Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 249: Realm of Nothingness

After Palace Master Xihe and Palace Master Wangshu left, Feng Shao still stood there for a long time before turning around and walking into the cabin.

As soon as he entered the cabin, Liu Shou couldn't wait to ask Feng Shao: "How are you, Brother Feng? Did the two palace masters tell you how to leave this ghost place?"

When Feng Shao was talking to the two palace masters Xi and Wangshu, Xi and the palace masters blocked their conversation. Therefore, Liu Shou and the others did not hear everything they said.

But the perception of the strong man's aura was not blocked.

Under the remaining power of the two powerful men, the three people in the cabin felt extremely nervous. They wanted to ask how to leave, but they were also worried that if they went out to talk to someone rashly, they would offend them.

So they could only wait quietly in the cabin, waiting for Feng Shao to bring them the answer.

Later, the auras of the two powerful men suddenly disappeared. They felt relieved at first, but then their hearts were lifted again.

Could it be that the two palace masters left? Did you tell me how to get out of here before you left? If not, what should they do?

Feeling uneasy, Feng Shao finally pushed open the door and walked in. Liu Shou, who was young at heart, couldn't hold back his words the most, and he couldn't wait to tell the questions that the three of them wanted to ask the most.

Feng Shao nodded and said, "Don't worry, Palace Master Xihe has pointed out the direction to leave. Next, we just need to follow the direction he pointed out."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were all happy.

Tang Fei suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, that old man has been trapped here for thousands of years. We have been taken care of by this old man these days. Let's take this old man with us when we leave!"

Liu Shou and Murong Pianpian both nodded in agreement, but Feng Shao shook his head and said, "The old man has already left."

The three of them looked at Feng Shao in confusion.

Feng Shao sighed and said: "You don't know yet, right? That old man is the legendary Palace Master Wangshu. The person she has been waiting for for thousands of years is Palace Master Xihe. Now Palace Master Xihe She has been waiting for her, so she will naturally leave with Xihe Palace Master."

Upon hearing this unexpected answer, the three of them were stunned.

They never expected that they would be taken care of by the legendary Palace Master Wangshu for more than a month!

If you say this, no one will believe it!

When I think of the legendary Wangshu Palace Master, he could wait here for thousands of years, from a young and beautiful girl to a white-haired old woman. This persistence, this perseverance, this infatuation, how can it not be amazing?

The girl Murong Pianpian was deeply touched by this. With tears in her eyes, she choked and said, "Palace Master Wangshu is really an admirable and infatuated woman! I hope they can be happy forever in the future!"

Speaking of this, she glanced at Tang Fei and couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart.

When will this wooden pile understand this girl's thoughts?

Tang Fei was puzzled by Murong Pianpian's look and couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

As soon as she saw Tang Fei's straight look, the sadness in Murong Pianpian's heart immediately disappeared. She angrily snorted at Tang Fei, turned around and walked out of the cabin, leaving Tang Fei confused.

"What happened to this woman?" Tang Fei fell into deep confusion.

But unfortunately, the three grown men are all straight men, and they are destined to be unable to understand the delicate thoughts of the girl's family.

"Okay, don't worry so much, everyone should clean up, let's get ready to leave!" Feng Shao reminded.

Tang Fei and Liu Shou nodded and started to pack up.

In fact, there are not many things that need to be packed. After all, in this place, spiritual power cannot be used, and even the storage ring cannot be activated. All they could pack away were the things they were holding before being sucked in by Di Hong.

Tang Fei held a jade lotus and said to Feng Shao: "Brother Feng, this green lotus jade blade should be returned to its original owner."

In fact, speaking of it, the Green Lotus Jade Blade should be regarded as a magical weapon of the Purple Pure Holy Land. It's just that Tang Fei thinks that he is no longer from the Purple Pure Holy Land, and he doesn't want to send the Green Lotus Jade Blade back to the Purple Pure Holy Land. Since it was Feng Shao who handed the Green Lotus Jade Blade into his hands, he should return it to Feng Shao.

