Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 250 Desperate Situation

Don’t be fooled by Song Jue’s expression of always being particularly disgusted with the system. In fact, he knows better than anyone that once he leaves the system, he will be finished.

Now in such an environment, the only thing Song Jue can rely on is the system. If the system cannot function, then Song Jue doesn’t know what to do next.

So Song Jue hurriedly asked: "What about the map? Hurry up and bring up the map!"

The biggest advantage of this sign-in system is that every time you arrive at a place, you will immediately and considerately give a detailed map of the local area. This is of course to facilitate the host to quickly find the designated sign-in location.

So every time you arrive at a new place, calling up the local map has become Song Jue’s routine operation.

After a while, the system gave the answer.

There are two pieces of news.

One good news and one bad news.

The good news is that the system did bring up the map.

The bad news is that the entire map is a white drawing, and you can’t see any marks or directions.

Song Jue suddenly felt black in front of his eyes.

The only thing to be thankful for is that there is a small dot on the map, representing his location. But after he turned around a few times and compared it with the map, he found that this only function was useless.

Because there are no conspicuous marks and no clear direction, no matter how Song Jue turns around, there will be no changes on the map. Maybe there are changes, but Song Jue can't see them.

This broken map is the same as if it doesn't exist!

Song Jue cursed angrily. At first, he just cursed the system for being useless, and then he began to curse Di Hong, Qiankun Palace, the three palace masters of Qiankun Palace, and everyone he met since entering Qiankun Palace. Of course, the one he cursed the most was the system.

He couldn't sign in, couldn't get the benefits, and didn't know where the exit was. What's more hateful is that the reason why he has fallen into the current situation is because the system asked him to sign in at Qiankun Palace!

If he hadn't come to Qiankun Palace in the first place, wouldn't there be nothing at all?

Song Jue cursed for more than half an hour, until he was out of breath.

It was no wonder that he was so irritable. In the past three years, the system was almost like a nanny to him, taking care of almost everything for Song Jue. From small things like food, drink, use, play, and when to go and where, to big things like practicing martial arts, practicing secret arts, practicing gun skills, etc., all were arranged by the system.

Now the system suddenly became ineffective and could not provide any help. For him, it was like a child who had always lived under the wings of his parents and had never been independent for a day, and suddenly one day he had to start living on his own. He had to earn his own money, cook his own meals, and even pay for water, electricity, and gas.

How could he not panic?

The system remained silent about Song Jue's complaints, as if it was playing dead. Song Jue finally learned to face reality until he was tired of scolding, so he asked breathlessly: "System, tell me, what functions do you have now?"

The system replied: "The system space is still available, and the timing function is still available."

Song Jue's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly opened the system space. After searching carefully for a while, he found a compass and said happily: "As long as I have this compass, even without your useless system, I will definitely be able to get out!"

At this moment, he forgot that this compass magic weapon was also a reward given to him by the system.

Song Jue took the compass in his hand and fiddled with it. But after fiddling with it for a while, cold sweat couldn't help but flow down his forehead.

Why didn't this compass respond at all?

After fiddling with it for a while, Song Jue's patience was exhausted. He threw the compass on the ground, stepped on it with his foot, and said angrily: "Stinky system, this broken compass you gave me is not a defective product, right? Why is there no reaction at all?"

The system replied: "The rules of the Realm of Nothingness are incomplete. The rules that are commonly used in the outside world cannot be effective in the Realm of Nothingness. All magic tools are based on the application of rules. Therefore, in such a place where the rules are incomplete, or in a place that is inconsistent with the rules of the outside world, the magic tools cannot function."

Song Jue: "..."

Ahhhhhh! Doesn't that mean that all his magic tools are now like waste?

Then what's the point of this system space even if it can still be used?

At this time, the system added considerately: "The timing system is still available."

Song Jue: "..."

What's the use of a broken timing system!

After venting his anger again, Song Jue sat down on the ground. He looked up at the foggy sky with a blank look in his eyes.

It's over, I really don't know what to do next!

The system also remained silent and pretended to be dead again.

After sitting for an unknown amount of time, Song Jue finally began to learn to face reality. He stood up and said with gritted teeth: "Even if there is no such useless system as yours, even if all the magic tools are useless, I will definitely be able to get out of this damn void!"

