Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 86 Feng Shao's grand blueprint

After completing the reshaping of Lin Xiaoran's meridians, Feng Shao began to devote most of his energy to the third thing.

This thing is to create a foundation that belongs entirely to him.

Feng Shao actually had this idea a long time ago, but at that time he was limited by his ability and energy and could not complete it. However, he had planned and deduced it many times in private, so he had some plans in mind. After integrating the memory of the Lord of Xihe Palace, he was more confident about the creation of the foundation.

However, his goal of creating a foundation is different from others. In the upper domain, when cultivators create a foundation, they either establish a sect, a force, or a city.

Feng Shao's plan is to establish a country.

Yes, a country. A country with clear rules and laws that can ensure the survival and basic status of the people and has unlimited potential.

As mentioned above, it is almost impossible to create a country in the upper domain. Due to the existence of cultivation, the combat power between individuals is infinitely magnified, and as a result, the role of the army is infinitely reduced. In this case, it is difficult to ensure the establishment of a system.

The consequence of infinitely magnifying personal strength is that personal will is infinitely magnified, which leads to the emergence of rule-breakers who do not abide by the rules. Although it is unpleasant to say that the world of cultivation is the law of the jungle, it is not without reason.

In the history of the upper domain, there are many talented people who have established a powerful empire with their own strong strength. But this kind of country is essentially an enlarged version of a city-state, and the essence of the country is more like a loose alliance of city-states.

The decrees of the supreme ruler are difficult to leave the capital, and the lower-level management is also listening to orders but not to announcements. Although the ruler can force people in a region to surrender by temporary military oppression, more of them are unwilling to obey. Especially when the population base is sufficient, all kinds of Tianjiao will emerge like they don't need money. These Tianjiao, adhering to the idea of ​​"he can replace him", constantly challenge the supreme ruler.

No one can be invincible forever, so in the end, the emperor was killed by a Tianjiao, and the empire changed hands.

However, the genius who replaced him was killed by another genius not long after that.

Under mutual attacks, the upper domain returned to chaos.

Establishing a country in the upper domain seems impossible from the characteristics of this world. However, Feng Shao believes that as long as one problem is solved, the dream of establishing a country may not be a mirage.

The problem that needs to be solved is the exaggerated strength gap between individuals.

It is said that immortals regard mortals as ants, but in fact, this is still a light statement. A large number of ants can bite people to death, but no matter how many mortals there are, they cannot threaten immortals. Only when mortals have the ability to kill immortals can it be possible to achieve true equality for all.

Is it possible? It seems impossible, but Feng Shao, who came from the present world, does not think so.

Because he feels that no matter how strong the immortals are, they can't resist the atomic bomb.

The world is different from the world, and there is a big gap between this world and the present world. However, although this world may not be able to make an atomic bomb, it can try to make something else.

For example, guns and artillery driven by spiritual power, and even missiles.

Some people may think that the style of painting seems a bit distorted when they see this, but if you think about it carefully, this kind of thing is actually not much different from the so-called magic weapon, right? It's just that the applicable population has changed from cultivators to mortals.

Feng Shao doesn't know if he can succeed, but he wants to try. Even if he fails, at least he has accumulated experience for those who come later as a pioneer.

You have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time. Feng Shao's goal is very ambitious, so he can't achieve it all at once. Therefore, his current plan is to build a city.

A new city.

In the upper domain, building a city often depends on the following conditions: water and land transportation, resource specialties, and spiritual stone veins. Among them, spiritual stone veins are the most important, and the other two can be ignored.

Although the upper domain is vast, the places where cities can be built have basically been occupied by others, but it doesn't mean that latecomers have no way out.

If you are confident in your own strength, you can find a city you like, and then rush into the city lord's mansion to kill the city lord's family. In this way, the city lord's city is yours, the city lord's property is yours, the city lord's subordinates are yours. Even if you want, the city lord's wife and daughter can be yours.

If you don't have such great confidence in your own strength, then you have to be patient. You need to wait, wait for a certain unlucky city to be flattened by a certain immortal, and then there will be a ready-made place for building a city.

As for why this city was flattened by the immortal, it is hard to say. Maybe he fell in love with the city lord's daughter but the other party refused to hand her over, or maybe he fell in love with the local specialty and wanted to grab a piece of it, or maybe it was some unlucky guy who accidentally offended the immortal and dragged tens of thousands of unlucky guys who were even more unlucky than him to heaven together...

It is also possible that when the immortal flew over the city, he suddenly wanted to try out the new palm technique he had learned, or he was simply in a bad mood and didn't like the city...

