Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 85 Reshaping the Meridians

During his stay in Yunjian Pavilion, Feng Shao did three things besides copying ancient books.

The first thing was to teach his three disciples how to practice.

Feng Shao himself didn't know what was going on. He had never accepted a disciple before, but during this period, he accepted three disciples in succession, all of whom were girls. Feng Lingxue was okay, a thirteen-year-old girl. But Luo Qiushuang and Bai Shuanghua were both tall and graceful young ladies.

Feng Shao suddenly felt that his disciples might be a little more female than male, so he wondered whether to accept some male disciples.

However, accepting disciples must be cautious. It doesn't matter if the disciple's qualifications are poor, but the character is too bad. If you accept a person with a character like Ye Chen, it would be like accepting a disaster. Especially when he thought of having three beautiful apprentices, Feng Shao could almost guess what the next plot would be.

"My N Beautiful Senior Sisters Are Gorgeous"?

Feng Shao didn't want to control his apprentice's emotional life, but he felt that the apprentices he had worked so hard to teach were not meant to be someone else's harem. He hoped that these outstanding women could rely on their own abilities to shine in their own areas of expertise and achieve a career, rather than adding bricks and tiles to the road of pretentiousness of a certain lucky son.

So Feng Shao decided to start with the mentality of the three apprentices.

In this regard, Feng Shao still has some experience. After all, almost all the inner disciples of Taiwei Sect were taught by him. He is called the eldest brother, but in fact he is the enlightenment mentor of many junior brothers and sisters. It is for this reason that Feng Shao has such a high reputation in Taiwei Sect.

Now that he has a real apprentice in name, Feng Shao is more dedicated to teaching.

In addition to the skills, the main content of Feng Shao's teaching is to make the three apprentices become truly independent women. As the saying goes, boys are raised in poverty and girls are raised in wealth. Teaching apprentices is actually the same.

However, raising a woman in wealth does not mean to spend money, but to enrich her horizons, broaden her vision, and enable her to have higher goals and pursuits, rather than giving up herself to meet the needs of a man.

Feng Shao constantly instilled the idea of ​​"women can hold up half the sky" into the three people, and implicitly proposed the concept of monogamy. He emphasized that in the relationship between men and women, the status of both parties should be equal, and no one is more noble than the other. Once a man has the intention to open a harem, it proves that in his mind, the status of women is low.

If someone objects, then you might as well ask him: Can you accept that your woman has another man at the same time?

Except for psychopaths, no man can accept it.

I don't know whether Feng Shao's teachings really worked, or whether the Tiandao boss was annoyed. After a round of brainwashing, the luck of the three women's heads has more or less declined.

As for the second thing, it is to help Lin Xiaoran rebuild his skills.

Yunjian Pavilion is rich and powerful, but its foundation is insufficient, and its skills also have some defects. What Lin Fengtian taught Lin Xiaoran was the Lin family's family-inherited skills, which was considered a superior skill compared to ordinary skills. But compared to the many ancient skills in Feng Shao's mind, it was not worth mentioning. After learning about Lin Xiaoran's physique, Feng Shao discovered that the most suitable skill for Lin Xiaoran was none other than the "Qiankun Treasure Book".

"Qiankun Treasure Book" is universal, and everyone can practice it. The only difference is how fast or slow they practice. And Lin Xiaoran's physique is very special. It is the kind of physique that can quickly get started no matter what skill he practices. In other words, Lin Xiaoran can practice any skill as if walking on flat ground, and there is almost no bottleneck. Even if she is given the most rubbish skill, and then let her practice it, sooner or later she will be able to pass the tribulation and become an immortal.

So for Lin Xiaoran, the all-encompassing skill of "Qiankun Treasure Book" is the most suitable skill, which can fully reflect the strengths of Lin Xiaoran's physique.

But before changing the skill, there is another problem that needs to be solved, that is, rebuilding the foundation.

There is a saying in the world of cultivation that "there are three thresholds for foundation building and five levels of innateness". These three thresholds are Yijin, Xisui and Fat Removal, which are to completely transform the body from the inside out, so that the body can adapt to the practice.

As for Lin Xiaoran, her current physique has adapted to the current practice. If she wants to change the practice, she must break it and then build it, return the realm of practice to before the foundation building, and then go through the "three levels of foundation building" again.

However, this process must be extremely painful, so Feng Shao was a little hesitant. After thinking for a long time, Feng Shao decided to give the choice to Lin Xiaoran himself.

After listening to Feng Shao's explanation, Lin Xiaoran chose to re-cultivate the practice without hesitation.

Although Feng Shao repeatedly emphasized that this process would be painful, Lin Xiaoran was very determined. Because she was sure that her brother Shao would not harm her.

Moreover, she also wanted to become more powerful, so that she could help brother Shao in the future!

Seeing Lin Xiaoran so determined, Feng Shao stopped persuading him and began to collect the necessary medicinal materials.

The medicines needed to restore the foundation are not a secret, and almost every major force has them. However, the prescription Feng Shao obtained is more effective than the widely circulated prescriptions. In addition to being able to reshape the meridians, it can also strengthen the body in all directions.

Not only that, after boiling a large number of herbs into a large jar of potion, Feng Shao also added a few drops of Xixin Pool water obtained from the Sansheng Tower, which is the exclusive secret recipe of Qiankun Palace.