Speaking of this, Song Jue randomly found a direction and strode forward.

Because Song Jue has been smooth sailing in the past three years, he has an almost blind confidence in his luck. He firmly believes that other people's desperate situations are great opportunities for him. Now he is just facing a desperate situation that he himself finds difficult, so he must have obtained a more powerful opportunity in this desperate situation!

He firmly believed in this!

So, he confidently strode forward, toward the road ahead, toward the exit, toward a bright future!

Unfortunately, he didn't know that his good luck was the result of the blessing of luck. And in this place, his luck was useless.

Not to mention that as early as when he was in Qiankun Palace, his luck had been absorbed by Feng Shao using the Thirty-Three Heavens Formation.

So it was destined that this time, his luck would not be as good as before.

Song Jue walked for a full... half an hour...

Well, yes, just half an hour.

Because the whole process of rushing on the road was so boring!

When he was in the outside world, even if he hurried on foot, he would not be so easily bored. After all, he could clearly see the changes in the surrounding environment, and he could also clearly realize how far he had walked.

But this time?

There was always a vast fog around him, and the only sounds he could hear were his own footsteps, breathing, and heartbeats. It was as if he was the only one left in the world, a living being. This feeling of loneliness is enough to make a normal person insane in a very short time.

Generally speaking, monks have a strong tolerance for this feeling of loneliness. After all, monks have to meditate and practice from time to time. The way of practice is generally very boring. The passage of time and the indifference of family affection are all difficulties that monks have to overcome. If you don’t have the endurance to endure loneliness, even if you have a heaven-defying talent, it will be difficult to become a talent.

But what about Song Jue?

Song Jue has never practiced for a day, and all his strength is directly given to him by the system. Therefore, he does not have the extraordinary patience of monks, and naturally it is very difficult to tolerate this feeling of loneliness.

Not only that, because everything in him comes too easily, he is used to getting whatever he wants immediately.

Farmers would work diligently in the fields for half a year for a year's harvest, and anglers would sit for a long time to catch a fish, but he didn't even have this patience.

Being able to walk for half an hour was already an extraordinary performance for him.

The unchanging and boring environment around him made Song Jue irritable again, and he cursed again. This time he didn't limit who to curse, he just kept cursing. After cursing for a long time, he finally vented some of the resentment in his heart, and then gritted his teeth and continued to walk.

In this way, he walked and cursed. Perhaps because of the venting, Song Jue actually walked for two hours this time, which was much better than before!

But not long after, Song Jue was desperate again.

He suddenly realized that the timing function of the system seemed to be quite useful. After all, the sun could not be seen in this ghost place, and the light from nowhere always enveloped the whole world, which made him unable to even feel the passage of time. If he could see the sun rise and set, and the alternation of day and night, he might feel better. But this kind of environment that never changes, like stagnant water, is really too torturous!

After sitting down and resting for a while, Song Jue felt irritable again. This environment is the most terrible. No matter what you do or do nothing, you will feel irritable involuntarily.

Even doing something may feel better, after all, you can distract yourself.

But how can you distract yourself by walking boringly?

This is really a perfect interpretation of what "fidgeting" means.

Later, Song Jue thought of a way.

Count the steps!

Counting your own steps can distract you and slightly relieve your irritable mood!

It must be said that Song Jue's brain is still relatively good, and this method is indeed quite useful. Because in the next few days, he relied on this method to keep walking.

But when he counted to 749,827, he really wanted to cry.

How long will this life take? Can he still reach the exit? Is he standing still?

Due to the lack of any reference points, he didn't even know if he was turning in circles. He had tried to throw a conspicuous object on the ground, but the poor visible distance in the fog made it impossible for him to see anything unless he happened to walk within two meters of the place where the object was thrown.

He was really desperate.

Just when Song Jue had begun to doubt whether he would be trapped in this damn void forever, he suddenly felt a light in front of his eyes. A slender beam of light suddenly lit up from a very far place, piercing through the heavy fog and clearly reflected in his eyes.

He was immediately overjoyed and couldn't help cheering. At the same time, an idea that had been abandoned for many days came to his mind again.

Sure enough, other people's desperate situation is my place of opportunity!

Yunjian Pavilion

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