It is said that the most unlucky thing in history was that an immortal flew over a city, fell asleep on the road, and accidentally rolled down his flying sword, directly smashing the entire city...

So being an ordinary person in this fantasy world is far more precarious than being an unlucky guy in the real world.

In addition, due to various natural and man-made disasters, mountain ranges may break, rivers may change course, and spiritual stone veins may rise, which may suddenly make a place that was not suitable for building a city suitable for building a city. However, this kind of thing is rare, and whether you can encounter it depends on luck.

Feng Shao is confident in his own strength, but he is not strong enough to dare to confront the lord of a city, and this is not his style of doing things. As for patience, he also has it, but not much. Speaking of luck... Feng Shao thinks that his luck is relatively good, but he does not want to rely on luck.

He decided to rely on knowledge.

There are also many geographical maps in the ancient books he has mastered. Among them, the geographical map of Qiankun Palace is the most detailed, and some special minerals discovered have also attracted Feng Shao's attention.

Among the many minerals in the upper domain, spiritual stones are undoubtedly the best hard currency. It can be used for cultivation, it can also be used for trading, and even many sects will use it as building materials to build buildings such as training towers and meditation rooms. In addition, various types of materials used to build weapons and magic weapons are also in great demand.

In the geographical atlas of Qiankun Palace, a mineral that Feng Shao had never heard of before was also marked: natural spiritual energy.

As we all know, spiritual energy permeates between heaven and earth and is everywhere. The only difference is that it is dense in some places and thin in others. But the natural spiritual energy marked on the geographical atlas is different from the spiritual energy that everyone is familiar with. According to Feng Shao's understanding, this thing seems to be a bit like natural gas in the world, except that natural gas is used for burning fires, while natural spiritual energy is used for cultivation!

The concentration of spiritual energy in natural spiritual energy is extremely high, so high that it must be diluted before it can be absorbed. And the efficiency of absorbing natural spiritual energy is much higher than that of absorbing spiritual stones. In addition, its reserves are abundant and mining is simple, and its value is even much higher than that of spiritual stone veins.

It is recorded above that natural spiritual energy is widely distributed in the upper domain, but it is buried very deep. The shallowest natural spiritual energy vein is at least 300 meters from the ground. Few forces would mine such deep veins, and thus the natural spiritual energy could be buried underground for tens of thousands of years without being noticed by the world.

I don’t know what means Qiankun Palace used to find such a thing.

But then, Feng Shao remembered the Earth Yuan Shen Zhang, which ranked second among the Ten Treasures of Qiankun. Qiankun Palace may have discovered the existence of natural spiritual energy with the help of the Earth Yuan Shen Zhang.

After comparing with the current map, Feng Shao quickly found a suitable place to build a city.

This place is located next to the Lishui branch, about 700 miles south of Yunjian Pavilion. There is a small village that has lived here for generations. Because the river is narrow and cannot be navigated, and there are no special minerals, no one will take a fancy to this place, so this small village lives a leisurely and safe life.

About 30 miles downstream of the small village, there is a natural spiritual energy vein, buried nearly 400 meters underground, which is a natural spiritual energy vein that is easier to mine. As for the reserves, it is slightly lower than the total proven reserves of the spiritual stone veins owned by the three major holy places in Dongzhou. Feng Shao made a rough estimate and found that this vein can be mined continuously for at least 500 years before it will be exhausted.

As for the economic value... conservatively estimated, it is equivalent to 30 billion spirit stones.

If you don't take what God gives you, you will suffer the consequences. Such a huge treasure is hidden under your nose. If you turn a blind eye to it, wouldn't you be a fool?

With this natural spiritual vein, the basic requirements for building a city are met. As for the problem of too narrow river channel and too little water flow, it can be solved by digging an artificial canal.

Well, now the location for building the city has been found and the way to make money has been thought of. The only problem is manpower. Yunjian Pavilion is not short of manpower, but since Feng Shao wants to create his own foundation, if he uses the manpower of Yunjian Pavilion, it will not be seen by outsiders as Feng Shao starting a business, but Feng Shao expanding the territory for Yunjian Pavilion.

Don't underestimate this name. If it is not handled well, it will easily affect Feng Shao's subsequent development plan.

Feng Shao thought about it for several days, but he didn't know where to recruit manpower. Just when he was at a loss, two groups of people suddenly came to Yunjian Pavilion. When Feng Shao saw these two groups of people, he immediately realized that he didn't have to worry about manpower.

Because the people who came to Yunjian Pavilion were the Taiwei Sect's Changmen and the second branch of disciples.

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