The potion after adding the water from the Xixin Pool can increase the effect of automatically removing impurities from the body to the reshaped body meridians, so that it can keep the body clean under any circumstances. However, the water from the Xixin Pool cannot be added too much, otherwise it will easily turn Lin Xiaoran into an abstinent goddess.

After the preparations were completed, Lin Xiaoran shyly took off her clothes under Feng Shao's gaze and lay in the bathtub filled with potion.

As soon as she lay in, Lin Xiaoran couldn't help but scream.

Although she had been mentally prepared for this, Lin Xiaoran didn't expect that taking such a medicinal bath would be so painful! That feeling was like hundreds of thousands of knives were slicing her skin at the same time. What's more terrible is that this feeling is still penetrating into her body. Not long after, she even felt that her bones were being scraped by countless knives.

As the effect of the medicine gradually penetrated into her body, Lin Xiaoran felt that her internal organs began to hurt.

Seeing Lin Xiaoran's face pale with pain and a look of living a life worse than death, Feng Shao was also very distressed. But this is a level she must pass, otherwise she won't be able to practice the "Qian Kun Treasure Book". Feng Shao could only stay by Lin Xiaoran's side, constantly comforting Lin Xiaoran with soft words.

Fortunately, after a long time of pain, the body gradually became numb. Lin Xiaoran gradually recovered from the severe pain. Although her whole body was still in pain, it was not as unbearable as at the beginning.

Lin Xiaoran looked at Feng Shao who was standing by, her eyes full of tears, and said pitifully: "Brother Shao, I won't die here, will I?"

Feng Shao gently stroked her little head and comforted her: "Don't worry, I'm here, nothing will happen."

"If I die, will you like another woman?" Lin Xiaoran asked this question out of the blue.

Feng Shao was immediately at a loss for words: "Why do you suddenly think of asking this question?"

"Just answer me! Will you?" Lin Xiaoran said coquettishly with a flat mouth.

"No! Brother Shao only has Ran'er in his heart. No matter how beautiful other women are, I won't look at them any more." Feng Shao said softly.

"Then... after you marry me, will you marry another woman?"

"No. With Ran'er, I am satisfied in this life. How can I want another woman?"

At this moment, Feng Shao had a very strange feeling. He felt that he was not comforting his girlfriend, but more like comforting his daughter.

Maybe this is what many people say, to treat your girlfriend like a daughter!

With Feng Shao's guarantee, Lin Xiaoran was immediately happy, and the pain in his body seemed to be relieved a lot.

The medicinal bath lasted for three hours. When Lin Xiaoran had completely adapted to the pain of the medicinal bath and was even a little drowsy, Feng Shao took Lin Xiaoran out of the bathtub.

Lin Xiaoran, who had just finished the medicinal bath, had a whiter and more delicate skin than before, and the whole person looked like he was glowing. The thick calluses on his hands due to long-term sword practice had also been cleaned up, revealing the green jade-like little hands underneath.

Don't be fooled by her skin that seems to be fragile, in fact, it is much stronger than before. Without the infusion of spiritual power, it is difficult for an ordinary knife to even cut a hole on her body.

As for why her skin has become so delicate, the reason comes from those drops of water from the Xixin Pool.

After taking a medicinal bath, Lin Xiaoran couldn't lift a single bit of strength in her body due to the remodeling of her meridians. After Feng Shao carried her to the bed and wiped her body clean, he began to dredge and adjust her meridians according to the veins of the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians.

This is a delicate job.

In order to shape the most perfect meridians for Lin Xiaoran, Feng Shao focused all his attention on qi dredging, and almost ignored Lin Xiaoran's almost perfect body. In fact, in Feng Shao's view, concentrating is not the most difficult thing. The difficult thing is that with such a beautiful woman in front of him, he still has to keep his mind calm. Feng Shao even felt that even the most advanced monks might not have such concentration as himself.

And Lin Xiaoran was also quite difficult to bear. She could clearly feel Feng Shao's hands constantly wandering on her body, constantly infusing Qi through acupuncture points to adjust the meridians. Although she was a virgin, she couldn't help but feel amorous, and her breathing became increasingly rapid. But she couldn't move her body, and the flame in her body couldn't be evacuated, and a thin layer of sweat gradually seeped out of her body surface.

Lin Xiaoran's sweat carried a strange body fragrance, and Feng Shao, who was originally trying his best to control himself, almost couldn't control himself after smelling this strange fragrance. He quickly bit the tip of his tongue to keep his mind clear, and his hands even faster.

You can't do anything else at this time, otherwise you will fail.

About an hour later, Feng Shao finally completed the second step of reshaping the meridians. He wiped his forehead and found that he was sweating profusely.

Feng Shao quickly covered Lin Xiaoran with the quilt, and then he felt better. After a lot of tossing, although Lin Xiaoran's whole body was soft, he could move a little bit.

Next, Feng Shao passed on the Qigong method in the Qiankun Treasure Book to Lin Xiaoran, and told Lin Xiaoran to quickly return the Qi in his body to the Dantian. As long as this step is completed, the entire process of reshaping the meridians will be successfully completed.

After the power was passed on, Feng Shao hurriedly ran out of the room. After leaving the room, he gasped for air, and then he felt that the hot blood in his body gradually returned to calm.

Thinking of the erotic scene in the room just now, Feng Shao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I didn’t expect that the most difficult part of the whole process would be here…

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