and it was naturally occupied by Feng Shao, who was still sleeping. As for the others, Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian casually cleared an open space on the ground and sat down, while Liu Shou sat on the bedside, watching over Feng Shao.

At this time, the door suddenly opened with a creak, and a rickety old woman walked in.

The old woman said with a kind face: "Little guys, come and eat quickly! But there is nothing delicious, so please don't dislike it."

Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian stood up quickly and said to the old woman: "Old man, you are so polite. I am grateful to you for taking me in. How can you still dare to be picky?"

The old woman smiled and nodded, then turned to look at Feng Shao, who was still lying on the bed, and asked, "Isn't this young man awake yet?"

Tang Fei sighed and said, "Yes, old man. I don't know what's going on. He has been comatose for a month, right? I don't know what the reason is."

The old woman looked at Feng Shao deeply and said after a long time: "Don't worry, he will wake up soon."

Several people looked at each other but said nothing. They instinctively thought that the old woman was just trying to comfort them.

After being sucked away by Di Hong, all of them fell into a coma. When they woke up again, they found that they were in a wasteland. The sky was dim and obscured by thick clouds and fog. Looking around, there was also thick fog, making it impossible to see clearly even ten meters away. What's even worse is that they also found that the fog seemed to block perception, and they had no way of detecting the surrounding environment.

The only good thing is that the four of them are together and no one has left the team.

Liu Shou, Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian woke up one after another, and then they discussed countermeasures together while waiting for Feng Shao to wake up. Unexpectedly, they waited and waited for an unknown amount of time, but Feng Shao showed no sign of waking up.

There was no sun or moon in the wasteland, and the sky was always gloomy, with no obvious changes in light and dark. The light that came from nowhere barely allowed them to see their surroundings clearly. The surroundings were quiet and no living creatures could be seen.

In such an environment, they cannot even know the detailed time and can only roughly perceive it through intuition. But everyone knows that time is the most difficult thing to estimate intuitively.

They also tried to awaken Feng Shao, but to no avail. In the end, they had no choice but to leave here with Feng Shao on their backs.

They don't know where this place is. Not only can they not sense the surroundings, they can't even use their true energy. They cannot leave here by flying, they can only use their legs to move forward step by step.

It's just that they can't tell the direction in the fog, and they don't know where to go, so they can only follow their intuition.

They may have been walking for two days or three days. Just when they almost thought they might be trapped here forever, a small wooden cabin suddenly appeared in front of them.

The cabin looked very dilapidated and had existed for who knows how long. Within a radius of ten feet around the cabin, the mist seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, not daring to intrude.

Suddenly seeing such a small wooden house in the fog naturally aroused the vigilance of Tang Fei and others. They were discussing whether to go in, but at this moment, an old woman suddenly opened the door of the cabin and said to everyone: "Guests who have come from afar must be tired from the journey, right? Why don't you come in and have a drink?" A cup of hot water and a rest?”

Several people looked at each other.

Liu Shou boldly stepped forward and asked, "Old man, where is this place? Who are you?"

The old woman looked at Liu Shou with a smile and said, "Young man, what you really want to ask is whether I will be harmful to you, right?"

Liu Shou looked a little embarrassed. Just as he was thinking about what to say, the old woman said, "But in this place, how bad can the situation be? In the face of any emergency, what you should do is not to be afraid, but to think about what kind of turnaround such an emergency can bring to you."

Several people were stunned when they heard this.

The old woman revealed the current situation of several people in one sentence, and also gave very reasonable suggestions. Indeed, it should be a good thing for them to see such a small wooden house in such a place without sunlight and human habitation. The worst case scenario should be to keep trekking in the wilderness and never see any changes.

As the old woman said, this is a turnaround.

So after several people exchanged glances, they made a decision.

They accepted the old woman's invitation.

They didn't know who the old woman was and why she appeared here. But to be able to live here, this person must be very extraordinary. But no matter how they tried to insinuate, the old woman was always happy and did not reveal any information about her identity.

In addition, the old woman's hospitality also made everyone a little confused.

I don't know where the old woman got the ingredients from, but she provided hot meals for everyone for more than ten days in a row. Although the food was quite simple, everyone was grateful for having a full meal in this place.

So everyone who couldn't think of a way to leave for a while decided to rest here temporarily.

There were two rooms in the cabin. The old woman generously gave the larger room to them, and she went to the smaller room.

For a period of time afterwards, everyone discussed how to leave in the room while waiting for Feng Shao to wake up.

This wait lasted more than a month.

The reason they knew it was more than a month was thanks to the old woman who treated everyone to dinner every day. They roughly determined the time by the frequency of meals.

Although there was no danger to life here for a while, they couldn't see the way out, which made everyone feel that the future was bleak. Their only hope now was that Feng Shao could wake up as soon as possible and find a way to take them away.

Tang Fei had also asked the old woman about how to leave, but the old woman shook her head and said, "If I could leave, I would have left long ago."

Tang Fei was immediately shocked and asked quickly, "So, old man, how long have you been here?"

The old woman showed a thoughtful look, and after a while she murmured, "It seems to be thousands of years!"

Tang Fei couldn't help but twitched violently.

Although there was no spiritual power fluctuation in the old woman, she looked like an ordinary person. But how could someone who could live in such a place be an ordinary person? So after hearing this answer, Tang Fei did not feel doubtful, but desperate.

This old woman must have thought of many ways to leave in thousands of years, but in the end she was still trapped here until now. What about them? How long will it take for them to think of a way to leave? A few years? Decades? Or hundreds of years?

Perhaps they will be trapped here for thousands of years like the old woman!

But Tang Fei was still unwilling to give up, so he began to ask indirectly: "Old man, how did you get through all these years?"

The old woman replied: "I am here, waiting for someone. Although he has not come yet, I know that he will definitely come."

At this point, the old woman's face showed a faint smile.

When Tang Fei saw this smile, for some reason, he vaguely saw a girl with a bright smile on her extremely old face.

Tang Fei didn't know who the old woman was waiting for, but he was really jealous of that person.

Because there was a person who was willing to wait boringly for thousands of years for him.

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