Feng Shao shook his head and said: "Just accept this Green Lotus Jade Blade! Anyway, this magic weapon is gathering dust in my hands. It is better to hand it into the hands of someone who can truly exert its power."

Seeing that Tang Fei wanted to say something more, Feng Shao stopped him and said, "I said I would never take back what I gave away. If Brother Tang insists on giving it back, does he look down on me?"

After hearing what Feng Shao said, Tang Fei had no choice but to take back the Green Lotus Jade Blade and said, "Thank you so much, Brother Feng."

After a while, the four of them had packed up, and immediately walked out of the cabin, entered the fog, and headed towards the bright and dazzling light pillar in the far distance.

Although all perceptions would be blocked in the fog, the light pillar was like a beacon at night, piercing the barrier formed by the fog and pointing the way for them. As long as they keep walking in this direction, I believe it won't be long before they can return to the Upper Domain.

After everyone left, they walked for half a month.

They were all monks. Although they couldn't use their spiritual power, their feet were extremely fast, and they were as fast as horses. All four of them were eager to return and did not rest during the journey, traveling day and night. Looking at the light beam from a distance, it seems that it is no more than a few hundred kilometers away. I think we can almost reach it in a day or two.

But there is a saying that goes "If you look at the mountain, you will die." No matter how they hurried, the distance between the light column and them seemed to have never changed. It was always shining in the mist in the sky, and it seemed that it could never be reached.

The continuous journey for many days made everyone physically and mentally exhausted. If Feng Shao had not always firmly told everyone that the exit was just ahead, I am afraid they would have given up long ago.


At the same time, in the other direction of the light column, a young man was also moving towards the direction of the light column.

This person was none other than Song Jue, one of the many sons of destiny who entered the Qiankun Palace, the owner of the system.

That day, Di Hong suddenly appeared, and Song Jue felt that something was wrong. Although he did not know Di Hong, he knew that this was an extraordinary beast by looking at the huge size and strange shape. Although he was very confident in his strength, that was limited to his peers.

And this ancient beast, because of its origin older than the heaven and earth, and its chaotic nature, was destined to be a natural deterrent to everyone.

So the moment Emperor Hong appeared, Song Jue felt fear from instinct.

He made the decision to escape immediately.

But the huge Qiankun Palace Square was not a place he could run out of in a short time. When Emperor Hong began to suck everyone in the Qiankun Palace into his stomach, he had not even reached the edge of the square.

Then, he was sucked into Emperor Hong's stomach along with the others.

Before he fainted, his only thought was: This time I'm really dead!

But fortunately, there is always a way out. Not long after, he woke up.

When he just woke up, Song Jue felt very happy and thought that he might have encountered another opportunity. Sons of destiny like him always have this kind of confidence. The death of others is a great opportunity for them.

So he began to call the system in his heart, asking where this place is.

The system did respond, but it took a long time for the system to give an answer.

This is the realm of nothingness.

Then, the system explained in detail what the "realm of nothingness" is.

The so-called "realm of nothingness" refers to a world that was born from chaos but is not complete.

In short, it is a semi-finished world.

The so-called incompleteness refers to the lack of necessary rules for the operation of the world. For example, the sun and the moon, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, mountains and rivers, birth, aging, sickness and death, etc., these are the necessary rules for the operation of the world.

And because this world lacks some rules, it has become what it is now. It is lifeless, and you can't see the sun, moon and stars, nor can you see any living creatures. Calm down, and you can't even hear any sound except your own heartbeat.

As far as the eye can see, there is only an impenetrable fog.

At the beginning, Song Jue was still very optimistic. A new location means a new sign-in place, which means new rewards. He couldn't wait to ask the system to sign in, but the system's reply poured a basin of cold water on him.

"This is not a complete world, there is nothing valuable here, so there is no value in signing in. This sign-in failed!"

Song Jue: "..."

At this moment, Song Jue finally felt a little flustered.

Feng Lingxue (15 years old)

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